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The American Ruling Class

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  • Maybe All Mott Anyway

    » Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

    This was on Drudge Report for 5 minutes and then pulled, hidden elsewhere.


    • Regarding the Link above.

      The bill was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), before being passed in a closed-door committee meeting without any kind of hearing. The language appears in sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA bill.
      Carl Levin
      Carl Milton Levin (born June 28, 1934) is a Jewish-American United States Senator from Michigan, serving since 1979. He is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services. He is a member of the Democratic Party.

      John McCain (R-Ariz.)
      McCain became enmeshed in a scandal during the 1980s as one of five United States Senators comprising the so-called Keating Five.[97] Between 1982 and 1987, McCain had received $112,000 in lawful[98] political contributions from Charles Keating Jr. and his associates at Lincoln Savings and Loan Association, along with trips on Keating's jets[97] that McCain belatedly repaid in 1989
      Keating Five
      The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s. The five senators – Alan Cranston (Democrat of California), Dennis DeConcini (Democrat of Arizona), John Glenn (Democrat of Ohio), John McCain (Republican of Arizona), and Donald W. Riegle, Jr. (Democrat of Michigan) – were accused of improperly intervening in 1987 on behalf of Charles H. Keating, Jr., Chairman of the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association, which was the target of a regulatory investigation by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB). The FHLBB subsequently backed off taking action against Lincoln.
      Anyone can have a closer Look there who the Guys are what take away your Freedom.
      For whom Security? Obviously theirs. But not yours, you, like the average Joe.

      Some advanced Persons can now read between the Line, whos laughing in the Backround, cause Wars and mock the Victims.
      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


      • Originally posted by conradphd View Post
        Look for then to past it late at night or early am. Maybe just before they leave dodge for xmas.

        Guns, Guns News, Guns Articles, Guns Reviews at


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          "How do I know these reports are factual?" Well, if you're going to hold me to that standard, you can hardly get by with saying its 'common police tactic to,..."
          That's because it is a common tactic. Here's a video that exposes how several of the Occupy "protesters" are actually police.

          Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          Bottom line is, based on your final paragraph, we both agree on the main elements regarding the occupy movement; The MAJORITY are well intentioned, but somewhat naive individuals who are being manipulated and used as 'cannon fodder' by those with an agenda.
          Yes, that's true. The manipulation is accomplished not only through use of police acting as protesters, but also by actors posing as protesters and protest organizers. Much of what is shown in TV news reports is actually faked and staged using these actors, and several of these actors have been known to play multiple roles in high profile current and prior events. Here's a video exposing some of those actors. Here's another video exposing how the news reports are staged.

          George Soros is the the financier of the major Occupy events. The beginnings of OWS were totally faked and staged, but soon drew in thousands of people believing it was real, and who wanted to be a part of it, which lent credence. The real reason why the protests were initiated and nurtured along has nothing to do with Wall Street or government corruption. It has everything to do with control. You can see that the protests have now reached a critical stage where the authorities are saying "enough!" and are supposedly evicting the protesters. The protests will somehow continue, of course, in violation of orders issued by the authorities, and future news depictions will have us believe that the protests are becoming more violent. While some of the violence will be actual, and brought on by otherwise peaceful protesters who become enraged when a friend or loved one is brutalized, much of the "violence" will be staged by actors. This will influence public opinion that something must be done to stop the violence, and the authorities will then break up the protests and ban all future protests and public rallies. That in turn will prevent the much larger TEA Party, and other non-violent groups, from organizing and holding their rallies. When the TEA Party goes ahead against warnings issued by the authorities and exercises their constitutional right to peacefully assemble and make their grievances publicly known, the authorities will then come in and attempt to break up their rallies by using pepper spray, tear gas, billy clubs, and other riot control means, and that is what will provoke a true riot. With the TEA Party forced to fight back and defend itself against such tactics, the Corporation U.S. "government" would then declare a state of emergency and an indefinite period of delay in the elections, for reasons of "public safety," and all the sheeple will believe the authorities have done the right thing.

