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The American Ruling Class
'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
Some facts to ponder......
- To win the Republican nomination requires winning 1144 delegates.
- If a new candidate entered the Republican primary/caucus race today, it would be too late for that candidate to capture 1144 delegates because filing deadlines have now passed in several states.
- The only way a new entrant could win the nomination would be to capture more delegates than any of the other entrants, and then win the remaining necessary delegates at the Republican National Convention.
- There hasn't been a Republican Convention without a predetermined nominee since 1976, when Gerald Ford beat out Ronald Reagan at the Convention, and then lost to Jimmy Carter in the election.
- A "brokered" Convention would be unlikely, because there is not much “brokering” possible when each delegate is allowed to vote for whomever he or she likes rather than being beholden to a political boss. What we are more likely to see happen, if no candidate captures 1144 delegates before the Convention, is a "deadlocked" Convention, where delegates for Ron Paul, and possibly another candidate, refuse to change and support a different candidate.
"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Originally posted by Bizzy View PostHi Rick
I honestly think that Palin is not so much for Newt as she is against Mitt.
Originally posted by Bizzy View PostOne thing that I have noticed is that [the candidates] all try to claim that they are like Reagan, but they..... don't follow HIS 11th Commandment.Last edited by rickoff; 02-02-2012, 03:25 AM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
new red light districts - coming to a town near you
pre-crime minority report - new meaning to red light district.
Cops watch on video and "before" someone commits a crime, they shine a red light on them from a light attached by the cameras that watch the streets.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Originally posted by dutchdivco View PostAdmittedly, Palin didn't get involved last time, until AFTER the delegate count had been settled, (If I'm remembering correctly, that is). Still, I can't help but think she is politically savvy enough to know how it works.
My thinking is she's just responding from a gut level (emotionally); anyone the 'party elite' is against, she is for. And, I expect Romney turns her stomach, as well.Probably would be for RP, except she's got the same 'hang up' as lots of Repubs, regarding his foriegn policy, which I think is a mis-perception of what he is saying.
At the risk of being lambasted, IF, and its a BIG IF, I was sure the Repubs would get a majority in the house AND Senate, and my only choice (not addressing Ricks alternative) were between Roney and B.O., I would be tempted to vote for B.O.
A) I 'dislike' Romney THAT much, and don't trust him at all. "Would you buy a used car from this man?"
B) With the big IF assured, BO would HAVE to deal with repubs, and compromise. It would be much like Clintons second term, when MANY conservative agendas were advanced.And, under this current system that we have, I LIKE divided Government when its that way. Don't like it when either party can 'run the table'. Didn't like it when Bush had majorities, and they spent like drunken sailors. Didn't like the first 2 years of BO's term, when he was able to pass anything (just about) that HE wanted, like Obamacare.
The best the current system can offer, it seems to me and based on recent history, is this situation where one party has the whitehouse, and the other party has both houses of congress. THEN something gets done, and if its conservatives controlling Congress, its conservative things that get done.
Unfortunately, impossible to know, for sure, what will happen in Congress in the next election.
But I DO know, even now, I will not be able to hold my nose, and vote for Romney. Just won't, can't, no way!! So,maybe Figgies got a vote!Jim
Just for the record I am not lambasting you....BUT if it was between Mitt and Komrad Barry I would take Mitt. IF it was between Newt and Komrad Chairman I would take Newt. IF it was Satan verus ...oh wait he's in office now.
No at my core and soul I could never bring myself to vote for BO knowing full well what his intent for this country would be. This country would collapse under another Marxist term so anyone even my shih tzu who only has five brain cells would be better.
BizzySmile it doesn't hurt!
Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27
Originally posted by rickoff View PostWell then why not endorse a true constitutional conservative rather than endorse the Newt?
