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The American Ruling Class

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  • Rick,

    Your material from Opensecretsorg. Only shows some of the 'current' candidates, and some of their funding. Having had 24 hrs. to think about it, I'm sure 'in my heart' that my theory is valid, and correct.
    Some 'seed' $ for Santorum, Bachman, and maybe even Cain, probably ACTUALLY came from contributors who WANTED to divide the conservative vote, in primaries and caucases, in order to insure Romney would get the nomination. Some could have been Romney supporters, and some could have been Barry supporters, as its obvious Barry REALLY wants Romney to be his opponent.And of coarse, with the super pacs, its easy to disguise where the $ is coming from, especially the 'non-profit' ones, which don't ever have to disclose.
    I also have heard 'voices in the wilderness' warning that while everyone is focused on the PRESIDENTIAL contest, and the effect these superpacs are having, the same rulings that enable them for National elections, also allow such funding/advertising for ALL races; State and even Local.
    If its true that 'all politics is local', and the municipal and state governments actually have a more immediate and direct effect on our dily lives, think for a minute what that means; Big $ can buy mayors, city councils, state legislatures in order to get 'sweetheart deals' on taxes, for moving their businesses, favorable regulation, etc. There is a LOT that goes on at the local and state level! Granted, corruption has always been possible, but these new 'rules' make it much easier/more likely. And, as we have seen already, these superpacs will be able to do carpetbombing negative ad campaigns, while the candidates can keep their hands clean.

    On Sherriff Joe, Holders shown a history of 'bluffing', and then backing down. I THINK Joe knows this, and has the cajones to call him on it. I really DON'T think the justice dept. has the goods. Am watching it closely, as I live in Az.

    By the by, Arpaio has the nationally recognised best unit in the country, for handling animal abuse cases, and other depts. from around the country regularly send their people here, for training. Not a lot of people know that, especially with all the focus on "chain Gangs", "Tent City", "Pink underwear" and "Green Balogna". National coverage often loses the fact that the Chaingangs are VOLUNTARY, and there is always a waiting list; the inmates WANT to be on them; its not like in "Cool Hand Luke". The Balogna has green food coloring in it, its NOT 'spoiled'. Yes, he does die the (men) inmates underwear pink; Hey, if you don't want to wear pink underwear, don't do the crime! As for the tents, no one has died or even been hospitalised for heat prostration, etc. The military stationed in Az. regularly go through worse.


    • pink

      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      Hey, if you don't want to wear pink underwear, don't do the crime!
      That's interesting.

      Many people know that red is a stimulating aggressive color.

      Pink, specifically, bubble gum pink, which I always heard to as "Eddie Baker Pink" (spelling?)... is the color that is the least aggressive. Painting prison walls with this color reduces aggressiveness. It passifies and makes people docile. Has been known for years.

      Of course underwear is covered up but that's pretty funny.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • This may have been shown before. Either way this should be going viral.

        BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress! - YouTube


        • Aaron

          Actually, I THINK, initially, it happened as an accident; someone in the jail laundry put something red, in with a load of white, jail issue underwear, and they all came out pink. The prisoners didn't want to wera them, and Joe wasn't going to throw them out and order 'new' ones, and, the fact the prisoners didn't WANT to wear them, gave hin incentive to insist, and to decide to 'die' ALL the prison issue undies pink.
          He wasn't allowing prisoners to watch TV, so some prisoners sued him in court, insisting they had a 'right' to TV access, and it was 'cruel and unusual punishment' for them not to have TV access.
          The prisoners 'won', so Sheriff Joe got video tapes of a series of lectures by Newt Gingrich, on how the American Government works, the Constitution, etc., and put THAT on the TV's at the jail. "Hey, the court says I have to give them TV access, but it didn't say I have to give them "The Playboy Channel"! Its educational!" Leave it to you to decide if the inmates really 'won' or not.
          The latest on Joe vs. Holders justice dept. The County attourney has conducted his OWN investigation, and states he finds NO evidence of racism in how joe's running the jails, etc. and is therefore disputing the 'findings' of the justice dept. This is a 'new' County attourney, and not someone who can be dismissed as a 'crony' of Joe's.He is doing his best to be, at the least, an irritant to what the Justice Dept. is doing; its his job to 'defend' the county against such charges, or to play a role in implementing changes, if he HAD found they were valid.
          Making it hard for the Justice Dept. to succeeed in pushing thru these charges, or make them stick. Holder may eventually have to back down,.....again. Jim


          • This makes no sense what so ever..
            why would they do that and what would they have to gain from it ???

            remsikt 17 hours ago

            Originally posted by Moe R View Post
            This may have been shown before. Either way this should be going viral.

            BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress! - YouTube



            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              Actually, I THINK, initially, it happened as an accident; someone in the jail laundry put something red, in with a load of white, jail issue underwear, and they all came out pink. The prisoners didn't want to wera them, and Joe wasn't going to throw them out and order 'new' ones, and, the fact the prisoners didn't WANT to wear them, gave hin incentive to insist, and to decide to 'die' ALL the prison issue undies pink.
              "It’s for protection."



              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

                This makes no sense what so ever..
                why would they do that and what would they have to gain from it ???

                remsikt 17 hours ago


                Huh? Why would they do what? As oppossed to uncovering what? The b cert. is good, nothing to see here, everyone just move along. Oh yeah, all cameras must be turned off or we will lock you up indefinatly or longer. Of course this is for your own protection. And just a reminder, if you now love america you are a terrorist and we will whack your pee pee and totally FEMA you.Any questions? If so, that makes you a double terrorist. If you store too much food and water, if you use cash and not a credit card. What part makes no sence? If you fart they'll hit you with a carbon tax.What part didn't u get. Rant!!! Isn't this where I say love and peace,insence, crashpads and hairy krishner all you groovy freaks? I need a drink


                • New law outlawing 'insider trading' by Congress

                  Anybody else think "Hey, why do the need a SPECIAL law, for this? Isn't insider trading ALREADY illegal, and shouldn't the laws, already on the books, apply to Congressman, just like anyone else?

                  Unless this is because the Constitution gives Congressman certain protections from prosecution, WHILE CONGRESS IS IN SESSION. Hey, it just occured to me; you know that phony BS awhile back, regarding 'recess appt.s', and how Congress several years back developed this phony in session thing, where 2 or 3 would show up, gavel in, gavel out, go home, and THAT would qualify as being 'in session'. It occurs to me a secondary reason they may have done that, (in addition to trying to prevent recess appts.) is because of the constitutional protections against prosecution while congress is in session.
                  This protection was originally written into the Constitution to prevent the Executive branch fro 'messing' with Congressman, in an attempt to influence them, or prevent them from being able to vote on the floor.At least thats my understanding. Jim


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    The Constitution gives Congressmen certain protections from prosecution, WHILE CONGRESS IS IN SESSION.....This protection was originally written into the Constitution to prevent the Executive branch fro 'messing' with Congressmen, in an attempt to influence them, or prevent them from being able to vote on the floor. At least thats my understanding. Jim
                    When the Founders wrote the Constitution, they included the following clause:

                    (Congress) shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same.
                    As you can see, Congressmen are not protected from anything but minor crimes and transgressions, and even that protection is no longer a given, as we have seen from Senator Rand Paul's recent detainment by TSA agents for refusing an unconstitutional body grope "pat-down", as I reported on page 84 of this thread. Furthermore, under the NDAA, Congress may have unwittingly caused the loss of their protection rights by passing that unconstitutional bill, as the NDAA makes no exclusions for Congress persons.

                    I feel certain that the Founders included such protection mainly to ensure that neither minor transgressions, nor false or trumped charges, could prevent a member of Congress from attending a session or voting in it. The Founders understood that without such protection, some scalliwags would obviously dream up ways to win a vote by having numbers of their opponents literally handcuffed and unable to vote. The other factor was to ensure that citizens and their states would be duly represented in all matters brought before Congress. Any American citizen can now be indefinitely detained.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Outrageous!!!