          See how all of this eventually plays out exactly as planned by people like George Soros who actually control everything from the sidelines where they are barely noticed? The same is true of the protests and riots in other countries. See this video of the Australia Occupy protest as an example. It is all being done to produce the same ultimate result - oppressive control over the masses. The powerful elite see that people are waking up, and that they must do whatever is necessary to remain in control.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Another Article how the Occupy Movement started.
            How 'Occupy Wall Street' Started and Spread - US News and World Report

            How 'Occupy Wall Street' Started and Spread
            Protests movement shows no signs of slowing

            By Brian Greene
            October 17, 2011 RSS Feed Print

            Monday marks one month since the start of "Occupy Wall Street" in New York. Since its inception, the movement has spawned offshoot groups in other cities both in America and abroad. On Friday, the focal point of the protests--Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan--was the site of one of the movement's largest victories so far, as a scheduled cleanup of the park was deferred after protesters promised "to defend the occupation from eviction." This weekend, occupiers in over 80 countries took to the streets in protest. Here's how the protests have emanated out of a small park in the Financial District and captured the world's attention:

            July 13 Canadian anti-consumerist magazine Adbusters calls for an occupation starting September 17 (Constitution Day in the United States) where "20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months." In a September 27 Vancouver Courier article, Adbusters senior editor Micah White is quoted as saying that after floating the original concept on their website and to their E-mail list, the idea of the occupation was spontaneously taken up by independent activists.

            July 26 A group calling itself "New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts" announces a meeting on Wall Street on August 2 to protest potential austerity measures as a result of the debt-ceiling crisis. That day, another set of protesters planning for an upcoming "occupation" protest joins them, and, according to, after the assembly the two groups "gather into working groups to plan for the September 17 occupation of Wall Street."

            August 23 A blog entitled "We Are the 99%" launches, encouraging contributors to post complaints about how "the 99 percent have been set against each other, fighting over the crumbs the 1 percent leaves behind."

            September 17 An estimated 1,000 protesters gather in Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan and march on Wall Street. In San Francisco, protesters demonstrate in front of the Federal Reserve Bank on Market Street, beginning their own occupation.

            September 23 "Occupy" movement spreads to Chicago where protesters march from Willis Tower to the Federal Reserve Bank.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • And still wonder, if the mass movement from European Peoples and the Constitution from the US at 1700 has to do with the Rothschilds Bank, what grows up until 1800-1850 in Europe.
              Did anyone know that Columbus probatly had Jewish Roots too ?

              It seems at a overall View like, that a Community from Peoples need something internal Structur,
              not to rule her Life, but protect them from influence from outside, because when it is a loosely Bunch of Peoples, their Power can taken over from someone from Outside their Community.
              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


              • Rick

                I see a flaw in the 'plan' you describe 'them' as hatching; The Tea party never 'occupied' anything. They excercised there right to freedom of assembly, had their 'rally' or whatever, and then WENT HOME! I don't believe the American people will sit still for 'THEM" using the Occupy as an excuse to declare martial law, which is (I believe) what you are talking about.

                At any rate, someone has surely been cursing us, as in the old curse "May you live in interesting times". I see stuff getting ready to hit the fan, I see no way for it NOT to happen, and yet, for the life of me, I can't 'see' how it all will end up! But, that 'not knowing' how it ends, is what keeps it interesting!

                The similar complaints, with different approaches, of the occupy vs. Tea party resembles something i have long noticed; I, as a (generally) Conservative, can have productive conversations with liberals, when I focus on common ground.And the common ground is generally found it talking about "Libertarianism" views/solutions, etc. And yet the Libertarian Party is and always has been a weak party, in terms of political 'clout', i.e. winning elections, etc.

                I never have been able to understand that, except it seems like the Libertarian candidates espouse the most extreme Libertarian answers, such as decriminalise drugs and prostitution, etc. and it just 'seems' too radical for most people to get behind. But its weird that MOST people, Conservative OR Liberal, will find common ground in libertarianism. At least thats been my experiance. Anyway, went up last weekend and got my second trailer, and brought it 'home', (over 100 miles) and it towed like a dream. Hows your new aquisition coming? Jim


                • Occupy vs. Tea Party

                  Sad thing to me is... regardless of who is behind and guiding either movement both of them are full of American's who are frustrated with the current system and/or situation.