Actually, Bizzy, that commandment, "Thou shalt not speak ill of any Republican," wasn't Reagan's. It was offered up by California Republican Party Chairman Gaylord Parkinson, who was afraid that personal attacks would lead to a Republican defeat in 1976, repeating what had happened to Barry Goldwater in 1964. Reagan accepted that "11th commandment," and held true to it through the first 5 primaries of 1976, but lost each of those primaries to Gerald Ford. Reagan abandoned the "11th commandment" from there on out, and and won the majority of delegates in the remaining primaries, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to secure a pre-Convention nomination, and Ford narrowly defeated Reagan in Convention balloting. Had Reagan aggressively taken on Ford in the 5 earliest primaries, it is quite likely that he would have won the nomination, and that we would not have had to live through the painful Carter administration years of high gas prices and the Iran hostage situation. Some historians feel that Reagan's attacks on Gerald Ford were responsible for Ford ultimately losing to Carter, but I don't see it that way. I think it was more likely that people were fed up with Republicans after Nixon resigned in disgrace, due to the Watergate scandal, and were even more disgusted when Ford pardoned Nixon. In politics, those who can attack their strongest opponent will, and should, and those who carry the most baggage will get the most attacks. It's good to air all the dirty laundry so that the people will know who they are voting for. Unfortunately that did not happen in 2008, and many of those who voted for Barry did not know who they were voting for.
As was mentioned earlier Palin is very politically savvy so she still wants to back someone that has a chance of winning. I think in the long run she'll bring the backing of the teaparty and support the winner so that she can bargin for a higher office. Plus as I mentioned I think her support is more against Mitt than for Newt. I say this just by listening to my wife and her freinds who are all active teaparty members. My gut feeling is that those two factors are key in her support for anyone.
I agree a strong constitutionalist would be better unfortunately I feel Santorum doesn't have the support to win. When it comes timefor our turn to pull the lever he will be my choice but I am afraid it will be over by that time.
As far as the 11th commandment. I know Reagan didn't coin that phrase but he did make it more well known so he is given credit for it. And yes I do recall 1976 in that respect he like us all aree fallable(yes even the Gipper) But he reminded us of the 11th commandment while he was in office so that we could work together for a common goal which was to defeat stupidity rebuild our nation. Which is exactly what we need to do now to save our country from stupidity once again.
BizzySmile it doesn't hurt!
Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27
Figgie for President
Originally posted by dutchdivco View PostSo,maybe Figgies got a vote!JimLast edited by Bizzy; 02-02-2012, 12:29 PM.Smile it doesn't hurt!
Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27
Figgie for President
Figgie's stance on the issues
Take a bite out of the budget.
Pee on Iran
Bark at Congress when they do stupid things which is always
Take a bite out of the budget
Lower taxes so everyone has more money to buy dog treats and dog treat companies can hire more workers
Pee on China
take a bite out of the budget
stop using the constitution as piddle papers and have congress actually use it as the law
pee on Obama
signed Figgie Puddinhead BuehlerAttached FilesLast edited by Bizzy; 02-02-2012, 02:47 PM.Smile it doesn't hurt!
Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27
Rick and Bizzy
Rick, I've stated why I think Palin hasn't/can't support a 'real conservative' (I'm assuming you mean R.P.) Unfortunatly, I suspect, likemany conservatives, she has a problem with R.P.'s foriegn policy statements, which I posted my take on earlier.
I may have mis-used the term 'brokered' convention. I meant a convention that goes to a second, and perhaps third, forth or 5th ballot.My understanding is that, traditionally, delegates feel 'Honor-bound" to vote for 'their candidate' on the FIRST ballot, but if there isn't a 'winner' i.e. one candidate getting at least 1144 'votes', that on subsequent ballots they are 'free' to vote how they choose, in order to reach a concensus, and have a 'winner'.
My understanding is this is called a 'brokered' convention because there is much behind the scenes wheeling/dealing and promises made, in order to try to induce delegates to switch there vote, on these subsequent ballots.
For instance, assuming Santorum has SOME delegates, but not near enough to win the nomination, on the second ballot, other candidates and/or their representative will be vigourously 'lobbying' these Santorum delegates, to try to get their votes.
A real irony of history; Goldwater was primarily a "Libertarian", and lost because of his foriegn policy stance, being portrayed (falsely, I believe) as a 'warmonger'. RP is primarily a Libertarian, and is, well, not getting more support because of his foriegn policy; he is falsly being portrayed as a 'dove'.
Ain't this a B*tch???!!
Bizzy, I understand. I guess i was trying to explain my quandary; I feel EXACTLY the way you and your candidate do, about Barry; piss on him!
But, I feel the SAME way about Romney.Dread 4 years of Romney as much as 4 more years of BO.
Practically speaking, and as i said IF I could know with certainty that the Repubs would get a majority (fillerbuster proof in the Senate) and my only choice were BO or Romney, I would rather see a 'neutered' BO, who would have to compromise with Repubs, Than Romney with the same repub majority, who would make the 'crony capitalism' of BO look mild by comparison, and would set the stage for some "Son of Obama" Liberal to take the office in 4 years.
