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The American Ruling Class

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  • Small Potatoes

    Hi all,
    Here is an eye opening short video that may well change how you feel about big money, the rich, and how Americans are having their rights taken from them.
    Excellent Video on the Tax-the-Rich Mentality.flv - YouTube
    Regards, Gene


    • Rick

      "Does that mean you don't think they are smart enough to have come up with such a plan?"

      Given the heavy handed, clumsy ways, including those you've documented in your posts, that repub state leaders are attempting to 'cheat' to get Romney the nomination, I'd have to say "Yes, I don't think they are that smart." I DO think their actions show a certain hubris, in that i don't think they anticipated they would have this much difficulty, shoving 'their guy' down our throats. And, I think we are seeing signs of desperation, ad hoc poorly planned and even more poorly executed attempts to 'stuff' the ballot boxes, etc. Clumsy, bumbling and smacking of desperation.

      And, I think the Repub party leaders don't want Sarah. They don't want Ron Paul. They desperately want Romney, and, as we've discussed re: history repeating itself, if it becomes obvious Romney CAN'T win the nomination, 'they' will put up someone else, at the 11th hour, but I don't THINK it will be Sarah. It was stated earlier, but I forgot, who was put up when Goldwater pushed Rockefeller aside; some other 'moderate' that would be in the pocket of the party leaders.To the leaders, Sarah is too much of a 'loose cannon'; they don't know what she would do or say, and she would be savaged by the press, ....AGAIN.

      And Yes, ASH, we here on this Forum ARE talking about RP, and how he is kicking Obamalites ass, and, on the Sunday talk shows, I saw Gingrich saying that "Maine was virtually a dead heat, RP vs. Romney." Thats not an exact quote, but he wanted to get it in there, that Romney DIDN'T 'win' in Maine.
      And, he did make it clear that RP was the 'other' candidate.

      As I stated earlier, I suspect the Romney machine is already working on plans to rig the voting in Michigan; they may figure they can't stuff for a win, but just enough to make it very close second, for Romney.Personally, I'm praying Michigan and Az. are the stake in his heart, and he is forced to leave the field. But, in that event I do suspect 'they' will try to trot out an alternative 'moderate' candidate, to represent party interests.Just not sure there is anyone who's interested, at this late date. But, I don't think it will be Sarah. Still, thats just MY guess, and yeah, Rick, yours is as good as mine.Jim


      • 666

        "Hope deceives more men than cunning can."MARQUIS DE VAUVENARGUES

        "Hope is not a strategy." Sarah Palin

        @ 8:25 mark
        20 The Ring of Power: Present Past part 20 of 29 - YouTube

        666 - Rhythm takes control (Noemi Remix) - YouTube



        • Updates

          While many are not ready, willing, or able to deal with the reality of
          demonic possession; some might be able to handle these updates:

          Excerpt from Fulford:

          Ben Fulford: A March 31st deadline has been delivered to the committee of 300 by the gnostic “illuminati” faction
          Posted on February 20, 2012


          In the US, as well change continues under the surface. The pentagon has already decided that a major purge of Khazarian Satanist influence and control of corporations, banks and professional organizations will take place. Among the organizations expected to experience high profile arrests are the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association, the Psychiatric and Psychology Associations, the Bar Association, the chambers of commerce and of course the Washington D.C. Beltway.

          Particular attention is going to be directed at the Pharmaceutical and chemical companies as well as satanic corporations like Microsoft and Monsanto, according to the Pentagon sources.

          Rahm Emmanuel, Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, J. Rockefeller, the Bushes and the various “Neocons,” are also due for arrest, according to multiple sources. The proof of these claims of course, can only be made if these promised arrests actually take place. Until then skepticism remains the order of the day.

          From the White Hats:

          February 20, 2012 - White Hats Report #36
          From The House Of Lords - The Shot Heard Round The World


          We know there are no Patriots in Washington D.C., and if by some chance there is one, they have not come forward and they have not been found. We are talking John Wayne types that have broad shoulders and a swagger in their walk ... someone that commands respect for the truth they speak ... someone that dares another man to knock the chip off of their shoulder … just before they place a piece of lead in the offender for reasons of Treason. Our leadership has no guts, no swagger. They are fading away waiting for someone else to do the job. No Guts. No Honor. No Leadership … just puppets manipulated by the greatest puppeteer. This is quite an indictment of what our system and the people in it have become ... no longer the leaders of the free world … with a swagger.

