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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    You see, most of the directors of Swiss banks are not locals anymore, they are foreigners, mostly Anglo-Saxon, either American or British, they don't respect our neutrality, they don't respect our values, they are against our direct democracy, they just use the Swiss banks for their illegal means. They use huge amounts of money created out of nothing and they destroy our society and destroy the people world wide just for greed. They seek power and destroy whole countries, like Greece, Spain, Portugal or Ireland and Switzerland will be one of the last in line.
    Swiss Banker Unmasks Bilderberg Criminals -

    Hi Al
    Are you Swiss? I am American but my ancestory is German and Swiss I also speak fluent German and very passable Swiss German. I am also teaching myself Latin so I can learn Romasch
    I studied in Konstanz am Bodensee but spent most of my free time traveling in Switzerland while I was there. My family is originally from Appenzell Außerroden We left in 1848 but still had relatives there until the last one died in 1956.
    Yes I know about foreingers in the banks, I have always believed it was those same foreingers who have perverted the banks and allowed them to bend to the whims of komrad obama. They have been an embarassment to the country and the industry as a whole. Unfortunately that is one of the risks they took by becoming multinational companies.
    Regardless I still would love to move my family back to Appenzell although I think my wife would rather be in St Gallen or even Kreuzlingen. Some place close enough to the cities but far enough away to avoid them. With my experience as a commercial collector and forclosures I could very easily get a job there doing international collection work.
    Smile it doesn't hurt!

    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      If Republicans want to win in 2012 then they can't do it unless they back Ron Paul, and that's the reality they must face.



      • bIZZY.

        "Ok that makes it much more clear. And don't get me wrong I don't support Romney,( my candidate just won three states a week ago )But we all know how bad the marxist is, no one not even Romney could be as bad as the marxist, which is why I will hold my nose and vote for obamalite if I have to...I do like referring to him as Obmamlite, Ill have to tell my wife that one too."

        Romney would be WORSE, in so may ways. For one thing it would be portrayed and percieved that a Repub and a Conserve had won; therefore anything that followed, He, (and by association, Repubs and conserves) would get the blame for, as he would continue the same policies, raping our economy and ruining the country.

        And then, it 4 years he is voted out, and we get ANOTHER Liberal Democrat in, call him/her 'son of O'bama'.

        This is a major part of the debate going on, amongst Repub primary voters; We MUST defeat BO, but it is JUST as important, what we replace him with!
        We CANNOT survive another 4 years with BO, OR BO Lite! Have to have a strong conservative, with conviction, to try to reverse the disastrous policies of the last 12+ years. I say 12+ because the Congress repealed Grass/Hartley, (I think its called), and sold out to Fann's and the banks/wall street, at least 12 years back. All the swilling at the trough, of Repub Congress during Bush years.

        I USED to believe like Rick; cut taxes so as to 'dock' Congresses allowance, as a way to restrain Government. But, they just engage in deficit spending, so cutting taxes makes NO difference. They are right now passing 150 Billion in additional deficit spending, in order to prolong the payroll tax holiday, extend unemployment, and the 'Doc fix'. All without commesurate cuts, or in any way funding it; they'll (We'll, as taxpayers) just borrow more $ from China. As in "What do you MEAN, I can't pay off my Visa Card, with my Mastercard?!!! What do you MEAN, I'm 'overdrawn'; I STILL have checks in my checkbook!"
        And it doesn't matter whether you call yourself a 'Conservative' or a 'Liberal', a 'Repub' or a 'Democrat', and apperently it doesn't even matter if you call yourself a 'Tea partier', althoug we'll see if they revolt at this revolting display, or roll over.Jim


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          I USED to believe like Rick; cut taxes so as to 'dock' Congresses allowance, as a way to restrain Government.
          I can't remember ever saying that tax cuts could be used as a way to restrain government. Government, or more precisely what most people refer to as our "government," definitely is in serious need of restraining, and the list of those applicable restraints has been in place ever since the Constitution was ratified. But since neither the Corporation U.S. "president" nor its "Congress" abide by the Constitution, and since the Corporation U.S. Department of inJustice and judicial system will not respond to citizen complaints of unconstitutional "government official" actions, there is no effective restraint that can be exercised upon said "government" other than by replacing those currently seated in this "government" with dedicated individuals who will abide by the Constitution. That is the only way that we can restrain those in Washington D.C., and in our state capitols, from further unsound borrowing and spending.

          That said, taxes do need to be cut, and should be cut. We are taxed to death (and even afterwards). On the face of it, a balanced budget Amendment might seem to make sense, as Congress could then not spend any more than it has budgeted for the year, but the problem with that approach is that Congress would then simply increase the amount that it budgets in order to cover any pork barrel spending which they intend to impose on us. Capping spending at current levels is also not the answer, as we simply can not afford to continue to spend what we are currently spending or our nation will soon be totally bankrupt. A balanced budget Amendment would not be effective unless it also cuts spending back to levels of a decade or more ago, and caps spending at that sustainable level, which must also include actual annual debt reduction.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Rick

            I was going from my memory, which is always a perilous thing for me to do. Thought I recalled you making the argument ealier, of cutting taxes as a way to restarin Gov't.
            I AGREE a "Balanced Budget Amendment" is not, in and of itself, the answer.My STATE, theoretically, is required to balance its budget, every year, as are many others. I don't know how well that works in other states, but here Govenor and legislature, (both parties) conspire to use bookkeping tricks to get around the requirement. I'm sure, if we DID have a Balanced Budget Amendment at the national level, it wouldn't take D.C. any time at all to figure out how to get around it. They would probably write loopholes into it, at the outset.
            Its like LINE ITEM VETO; a 'good' idea, but not one that, in and of itself, will 'fix' the problem. Firstly, it requires a President with the fortitude to use it.And, it just means there is another chip, for bargaining.

            You keep saying sending people to DC who will abide by the Constitution, etc.
            Thats what i THOUGHT we did, when we sent "Tea Party" reps. to D.C. People who weren't concerned about re-election, and who went there promising to reign in Gov.'t spending.
            Lets see how they cave, on voting for this unfunded extension of the payroll tax holiday, increase in unemployment Ins. and "Doc fix" bill. Another 150 billion $'s, that 'we'll' borrow from China. AND NO OFFSETS! Sure didn't take long, for the "Tea Partiers" to become seduced by Washington. Will also be interesting to see how many of them run for re-election. Another sign of seduction.

            There are certain jobs, where you are 'monitired' by a TV camera; I worked for awhile as nite cashier, at a gas station. I didn't mind it, cause if any customer alleged i had 'short changed' them, they could come back in the a.m., and review the tapes with my boss. Anyway, wish we could put a camera, on all Congressman, 24/7. Imagine what we would see!
            "No one know what goes on,....'Behind closed dooors,...." Jim


            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              You keep saying sending people to DC who will abide by the Constitution, etc.
              Thats what I THOUGHT we did, when we sent "Tea Party" reps. to D.C. People who weren't concerned about re-election, and who went there promising to reign in Gov.'t spending.
              Lets see how they cave, on voting for this unfunded extension of the payroll tax holiday, increase in unemployment Ins. and "Doc fix" bill. Another 150 billion $'s, that 'we'll' borrow from China. AND NO OFFSETS! Sure didn't take long, for the "Tea Partiers" to become seduced by Washington. Will also be interesting to see how many of them run for re-election. Another sign of seduction.
              The biggest problem so far with the TEA Party reps is that there just aren't enough of them to force a showdown with Congress, and there probably still won't be enough in 2012 (definitely not in the Senate). They were adamant about the need for spending cuts, spending caps, and a balanced budget, and wanted to go further than even the Ryan plan did. That, of course, resulted in outright bullying by Boehner and the establishment Republicans, and the Democrats falsely blaming the TEA Party reps for what they claimed would necessitate cutting or delaying government payments to military personnel, and to Social Security and Medicare recipients.

              I don't have the time available right now to do the research, but it would be interesting to make a list of all the TEA Party backed candidates who won elections in 2010, and then determine how each one of them voted in important matters regarding the national debt and constitutional issues. These representatives should be taking the same route as Ron Paul, who first examines every bill as to its constitutionality. If what is being proposed is not authorized by the Constitution, that should be the end of it. If some of the TEA Party reps are voting improperly then we need to know who they are so that they can be replaced in 2012.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • What's the REAL plan of action for GOP?

                Here's what I think may very likely be the real strategy being employed by the GOP:

                1. Set up a field of several establishment candidates, none of which garners overwhelming public support or enthusiasm.
                2. Keep the media talking about this in order to drive the idea of limp support and enthusiasm deep into the public's minds.
                3. Make the people believe that none of the candidates is going to have much chance at beating Barry next November.
                4. Make the public bored to death by promoting numerous unproductive debates where foolish questions are asked and the real issues are avoided.
                5. In the primaries and caucuses, use fraudulent tactics such as ballot stuffing, ballot dumping, or denial of balloting rights, to ensure the desired outcome.
                6. The GOP's actual desired outcome is to have no candidate emerge as a clear winner, and obtain the needed delegates before the national convention, so that the result is a brokered convention.
                7. At the brokered convention, the goal will be to have a stalemate situation. It is already known that neither Gingrich nor Santorum can possibly gain enough delegates to win nomination, and Ron Paul delegates will not shift their support to any other candidate. So what happens when Romney can't get the Gingrich or Santorum delegates to switch to his side either?
                8. As I see it, it will be at this point that the true GOP game plan unveils itself in the form of Sarah Palin jumping into the game. With her widespread appeal to TEA Party groups and others, she will be seen as the only person being able to generate the kind of enthusiasm needed to bring all elements of the Republican party together. Having made it clear, several times, that she won't endorse Romney, Gingrich and Santorum delegates will have no problem supporting her, and will hope for a deal where she would choose their man as a VP running mate. Knowing there is no way he can win, Mitt would concede the nomination to Palin by encouraging his delegates to support her, expecting that he would be chosen as her VP running mate in return. This scenario of course takes Ron Paul out of the equation because it gives Palin the required number of delegates to win the nomination.

                If the above becomes reality, and I think there's a very good chance that it will, it should be clear to all of us that all of this was preplanned to go down exactly in this manner. The advantage that this gives to Palin is tremendous. She gets to stay out of the spotlight, out of the debates, and out of the personal attack ads that have brought about an unprecedented divisiveness in the Republican party, and retains this advantage all the way to the national convention, where she suddenly shows up to "save the day" and reunite the party. Since the convention will be held in Tampa, Florida on August 27th, this will give the Democrat party little more than two months to attempt to destroy Palin. Of course they, and the media, will stop at nothing to do that, and will likely roll out all of the same tactics they used against her in 2008, while looking for new ways to discredit her.
                Winning the election might prove a whole lot more difficult for her than winning the nomination, and if she did win the election then what could we expect from her? She espouses a firm regard for the Constitution, and talks a good talk, but where does she really stand on the most critical issues which need to be resolved if we are to save this nation? For example, would she push to end the Federal Reserve? She has spoken out against the Fed's "quantitative easing" policy, but that's not like calling for a full Fed audit, or calling for an end to the Fed. Of course no other candidate is calling for an end to the Fed either, other than Ron Paul.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Rick

                  It would be GOOD to do as you say, and research the voting record of each of the 'TEA PARTY' candidates; wouldn't be surprised if someone hasn't already done that. Of coarse, it would ALSO require reading EACH piece of legislation, thats where the real work would come in.

                  Surprised you haven't commented on the latest primary news, out of Maine.
                  I know you started this thread by saying you don't watch much TV. I do, usually NBC nightly news, and PBS Newshour; I learn a lot from what they DON'T say, and how they DON'T say it.

                  For instance, 2 weeks after the Iowa primary, they 'announced' the 'error', and that Santorum had actually WON. However, last night, NBC news, (NOT PBS) mentioned, in passing, (with a kind of 'repubs screwed up, AGAIN tone), that in Maine, where Romney was declared the winner, and Ron Paul came in second, the REPUB party chairman for Maine agknowledged that some of the district totals that were E-mailed to him, MAY have gone to his 'junk' folder, and been 'inadverdantly' deleted, i.e. not counted.Also, haven't heard anything about the results from that district that postponed voting, due to weather. Have they voted yet, and is this the vote results that got 'inadvertantly' deleted?

                  They did NOT say that RP was, in fact, the winner. They did NOT go into how 'deleted' e-mails are still recoverable, since they remain on the servers computer, they just mentioned this in passing, and then moved on.

                  Remember the major coverage of Florida, and the 'hanging chads'? Can you imagine in the GENERAL election, if some Secretary of STATE, HAD MADE SUCH AN AGKNOWLEDGEMENT?!!! "Ooops, I 'acccidentally' deleted several districts voting results, which MAY have changed the outcome. But,....OH WELL!!"

                  Outrageous! I don't know that I can buy your hypothesis of the REAL STRATEGY of the GOP. I think you give them too much credit. I have long thought (for either party) that they SHOULD strive to have a 'brokered convention' simply to generate interest, and 'free' news coverage. After all, these conventions where the nominee is already decided, are BORING.