Frankly, I know who I WON'T vote for. Not sure who I will vote for.Maybe your dog, we'll see. I DO like his campaign Platform, and so does Lulu (my dog).Jim
Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post. RP is primarily a Libertarian, and is, well, not getting more support because of his foriegn policy; he is falsly being portrayed as a 'dove'.
Ain't this a B*tch???!!
Frankly, I know who I WON'T vote for. Not sure who I will vote for.Maybe your dog, we'll see. I DO like his campaign Platform, and so does Lulu (my dog).Jim
In college I was a registered Libertarian but worked for the College Republicans. ( I worked on severla campiagns such as Reagan, Ridge etc) I gave up on the Libertarians shortly after college when I realized they may never field a winnable candidate so I hoped to influence the Republican party from within so I rejoined the GOP again. Plus at the time my dad was pushing me for public office down home, but that is for another posting. My point is that I strongly support Paul's domestic positiions both as a Libertarian as well as an American. But I have a HUGE problem with his foreign policy ideas.
Whether we like it or not we live in and must work in a global economy. Even in my job I have to speak to Germany and Switzerland several times a day to resolve issues. Whether we like it or not we are dependant on China for rare earth materials was well as the middle east for oil. Our economy works because other nations buy our products. The reason the buy our products is because they have peace and can spend thier money on milk and butter instead on bullets and bombs. So it is in our best interests to keep the world peace. Although it sounds nice to say we need to stay out of international conflicts and become more isolationalist, in the real world that is not practical. That is the single greatest reason why I, along with most others would not support Paul. If he would bring his foreign policy ideas into more conventional forms, I would support him 1000% and I wager so would a great many more people.
Figgie wants to know if Lulu will act as his campaign manager in your area
Figgie for President
his campaign slogan is
"Take a bite out of the budget and piss on Obama"
BizzySmile it doesn't hurt!
Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27
Sad is the day that we American's think we are Gods....Last edited by Shadesz; 02-03-2012, 03:40 AM.Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~
Cops watch on video and "before" someone commits a crime, they shine a red light on them from a light attached by the cameras that watch the streets.
Figgie's stance on the issues
Take a bite out of the budget.
Take a bite out of the budget
I hoped to influence the Republican party from within so I rejoined the GOP again
Seriously though, I like everything about Ron Paul. His forign policy may not be the norm, but thats the point...all we keep doing is voting for the status quo and things keep getting worse as they have been for a long time. Ron Paul is a different breed of character and having the chance to elect someone life him is a rare oppertunity.
This is a defining election with two very different paths to take.
BO wants the government to provide the means for people.
Republicans want to facilitate job creation so people can provide the means for themselves. America became the richest nation in the world and erradicated poverty by records due to one single reason, job creation. Not government welfare. ANY republican is FAR better than the path BO wants to take. (Although i dont care much for mitt either)
Originally posted by Bizzy View PostWhether we like it or not we are dependant on ... the middle east for oil.
US oil imports | Piggington's Econo-Almanac | San Diego Housing Market News and Analysis
Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
Our economy works because other nations buy our products. The reason the buy our products is because they have peace and can spend thier money on milk and butter instead on bullets and bombs.
Year To Date
Deficit in
Country of U.S. $
China -272,321.34
Japan -56,101.70
Mexico -60,616.01
Germany -44,436.23
Saudi Arabia -30,059.36
Canada -31,869.54
Ireland -28,768.55
Russia -24,202.22
Nigeria -27,586.36
Venezuela -28,855.80
Foreign Trade: Data
Is your representative an Audit The Fed cosponsor?
Click here and check the list of current Audit The Fed (HR 459) cosponsors to see if your state Representative is on board. If he or she is on the list, send a thank you e-mail, but if not on the list then find out why and hound your Representative (sick-em Fergie!) until he or she does the right thing. HR 459 calls for a full Fed audit, which has never been done before. Any Representative who won't commit to this effort is working for the Fed, not the People, and needs to be removed from office. If yours is in this category then let your Representative know that you won't be voting to reelect him or her next November. Make your Representative feel the heat!
Note: There is already 1 sponsor (Ron Paul) and 199 cosponsors in the House, and 218 are needed for a simple majority vote. That's just 18 more, and we need to push (or shove) the uncommitted ones to join the effort."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff