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The American Ruling Class

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  • There is a Tooth Fairy

    The tooth fairy exists, I can post again, maybe, will see when I do the 'Submit' thing.

    Gentleman I have said this before and Conrad and I talk about it almost daily, 'IT IS OVER'. We have a stage III cancer and few options. We do as we must and are told with all cancers, 'Poison It and hope the body survives' or 'Excise It' and hope we get it all or at least enough of it to buy us some time to get things in order.

    We can talk about it to our graves, we can analyze it into the early hours of the morning and we can study history with a dedication and passion that is soul wrenching, yet this will not cure the cancer.

    I know many of you (hell maybe all of you) do not like Conrad, yet he and I see very deeply into what is coming and how horrible this death will be if not cured.

    Forget this internet BS and move out to personal contacts and exchange idea's and directions. Won't be long and this media will be so tightly controlled anyway. You need to speak directly to others and do not play this public game which only exposes you all to retribution.

    Forget this method it is no longer safe and has not been for 5 years, move out and seek a cure with like minded people.
    Last edited by DrStiffler; 12-16-2011, 08:17 PM.


    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
      Forget this internet BS and move out to personal contacts and exchange idea's and directions. Won't be long and this media will be so tightly controlled anyway. You need to speak directly to others and do not play this public game which only exposes you all to retribution.

      Forget this method it is no longer safe and has not been for 5 years, move out and seek a cure with like minded people.
      Create community, pool funds if necessary to buy land with natural water if you can. Grow your own food. Barter with neighbors and your created community. Become independent and prepare for losing the grid. If the sun doesn't take out the grid, "they" will to control what is coming. Which also means no fuel or food in the stores. That's what I am working toward.

      Leave the country if you can...Panama, Argentina anyone? I could leave and make it ok for a couple of years....then what, need more people grouped together with finances to match mine.

      Nazis and Zombies, just when you think their gone; they keep coming back.


      Go back to sleep America, your government has everything under control. -Bill Hicks


      • Originally posted by Core View Post
        If this wasn't happening in my own state I would think its just a conspiracy theory story, but it does appear to be valid. Would love to sit in on this case.

        Lawsuit filed against’ The Secret Government of The World’ in US-Illuminati? « Ramani's blog

        Originally posted by Core View Post
        Strange stuff, I didn't believe much of this stuff until I came across the legal document that was filed. Given the fact that the law firm has been around for some time I have to believe its all true. For lawyers there are serious ramifications for attempting to file bogus law suits.

        From the Wilcock interview here is a quote from Anonymous:

        So much odd stuff in this quote.


        DW: Hello. This is David Wilcock and I’m here with Benjamin Fulford. This is another Divine Cosmos audio blog.
        I’m interviewing Benjamin Fulford today, which in my time here in Los Angeles, California would be November 28th, 2011, a Monday – for Ben it’s already a Tuesday.
        The reason why we’re doing this interview is Ben has, for a very long time now, been talking about a counter-insurgency against what I lovingly call the Old World Order, which is a mélange of international characters.
        [This counter-insurgency] started out as an Asian secret society.

        DW: Japan was medieval up until 1877 when Captain Morgan, right, stormed the Japanese shore with gunboats and basically said “Westernize or die.”
        [DW: My bad! I was hurriedly trying to remember something I wrote in a college paper in 1994. It was Commodore Matthew Perry, and the real year was 1868. Not Captain Morgan, getting them all drunk on his Spiced Rum! LOL]
        DW: Japan then went into an extremely rapid, almost unprecedented industrial growth after that.
        BF: It wasn’t a Captain Morgan [but you are right.] The Rothschilds built up Japan as a military colony to use to dominate China.
        DW: Beginning in the 1800s?
        BF: Going right back.
        DW: So as soon as they Westernized. Right. Okay.

        DW: The basic [idea] that I have said as an operating principle is that Western and Asian civilization need to start out with an exactly 50-50 deal that underlines whatever it is that we start building on top of the old system.
        We don’t want, suddenly, Europeans and Americans to be taking orders from Asians. And the Asians are tired of having the Europeans tell them what to do.
        We need to have a forum where we reach a consensus. We both agree, “Yes, that’s a good idea.”
        Build a space colony? “Yes, that’s a good idea.”