                  There is SUCH a potential for the people from BOTH sides to solve their similar frustrations if they would be willing to sit down and work with each other.

                  But no... the tea party usually judges occupy as fascist hippies. Occupy sees the tea party as capitalist pigs.

                  With this irrational stereotyping neither side will be able to help the other. The Tea Party is missing a chance to show fellow American's how to effectively bring about change and Occupy is missing the chance to show the tea party who they really are.

                  If people could get past the fear and connect based on their similarities (frustration with the current system/situation) there would be a much better chance of bringing about real working solutions. Solutions that could potentially work for both sides; if there even needs to be two sides.

                  But no, instead lazy American's sit and listen to their media of choice, and feast on the "this OR that" bull crap that they are fed. It saddens me. If we could learn to work together we could bring change peacefully with the majority of opinions fairly satisfied. If we can't learn to work together I believe there will be some sort of major conflict with one "side" coming out victorious, only to make an enemy out of the loosing side... Man we are missing the point of a democracy/republic...
                  Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    I see a flaw in the 'plan' you describe 'them' as hatching; The Tea party never 'occupied' anything. They exercised their right to freedom of assembly, had their 'rally' or whatever, and then WENT HOME! I don't believe the American people will sit still for 'THEM" using the Occupy as an excuse to declare martial law, which is (I believe) what you are talking about.
                    First off, Jim, the TEA Party did in fact occupy the space which contained them at all of their protest rallies, and at the Washington D.C. rallies that space was quite considerable. Now let's suppose that an 'Occupy Washington' protest surfaces and draws in a like number of protesters, and that the protest is shut down by authorities and the protesters forcefully removed from the area. Once that is a reality, do you think the authorities would allow another mass protest to occur there?

                    Jim, you forget that martial law has already been declared (by Abraham Lincoln) and is still in effect. And although you may have missed it, protesters in the Occupy Los Angeles encampment area were told just after midnight last night that they were in "unlawful assembly," and given 10 minutes to either leave or be arrested. Protesters booed the "unlawful assembly" declaration, and most of them chose to peacefully remain and face arrest. As the ten minute warning expired, 500 policemen in riot gear stormed the encampment, firing rubber bullets and "bean bags" at protesters, and handcuffed them with plastic zip-ties. As reported today, the encampment area is being cleared out and a fence will be erected in order to prevent protesters from reassembling. So you see, this is a warning to any group of protesters, including the TEA Party, that no matter how peaceful your protest may be it can be declared an "unlawful assembly" and shut down in a matter of minutes if the authorities so choose. The Constitution's Bill of Rights, First Amendment, states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." So if in fact the assembly is peaceful on the part of the protesters, then where does the authority come from to declare such assembly "unlawful, and order the protesters to leave?" Regardless of what any of us think about the Occupy movement, I think we would all agree that when the constitutional freedoms and rights of any people are trampled upon, it becomes an injustice to all of us. And when we allow this to happen to one group of people, we should remember that we may be next.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    It seems like the Libertarian candidates espouse the most extreme Libertarian answers, such as decriminalize drugs and prostitution, etc. and it just 'seems' too radical for most people to get behind. But its weird that MOST people, Conservative OR Liberal, will find common ground in libertarianism. At least that's been my experience. Anyway, went up last weekend and got my second trailer, and brought it 'home', (over 100 miles) and it towed like a dream. Hows your new acquisition coming? Jim
                    Yes, libertarians do believe that drugs should be decriminalized, but is that really a radical idea? Criminalizing the possession and use of non-prescription drugs does way more to promote illicit drugs than to solve any problem. If a substance, or any other thing, is outlawed, then outlaws seeking to profit will rush to provide that substance or thing to the public at high cost. Conversely, if marijuana use, for example, was fully decriminalized then those who want to use it would grow their own at home and either share any excess amount with friends or sell it to others at very low cost. Marijuana drug dealers would be out of business because their avenue to immense profits would immediately collapse, and the costs to states for enforcing anti-marijuana laws (including surveillance, arrests, prosecution, and imprisonment) would be saved and better diverted either to programs where there is an actual need, or to pay off state debts.