                      You may have noticed he results of the Maine Republican caucus on your TV today, in which the following was reported:

                      Mitt Romney 39%
                      Ron Paul 36%
                      Rick Santorum 18%
                      Newt Gingrich 6%

                      What the news reports didn't tell us is that the Washington County, Maine Caucus which had been scheduled to take place today was postponed until next week, supposedly due to snow. The reason why I say this is outrageous is because I live here in Maine, and we Mainers are prepared to deal with lots of snow. The weather reports said that we would get less than 2 inches of the white stuff, and we got even less - just a dusting. Not a single school or business was closed, and there were no dangerous highway conditions reported. For heaven's sakes, the Girl Scouts had a meeting in Washington County today that was not canceled. So why then was the Washington County Caucus postponed? Well, that's easy to answer when the truth is known. The Republican Party was scared to death that Ron Paul would win here in Maine. Paul's supporters turned out in droves at all the caucus locations, and party leaders rightly concluded that Paul was neck and neck with Romney. They also knew that Washington County has the strongest support of all for Ron Paul, and that the balloting results from Washington County would very likely tip the balance and ensure victory for Ron Paul. So they used inclement weather as an excuse to delay the Washington County Caucus until next week, well after the media has already reported a Romney win! I tell you, this kind of manipulation is truly disgusting. Ron was less than 200 votes behind Mitt in the results shown on TV, and the not included 1800 Washington County votes, where Paul has the strongest backing of all, would have put Ron out ahead. See this video concerning the Maine caucus fraud: Maine Caucus 1800 votes missing from Ron Paul and Newt Ginrich - YouTube

                      The Republican Party is so determined to make Romney their candidate that they are willing to do anything to ensure that outcome. Of course even the results reported today on TV may well have been padded to make Romney appear to have defeated Paul by a narrow 3% margin. Yes, padded just like in Iowa, and probably in New Hampshire. You can bet that when the Washington County votes are reported, it will be a one time, 5 second bit that will be nearly unnoticeable. Ron tried, during a news interview today, to bring up the fact that the Washington County caucus was postponed, but when the clip was played back on TV they cut off that portion of his speech. And of course no TV reporter mentioned a single word about the postponement. It's the mainstream media, so those tactics are to be expected, but that doesn't make it right.
                      Last edited by rickoff; 02-13-2012, 09:28 PM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • The best financial plan ever! (just... it should be illegal)

                        A little off the current topic but I have to get this off my chest. Here is an example that I just came up with of the current banking system. Please share it with the drones, they need to be educated....

                        How to OWN a half-million dollar house for FREE in just 5 years, get paid $40,000 per year WHILE YOU WAIT, plus get $300,000 in your pocket just for moving in! Again, all this is yours- FOR FREE!

                        1. Buy a safe that no one besides you will ever see inside

                        2. Tell a neighbor that you will safely keep $5,000 of their savings in your safe and will “reward them” by paying them interest at three to eight times LESS than the inflation rate

                        3. Get government approval to take that $5,000 and magically turn it into $50,000 to loan to other people (debtors) as credit cards and car loans.

                        4. From the loans you just gave out collect a magical income of $900 dollars per month for the next 5 years; JUST because your neighbor’s $5,000 is sitting in your safe!!!

                        5. Ask your debtors to also let you hold their savings. After all, they are already your “customers”.... *cough*... slaves... *cough*

                        6. Take the now $50,000 sitting in your safe and magically turn it into a half a million dollars, with government permission of course

                        7. Find someone who wants more house than they deserve named “the Joneses” and get them to promise to pay you $2,500 per month if you loan them “your $500k", oh, and be sure to force them to pay another $500 per month for mortgage insurance, this will come in handy later

                        8. Wait five years while enjoying your free income of $900 + $2,500 = $3,400 per month. This equals an income of $40,000 per year, for FREE!

                        9. When the “Joneses” start missing payments, foreclose on them

                        10. Now that you literally OWN your new half-million dollar house without spending a dime, move in payment free! But what about furnishings?

                        11. Make a claim on the mortgage insurance that you forced your slaves to buy when they moved in to your house and collect $300k just because you forced them to move out

                        12. Repeat steps 6 through 11 to get your second half million dollar house and $300k bonus for FREE!

                        13. Continue process until you own America.

                        Don’t think this could happen? Reality check! This is 100% legal. It is exactly how our current banking system works. In fact, with the FDIC, the NCUA, and government bailouts, our system is WAY more absurd than this.

