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The American Ruling Class

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  • About the troop surge in Afghanistan...and other matters

    I'm sure that everyone is aware that President Obama has given his approval to send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. That's bad enough in itself, especially considering his campaign promise to bring our troops home, but has anyone considered the dollar cost of this surge and who will pay for it? According to recent news articles, the cost will add $30 billion to the already existing expense of waging this undeclared war. Think about it - that is $1 million per soldier! The current pay for an Army private first class, with two years or less service (E3 pay scale) is $1649.70 per month. Add to that $225 per month for combat pay, for placing their life on the line, and that brings the sum to $1,874.70 a month, or $22,496.40 per year. A far cry from $1 million, huh? Now of course we realize that it costs the government to feed and house a soldier, and to provide transportation, uniforms, weaponry, ammunition, and other gear, but are we supposed to be so naive as to believe this is going to cost the government (and we the people, of course) an additional $977,503.60 per soldier? Well, the government, and the Ruling Class, knows that the American public is very gullible and can't seem to remember anything that happened more than a week ago.

    You will probably recall that during the 1980's the ABC TV show 20/20 ran an expose concerning fraudulent military spending, such as the expenditure of $435 a piece for claw hammers, $640 each for toilet seats, and $7,600 each for coffee makers. You may have thought that this exhorbitant and fraudulent padding of expenses was curtailed after that scandal, but that isn't so. A recent study of Air Force billing practices concerning 200 items, selected by the Air Force, discovered that not a single one had been invoiced properly. That certainly points to how pervasive the problem actually is. It also brings up the question of why it seems apparent that no one is watching out for this widespread and obviously common abuse. Well, there are government accountants and fiscal oversight officers who are specifically assigned these duties, so are they simply stupid, or are they just looking the other way as this fraud is carried out? Let's consider the case of Mark Krenik, a Pentagon fiscal oversight officer, who created a phony company and then billed himself $504,000. He was caught in this scam, and had to repay the money, but was not sentenced to prison. Probation only, and a $495 fine. He told the federal judge that he did it because everyone else in his section was doing the same, but he was not required to name names. In the case of military accountants, it is of course not in their best interest to uncover corruption, as that would paint a target on their back. And no one in higher military command wants to have to deal with a scandal, so everyone turns a blind eye. And when outside auditors come in, they often find that it is nearly impossible to reconcile government expense accounts and determine what is really going on. A 1999 Department of Defense Inspector General's report, for example, stated that there was between two and three trillion dollars in "unsupported accounting
    adjustments" on the books. That doesn't prove that all that money has been stolen or wasted - it just means nobody knows for sure where it is. A lot more of the same has been heard during the Iraq war, of course. It seems like everyone is in on it - the military, the contractors, the government, and the corporations. And let's not forget the Ruling Class, which enables all this sordid activity, and actually encourages it. Such graft at lower levels (supply depot, and shipping and receiving clerks) and all higher command levels is encouraged, because it keeps all the participants beholden to their higher-ups, which ultimately is the Ruling Class.

    Now here's a better idea than sending 30,000 additional combat troops to Afghanistan, a deployment that no one has any idea how we will pay for:

