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The American Ruling Class

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  • He may should take a Day for watching all the Links and Videos, they are still a bit interesting, a Picture says more then much Words. Well, i know you only cite, and i appreciate the Videos, and i thought you get in the US anywhere a good Wireless Connection.

    The Occupy movement is still very controversy and even more after watching more from the Videos at this Page above, there are at the one Side a lot of very honest Peoples in the Movement and at the other Side a lot Persons what try to infiltrate it. But i dont think its soon over, there are maybe now more Peoples as some others maybe like, what now are aware of, what really happens at our Gouvernements and the Decisions what are made. And i understand fully Peoples, what sometimes come into the Chats in the Movement, what says, they got no Chance when they try to peacefully Protest. because they get simple ignored. Easy, eh, give Peoples a right to demonstrate when they want to complain, because you can easy ignore that. A lot from the Movement sticks with Ghandis Philosophy to reach Aims at a peaceful protesting way.
    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


    • responce

      Thanks, Joit, for remembering I can't/don't watch videos, and I have assumed at some point that Rick mentions videos to me for the reasons stated.
      Yes, I COULD watch videos if I really wanted to make the effort, but I am consciously trying to restrict the amount of technology I allow in my life.

      I refuse to get a cell phone, allow my wife to have one ONLY for emergencies, and would LOVE to get rid of the boob-tube. Technology is insidious, once you allowit in, its awful hard to get it out!

      The I-net is just too valuable, right now; the thread by jetsis on making plastic into diesel, alone makes it worth it. But, it ALWAYS extracts a price!;-(

      Anyway, while (if polled) I would have to say I agree with the GENERAL thrust of the occupy movement, i.e. disproportionate influence of 'wall street' on the political system, etc. I can't agree with their methods, their inability to suggest or try to implement political actions to change the current dynamic,etc. I am 'suspiscious' of whats really going on, (lots of well meaning but naive people being used/manipulated, (used as cannon fodder) and can probably only find agreement with most of the protesters, by talking libertarianism.

      Ultimately, the proposal for action Rick has put forth is the only one I've heard, that has a reasonable chance of changing anything. Unfortunately, I don't give it much chance of actually being implemented.;-(

      Overall, I don't have any hope that politics is going to solve these fundamental problems. Inherent in its nature; wait till the last possible moment, when things are truly at a crisis, and THEN take poorly thought out actions, which will lay the groundwork for future problems! Human nature IS the problem.Jim


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        Ultimately, the proposal for action Rick has put forth is the only one I've heard, that has a reasonable chance of changing anything. Unfortunately, I don't give it much chance of actually being implemented.;-(
        Why is that, Jim? If it has a reasonable chance of succeeding, then why don't you give it much chance of being implemented?
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          Human nature IS the problem.
          "We don’t need no education"
          Bob Avakian, "Isn't the problem human nature?" - YouTube



          • Petition against the National Defense Authorization Act


            Sign the petition against the bogus "National Defense Authorization Act".

            This bill is in the works because the bankers have set us all up using our own govt against us. When it is in everyone's face what our real economic situation is, all hell will break loose and they know this. They want more laws passed to make it easier to turn honest Americans into criminals so they have less opposition against them. Don't let this American dictatorship get away with this garbage - stand up and be heard.

   Not sure if this petition method at the whitehouse does any good. They don't listen to people anyway. But definitely call your state reps about NOT supporting this bogus act that is just more garbage piled on top of the bogus unpatriotic act.
            Last edited by Aaron; 12-03-2011, 09:43 AM.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Any chance that we can get another link to Ric's proposal? I haven't been able to find it...
              Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                Not sure if this petition method at the whitehouse does any good. They don't listen to people anyway. But definitely call your state reps about NOT supporting this bogus act that is just more garbage piled on top of the bogus unpatriotic act.
                Hi Aaron,

                You definitely have it right that a petition calling for Obama to veto any unconstitutional or fascist liberty killing legislation does no good, because this kind of legislation is the backbone of his agenda. By all means, everyone should hound their state reps and threaten to vote them out of office if they vote in favor of any such legislation, but we all know that most of our state reps aren't listening to what we say either. They just pay lip service and respond with a statement engineered to make you think your opinion is appreciated, but in truth they could care less what you think. Our only hope lies in booting all these bums out of Washington in 2012.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Rick

                  Because the KEY to democracy is and INFORMED and INVOLVED, EDUCATED electorate, which we don't have. When you try to explain the history behind 'your proposal', as you explain the steps (which wrested control from the people by Unconstitutional amendments) at the outset of the civil war, many would dismiss 'this' as being about rascism, slavery, south will rise again, etc. Not saying it is, just thats what some people would hear. And the explanation of the Brendan woods (?) agreement, etc. would LOSE most people, or put them to sleep.

                  The sheeple have been systematically de-educated over many generations, and programmed for 'sound bites'. Your proposal just doesn't sound bite well.

                  Basically, my problem is not with your proposal, its with the people, (although I'm sceptical about having state legislatures pick national senators/ representatives, remembering what happened with Blogdonavich, etc. to fill BO' vacant seat).