                  However, While I think this MAY have been one of the reasons for changing, in some states, to proportional delegates, I think 'their' thinking was "We want to do this, to increase interest, etc., BUT, we want 'our guy' to win.And, I think its obvious 'our guy' is Romney. However, I think 'they' underestimated just how much resistance Repub voters would have, to accepting Obama lite. They THOUGHT they had a strategy for getting him through; support/finance a # of 'conservative' cadidates, so as to split the conservative vote, so that Romney could win the primaries. If/when any one 'conservative' candidate seems to galvanise conservative voters, sling $ and mud, in a massive negative ad blitz. Keep emphasising how Romney has the $, and the organisation, and is inevitable. If, in fact, Santorum succeeds in trounsing Romney in Michigan, I don't think 'they' HAVE a plan "b", and, so will probably just keep doing what they've been doing.

                  I DO like the ad Santorums people came up with, to counter ROMNEYS attack ads; the one with the Romney look-alike pursueing Santorum cut-outs thru a building, wielding a machine gun. HE keeps shooting 'mud' at the cut-outs, and missing.Points out, as Gingrich TRIED to do, that this has been Romneys modus operandi; to sling mud at his opponents, without giving voters a reason to vote FOR Romney. I hope it will be effective, and Abe will be proved RIGHT; that you CAN'T fool all the people, all the time.

                  On the other hand, with the amount of $ being spent, to try to force Romney down our throats, (despite our obvious gagging), real question if Santorum will be able to resist the influence on him, such $ CAN BRING TO BEAR.

                  I do wonder if the plan "B" is another term of BO; the old 'back both contenders, so that you have influence, no matter who wins'.

                  Will also be interesting to see if any more signs of vote tampering come out, especially in Michigan. Talking heads say Romney could survive a 'loss' in Michigan, but NOT a real, clearcut trounsing. So, they may not stuff for a win, but just enough to make it look close.Look for more 'lights out', 'oops, deleted e-mails' kind of stories, which WON'T get much/any coverage, by the mainstream media.

                  One would THINK that some aspiring reporter/blogger would 'infiltrate' a campaign, as an enthusiastic volunteer, and document WITH EVDENCE what REALLY goes on.Similarly, one could get a job as a 'staffer' for a Congressman' and do an 'expose'. And then, write a book.What stories they could tell!Jim


                  • Speculation


                    As long as the Cabal is in power it makes no difference who is elected, and any detailed speculation about one or the other candidate does little to effectively address the real problem. The electoral process is political theater staged to divert our attention and delay any active response that might actually deal with the real problem!

                    Anonymous Feb 17, 2012

                    SCHEDULE CHANGE (comment posted via Nesara)

                    As we reported in White Hats Report #34 & 35, the events of this week in London have been catastrophic for the Bush Cabal. Read our upcoming White Hats Report #36, late Sunday evening, February 19, 2012.
                    The White Hats Report



                    • Epic Sermon

                      "Stop Being Food for the Reptilian Complex" - Epic Sermon from Thomas Sheridan



                      • Comment

                        Top Comments on video above:


                        This is a stunning rap by Thomas Sheridan. The whole world needs to hear this. Landmark speech. Good lord, I had chills running up and down my spine towards the end.



                        • "money grows on trees"

                          Ambassador Wanta has court documentation that he is owed $7.2 trillion dollars, private capital designated for one purpose, rebuilding the American economy.

                          The money was garnered through exploiting insane errors in the pricing of currencies and exploiting the economic policies of the former Soviet Union. Some of the profits had ended up in the Bank of China and were, according to legal agreement, repatriated to the United States, what remained anyway.

                          Reagan assigned Wanta to a project to raise huge amounts of money trading currency. Some of this is on the internet and much of it is correct. The total amount raised, based on collateral supplied by the US Department of Treasury in a secret intelligence operation was 27 trillion USD.

                          Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America | Veterans Today

                          Shania Twain - Ka-Ching!



                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            Surprised you haven't commented on the latest primary news, out of Maine........last night, NBC news mentioned..... that in Maine, where Romney was declared the winner, and Ron Paul came in second, the REPUB party chairman for Maine agknowledged that some of the district totals that were E-mailed to him, MAY have gone to his 'junk' folder, and been 'inadverdantly' deleted, i.e. not counted. Also, haven't heard anything about the results from that district that postponed voting, due to weather. Have they voted yet, and is this the vote results that got 'inadvertently' deleted?
                            Sorry I didn't get to an update sooner. With so much on my plate, I just couldn't find the time earlier. Anyways, here's the low down:

                            Maine's Washington and Hancock counties finally did hold their caucuses yesterday, which had been scheduled for February 11th, but were called off by party leaders for the lame excuse of an expected snowstorm (actual snowfall less than 2 inches, which is nothing here in Maine). Voter turnout at these caucuses was good, and as expected, Ron Paul was the clear winner by a 2 to 1 margin over Romney.