    1. Instead of sending the 30,000 additional troops, let's immediately pull all our current 170,000 troops out of Afganistan and Iraq and bring them home.
    2. Release any of those troops from further obligation to service who so wish to be excused, and give each of them a $10,000 severance pay and a $10,000 home buyer tax credit. If 50,000 chose to end their service, the severance pay and tax credit would cost a total of $1 billion, but that would be a $49 billion savings over the cost of keeping these troops in Afghanistan and Iraq for another year.
    3. Give those returning troops who wish to stay in service a $20,000 bonus and a one month furlough. After that, reposition those troops to guard our borders. We can afford the $20,000 bonus, because having these troops at home in non-combative operations would result in massive savings.
    4. Round up all illegal aliens currently residing in the US (about 15 to 18 million is a conservative estimate), and deport them. This is estimated to be at a cost of close to 100 billion, which is a hefty amount, but the cost of letting the illegals stay is around 75 billion per year. Rapid deportation, and border enforcement to prevent illegals from returning, would therefore save us about $50 billion within a two year period, and around $1 trillion over a 12 year period (perhaps far more, considering the constant influx of new illegals if nothing is done to halt and reverse this trend).
    5. As the illegals leave, this will have a profound and beneficial effect on US healthcare costs, since illegals are currently eligible to receive free medical care at virtually all hospital emergency rooms nation wide, and do so in large numbers at staggering costs. Real Healthcare Reform accomplished without additional taxing and spending! In fact, the 75 billion in annual savings, by deporting illegals, could be used to make healthcare more affordable to legal citizens.
    6. All jobs vacated by deported immigrants should be filled by legal citizens who are currently out of work. There are currently about 154 million persons in the US work force, and our unemployment rate is said to be 10.2%, so the roughly 16 million who currently have no gainful employment could immediately be put to work, replacing the deported illegals. Businesses which had hired the illegals would be required to hire legal replacements for at least a 1 year period, and pay at least legal minimum wage, or a higher fair wage for the work to be performed if a certain skill or knowledge level above minimum is required.
    7. Those who accept full time employment in jobs that replace deported illegal workers, and who had currently been receiving unemployment benefits, should be allowed to keep receiving 60% of their current monthly benefit amount for the remainder of the time period they were eligible to receive payments. These people would, therefore, be better off financially even while working at lower paying jobs than they may be accustomed to working at. Those who refuse to work in jobs that replace deported illegals should lose eligibility for any further unemployment benefits. Unemployment resolved! Notice that the reduction in cost to government, in paying benefits. would immediately be reduced by 40%. I'm not sure what the average person receives in monthly unemployment benefits, but let's assume $1,500. The monthly savings, then, would equal $24 billion. That amount could be spent on creating new and better paying job opportunities. Some of those opportunities might well be an expansion of US Customs and Border Patrol personnel, so as to pick up slack when military personnel are eventually withdrawn from border positions. Remember, $24 billion a month could do a lot of good, and that amount would grow as more and more better paying jobs are created, thus further reducing the payment of unemployment benefits.

    Just a few ideas from the man in Maine. Feel free to add some of your own.

    Best regards,

    Last edited by rickoff; 12-06-2009, 05:34 AM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • People Right to Freedom of Thought

      A child’s brain has a developmental time after which it closes down. That time is approximately six years for most children. During the first six years of a child’s life he believes everything that he is told to believe.

      After that first six years, the child begins to evaluate everything new that he learns using the data from his first six years. Ask any doctor, the brain changes and finishes development at approximately 6 years. This is fully evident in many studies.

      Look anywhere on earth, you will see that civilization is a product that is a result of what children learn during their first 6 years of life. Of course they continue to learn until they are 10 or 12 or 15, and all the rest of their lives, but the data that they will never question is that data that they were taught during the first 6 years. Of course, normally the data that they continue to receive to the ages of 10 and 15 merely enforces the 6 year data.

      Nobody quits lying to a child because he reaches the age of 6 or even 10. So you create a child, then lie to him about every single aspect of life until he is 10 years old or older, and then you wonder why he acts so funny and irresponsible during his teen years. Nobody questions this. When I questioned a parental group about why not teach their children some truth, they were simply appalled that I would suggest that children not learn all about fairies and goblins and Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny and Tooth fairies. They didn’t want me to participate in the group, however, I was encouraged because two of the parents said, “My God, yes. What have we been doing?” They left the group when I did.

      Lying to children has been done for so many thousands of years, no one can see the damage it does. But something must be responsible for the greed and death condition of Earth, it just didn’t happen as an accident. There is always a cause for the condition that exists. The more important reason that people cannot recognize this terrible situation that exists is that our young have never been taught to reason with logic. In fact, it is something that simply cannot be taught after about age 10.

