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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by clueless View Post
    is a false flag, red herring,smokescreen to cover up what really happened. I think the fact that the BC is so obviously a fraud should give pause for reflection. What if he was born in Hawaii and the document was purposelly altered to appear fake?
    What purpose would that serve? Well for one it will discredit all birthers on the face of it. No I think the more serious issues lie in his school records in Indonesia (was he a citizen) and his fradulent use of SSNs from 1980-1986.
    If you discredit the birthers then subsequent information on whether he was an Indonesian citizen and the SSN brought out will be viewed in that negative light and discredited.
    Anyway that is where my mind is on that now.
    Hi Clueless
    I honestly dont think it is a smokescreen. The fact that Komrad Obama should not have been allowed to run for president in the first place is a legitamate argument which should have been adressed in 2008. Unfortunately the mainstream media is controled by the socialist/marxists in Washington. That being said I also think that nothing will be done about it until he is out of office.

    So I guess instead of a smokescreen I would call the issue a diversion or distraction from the main goal which is to get Komard Obama out of office at ANY cost!
    Smile it doesn't hurt!

    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


    • Rail guns

      are not what I'm referring to. My understanding is those work from plasmas and requires tons of dollars and weighs about as much. Nothing about it suggests personal.

      Originally posted by minoly
      you mean something like this:
      Video: US Navy tests 'game-changing' supersonic electromagnetic rail gun - Telegraph

      how would you use this to create energy?


      • Comment

        • Originally posted by barbosi View Post




          • Clueless

            I THINK I can decipher the 'clues' in your post, and understand what you are asking for. I should think thorough searching on the I-net would turn something up, (remember you can get very different results, by using different search terms). I should also think you could find SOMETHING, by doing a patent search; you are certainly not the first person to think of such a device, (if I'm understanding you correctly). I believe I've even seen several different movies, where such devices were presented via Hollywood.

            I suspect you just have to devote more time to looking, if you want to know what the 'prior' art is. I DO recall something about (electo) magnetism and aluminum. Can't recall the details, however. It caught my eye because i THOUGHT aluminum wasn't 'magnetic', and whatever i read indicated that in fact, with a high magnetic field, it CAN 'respond' to magnetism. Sorry don't have the link, and can't recall any more.

            Anyway, as i said, IF I am understanding what your looking for, your not the first to think of it, and I'm sure a THOROUGH search will turn up any 'prior' art, and give you a starting point. And good luck, I'm sure its 'do-able', and something you could do without it weighing a million pounds, or costing a million $! Oh, and Al; theres creating alternative energy, and then there's 'securing' it. I SUSPECT this inquiry has more to do with the latter. Jim


            • Originally posted by minoly
              I’m more interested in who is the money and power behind President Obama.
              Who is the money and power behind Rick Santorum
              Who is the money and power behind Mitt Romney
              Who make up the American Ruling Class.
              Etc, etc….
              That's already been uncovered here.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
                I have two considerations for you...

                Obviously the crooked people in high places wouldn't trust themselves to do it. Perhaps the person that they "hired" had some ethical issue behind it and left it in layers on purpose in an attempt to alert the general public If that is the case... good luck to the poor lad who was conned into faking it.

                Second perhaps they sip on their cup of tea laughing at the FACT that even though it is fake, and people know it, American's have no idea how to do anything about it. They could have such control over the system that they don't even care anymore. I mean, look at how sloppy the election fraud is getting.
                I'd say your observations are spot on. There are numerous proofs that the document was faked, and perhaps the most blatant example is the smiley face that appears on the letter A of the registrar's signature "stamp." And of course they are sitting back and laughing their butts off over this. I knew it was fake the moment I saw it flashed on TV on the day that Barry released it, because the fakery was so blatantly obvious. Anyone who has eyes to see, and is willing to see, would know it is fake, but millions believe it to be genuine based merely upon Barry and the media's say so. When people are that gullible, you can safely bet that some people are having quite a laugh over that gullibility, and that those who are laughing are the perpetrators and benefactors of the scam.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
                  Hey Rick...

                  Sarah Palin won't say who she voted for - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

                  I dunno, that sounds like she knows/confessed that "there is a plan currently out of [her] control."

                  I'm interested to see what happens at this convention.
                  Yes, Palin isn't going to rule it out, and neither will she admit this is all planned. Like she says, she will be there at the convention, and like I said earlier, I believe she will swoop in to "save the day" by becoming the convention darling and overwhelming delegate choice.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • More on the missing archives

                    Regarding the international incoming flight and passenger records which sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse found missing from the National Archives, here is what the Posse report stated:

                    The hunt for airline passenger flight manifests for 1961 for foreign flights landing in Honolulu was an attempt to see if Obama’s mother returned at that time. “The idea was that if Barack Obama had been born in Kenya, or any other location outside the United States, there should be a passenger record of the airline flight on which she, a new mother, returned to Hawaii with her newly born infant son.” the report said.

                    But, the report continues, “to date, investigators have not been able to locate the relevant airline passenger flight manifests for 1961. Microfilm records of INS cards for passengers arriving in Honolulu on foreign flights originating around the Pacific rim in 1961 have been examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Remarkably, all INS records for the week of Obama’s birth, Aug. 1 – Aug. 7, 1961, were missing from the end of Reel 184 and were not discovered anywhere on Reel 185, or any other microfilm reel in the record group. The National Archives confirmed in a letter written on National Archives stationary that the INS records for foreign flights arriving in Hawaii during the week of Obama’s birth were missing, not only on the microfilm reels examined, but also in the primary database itself,” the report said.

