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The American Ruling Class

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  • Obama impeachment bill now in Congress - YouTube

    The full wording of H. Con. Res. 107, which is currently referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, is as follows:

    Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a president without prior and clear authorization of an act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

    Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a president without prior and clear authorization of an act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under Article I, Section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

    Obama impeachment bill now in Congress



    • Yeah, Al

      That won't go anywhere. Presidents,for years,have 'gone to war'without getting a vote from Congress. This gets into the whole 'War Powers act' debate, and is another 'inside the beltway' diversion.Sure,its a major point RP has been trying to make; that before we,as a nation, go to war,the issue should be debated,thoroughly,before Congress,as representatives of the people.
      This is simply one of a series of ways in which,over time,'WE' have gotten away from the Constitution.The overuse/misapplication of the "Commerce Clause" is another.
      We are NOT a "Nation of Laws"; haven't been for some time. Rick would say this is the way the "American Ruling Class" rules; by subverting the Constitution. I say its "Human Nature", but in any case its true;its the "Golden Rule"; Them that has the Gold ($, 'power' etc.)makes the rules,and/or finds ways to get around the rules,in order to accomplish whatever they want to accomplish.
      Anyway,you can bet BOwon't be impeached,on this basis,or (more thaan likely,any other. So,its just 'redmeat' being thrown to'us' to mollify us;it doesn't MEAN anything. Jim


      • Az, voter I.D. Law still in effect

        We're having municipal elections, today. So, I stopped by my local polling place to check ( I usually vote by mail). The Az. voter I.D. law is still being enforced. A voter must provide "1 form of I.D from list A, or 2 from list B.
        List A is an Az. Drivers license of state issued I.d card, (available from the DMV) or a tribal I.D. card, or a municipal, state or federal I.D. card.
        List B is long, so I won't detail it here, (you can probably find the Law, online) but it includes a current/recent utility bill, in the persons name, several pieces of delivered mail, addressed to the individual, etc.

        This law was passed, PRIOR to Holder and BO getting in office, I BELIEVE it survived a court challenge at the time. So, it SHOULD be possible to do it elsewhere.

        Oh, if the voter is unable to provide appropriate ID, they are STILL 'allowed' to vote, but they get a "Provisional" ballot, instead of a regular one. They can go ahead and vote, and then have 5 days to go to election officials, and provide sufficient ID to prove they are who they say they are, and have their vote 'counted'.

        If Az. didn't already HAVE this law, and tried to enact it, I'm sure Holders Hustice dept. would try to block its implementation. Nuff said? Jim


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          We're having municipal elections, today. So, I stopped by my local polling place to check ( I usually vote by mail). The Az. voter I.D. law is still being enforced. A voter must provide "1 form of I.D from list A, or 2 from list B.
          List A is an Az. Drivers license of state issued I.d card, (available from the DMV) or a tribal I.D. card, or a municipal, state or federal I.D. card.
          List B is long, so I won't detail it here, (you can probably find the Law, online) but it includes a current/recent utility bill, in the persons name, several pieces of delivered mail, addressed to the individual, etc.

          This law was passed, PRIOR to Holder and BO getting in office, I BELIEVE it survived a court challenge at the time. So, it SHOULD be possible to do it elsewhere.

          Oh, if the voter is unable to provide appropriate ID, they are STILL 'allowed' to vote, but they get a "Provisional" ballot, instead of a regular one. They can go ahead and vote, and then have 5 days to go to election officials, and provide sufficient ID to prove they are who they say they are, and have their vote 'counted'.

          If Az. didn't already HAVE this law, and tried to enact it, I'm sure Holders Hustice dept. would try to block its implementation. Nuff said? Jim
          Hi Jim
          There is only one group of people I distrust more than democrats and that is the thugs in the powder blue helmuts and here they come

          UN Rights Council Delves Into US Voter I.D. Laws | Fox News

          It seems the NAACP has asked the UN to intervene in state law. This is wrong on so many levels I don't know where to begin.
          I promise the malitias will never accept for this.
          Smile it doesn't hurt!

          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


          • Voter ID Bill In Pennsylvania

            This just in

            Pennsylvania House Passes Voter ID Bill

            We are one step closer to requiring everyone to show ID when they vote in the Commonwealth.

            Message to the powder blue helmuts of the UN...BRING IT ON!

            Last edited by Bizzy; 03-14-2012, 08:23 PM.
            Smile it doesn't hurt!

            Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


            • Yeah, Bizzy

              Bizzy; If you know anything about Az. politics, you should know the 'powder blue helmets' of the UN will have trouble here, as well.
              Well, I feel like "One out of 2 ain't bad; with Santorum winning the 2 states in the south, even AP is showing the delegate count with Santorum within 100 delegates of Romoney.
              Yeah, I KNOW the delegate count is all a sham, etc. and I'm still rooting for RP. But I don't know how the talking heads can continue to talk about 'inevitability' of Romoney, and how "The #'s bear this out" in light of the recent votes. Coarse, if they can look the American People in the Eye, and say the things they've said about Fukishima, etc I suppose They CAN say anything.
              But saying its one thing, getting anyone to believe it is something else. I'm sure hoping that Massachusettes Liberal rich a**hole is going DOWN! Guess you all already know, I DON'T like Romoney!

              As for the UN, (interesting that the initials ARE "UN" as in,...UN american, Un,..fill in the blanks,...) Komrad Obama and Holder would LOVE to have us beholden to the UN, but I don't THINK its gonna happen. Nottill they pry it from my cold, dead fingers, anyway. Jim


              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                Bizzy; If you know anything about Az. politics, you should know the 'powder blue helmets' of the UN will have trouble here, as well.
                Well, I feel like "One out of 2 ain't bad; with Santorum winning the 2 states in the south, even AP is showing the delegate count with Santorum within 100 delegates of Romoney.
                Yeah, I KNOW the delegate count is all a sham, etc. and I'm still rooting for RP. But I don't know how the talking heads can continue to talk about 'inevitability' of Romoney, and how "The #'s bear this out" in light of the recent votes. Coarse, if they can look the American People in the Eye, and say the things they've said about Fukishima, etc I suppose They CAN say anything.
                But saying its one thing, getting anyone to believe it is something else. I'm sure hoping that Massachusettes Liberal rich a**hole is going DOWN! Guess you all already know, I DON'T like Romoney!

                As for the UN, (interesting that the initials ARE "UN" as in,...UN american, Un,..fill in the blanks,...) Komrad Obama and Holder would LOVE to have us beholden to the UN, but I don't THINK its gonna happen. Nottill they pry it from my cold, dead fingers, anyway. Jim
                Hi Jim
                As a matter of fact I do know the "patriots" from Arizona. And I know they would stand up to the powder blue helmuts as well.
                Putting the UN together with the democrats is like giving a gun to a drunk teenager. It is just wrong and MUST be stopped.

                I heard last night. I mind you these are just rumors so I don't know how true it is but the person I heard this from has always been reliable and not prone to gossip.... We heard that the UN will be sending "observers" into states, which have this law in effect by the election.
                Smile it doesn't hurt!

                Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                • presents: Jacob Sutton's L.E.D. Surfer - YouTube

                  Smart Dog Cover Himself With A Blanket - YouTube



                  • Fight Obamacare

                    Dear Freedom Fighter,
                    Later on this month, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality of several parts of the President's wildly unpopular health care package. While the President and his allies managed to force this health care package on the American people two years ago, now we have a chance to get it overturned with your help.
                    Americans for Prosperity has been a leader on the issue of healthcare reform since 2008. We're working to show how the individual mandate is unconstitutional, and we believe the entire health care law must be struck down.
                    That's why we're making sure all of Washington knows we oppose the unconstitional affront to our health care freedoms. On March 27, we're going to hold a rally opposing the health care bill, and present the Supreme Court with a statement, signed by thousands of patriotic Americans, asking the court to strike down this unconstitional bill. We need your help to send a message to Washington.
                    Will you sign our statement, asking the Court to strike down this unconstitional threat to our health care freedoms?
                    Please make your voice heard today, and remind Washington that the President's health care law is both unconstitional and a threat to our freedom.
                    For liberty,
                    Tim Phillips
                    President, Americans for Prosperity
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      Dear Freedom Fighter,
                      Later on this month, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality of several parts of the President's wildly unpopular health care package. While the President and his allies managed to force this health care package on the American people two years ago, now we have a chance to get it overturned with your help.
                      Americans for Prosperity has been a leader on the issue of healthcare reform since 2008. We're working to show how the individual mandate is unconstitutional, and we believe the entire health care law must be struck down.
                      That's why we're making sure all of Washington knows we oppose the unconstitional affront to our health care freedoms. On March 27, we're going to hold a rally opposing the health care bill, and present the Supreme Court with a statement, signed by thousands of patriotic Americans, asking the court to strike down this unconstitional bill. We need your help to send a message to Washington.
                      Will you sign our statement, asking the Court to strike down this unconstitional threat to our health care freedoms?
                      Please make your voice heard today, and remind Washington that the President's health care law is both unconstitional and a threat to our freedom.
                      For liberty,
                      Tim Phillips
                      President, Americans for Prosperity
                      Hi Aaron
                      My wife and I both signed the statement.
                      thanks for sharing this.
                      Smile it doesn't hurt!