      A mind that has been filled with fairy tales, and Santa Clause, and Easter bunnies simply does not grasp logic. If such minds could be taught logic, then the armies of nations would not have been out killing and murdering for the past 2000 years because that never was logical. The present logic used by all of our leaders and military men I call, “Santa Claus logic.” It was logic taught to them all during their Santa Claus years.
      Let me tell you what is the most damaging thing that has ever happened to this civilization, first we were taught, and now our children are taught, that it is OK to believe lies. Children, when small, believe lies because their parents want them to, and that makes it easier on the parents. When the children grow up, they believe lies because it still seems that believing lies will make it easier on them as adults.

      Somewhere in their minds they know it is OK to believe lies because for their first 10 years they were expected to believe lies. That’s why you can get a president elected who will be the worst case. That’s why people will almost always elect someone that will destroy them. Deep in one’s mind he has learned it is OK to believe lies

      There are no people on earth at this time who can think with facts. All the people here believe lies and insist on using those lies as part of their reasoning. That’s what causes some people to take fantastic advantage of others and destroy their way of living merely to get more money. Or to put children into a cancer hospital and radiate and torture them to death when the torture is only 2.3% effective. The children would have been less tortured and have a longer life had they just been left at home. But then, if people could think based on facts, the child would have been cured in the first place.

      Method for Achieving World Peace

      "Anyone who wishes to produce an effect upon it needs no logical adjustment in his arguments: he must paint in the most forcible colours, he must exaggerate, and he must repeat the same thing again and again."

      “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” - Adolf Hitler quotes (German Chancellor, leader of the Nazi party, 1889-1945)

      “The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.” - Adolf Hitler quotes (German Chancellor, leader of the Nazi party, 1889-1945)



      • Hi folks, Hi aljhoa, I understand what your trying to say, while at the same time it seems your trying to say that just because something is apparently unseen it isnt logical. While I understand your attempting to place blame on parents in a way by saying they lie to their children about fairies, bunnies and santa clause. We discussed earlier in this thread about the systems of this world and how these systems are at the root of the problems, now without a system to follow, even if this system on the surface appears legit and has been corrupted, do you think this may be more of the reason for the calamities of the world than blaming parents solely for giving a child a little hope for something mystical and magical. After all Santa Clause, fairies, bunnies are actually benign and peaceful characters whether or not they are real to you or me. I dont wish to argue about santa clause or religion because thats not the topic here. You should perhaps start a new thread because your line of thought is actually interesting.
        peace love light


        • Hi Rickoff, read your post, your playing their game with your ideas using their playbook, good luck with that. You seem to be glued to the idea of money, which is an experience, albeit one I would not recommend partaking of and expanding on. This is not me saying anyone here is right or wrong, I'm just suggesting we all take a look at what we even need money for, again. And just because over time, a group of people have created systems that create the illusion that one needs to be a slave to ink paper or another being, just for basic needs, does not mean it's the truth of reality. It is a construct created to have this experience on earth and the drama associated with it all for learning, but it is not real.
          peace love light


          • Hi Tyson,

            I'm no big fan of money either, and money (or the lack of it, actually) has certainly caused much of the hardships that I have faced during my life. I have always been somewhat of a rebel, and a thorn in the side of authority figures. I am constantly questioning authority, and the plans of those who are in authority. Money can be used constructively or destructively. The Ruling class aims to use it destructively. If I offer ideas that would use the same money constructively, then how does that equate to me playing the Ruling Class game?