                    The very fact that the only missing records are from the week of Barry's reported birth date of August 4th would certainly be well beyond mere coincidence, and the fact that the records are missing from both the microfilm and the primary database point to a deliberate act of record theft and deletion.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • With so little having been reported by mainstream media regarding Arpaio's Cold Case Posse investigation and report, and with anything reported being trivialized and slanted against Arpaio rather than to expose Barry's lies, it seems a twist of irony that Russian news, once thought of as a state controlled propaganda machine, would be the first major international news source to give the story fair reporting.
                      Read it here, and note that this is a 4-page story.

                      I think it is pitiful when one has to resort to reading or viewing foreign news reports to discover truthful reporting. Would you not agree?
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        With so little having been reported by mainstream media regarding Arpaio's Cold Case Posse investigation and report, and with anything reported being trivialized and slanted against Arpaio rather than to expose Barry's lies, it seems a twist of irony that Russian news, once thought of as a state controlled propaganda machine, would be the first major international news source to give the story fair reporting.
                        Read it here, and note that this is a 4-page story.

                        I think it is pitiful when one has to resort to reading or viewing foreign news reports to discover truthful reporting. Would you not agree?
                        Hi Rick
                        It doesn't surprise me one bit. The media in this country is no more than minions of the socialist elite. That is why I get my reliable news from


                        they are always reliable, truthful and on time even more so than Fox.
                        Regardless I think Sheriff Arpaio should put out a warrent for Komrad obama, charges would be impersonating a president and social terroism.
                        Smile it doesn't hurt!

                        Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                        • Unbelievable, but true!

                          A young Michigan woman, after winning a $1 million lottery, was found by an investigative reporter to be using a welfare debit card to purchase food at a local market! When asked by the reporter if she really thought this was an okay thing to do, she responded, “I feel that it’s OK because, I mean, I have no income and I have bills to pay,” she said. “I have two houses. It’s just hard, you know. I’m struggling,” she added.

                          "No income,' huh? "Struggling?"

                          The sad thing about this story is that this woman is typical of the mindset that believes it is just fine to let others pick up the tab for her support even though she has more than enough resources to support herself. For her, and a great many others, it is not even a question of morality. She simply feels she is somehow entitled to receive and use these benefits. I guess we could say that perhaps it's not her fault that she has this mindset, and that she probably comes from a family that has been on welfare for generations and doesn't know any other way of living. In any case, wouldn't you think that anyone living on welfare and then winning the lottery would be thinking or saying, "Thank goodness I now have the resources to make something of my life, and don't need to rely on welfare any more."
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • OB Stickers:

                            zero jobs bumper sticker obama - Google Search
                            Last edited by aljhoa; 03-11-2012, 05:47 PM.


                            • Voter ID

                              I just read that Komad Obama and Kommisar Holder just stopped a Texas law which would require voters to show ID. Even though the State of Texas already voted for and approved the law.
                              Here in Pennsylvania we are getting ready to do the same. Our Senate already approved the law, our house is expected to pass the same and our Govenor is looking forward to signing it. Additionally all the marixist (I mean Democrats) were on the local news and talk radio stations trying to tell us how bad it is that we would have to show ID to vote.

                              What are the democrats trying trying to hide cover up or prevent???? My wild guess is that the law will provent ILLEGAL aliens from voting. It will also prevent voter fraud. Gee this law is a bad idea NOT!
                              Smile it doesn't hurt!

                              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                              • Pretty sure,...

                                We (In Arizona) still HAVE such a law. Voters MUST show 2 forms (I THINK it is) of I.D. in order to vote.If they don't have a drivers license, they can get a state issued I.D., Its issued by the DMV, has their picture on it, etc. Its what people who can't/don't get, so they can cash checks, etc. If they can't afford the fee for the I.D., they can get it for free, I think.

                                If a voter shows up at the polls, and they don't have 'adequate' I.D., or if there is any OTHER question, (such as they insist they are at the 'right' polling place, and ARE registerd,but their name isn't on the list of registered voters) they fill out a "Provisional" ballot, and ARE allowed to vote. Then, election officials go over all such Provisional voters, and compare the signature on the ballot with the signature on the registration, etc. and attempt to resolve any questions regarding whether the person WAS legally entitled to vote. If so, their vote is counted, and any voter who used a provisional ballot is supposed to be able to check, within 10 days, to detirmine whether their vote WAS counted.

                                Of all the LAME arguments that Dems make, this argument against insuring that voters are who they say they are is perhaps the LAMEST. Their argument seems to be it will "Disenfranchise voters"; especially the poor. A 'poor' person has to have I.D. to get and use their food stamps, cash their welfare check, etc. How can you even FUNCTION in this society, without an I.D.? In this state, if an officer requests, you are required by law to show them a legal I.D., whether you are driving a car, or not. Its a $180 fine if you don't. So, how in the world is it an 'undue burden' or 'disenfranchising voters' to require them to prove who they are, when they vote?????

                                And how else are we to prevent people from voting numerous times, and voting as dead people who are still on the registration lists? I STILL think the purple ink, like they use in some countries, is a good idea.

                                So, Dems are running a CANDIDATE who's not legally qualified, and want VOTERS who are not legally qualified to be able to vote for him. At least they get 'points' for consistency! Jim