                        But I digress: both banks and credit unions use this 'fractional reserve' banking system to increase their ‘portfolios’. It is accepted and even endorsed by the government. The scariest part to me is that there are people out there that actually want to own EVERYthing. Paul Orfalea, the founder of Kinko’s, has said “one day I’d like to go to the Moon and look at the planet Earth and say, ‘Wow, there’s part of my portfolio.’ ”

                        Debt does this. It robs from the debtor and gives to the lender. Do not become a victim, I mean a slave, working your entire life just to build someone else's wealth. They will control you! It isn’t worth it, and it shouldn’t be legal.
                        Last edited by Shadesz; 02-12-2012, 05:50 PM.
                        Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                        • Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
                          Here is an example that I just came up with of the current banking system. Please share it with the drones, they need to be educated....
                          Hi Shadesz,

                          Thanks for the post. All of this has been discussed in depth here previously, but unless new readers take the time to go through the older posts then they would miss it, and it certainly is something that needs to be pointed at and understood. Fractional lending should be a crime, just as usury credit card interest rates should be. If an individual citizen attempted to actually do what your story suggests then they would be arrested, charged with fraud, and put away for a very long time. And yet banks, in cooperation with the Federal Reserve, US Treasury, and Congress, are able to legally get away with this. While most people would say they were angry that taxpayer funds were used to bail out the big banks, what they probably don't have a clue about is the fact that these banks actually lost nothing since they never actually had investments at stake. Their "investments" were simply paper loans of fictional money created through fractional reserve lending, and the best possible outcome for these banks was to have people default on their "loans," allowing the banks to foreclose and take possession of property which actually did have real value. The difference between the bad "loans" amount and the home auction net sales proceeds amount could then be written off as a business loss, when in fact the bank lost absolutely nothing and made out like a bandit in the night.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Rick

                            "I feel certain that the Founders included such protection mainly to ensure that neither minor transgressions, nor false or trumped charges, could prevent a member of Congress from attending a session or voting in it. The Founders understood that without such protection, some scalliwags would obviously dream up ways to win a vote by having numbers of their opponents literally handcuffed and unable to vote. The other factor was to ensure that citizens and their states would be duly represented in all matters brought before Congress. Any American citizen can now be indefinitely detained."

                            Yeah, thats what i was TRYING to say, although you expressed it better.
                            But then, remember the Senator (or was it congressman) they found $80,000 in his freeser, and went in and seized his office computers, to try and figure out what it was a bribe FOR. And had to give it all back, because (from what i understood) of this constitutional immunity. Taking Bribes seems like it doesn't qualify as a 'minor transgression', deserving of protection. I seem to recall they DID eventually nail the guy,tho.

                            And yes, the repub party really BEGAN to 'tick me off' back when they broke the 'Coontract with America', and began running up debt building bridges to nowhere, etc. during the 2nd Bush admin.Their conduct during this primary season, where they are obviously trying to shove Romney on 'us' is baffling to me. Even fronm there own 'self interest', how can Repubs think Roney is the candidate to go against Barry?
                            Barry even did his opponents a favor, with this whole catholic church/bc issue, by reminding everyone what a Government mandate means; but Romney really can't attack, due to 'Romney care' having similar mandates.
                            If it weren't for my wanting to vote in the Repub presidential Primary, in the perhaps naive desire to express who I would LIKE to be the Repub nominee, and go against BO, I would withdraw from the repub party!
                            Saw Sarah today on Fox news, and they showed her speach at C-pak.Made it obvious she's not 'for' Romney.By the by, they mentioned in passing that C-pak changed there proceedure, for their non-binding 'straw poll', this time around. Supposedly, to make it 'more inclusive'. Wondering if it wasn't done to 'rig' things, and give Romney an advantage, since he did win (slightly0 this 'straw poll', which is SUPPOSED to be among the hardest of the hard core conservatives. I can't see such people giving Romney their vote, and so i suspect this 'change', along with (quite possibly) 'stacking' the vote, either with infiltrating romney supporters in as voting members, or ballot stuffing, or both MUST have occured.Wonder if the 'lights went out', or certain votes weren't counted, or some other dirty tricks were played.

                            It just doesn't add up; it stinks! Jim


                            • Why the World Needs America
                              By ROBERT KAGAN
                              But international order is not an evolution; it is an imposition. It is the domination of one vision over others—in America's case, the domination of free-market and democratic principles, together with an international system that supports them. The present order will last only as long as those who favor it and benefit from it retain the will and capacity to defend it.

                              Robert Kagan on Why the World Needs America -

                              10 years before 9/11/01 watch to the end! - YouTube



                              • The Afghanistan Report the Pentagon Doesn’t Want You to Read

                                The Afghanistan Report the Pentagon Doesn’t Want You to Read

                                Michael Hastings
                                Rolling Stone
                                February 12, 2012

                                Alberta is under attack...

                                Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P