        DW: What side would all the Islamic countries be in that 50/50?
        BF: The Islamic countries are basically with us, except for a few colonies that are still controlled by the cultists, pretending to be Muslims.
        Essentially, they’re just afraid of ending up the way Khadafi did, so they are keeping their heads low – but they are essentially with us.
        DW: Okay.

        BF: What we really need to do now is to get the Jewish people to realize that their leaders, a lot of them, were a part of an insane cult.
        They shouldn’t allow those people to speak for them as a people. These are the same people behind the Holocaust, you know?
        DW: Right. The atrocity is too boggling for most people’s minds to even wrap around.
        BF: Exactly. That’s what they were counting on. It’s just too big for people to wrap their minds around.
        But all this is provable, you know?
        DW: Right.




        • Doc!

          Good to hear from you again, always like your posts.I (of coarse) concur with your accessment of the patient; "Dead Man Walking". Nothing can be done to 'save' the patient, only to prolong the suffering. And, while I'd just as soon have them hurry up and die, and get it over with, just as there is nothing I can do to 'save' them, theres really nothing I/we can do to speed up the demise, either.
          Its truly like watching a freight train, speeding towards a cliff where the bridge is out. Thankfully, its almost over, as it is painful to witness. Jim


          • Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
            Create community, pool funds if necessary to buy land with natural water if you can. Grow your own food. Barter with neighbors and your created community. Become independent and prepare for losing the grid. If the sun doesn't take out the grid, "they" will to control what is coming. Which also means no fuel or food in the stores. That's what I am working toward.

            Leave the country if you can...Panama, Argentina anyone? I could leave and make it ok for a couple of years....then what, need more people grouped together with finances to match mine.

            Nazis and Zombies, just when you think their gone; they keep coming back.


            Go back to sleep America, your government has everything under control. -Bill Hicks
            I disagree (with all due respect). By doing the things you mention, you are violating every tenant of their invalid laws and controls. Without some ultimate oversight to seek redress, your wasting your time. You will wake some morning at 3AM with a Federal SWAT team busting in and hauling you and your family off to flower land. Your property will be taken along with the one way trip.

            My analogy to Stage III cancer, research shows that although most cancers can be prevented by proper diet and life style (away from artificial modifiers), it is a slim few that can apply the same and pull out of the final stages. Yes some, but very few.

            My idea of getting off the net and to people on the streets is to fill a void of support that is created by overt ignorance. I spoke to a gentleman in a store waiting line the other day and addressed the issues. At first I received this blank stare, like maybe he was in a trance. He at last smiled and told me to just look around, "Hell look at the US! No ones going to pull that kind of stuff off". Well so goes the story.

            You could not give me enough money to vote for anyone of the puppets running today, this entire show they are putting on is like adding water to Pinocchio's nose, it grows bigger.


            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              Good to hear from you again, always like your posts.I (of coarse) concur with your accessment of the patient; "Dead Man Walking". Nothing can be done to 'save' the patient, only to prolong the suffering. And, while I'd just as soon have them hurry up and die, and get it over with, just as there is nothing I can do to 'save' them, theres really nothing I/we can do to speed up the demise, either.
              Its truly like watching a freight train, speeding towards a cliff where the bridge is out. Thankfully, its almost over, as it is painful to witness. Jim
              What? You have let them win? You are status Que with the 'END'? Interesting indeed. I agree it would take many generations to clean this up if it was done at the ballot box, and that is being optimistic.

              Everyone complains about Mr.O. doing things without Congress, but wait, that is not the case. Congress has done more under Mr.O. to trash the country then he probably dreamed of could be done. In fact Bush is most likely gazing in wonderment.

              Clean sweep, how can that be done, not possible the way they have it all setup with alternate terms etc. So when one says status Que, can't do anything but take it, the end is near..... Yeah, then it might be.

              But its not the 'End'. The Universe is built with plus and minus, up and down, left and right, North and South, Light and Dark. So, can they really be the only ones, a group of monopoles? Don't bet on it.