          The main stream media is yet another perfect example of this. We have met with most of the major print media in America and have dealt with senior editors, owners and their attorneys while laying out everything that we have regarding the demise of our Country. They refuse to even consider printing the story due to “what will be done to them”. We understand. When Obama roared in the Oval office while beating his chest, he loudly announced for all to hear, “I OWN THE MEDIA … SCREW THE WHITE HATS.” The media knows it and has hung its respective heads in shame, as they have given up the fight for freedom of the press, a right of all free people.

          Documentation on The White Hats blog:

          Al Hodges File (VIEW DOCS)
          Ed Falcone File (VIEW DOCS)
          The Tropos File (VIEW DOCS)
          The Wanta Files (VIEW DOCS)
          Obama Birth Certificate File


          • Background connections

            Especially pertinent to the updates above, giving greater depth and history is an unusual book by Gordon Allen; revealing some of the dubious history of the occult warfare for global control. Tesla had to deal with this:

            Enigma Fantastique by: Allen, W. Gordon

            Thoughts, findings, & photos of UFOs. Biographical sketches of the life of Dr. Rudolf Steiner and of the life of Nikola Tesla. Both men born centuries before their time. Chapter headings include: Prometheus at the Springs; In the Den of Giants; Was Tesla a Mystic?; Spiritual Exercises of Nikola Tesla; Seek First the Spirit; The Inquisitions, Engineered for Complete Bodily & Spiritual Control; Malta - Entrance to the Cavern World; Background of the Ecclesiastic Psychosis; Directed Opinion Control Replaces Inquisition; Reincarnation & Karma; Mystery School of Chartres; Keepers of the Secret; College of Prophecy; Epilog & Appendices.


            • Leo Wanta

              Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
              "money grows on trees"

              Ambassador Wanta has court documentation that he is owed $7.2 trillion dollars, private capital designated for one purpose, rebuilding the American economy.

              The money was garnered through exploiting insane errors in the pricing of currencies and exploiting the economic policies of the former Soviet Union. Some of the profits had ended up in the Bank of China and were, according to legal agreement, repatriated to the United States, what remained anyway.

              Reagan assigned Wanta to a project to raise huge amounts of money trading currency. Some of this is on the internet and much of it is correct. The total amount raised, based on collateral supplied by the US Department of Treasury in a secret intelligence operation was 27 trillion USD.

              Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America | Veterans Today
              Has anyone looked into that? I have and it actually looks real. I don't see the govt mafia easily allowing this money to be released for these purposes as over 20 trillion has been looted over the years. This is really a profound concept.

              Personally, I can't stand Ronald Reagan and his trickle down economics brainwashing has damaged this country in a big way. But if he really did set this up, I would have to say it is the best thing any president has done since Kennedy attempting to go to real govt printed money.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • Hey guys I am a full time student, unemployed atm and I just gave my last donation to RP's current moneybomb. You can spare 20+ bucks too!

                Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website

                We have raised 1.7 of a goal of 2 million. Almost there. Go donate for your kids, grandkids, and their kids!
                Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                  Has anyone looked into [the Leo Wanta story]? I have and it actually looks real. I don't see the govt mafia easily allowing this money to be released for these purposes as over 20 trillion has been looted over the years. This is really a profound concept.

                  Personally, I can't stand Ronald Reagan and his trickle down economics brainwashing has damaged this country in a big way. But if he really did set this up, I would have to say it is the best thing any president has done since Kennedy attempting to go to real govt printed money.
                  Hi Aaron,

                  Yes, I thoroughly checked this out in October of 2009, and posted info in this thread which can be found in post #25. Included there are links to a two part audio interview with Leo Wanta telling the story himself.

                  The Leo Wanta story is so interesting that I think it bears repeating some of the information I posted before, so here it is:

                  The Leo Wanta story is no doubt one of the most amazing pieces of information that has ever been told. Basically, what it amounts to is that Leo Wanta is the trustor of accounts totaling more than 27 trillion dollars and belonging to the people of the United States. In contrast, our total national debt is currently about 12 trillion dollars [that was in October 2009, and the debt is now over 16 trillion]. U.S. National Debt Clock
                  What's more, the story about Leo Wanta is not just a story. It is fact. President Reagan authorized Leo Wanta as the guardian of these funds, and Federal Judge Gerald Bruce Lee upheld Wanta's role as trustor in a April 15, 2003 ruling which also directed that Wanta has the authority to go after and secure these funds and return them to the Treasury of the United States. Wanta realizes that any attempt to do this would be thwarted by the Federal Reserve, and will not attempt to return the money to the Treasury until the Federal Reserve is disempowered, which can only happen by abolishment, in which case monetary control would be returned to the Congress and Treasury. Certainly we would also need to kick all Federal Reserve placements, such as Geithner, out of the Treasury department.