                  While the sheeple are BEGINNING to look up, and realise they have been screwed, they are (collectively) not thinking very hard about HOW they were screwed, nor do they have any clue about what to do about it; hence the occupy movement.

                  Again, it gets back to a basic difference in our views on human nature; I see most people as being very much focused on their daily lives, with world views fomed based on emotion, not logic. They focus on the presidential race every 4 years, as a kind of superbowl, where they 'root' for 'their side', and don't really think much about the 'down ticket races', and then piss and moan about whoever wins, for the next 4 years, but don't really pay TOO much attention to the details of what actually goes on, if it doesn't DIRECTLY and IMMEDIATELY effect them, personally.

                  And so, Washington is able to do lots of things to gradually and systematically usurp individual rights, etc. As an example, there was a lot less concern with passing the patriot act, than there would be if the payroll tax holiday isn't extended; the first only restricted our personal rights, which many didn't actually experience. The latter will reach right into each and every one of our wallets. And so, despite the people grumbling, the patriot act will continue, but the Payroll tax holiday will probably be renued.

                  My 'problem' isn't with your proposal, so much as its with 'the people'.;-) Jim


                  • Yes

                    I agee with your post (#2289); I DO think the politicians are, on the one hand aware of public opinion, and 'scared' of losing their jobs, on the other hand, its like they don't know any other way to do their jobs, and so they keep operating the same way they always have. They have become used to the people's complacency, (not REALLY paying attention to what the pols are doing) and so they think they can continue to 'spin' and b.s., and we'll continue to let them.

                    Is ANY politician going to succeed in conning a majority, that he or she is 'anti-Washington', or is truly an 'agent for change'? How many times can Lucy con Charlie Brown that THIS time she won't pull the football away? Its going to be interesting,......Jim


                    • Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
                      Any chance that we can get another link to Rick's proposal? I haven't been able to find it...
                      Hi Shadesz,

                      You will find a summary of the plan in post #1990. To understand why this is the only peaceful, lawful, and constitutional plan of action that can, and is likely to, succeed in saving our Republic by 2012, you would also need to read posts # 1955, 1975, 1981, 1988 and 1989.

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        The sheeple have been systematically de-educated over many generations, and programmed for 'sound bites'. Your proposal just doesn't sound bite well.

                        Basically, my problem is not with your proposal, its with the people, (although I'm skeptical about having state legislatures pick national senators/ representatives, remembering what happened with Blogdonavich, etc. to fill BO' vacant seat).

                        If you are good with the proposal, then all you need to do is get behind it and not be concerned with what the sheeple are doing. The sleepy sheeple are lost, but you needn't be, and to ensure the proposal succeeds does not rely on hoping that the sleepy sheeple masses will wake up and take part in the plan. The plan only requires that a few intelligent and concerned individuals in each of the 48 original jurisdiction states take the simple and proper actions that are required, and make their vote actually count. What's more, this plan of action has been underway since 1993, has made very significant progress, and is already very close to succeeding. People just like you and I, and other readers here, can be the ones to ensure the plan goes over the top in 2012, by ensuring that everything is in place in the state that we live in, and by contacting and educating people in the very few states that are lagging behind the others. The point is that we don't need masses of people lining up to vote as in the Corporation U.S. elections. We only need a few, because hardly anyone is aware that there is another way to vote our conscience in a true election to restore our original jurisdiction constitutional government. There will be two separate elections in 2012 - the Corporation U.S. elections to elect corporate officers, and the original jurisdiction government elections to elect actual government representatives. We can vote in both elections if we wish, but they are completely different in nature.

                        Remember too that we, at the state level, control who our o.j. governor and state legislature members are, and it is up to us to choose wisely. The framers of the Constitution were wise to direct that Senators be chosen by the state legislatures, and it is highly unlikely that the states would have ratified the Constitution if they had not been granted the right to do so. In losing this right, due to the so-called 17th Amendment, the states lost their voice in federal government, and lost the right to recall corrupt or under-performing Senators who violate their state's interests, and Senate seats went up for election by the highest bidders - the candidates with the most money, power, and influence behind them. As you know, that almost always equates to the most corrupt or corruptible ones becoming elected and reelected over and over again. Let's change that, and make things right again.

                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Yes, but

                          Didn't Blogdonovich demonstrate that if federal representatives are appointed by state representatives, that seats will still be 'bought', if not with $ than with political favors? No matter what system you have, there will be corruption; its endemic. Thats why the founders said you need a revolution about every 10 years; because whatever system you set up, in 10 years the greedy/crooked will find a way to 'work the system', and corrupt it.

                          Not sure we discussed, specifically, what happens to the 'Electoral College' with the Original Jurisdictional Gov't. (I usually can't remember what its called!)