                      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                      • Unfortunately,

                        The 'Supreme Court' doesn't CARE what you or I think is unconstitutional. They view it that its THEIR job, to detirmine if something is Constitutional; and thats pretty much the WHOLE of their job. So, while I don't think it will hurt anything, I don't think this petition will effect the outcome, one way or another.
                        I will say, I can't see HOW they could rule that the individual mandate is Constitutional, or how anyone could think that they WOULD so rule. If they do, I will just 'give up' entirely, and succeed from the US. Declare "Individual Soveriegnity", or whatever.
                        After all, whats next? You must own a car, because otherwise everyones taxes go to paying for mass transit? etc. etc. etc. Its the "Commerce Clause gone crazy.
                        The Supremes also need to take another look at "States Rights", which they will be doing this session, when they look at Az.'s SB1070. The 2 decisions, both this term, will tell us if there is any possibility of turning back the clock.

                        How could they agree with the justification for the mandate, and at the same time dismiss Az.'s argument that the US Gov't failure to enforce Fed. immigration law is costing the State, and so the State has the right to step in and do what the Fed is failing to do? Yeah, I know,...they can do whatever they want.

                        That these 2 cases should be coming up at this time, just one more factor, making this year "Interesting times"! Jim


                        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                          The 'Supreme Court' doesn't CARE what you or I think is unconstitutional. They view it that its THEIR job, to detirmine if something is Constitutional; and thats pretty much the WHOLE of their job. So, while I don't think it will hurt anything, I don't think this petition will effect the outcome, one way or another.
                          I will say, I can't see HOW they could rule that the individual mandate is Constitutional, or how anyone could think that they WOULD so rule. If they do, I will just 'give up' entirely, and succeed from the US. Declare "Individual Soveriegnity", or whatever.
                          After all, whats next? You must own a car, because otherwise everyones taxes go to paying for mass transit? etc. etc. etc. Its the "Commerce Clause gone crazy.
                          The Supremes also need to take another look at "States Rights", which they will be doing this session, when they look at Az.'s SB1070. The 2 decisions, both this term, will tell us if there is any possibility of turning back the clock.

                          How could they agree with the justification for the mandate, and at the same time dismiss Az.'s argument that the US Gov't failure to enforce Fed. immigration law is costing the State, and so the State has the right to step in and do what the Fed is failing to do? Yeah, I know,...they can do whatever they want.

                          That these 2 cases should be coming up at this time, just one more factor, making this year "Interesting times"! Jim
                          Hi Jim
                          Unfortunately you are correct they don't care what we think, but we will still make our voices heard.
                          We will use either bullets or ballets it is just a matter of using the proper vowel for the job

                          By the way where is Rick?

                          We haven't heard any news of the powder blue helmuts making a beach head in Maine.
                          Last edited by Bizzy; 03-16-2012, 08:12 PM.
                          Smile it doesn't hurt!

                          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                          • Sri Lanka's Killing Fields
                            By James Walton
                            7:00AM GMT 15 Mar 2012

                            Faced with the resulting global outrage, the Sri Lankan government promised a full inquiry. So, has it now admitted the truth?

                            The answer, you might not be startled to hear, is no. An official report has acknowledged for the first time that civilians died — but not that this was in any way the government’s fault.

                            Sri Lanka's Killing Fields: War Crimes Unpunished, Channel 4, review - Telegraph



                            • Monsanto's Roundup
                              March 12, 2012
                              by: Anthony Gucciardi

                              A shocking new report reveals how Monsanto's Roundup is actually threatening the crop-yielding potential of the entire biosphere.

                              Microorganisms are responsible for much more than just the health content of raw and fermented foods. The most numerous inhabitants in the web of life, microorganisms participate quite literally "at the root" of the nitrogen, phosphate, oxygen and carbon cycles, and are therefore indispensable for the health of the entire biosphere.

                              As Roundup usage threatens these soil microrganisms, including fungi and the mycellium (technically the largest organism in the world), it could lead to devastating implications. Compromising the health of the mycellium, in particular, may cause serious harm to the planet.

                              Amazingly, even when diluted by 99.8 percent (450-fold lower dilutions than used in agricultural applications), Roundup still exhibits serious genotoxic characteristics and is harmful to the integrity of human DNA.

                              The research is clear: Roundup is not only harming human health and damaging farmland, it is threatening the very biosphere itself by destroying microbial biodiversity, with the future agricultural stability of the planet, i.e. the ability to produce food through monoculturing, at serious risk of collapsing

                              Learn more:

                              Monsanto's Roundup threatens stability of global food supply



                              • Bizzy

                                Proper vowel, I LOVE it! AND
                                Ricks probably busy working on his new property, which I gotta say, sounded damn near perfect! Jim