            It would be great if none of us needed money, or some other form of compensation, but I can't see that scenario happening - at least not during my lifetime. So, while I must of necessity live in a system controlled by money, my thoughts were aimed at how our money could be better spent. My post was only meant to show that, even under our current system, there are alternatives to the plans of the Ruling Class, and that by exercising some of these alternatives we could reverse the otherwise inevitable course of doom that the Ruling Class has laid out for us. I believe that if we could end the reign of the Ruling Class, and restore this country to the system that our Founding Fathers intended, that we would probably have the best system found on the face of this earth. No matter where you go on this planet, you cannot escape living within the boundaries of, and being subjected to, some organized system. And even when we finally succeed in dethroning the Ruling Class, I believe that to prevent utter chaos we will still need to operate under some organized system. So what plan can you offer that would realistically free us, now or in the near term future, from the necessity of living under one of these organized systems? Should we simply hope that a utopian Zeitgeist-like world will soon evolve where there is no need for a monetary system and no one needs to work? I can't realistically see that happening, and believe that is just another construct of the Ruling Class. If no one needs to work, how would anything ever be accomplished? Would robots do everything for us while we lay back and soak up the sun? I think it is rather obvious that many people would still have to work, but what would their incentive be for performing that work if there is no reward? Sure, if we work in our garden then our harvest is our reward, but for labors that do not provide a direct personal benefit, or benefit to one's family, why would people undertake such work while others are doing nothing? I know that a moneyless system is possible, but it will probably be a system where one is issued credits for their efforts, and these credits will then be used to purchase one's needs. Frankly, I'd rather have a money system backed by something of actual value. A credits system is exactly what the Ruling Class aims to foist upon us. There would be no need for money under their plan, because each of us would have a microchip implanted in our body that would be constantly updated, through purchases, to determine how many credits we have left. The number of credits we receive each month will be whatever the Ruling Class says we can have, and if they don't like us (or have no further use for us) we may suddenly find that our credits have zeroed out. It won't matter that you may have some coins tucked away under your mattress, as they will be useless.

            You may think that we are nearing a point in time where all the current systems will collapse, and that we will then be free of the Ruling Class, and free to do whatever we please. There is no doubt that all of the current systems, which are all based on money, are already near collapse, and that they are headed toward certain doom if we can not change course. But that does not adversely affect the Ruling Class, because it is part of their plan. The collapse is meant to happen, and when it does the Ruling Class will be there to "save the day." They will establish encampments (already constructed, by the looks of it) where people will go to find food, clothing, healthcare, shelter, electricity, and heat. The people will be grateful for whatever the Great Provider (aka the Ruling Class) can provide. And of course they will be the only ones who can provide, because they will control all of the resources. See how this works? It perpetuates Ruling Class control over our lives, and makes that control ever so much stronger. That's why I'm not hoping for a collapse to come quickly, and why I seek to avoid it, if at all possible, by constructively using the system that our Founding Fathers gave us to defeat tyranny. When that system is gone, tyranny will reign with endless and total control. Do you not agree?

            Best to you, Tyson

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Hi Rickoff, Thanks for the in depth reply. I understand where you are coming from and I cannot say if there is a one size fits all solution. I have heard the saying, we are the ones we have been waiting for. To a degree that is correct. I am aware of their plans as it is nothing new, its been a constant up down cycle of this nonsense of plunder and control for who knows how long, but, to me it has become apparent that doing the same things and expecting different results will not work, irregardless of whether a group or groups of people have already preplanned the outcome, so they think. One is playing the ruling class game by using their systems. The only things that will ever change this realm or world is that if a certain percentage of the people of the world, including those that wield power, become awake enough to prevent themselves being caught in the traps that obviously are meant to enslave. It's obvious to me this balance has not only been sorely lacking, but far into the scale of mass ignorance due to many reasons that I'm sure your aware of. Without enough people being awake to all the ways of the ruling classes, then it can be tricky to transition away from their control systems. Fear is their main weapon and this awakening that is actually occurring now to some degree will remove this power. Let's please not give omnipotent powers to these ones were calling the ruling class, for they are not all powerful as they may like to think, nor very intelligent whatever that means. Would we consider a tree intelligent if it intentionally killed off half of its branches, i hope not. To conclude, making choices from fear will never solve the issues, such as basic needs, ever. And when people wake up to the fact that they are souls first that occupy human bodies, then maybe this drama experience will transform for one and/or all.
              edit: Also yes I'm aware of the microchip which is also in many vaccines as well. This futile attempt to subvert the will of the masses is being corrected, so rest easy. This futile human microchip implant program should make it obvious who holds the true power, we the people.
              peace love light
              Last edited by SkyWatcher; 12-07-2009, 05:14 AM.