                          Does it just 'go away'? It just occurred to me; I never understood the need for the E.C., (and I sure no one else does, either). Isn't it just like the way stockholders elect Corporate officers; that is you actually choose to sign your 'proxy' to individuals, and THEY then vote for the officers? NOW I finally see why we have an electoral college, and it fits right in with the whole Corporation U.S. that you've been talking about! Feel like I've had a Homer Simpson "Doh!" moment!

                          Never heard that explanation for WHY we have an E.C., and, never heard any explanation of why, that made any sense! Now I get it!

                          And, I've answered my own question, since the E.C. is solely for the pupose of assigning our 'proxy' to electors, who will actually select the corporate officers for Corp. U.S., the original jurisdictional election would have no need for such foolishness. Huh! Jim


                          • Those who object to the Electoral College system and favor a direct popular election of the president generally do so on four grounds:
                            • the possibility of electing a minority president
                            • the risk of so-called "faithless" Electors,
                            • the possible role of the Electoral College in depressing voter turnout, and
                            • its failure to accurately reflect the national popular will.

                            Proponents of the Electoral College system normally defend it on the philosophical grounds that it:
                            • contributes to the cohesiveness of the country by requiring a distribution of popular support to be elected president
                            • enhances the status of minority interests,
                            • contributes to the political stability of the nation by encouraging a two-party system, and
                            • maintains a federal system of government and representation.
                            The Electoral College - Pros and Cons

                            Nothing Else Matters
                            Gregorian - Nothing Else Matters - YouTube

                            § 3002. Definitions
                            (15) “United States” means—
                            (A) a Federal corporation;

                            United States Code: Title 28,3002. Definitions | LII / Legal Information Institute

                            Congress is fully aware of this deception. You must be made aware that the members of Congress do NOT work for you and me. Rather, they work for the Corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. Is this really any surprise to you? This is why we can't get them to do anything on our behalf or to answer to us — as in the case with the illegal income tax — among many other things. Contrary to popular belief, they are NOT our civil servants. They do NOT work for us. They are the servants of the corporate government and carry out its bidding. Period.
                            The United States Isn't a Country — It's a Corporation!



                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              Didn't Blogdonovich demonstrate that if federal representatives are appointed by state representatives, that seats will still be 'bought', if not with $ than with political favors? No matter what system you have, there will be corruption; its endemic. Thats why the founders said you need a revolution about every 10 years; because whatever system you set up, in 10 years the greedy/crooked will find a way to 'work the system', and corrupt it.
                              I understand your thinking, Jim, but that's no reason why we should give up and let them get away with it. By the way, it was Rod Blagojevich, not Blogdonovich, who attempted to sell Barry's Senate seat. Incidentally, his sentencing hearing starts this Tuesday, and he is facing sentences imposed for 18 convictions. If it were you or I, we would probably be going away for the rest of our life, but Most experts say Chicago judge Zagel is likely to sentence Blagojevich to around 10 years in prison. The defense lawyer team is hoping for 3 to 5, and that might be possible if Rod confesses and shows remorse, but so far he maintains he is innocent and was just doing what is commonplace and expected in politics.

                              Chicago has historically been the most politically corrupt city in America, and this is where Barry and many of his administration appointees came from. You are right, Jim, that corrupt politicians will forever be attempting to gain control and stay in control, and that this would still be the case even after we succeed in restoring our original jurisdiction government. We must also realize, however, that such a restoration is the only way we can wipe out all the corruption in one clean sweep and start over with a clean slate. So the restoration is step #1. Step #2 would be to ensure liberty and justice for all through a constitutional judicial system renewed from top to bottom. Step #3 would be to fortify the Constitution by restoring the original 13th Amendment, repealing the 14th, 16th and 17th Amendments as unconstitutional, and declaring all Amendments made afterwards (by our non-government Corp. U.S.) to be null and void. A new 14th Amendment could be drawn up to clarify any existing clauses in the Constitution for which the true meaning is vague or disputed (such as Presidential eligibility), to establish one-term limits for all government representatives, establish manual voting and vote counting as the only acceptable method, and declare that neither this Amendment, nor anything in the originally drafted Constitution and Bill of Rights, can ever be altered or repealed by Congress.

                              These steps would turn everything back to pre-1913 original jurisdiction status, eliminate the Fed and IRS, and make it very difficult for corrupt politicians to ever regain a foothold. There would be no more career politicians and good ole boys clubs in Congress. New laws would be passed to outlaw any and all activities by political lobbyists aimed at influencing the outcome of Congressional votes. Compensation for Senators and Representatives would be brought into line with the average pay earned by Americans, and increases pinned to cost of living adjustments. After serving one term in office, all government representatives would go home and be expected to work at some other job with no government benefits or retirement pay following them. And so on. There are ways to eliminate the factors that have lead to the corruption and greed that we see in our current Corp. U.S. system.

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Three Cities Tales

                                The flag in Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican offers spiritual guidance. The constitution of the district of Columbia operates under a tyrannical roman law known as lex fori, which in no way resembles the U.S. constitution.
                                D.C., London, and Vatican City: Do they rule the world?

                                Empire Of The City: D.C., London, Vatican City - YouTube


