Sheriff Joe Arpaio talked recently on a radio show about his investigation results, and how the mainstream media has all but totally ignored the findings.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio speaks up
Sheriff Joe has received several death threats for his involvement in the investigation of Barry O's forged birth certificate. One person, a Tennessee man described as an Obama “fanatic,” has already been identified, tried, and found guilty for posting a threat saying, "'He will be filled with 1,000 bullet holes before the year is out." Read more about this here.
The investigation turned up far more than was revealed at Sheriff Joe's early March press conference, and much of this is discussed in this video. Quite interestingly, a postman has now been interviewed and has signed an affidavit stating that he delivered mail to the home of Bill Ayers' parents, and that Mary Ayers had told him that she was helping a foreign student from Indonesia to get through college. The postman later met that student at the Ayers home, and it was Barry. That was 1989, and the postman remembered Barry matter of factly stating, "I'm going to be President of the United States." This would have been at the time that Barry was attending Occidental College. Interesting, huh? View a video of the postman interview here.
In another note of interest regarding Barry's highly suspected Selective Service registration, sheriff Joe Arpaio has given the U.S. Selective Service Director Larry Romo 30 days to investigate and release Barry's original Selective Service form for forensic document examiners to analyze. Speaking about this, Joe said, “Failure to register or otherwise comply with the Selective Service registration process is a serious offense. The law says a person who fails to register can end up with a $250,000 fine, five years imprisonment and is ultimately prohibited from holding any job in government.” Read more here.
A further note regarding Barry's forged Selective Service registration:
Sheriff Joe said that although he has forwarded the above noted request to SS director Romo, he doesn't expect much will come from that, seeing as though Romo was appointed by Barry, and that even if Romo takes thge matter seriously and hands it over to the Department of inJustice, Holder is unlikely to pursue this with any real investigation if at all. And that is exactly the same as I see it.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio speaks up
Sheriff Joe has received several death threats for his involvement in the investigation of Barry O's forged birth certificate. One person, a Tennessee man described as an Obama “fanatic,” has already been identified, tried, and found guilty for posting a threat saying, "'He will be filled with 1,000 bullet holes before the year is out." Read more about this here.
The investigation turned up far more than was revealed at Sheriff Joe's early March press conference, and much of this is discussed in this video. Quite interestingly, a postman has now been interviewed and has signed an affidavit stating that he delivered mail to the home of Bill Ayers' parents, and that Mary Ayers had told him that she was helping a foreign student from Indonesia to get through college. The postman later met that student at the Ayers home, and it was Barry. That was 1989, and the postman remembered Barry matter of factly stating, "I'm going to be President of the United States." This would have been at the time that Barry was attending Occidental College. Interesting, huh? View a video of the postman interview here.
In another note of interest regarding Barry's highly suspected Selective Service registration, sheriff Joe Arpaio has given the U.S. Selective Service Director Larry Romo 30 days to investigate and release Barry's original Selective Service form for forensic document examiners to analyze. Speaking about this, Joe said, “Failure to register or otherwise comply with the Selective Service registration process is a serious offense. The law says a person who fails to register can end up with a $250,000 fine, five years imprisonment and is ultimately prohibited from holding any job in government.” Read more here.
A further note regarding Barry's forged Selective Service registration:
Sheriff Joe said that although he has forwarded the above noted request to SS director Romo, he doesn't expect much will come from that, seeing as though Romo was appointed by Barry, and that even if Romo takes thge matter seriously and hands it over to the Department of inJustice, Holder is unlikely to pursue this with any real investigation if at all. And that is exactly the same as I see it.