                    Jim, what do you plan to do with two trailers? Will one be used for living in, and the other for storage, or will the smaller one be kept as an escape pod during chaotic times? My new property acquisition went off without a hitch last Friday. The realtors were in opposition at first when I told them the closing would take place at the owner's local bank, and that I would prepare all the necessary documents for the closing, including the deed. They opposed, of course, because they like to sell people on things like deed research, title insurance and deed preparation, and escrow services for which they get a kickback. I did my own research at the registry of deeds, prepared the new deed and settlement statement myself, and obtained cashier's checks for the settlement costs. In the end everyone was happy, and it saved both the former owner and myself several hundred dollars of fees that would have been charged otherwise.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 11-30-2011, 08:31 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • A while back (November 6th) I offered a post concerning Laurie Roth, an interesting new Presidential candidate, and gave a link to her evening radio show. I was wondering if anyone had actually listened to any of Laurie's broadcasts, and wanted to point out that there is also radio program archives where you can instantly play a particular hour from Laurie's previous shows.

                      Here's a link to the October archives.

                      One show segment you might be interested in is Hour 3 of the October 31, 2011 Laurie Roth Show, where she interviews Jack Cashill on the topic of Who is Obama. As you may remember, I spoke of Jack Cashill in post #1575 of this thread, concerning Obama's faked birth certificate. Jack Cashill, author of "Deconstructing Obama," is also a columnist at World Net Daily whom I corresponded with after the public release of Obama's faked certificate. Incidentally, Jack is also the person who forensically showed that Bill Ayers was the actual author of Obama's book, "Dreams Of My Father."

                      Another interesting segment I listened to was hour 1 of the same day (Oct 31) where Laurie was talking with a writer from The Canada Free Press about the 3 minute radio and TV blackout test scheduled at 2pm on November 9th. I'm not sure if we made any posts here regarding the shutdown, which was promoted as an emergency broadcasting "test," but was actually a test of Obama's national kill switch. The test did go off as planned, although as we might have suspected the "government" screwed it up somewhat. As Laurie's guest points out, the actual reason for TV broadcasting to go digital here in the US was to allow for a master kill switch, which would have been very difficult to accomplish over analog networks. Obama is trying very hard to add the Internet to this kill switch, and once he has that capability we will have lost all our freedoms and he will be a dictator who has absolute control over all electronic forms of media and information sharing. Don't think that time will never come, or that he will not use that power. Another interesting topic during this segment is the use of roaming TSA agents in Tennessee, acting as police and pulling cars over on the highway to be searched. Well worth a listen, and feel free to listen to other show dates and segments and post information about them here if you think they would be of interest to readers.

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Hi Rick/Jim et ALL

                        Guys sorry i have not had much to add here, you guys are too smart and fast LOL , I hope this is not out of place? sorry if so guys
                        What!? Look at plans for compulsory sterilization, abortion
                        Look at plans for compulsory sterilization, abortion
                        "Choice" is going out the window under Obama.?



                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          A while back (November 6th) I offered a post concerning Laurie Roth, an interesting new Presidential candidate, and gave a link to her evening radio show. I was wondering if anyone had actually listened to any of Laurie's broadcasts, and wanted to point out that there is also radio program archives where you can instantly play a particular hour from Laurie's previous shows.
                          RP’s race track record and
                          contingency plan speak for themselves.


                          • Responding

                            "But no... the tea party usually judges occupy as fascist hippies. Occupy sees the tea party as capitalist pigs."

                            Technical, terminology point; It wouldn't be "FASCIST Hippies, it would be COMMUNIST/PINKO hippies. You must be young? See, liberalism, taken to its end point is Communism, Conservatism, taken to ITS endpoint is Fascism, and Libertarianism, taken to its end point, is anarchy. Therefore you wouldn't have FASCIST hippies, that would be a contradiction in terms.