              • A word about ClimateGate:

                Some readers are probably already aware of the November incident wherein computer hackers gained access to a server used by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, England. The unknown hackers retrieved and anonymously disseminated over a thousand e-mails and other documents made over the course of 13 years. Thanks to the hackers, this material has seriously damaged the reputations of those who are hoping to use the global warming climate change scam to bring about a rapid deployment of New World Order mandates to further enslave mankind. With so little time to spare before the Copenhagen climate change conference convened, this exposing of the truth about the Ruling Class climate agenda is potentially one of the most important events to occur this year. Mass media is attempting to whitewash all of this, and the CRU is of course attempting to minimize what was said in the hacked emails and documents. It is time for us to contact all our representatives in Washington, voice our outrage, and demand that any attempts to cede our liberty and sovereignty to a group of scheming global elitists must be soundly defeated. It is seldom that an opportunity like this comes along. Let's not waste it with apathy and complacency.

                More about this here: YouTube - Climate-Gate (Alex Jones)

                and here: YouTube - Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

                and here: YouTube - Glenn Beck on "ClimateGate" Man-Made Global Warming Climate Scam-Actual Proven Conspiracy 11-23-09

                Best regards to all,

                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Are you in BLISS?

                  They say ignorance is BLISS.

                  USA is not a country - it's a Corporation!!


                  This video will list the documents that validate the USA has never been a Country/Nation/Government.
                  US is a Corporation, not a Country. Got a problem with that?

                  Evidence is documented by treaty, court rulings, US Code and actions taken..
                  Stop believing the lies you are told.

                  The contracts mandate you follow the corporation policies (a.k.a laws).
                  Can a corporation policies RULE over you, yep if you contract with them.

                  Never forget .. the words are the weapons being used against us.
                  The language has been hi-jacked and words are redefined.
                  Only illusion. Based only in words. Word Magic.
                  What do the words mean?
                  Do NOT use a dictionary to determine what the words MEAN!!!!!!!!
                  Use the redefined meanings found within the document or a legal dictionary.
                  Redefined words can/do use other redefined words to redefine that word.
                  Question every word.

                  For example: A farm includes pigs.
                  The word includes by legal definition always means ONLY and
                  excludes EVERYTHING else, unless redefined.
                  Therefore, the statement "A farm includes pigs" has redefined farm
                  as only having pigs.

                  (Hosea 4:6) My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge

                  You, the living body, are a natural person and are NOT a PERSON
                  (legal word / artificial / fictional / in the minds of men / 2 dimensional on paper only)
                  The word person does not mean the living body.
                  You have been assigned a PERSON ..

                  You are in contracts with these corporations (a.k.a. governments)

                  love and light
                  Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                  Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                  • No smiling faces in Oslo as B.O. receives Peace Price

                    After announcing his plan to escalate the undeclared war in Afghanistan, by sending an additional 30,000 troops, you would think that Obama would feel more than just embarrassed to travel to Oslo, Norway, to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. It would have seemed more prudent to turn down the prize offering, stating that he could not accept it under the circumstances. Obama himself is quick to admit that he really hasn't done anything to merit being awarded the prize. The Nobel Committee appears to have announced the award of the prize merely based upon the belief that Obama would carry through with his campaign promises to end the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, and reduce weapons stockpiles. In viewing the following video clip of Obama's acceptance speech, you can see that there are no smiling faces in the audience as Obama tries to convince these people that the violence of war, and his actions to escalate that violence, is absolutely necessary.
                    YouTube - Obama's Nobel Prize Speech