              Edit: Pay attention at events over the last year, some not covered in the open by the media, event and displays of technology that seems from the future. Technology and Intelligence is not reserved by governing powers, not yet anyway.
              Last edited by DrStiffler; 12-17-2011, 03:25 PM.


              • Gold Fabrication Technology

                DW: We’ve revealed something in this interview that I’ve never heard you say publicly before. The amount of gold that is here [is huge]… all of the confiscating of the Roman Empire, [as well as the Spanish conquistadores,] pulled it out of these ancient places where it already was. It somehow all made its way over to China because of silk trading, and this and that, and opium. BF: [crosstalk] Asia. Asia. Spice, silk, ceramics… DW: Right. So there’s this massive amount of gold that could put us back on a gold standard, where currency is tethered to something of real value.




                • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                  I disagree (with all due respect). By doing the things you mention, you are violating every tenant of their invalid laws and controls. Without some ultimate oversight to seek redress, your wasting your time. You will wake some morning at 3AM with a Federal SWAT team busting in and hauling you and your family off to flower land. Your property will be taken along with the one way trip.
                  I would rather die on my own land than to be in the city with unprepared morons that will want to kill for water in two days.

                  I will fight the other fight when it appears on my doorstep whatever time it comes. They will have a lot to deal with before they get to me. No one is alone in this. We are all in the same sinking ship.

                  Take it to streets? You will get blank stares until the grid goes down. You are outfitting to be mobile? How much fuel can you store and carry with you? You think you will safe in the forest? Elsewhere? There is no safe place from them or the marauding hoards of hungry. Leaving the country is the smart thing but there is a fast closing window and I don't have the funds.

                  I really don't care anyway. I came here for this. Good or Bad. We are eternal beings and the next life is a blink away at all times. "Fear nothing. Live your life with passion and joy", was the direct message I received.

                  I ain't scairt' !!! but I will be prepared as I can be.



                  • Enjoy

                    Go to Jay's FB and comment. I happened to enjoy this just before bedtime.

                    Ron Paul & Joe Rogan on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno - YouTube


                    • Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                      I would rather die on my own land than to be in the city with unprepared morons that will want to kill for water in two days.

                      I will fight the other fight when it appears on my doorstep whatever time it comes. They will have a lot to deal with before they get to me. No one is alone in this. We are all in the same sinking ship.

                      Take it to streets? You will get blank stares until the grid goes down. You are outfitting to be mobile? How much fuel can you store and carry with you? You think you will safe in the forest? Elsewhere? There is no safe place from them or the marauding hoards of hungry. Leaving the country is the smart thing but there is a fast closing window and I don't have the funds.

                      I really don't care anyway. I came here for this. Good or Bad. We are eternal beings and the next life is a blink away at all times. "Fear nothing. Live your life with passion and joy", was the direct message I received.

                      I ain't scairt' !!! but I will be prepared as I can be.

                      This has been brought up before.There's good info on prepping all over the net. To survive the big one you'll need to build alliances. I tire of this subject.


                      • Originally posted by Moe R View Post
                        I tire of this subject.
                        Me too. I don't even know why it is here on the renewable energy forum. Thanks for reminding me it is a dead end conversation. I'm outa here.
                        Actually, since life decisions preclude my financing real experimentation; I'm wasting my time even being here at all. Maybe an occasional read when I have time. In the mean time, I meditate and ask for intervention....

                        Last edited by OrionLightShip; 12-18-2011, 05:04 AM.


                        • What I see,(Doc)

                          is the end of "Civilisation', not necesarily the end of humanity. And, I say 'let it come, can't happen soon enough". Any attempt to keep the system going, by 'reforming' the finanacial system, or the Political system, (abolishing the Fed, outlawing Lobbying, installing an O.J. government, etc.) is, to my mind impractible/undoable, but, even if it COULD be done, is just trying to prop up a building that is bound to collapse.

                          I THINK you and I agree on this point, where we see things differently, is on the issue of the 'power' of "THEY", and what "THEY" are going to do, when everything goes to S*it. And, you MAY well be right; certainly, everyone who feels 'their' preference is for the 'status quo', is going to feel they have a vested interest in keeping this bound to topple building up. This applies to the 'average Joe' as well as the 'powerful elite'. (This is part of the inertia that has kept the whole thing going this long). What "they" are going to do is certainly something to take into consideration, when making plans. I just A) Don't believe "THEY" engineered this whole thing, and B) I think they are as in 'denial' as most people, and are going to be as surprised when everything falls apart. But, I could be wrong, for sure. As I said, I see FAIRLY clearly the events leading up to the collapse of 'the building', beyond that my 'vision' is foggy. Whatever happens, its going to be interesting. Jim


                          • The Secret of Oz

                            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            (abolishing the Fed, outlawing Lobbying, installing an O.J. government, etc.) is, to my mind impractible/undoable, but, even if it COULD be done, is just trying to prop up a building that is bound to collapse.
                            It has happened successfully multiple times in the past. I'm talking specifically
                            about getting out of a central banking system.

                            It went back to a central banking system because of sell-outs.

                            But when we went back to a system of making our own money, that isn't
                            delaying the inevitable - it was a real solution.

                            The Secret of Oz is a great documentary showing the history and
                            practicality of "ending the fed" type of money making system.

                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Originally Posted by Moe R
                              I tire of this subject.
                              Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                              Me too. I don't even know why it is here on the renewable energy forum. Thanks for reminding me it is a dead end conversation. I'm outa here.
                              I believe that Moe was referring to the subject of survival preparedness, which has already been thoroughly covered in this thread and at a great many other places on the Internet. Moe isn't tired of reading or participating in this Ruling Class thread, as he contributes to it often. You are welcome to do the same, or to leave if you so wish. The reason this thread is appropriate for a renewable energy forum should be obvious, in that it is the Ruling Class which does everything in their power to suppress and delay the widespread implementation of renewable energy technologies unless it is a technology which they can control and use to increase their power and wealth at our expense.

                              I would urge everyone to think about using your intelligence, rather than fists and weapons, to fight the Ruling Class. Guns and ammo should be a last resort, and used only if you or your loved ones lives are being threatened. Some people will talk about preparing for armed rebellion, and some will say they are already prepared and ready to take on whatever threat comes their way. Such talk is nothing but an invitation to trouble. An armed rebellion, or an armed response by the People to unfair and aggressive tactics is exactly what the Ruling Class hopes for, because it would allow the non-government Corporation U.S. to declare that action an act of insurrection or war. There are only two ways that Corporation U.S. can gain validity as our government:
                              1. By admitting they are not our lawful government, and asking the People to affirm by vote that Corporation U.S. shall become our government. That, of course would be a highly unlikely outcome if the People knew the truth, and that leaves the second option as being the most likely to succeed.
                              2. By going to battle with their already declared enemy, the American people (see the Trading with the Enemy Act) to put down a rebellion, thus winning the war and gaining the ability to do whatever they want with this nation and its People.

                              Note: The Trading With The Enemy Act, otherwise known as the War Powers Act of 1917 originally excluded citizens of the United States from being enemies of the U.S., but in 1933 section 2 of the Act was amended to include "any person within the United States, or any place under the jurisdiction thereof." This provision effectively made every United States citizen an enemy of the United States (Corporation U.S.) by declaration.

                              The Trading With The Enemy Act was due to expire this year, but Obama gave it a one year extension by executive order. And now that the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 has been passed by the Corporation U.S. Congress with language that allows for military arrest and indefinite detainment of American citizens when determined appropriate by the President, this ensures that the People will continue to be looked upon as the enemy of the United States (Corp. U.S.).

                              So, you are already their declared enemy, and as such have been determined to be a likely terrorist and a definite threat which should be dealt with in the most expedient manner possible. How you propose to defend yourself against their plans to destroy you and confiscate your property are up to you, but I hope you will consider the only approach where you can win with a non-violent confrontation, and that means doing by peaceful means what is necessary to end the Corporation U.S. reign of tyranny. You won't do that by attending protest rallies or engaging in a violent confrontation where you will be SWATted like a fly, but you can do it by electing and seating a lawful original jurisdiction government if you will simply get involved with the effort to ensure it succeeds.
                              Last edited by rickoff; 12-19-2011, 05:25 PM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Farming

                                George Carlin Speaking the Truth - YouTube

                                The Story of Your Enslavement - YouTube