                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                    Rick, has any one been talking about Ron P's recent success? I may be in oz but i know that he is kicking ass

                    Hi Ash,

                    Yes, I have made several posts concerning Ron's success at gaining enthusiastic support and delegates to state conventions, as well as pointing out the roadblocks that have been rolled out against Ron by the establishment politicians and media. So far, my home state of Maine has been the most supportive of all the states having had contests. While the Republican party bosses claimed that Romney had beat out Ron by a small margin, those who attended caucus meetings saw that support was actually running around 2 to 1 in favor of Dr Paul. So, while the party bosses got the final say in the straw poll "Presidential Preference" results, Ron actually cleaned house here in Maine in a big way by winning the lion's share of Maine state delegates who will attend the Maine State Convention in May. In the states which Santorum was said to have "won" recently, Ron was also the real big winner in the number of delegates racked up.

                    See posts 2584 and 2610 for more info.

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • So Rick,

                      In Maine, there is a STATE convention, first, presumably to pick delegates to go to the NATIONAL convention? I wasn't aware that was how it worked. Is it the same in each state, or does each state have its own system, for selelcting delegates to the National convention?

                      I'm afraid I am not nearly as knowledgeable as I wish I was, about the whole delegate selection process. I think I am not alone in this ignorance, and the 'party elites' have taken advantage of this ignorance, for far too long.

                      Beginning to see how McCain ended up the nominee last time. Kind of like there are still people in 'smoke filled rooms' who are picking the nominees, while allowing us to think we have a say. Course, thats primarily what Democracy seems to be about; creating the illusion of participation, just as "the American dream" of home 'ownership' was/is just an illusion. jim


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        Course, thats primarily what Democracy seems to be about; creating the illusion of participation, just as "the American dream" of home 'ownership' was/is just an illusion. jim
                        @3:00 mark
                        If you're willing to put in the work
                        the idea is that you should be able to raise a family and own a home
                        not go bankrupt because you got sick
                        because you've got some health insurance that helps you deal with those difficult times
                        that you can send your kids to college
                        that you can put some money away for retirement
                        Obama Sells His Plan In Cedar Rapids, Iowa - YouTube



                        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                          In Maine, there is a STATE convention, first, presumably to pick delegates to go to the NATIONAL convention? I wasn't aware that was how it worked. Is it the same in each state, or does each state have its own system, for selelcting delegates to the National convention?
                          Yes, the Maine State Republican Convention will be held May 5th and 6th. To become a delegate to the state convention, one had to attend a caucus meeting for their municipality, and then be elected as a delegate to represent their municipality at the state convention. It will be at the state convention that 24 delegates will be chosen from this group to represent Maine at the National Republican Convention. It appears to be nearly a certainty that all 24 who are elected will be Ron Paul supporters, since RP supporters will have a clear majority at the state convention. As I mentioned earlier, the "Presidential Preference" vote taken at the various Maine caucus meetings was just a straw poll and had nothing whatever to do with the process of selecting delegates. Ron Paul supporters were better educated on the delegate process than supporters of Ron's competitors, so reaped the lion's share. What many people don't understand is that the mainstream media's reported delegate counts for each candidate are mainly based upon speculation drawn from the outcome of straw polls. Take for example the Republican National Convention report issued February 6th, which stated that Romney had 73 delegates, Gingrich had 29, Paul had 8 and Santorum had 3. It's a joke, of course, and has nothing to do with reality, but they know that people get sucked into believing this crap and that some will switch their support to the candidate said to be most likely to win.

                          Each state is allowed to choose its own method of selecting delegates. In Iowa, for example, caucus-goers elect delegates to county conventions, who in turn elect delegates to district and state conventions where Iowa's national convention delegates are selected. And even though Iowa is the first state to hold its caucuses, Iowa is in fact one of the very last states to choose its delegates, so no one actually knows the actual outcome there yet. I suspect that the outcome will be much like what happened here in Maine, and in other non-primary states, and that Ron Paul will secure the majority of delegates.
                          Last edited by rickoff; 02-21-2012, 09:21 PM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • CNN Poll

                            In a mid February CNN poll asking which GOP candidate is the best friend to the middle class, guess who came out on top? Right, it was Ron Paul with 52% to Santorum's 46%. Romney placed dead last with 23%, behind even Gingrich and Obama. Makes you wonder how Romney could possibly "win" a popularity straw poll vote or primary, doesn't it?
                            Last edited by rickoff; 02-23-2012, 05:35 AM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                              I agree a strong constitutionalist would be better unfortunately I feel Santorum doesn't have the support to win. When it comes time for our turn to pull the lever he will be my choice....
                              Hmmm, are you saying that you believe Santorum is a strong constitutional conservative candidate, and would vote for him based on that belief? He does talk the talk, but does he walk the walk? His voting record in Congress says no.