                    See this video to understand why Obama's acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize is a total sham, and nothing more than a joke upon those who yearn for true peace:
                    YouTube - Alex Jones: Obama's peace prize is a joke

                    Besides being a total sham, the Nobel Peace Prize should have been rejected by Obama simply because acceptance of it is a flagrant violation of the US Constitution, which forbids a US President from accepting any title of honor, and any form of gainful compensation, from a foreign government. The Nobel Prize comes with a monetary award of more than a million dollars. I think we should all write to Obama and demand that he give the prize back.

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Obama's Perestroika


                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Re: Obama Perestroika

                        Hi Aaron,

                        To me it is incredible that Obama is able to say things like this and still pull the wool over so many people's eyes.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Is Congress finally coming around?

                          I don't know if any other Congressmen have stepped up to the podium and taken a stand against the tyranny behind the recent EPA Green House Gas ruling, and the Copenhagen summit, but I do know of at least one who has done so, and I applaud that effort. More on that story here:
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • ears to hear

                            Hollywood actor, aerospace engineer, Christian biker and legal scholar
                            John Quade, aka John William Saunders, at Preparedness Expo in Los Vegas Nevada 1993.

                            John explains the root causes of the major problems today.
                            Have the ears to hear, listen to John Quade in his legal scholar capacity.

                            first speech @ Expo 1993
                            YouTube - John Quade 1 "The Common Law"
                            YouTube - John Quade 2
                            YouTube - John Quade 3
                            YouTube - John Quade 4
                            YouTube - Jonn Quade 5
                            YouTube - John Quade 6
                            YouTube - John Quade 7

                            second speech (next night) @ Expo 1993
                            YouTube - John Quade vs the New World Order Expo 1993 pt1of7
                            YouTube - John Quade vs the New World Order Expo 1993 pt2of7
                            YouTube - John Quade vs the New World Order Expo 1993 pt3of7
                            YouTube - John Quade vs the New World Order Expo 1993 pt4of7
                            YouTube - John Quade vs the New World Order Expo 1993 pt5of7
                            YouTube - John Quade vs the New World Order Expo 1993 pt6of7
                            YouTube - John Quade vs the New World Order Expo 1993 pt7of7

                            "It's an illusion" - parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 (53 mins)

                            Understanding bondage
                            You are not a person, that would be impossible. Realize you HAVE a person.

                            Justice really means JUST-US.
                            "Just Us" as in just the members of the mutual protection society.

                            Ask yourself: Why is That?
                   More Judges Packing Pistols in Courtrooms
                            Judges Packing Heat - ABC News

                            (Matthew 11:15) He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
                            (Matthew 13:9) Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
                            (Matthew 13:43) Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
                            Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
                            (Mark 4:9) And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
                            (Mark 4:23) If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.
                            (Mark 7:16) If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.
                            (Luke 8:8) And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold.
                            And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
                            (Luke 14:35) It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it out.
                            He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

                            The word law is used 523 times in 459 verses in scripture.
                            The word laws is found in 19 verses in scripture.
                            The word statue is in 35 verses.
                            The word statues is in 131 verses.
                            Those 4 words, law, law, statue and statues together are used 921 times ..
                            The word Jesus is used 983 times to give perspective ...

                            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                            • Randy, do you know if anything ever came of John's efforts to reinstate common law in California?

                              I like John Quade, and what he says makes perfect sense. It's too bad that the videos are of such low quality. It doesn't look like John will be remaking any of these, since he died this past August. I remember him from parts that he played in several Clint Eastwood films. If anyone finds a full length version, or better quality versions of his talks, please post the links here.

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Lindsey Williams?

                                First vid had a notation of Lindsey Williams - is he he same as this guy?
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