                            Last week, Maine Republican Party Chairman Charlie Webster said that votes from Washington County and parts of Hancock County that had not yet caucused would not be counted because the caucuses would be held after the party’s February 11 deadline. This caused a great many Mainers to cry foul, and turned out to be just a portion of the underhanded scheming that was going on. For example, when the Bangor Daily News (BDN) ran a town-by-town compilation of voting results, it was found that several towns where caucuses had been held were not included in the vote tallies! If you take a moment to look at the BDN report, and scroll down through the list while keeping an eye on the "Total" column at far right, you will see that there were actually a large number of towns throughout the state that were not figured in to the early reported results. Much of this occurred in Waldo County, having a population of 39,000, and where voters were so incensed that they called for censure of Charlie Webster for mishandling of the caucuses. Twenty of the 26 cities in Waldo County were not included in the earlier tallies! Incidentally, these are the voting reports that Webster had claimed were "accidentally" deleted. Another contentious situation arose in the city of Waterville, in Kennebec County, which is one of the larger cities in Maine. Waterville also had no vote tallies figured into the early state results, and the actual count in Waterville was 5 for Romney and 21 for Paul. The ruckus over these omissions caused party leaders to rethink their position, and on Thursday they asked town committee chairs to resubmit their results. It was also announced that Washington County votes on Saturday, Feb 18, would be included in the state totals. On Friday, Feb 17, after counting resubmitted tallies, it was announced that Romney had a slightly larger lead over Ron Paul than had previously been reported. The earlier results had shown Romney having a lead of around 189 votes over Paul, but the "revised results" showed Romney having a 239 vote lead. To me, this sounds very suspicious, and smacks of very possible ballot stuffing in an attempt to ensure Romney as the ultimate winner even after the Washington County results were figured in. Party leaders knew how many voters had turned out at the 2008 Washington County caucuses, and could reasonably figure that a similar or slightly larger turnout could be expected this time arount, and thus had a pretty good idea of how much ballot stuffing needed to take place to ensure Romney would win. After the Saturday, Feb 18 caucuses were held, and the results added in, it was reported that statewide totals still had Romney leading Paul by 117 votes. That was an unofficial tally reported by the Bangor Daily News. The "official" results will be released by the Maine Republican State Committee after their March 10 meeting.

                            It should be noted that party leaders only conceded that Washington County should be included because their caucus had been originally scheduled to occur before their declared February 11 deadline Whether Hancock County and other post-Feb. 11 GOP caucus straw poll results, such as the Castine caucus scheduled for March 3rd, will be included in a final tally remains to be seen. That issue will be on the agenda of a March 10 meeting of the Republican State Committee. The Hancock County results, showing 60 votes for Paul and 23 for Romney (a 37 vote difference), would lower Romney's reported lead, and if the remaining post deadline caucuses were also figured in then that small lead could shrink further or even evaporate altogether. If the party's ballot manipulations weren't figured well enough to ensure a Romney win if the post deadline caucuses are all included in the statewide talliy, then I think we can be quite confident that the committee will disallow the post deadline caucus results.

                            Oh, and something that I nearly forgot to mention is the fact that in Portland, Maine's largest city, caucus participants who stayed the entire six hours to vote for delegates were outraged to find out that party officials had actually tossed out the results, and claimed that the reason for doing so was because the number of ballots had exceeded the number of registrants. Many of those participating in the delegate voting (a large majority of which were Ron Paul supporters) suggested appealing the decision to void the results, and others suggested sending new ballots to all who attended the vote so that an accurate recount could be done and recorded. Whatever happens in regard to this, it sure looks to me like there was a deliberate effort to strip Ron Paul of delegates he would have fairly won. Paul supporters certainly did not need to pad their votes to win the delegates, so we can be pretty darned sure that the reported anomaly had nothing to do with them.

                            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            I don't know that I can buy your hypothesis of the REAL STRATEGY of the GOP. I think you give them too much credit.
                            Does that mean you don't think they are smart enough to have come up with such a plan? It's only a hypothesis, of course, but I guess we will find out if my hunch is true when the convention takes place. Don't be so quick to rule out Palin jumping in at the convention to "save the day," as she hasn't ruled that out. And while keeping largely out of the fray, she still manages to make enough public appearances and speeches to drum up support and enthusiasm among the public.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Rick, has any one been talking about Ron P's recent success? I may be in oz but i know that he is kicking ass



                              • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                                Rick, has any one been talking about Ron P's recent success? I may be in oz but i know that he is kicking ass

                                I sure hope so.
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