                              During his time in the Senate, Santorum voted to:
                              *** Approve the unconstitutional Patriot Act, and its reauthorization
                              *** Give millions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood;
                              *** Raise the debt ceiling five times;
                              *** DOUBLE the size of the Department of Education through the budget-busting and unconstitutional "No Child Left Behind" bill;
                              *** Start a brand new, unfunded entitlement, Medicare Part D, the largest expansion of entitlement spending since President Lyndon Johnson - creating $16 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities;
                              *** Stand with senators like Barbara Boxer and Frank Lautenberg to pass massive new federal gun control schemes and regulations;
                              *** Keep workers under Big Labor's thumb by voting against a National Right to Work law;
                              *** Send $25 million in taxpayer dollars to North Korea;
                              *** Pass Sarbanes-Oxley, which imposed dramatic new job-killing accounting regulations on businesses.
                              *** Exempt IRS union representatives from criminal ethics laws.
                              *** Go against creating independent Board of Governors to investigate IRS abuses.
                              *** Approve Sonia Sotomayor appointment as Circuit Judge.
                              *** Make it illegal to sell a gun without a secure storage or safety device.
                              *** Make Medicare part B premium subsidies a new entitlement.

                              Santorum also made these votes:

                              *** Voted against paying off the national debt ($5.6 trillion at the time) within 30 years.
                              *** Voted to give $18 billion to the IMF.
                              *** Voted to raid Social Security instead of using surpluses to pay down the debt.
                              *** Voted against transferring $20 million from Americorps to veterans.
                              *** Voted to allow Market Access Program funds to go to foreign companies.
                              *** Voted to increase taxes by$2.3 billion to pay for an Amtrak trust fund.

                              *** Voted twice for Internet taxes.
                              *** Voted to allow gas tax revenues to be used to subsidize Amtrak.
                              *** Voted to strike marriage penalty tax relief
                              *** Voted to allow illegal immigrants to receive the earned income credit before becoming citizens
                              *** Voted twice for a Congressional pay raise.
                              *** Voted to impose a uniform Federal mandate on states to force them to allow convicted rapists, arsonists, drug kingpins, and all other ex-convicts to vote in Federal elections.
                              *** Voted for Federal funding for anti-gun education programs in schools.
                              *** Voted for a Schumer amendment to make the debts of pro-life demonstrators not dischargable in bankruptcy.
                              *** Voted against repealing the Clinton 4.3 cent gas tax increase.
                              *** Voted against requiring Congressional authorization for military action in Bosnia.
                              *** Voted to increase spending for the Department of Education by $3.1 billion.
                              *** Voted against a 10% cut in the budget for National Endowment for the Arts.

                              *** Voted for taxpayer funding of the National Endowment for the Arts. And yes, this is the same NEA that became infamous for their funding of a "visual arts" competition in which "artist" Andres Serrano won first prize for his entry, "Piss Christ," which was a photograph of a crucifix submerged in a container of what Serrano said was his own urine. Serrano received $15,000 from the NEA for this. That was 1987, and it makes one wonder why the NEA is still around. Probably because of folks like Rick Santorum who vote to fund it and keep it going.

                              Santorum is also the "Lobbyists' Best Friend".
                              He was rated #1 in Lobbyist Cash for 2006
                              Open Secrets:

                              Rick Santorum: Top-tier on Most Corrupt Member of Congress list 2 years running

                              "In January 2011, Senator Santorum was asked if he would have signed the 2012 NDAA if he were President. Acknowledging that the legislation granted the President the right to arrest and detain US citizens, Senator Santorum then stated that indeed he would have signed the legislation.."

                              I would have to say that Santorum's horrendous record only indicates that if elected President he would promote and encourage more of the same out of control, unconstitutional, and fiscally irresponsible big government agenda which he supported while in Congress, and we simply can't afford that any more than we can afford 4 more years of Obama.
                              Last edited by rickoff; 02-22-2012, 02:56 AM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Is santorum a natural lubricant?

                                Yes, because you use your own saliva and sweat without buying anything.