                            Rick, what i meant was, as far as I can recall, all the tea Party 'demonstrations' (or whatever) the people met/gathered, had speaches etc., and then WENT HOME. They did not set up permanent encampments and OCCUPY 'property' for months on end. And, none of them (to my recollection) were arrested. As for whats GOING to happen, as I said, I can clearly see the stuff hitting the fan, what i can't see clearly is how it will all end. Thats what makes current events SOOOO interesting! ;-)

                            And I'm not saying I disagree with decriminalising drugs, etc. just saying that position is one which scares lots of sheeple, and keeps Libertarian party from getting enough votes to be more than a lone voice in the wilderness. However, recently for the first time, a plurality (just over 50%) of Americans polled were in favor of decriminalising Marijiuana, so perhaps in time.

                            I think the Gov't would LOVE to tax drugs, the way they do alcohol. $100 per ounce is (I believe) the amount still on the books for MJ.

                            On the 2 trailers, one on a piece of land in the pines (summer location) and one under the palms (desert) winter location. 6 mos. at each location.
                            The plan is complicated to explain, although fairly simple in execution.First step is to put one of the trailers in a park, here in the city, and thereby lower our monthly expences by $300/ mo., which we can save to buy the (Summer)property. ($1500-$3000, total. Property tax = $80/yr.) And yet, still close to work, so can earn that $.Once purchased, put one of the trailers on it, and spend each winter in a 'possible' second, (winter) location, and may take several years to 'try out' a number of different possibles. The step van, our 'tow vehicle' will have a lot of 'life support' systems, such as solar panels and batteries, etc. so don't have to duplicate those. Working on modifying a 'marine toilet', on the truck, which will use the exhaust heat to burn up the 'blackwater' waste, eliminating the need for 'dumping' or a septic system on the property, for example.A number of the areas we are considering are near BLM areas, where you can get a LTC (Long term camping) permit for $180, for 7 months; unlimited (free) potable water, sewage dumping and trash included, and camping spot of your choice. An economical way to truly 'check out' the area, prior to buying. Others have trailer parks, where we can rent a space for around $300/mo., and they would have electrical hookup, sewer and water, although I hope, in time, to eliminate the need for all but potable water, and some propane, Diesel and food of coarse. And, if I get the convert plastic to diesel going, may be able to 'make my own' diesel and propane!All part of moving towards self sufficiency, and away from stress! At least, thats the plan! ;-)

                            Good on you, DIY'ing the title search, etc. My wife worked in a real estate office, doing MLS listings, title searches, etc, and so I knew that was all a scam, but cool that you didn't fall for it. Its the equivalent of getting a 'bonded title' every time a vehicle is sold; absolutely rediculous! What I mean is, a title search is done when you buy this property, and 2 years later you sell it; why should they need to get a title search done again, we don't handle the transfer of ownership of vehicles that way! What a crock! Jim


                            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              That's because it is a common tactic. Here's a video that exposes how several of the Occupy "protesters" are actually police.

                              Yes, that's true. The manipulation is accomplished not only through use of police acting as protesters, but also by actors posing as protesters and protest organizers. Much of what is shown in TV news reports is actually faked and staged using these actors, and several of these actors have been known to play multiple roles in high profile current and prior events. Here's a video exposing some of those actors. Here's another video exposing how the news reports are staged.

                              The same is true of the protests and riots in other countries. See this video of the Australia Occupy protest as an example.
                              Regarding the Videos in the Post above.

                              More from this on his Webpage
                     - The Power of 1

                              Btw Rick you may did forget about it, that dutchvico can not watch Videos so i think he may did not see them.

                              At the other Side, the Videos what this Guy provides are anyhow to professional made for my taste. Anyhow i guess more, its another Trick to divide the movement more and more and catch them up in Stage 2. Looks like another Win-Win Situation what they did install there again.
                              Either you stay at the movement at the lower Position and be recorded or you get divided from it and come into Stage 2, where you can be monitored again.
                              He may is right when he writes, its Lies over Lies.
                              And it actually shows a part from the Network of promoting and how it easy it can work with couple small Groups to manipulate Masses.
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                              • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                                Btw Rick you may did forget about it, that dutchvico can not watch Videos so i think he may did not see them.
                                I know Jim cannot watch videos on his computer because his connection is too slow, but these days there are computers available at Internet cafe's and at public libraries, or at a friend or relative's home where most anyone can have access to watch these videos. Besides, I give the links so that other readers can watch the examples I cite, like you did.

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

