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The American Ruling Class

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  • Aaron and Cody

    Aaron; I think I MEANT to type "What a RACKET",...not "Rocket", but whatever.

    Cody; Neither the Republican nor Democratic Parties are truly 'Democratic' institutions; when you vote in a "Republican" primary, (or caucus) it is the Republican Parties caucus, not yours. The party rules, and how Delegates are apportioned, are not transperent. Its become apperent to me the party leaders want to maintain control of the process, while allowing voters to assume 'their votes count'. The process is rigged; this is one of the reason both paries have 'superdelegates'; so they can maintain control over the process.
    Render unto Caeser,that which is Caesers; its The Parties primary, not yours.

    One of the VALID arguments AmericansElect makes, is on this very issue; HOW delegates are selected,and how Nominees are selected.

    Again, watching this process unfold has been, for me, "Deja Vu, all over again"; just as I 'Learned" that our election process is not nearly as transperent and free of 'vote rigging' as I had previously assumed, I now see that the whole primary/caucus process is, if anything, even MORE rigged!



    • Komard Obama

      During Missile Defense Talk, Obama Tells Medvedev He'll Have 'more Flexibility' After Election | Fox News

      After reading this I now wonder what else Komard Obama is waiting to spring on us after the election...can anyone say martial law....can any one say confiscation of ALL private property...can anyone say elimination of the Constitution?

      Just remember Hitler was an elected offical just like Komrad Obama and no one took "Mein Kampf" seriously. All the Germans of the Weimar Republic thought Hitler was just another public leader, but history proved otherwise.. I truly hope I am wrong: I honestly hope I can come back to this forum in a year and say I was wrong about Obama, but I fear that will not be the case.
      This person we have in the White House is as dangerous as Hitler and we(as a nation) are as complacent as those in Weimar.
      God help us all.
      Last edited by Bizzy; 03-26-2012, 04:13 PM.
      Smile it doesn't hurt!

      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


      • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        This forum is NOT being shut down.

        The point of the thread was in protest of the SOPA act, which wound up not passing. But stay vigilant because they are constantly trying to pass more laws to prevent free speech.
        Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
        When the framers of the Constitution wrote the First Amendment, they lived in a society in which anyone could walk up to George Washington or John Adams or Thomas Jefferson on a public street and say directly to them whatever one wished. They never dreamed of a regal-like force of armed agents keeping public officials away from the public, as we have today. And they never imagined that it could be a felony for anyone to congregate in public within earshot or eyesight of certain government officials. And yet, today in America, it is.
        Free Speech/Protesting Is Now A Felony Punishable By Jail - YouTube

        On 16 Mar 2012 Obama signed a new Executive Order: the “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”

        Obama says he and his cabinet officials can, at any time they wish, commandeer all domestic U.S. resources, including all food and water, plus all transportation, energy, and infrastructure, and forcibly conscript American citizens into the military, or into “labor forces.”

        IN SHORT, Obama says he has absolute control over everything and everyone. Not in the future. Not if there is an "emergeny." RIGHT NOW.

        Of course, this is not new. Presidents always sign Executive Orders when they want to become absolute dictators, and eliminate the last vestiges of the US Constitution.

        Obama’s latest executive order | Wake Up From Your Slumber

        By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
        Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness | The White House



        • so here is a leading question for you guys...

          Why do you believe the second amendment was included in the Bill of Rights?

          Note: I am going to take this a little farther but I don't have time to do so now. In the long run I want to discuss how American's have already lost their second amendment right as intended by the founding fathers when they wrote it.

          The ruling class knows this.

          I ask again...
          Why do you believe the founding fathers gave us the second amendment?
          Last edited by Shadesz; 03-26-2012, 06:21 PM.
          Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


          • Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
            so here is a leading question for you guys...

            Why do you believe the second amendment was included in the Bill of Rights?

            Note: I am going to take this a little farther but I don't have time to do so now. In the long run I want to discuss how American's have already lost their second amendment right as intended by the founding fathers when they wrote it.

            The ruling class knows this and are no longer scared of the citizens of the US.
            Grüeßzei Shadesz
            The 2nd amendment is there to allow us to defend our selves against the tyranny of government whether our own goverment our an outside governement.
            One of the first things Hitler did when he came into power was to eliminate private ownership of firearms. And look what he did afterwards.....
            One of the reasons Hitler never invaded Switzerland is becuase he knew there were guns in every home( of course there were other reasons as well)

            A governemnt that is not afraid of it citzens will turn those citizens into slaves.

            Last edited by Bizzy; 03-26-2012, 06:58 PM.
            Smile it doesn't hurt!

            Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


            • It is obvious that some individuals do not have the slightest clue as to what the second amendment and the constitution are all about. Listening to them, one would assume that the second amendment was written to protect a person’s right to own and collect guns. It was not. Or that it was written to protect the right of a person to go target shooting or for hunting so as to put food on the table. It was not.

              Others have stated that the founders of the constitution did not intend that the public should have access the latest high tech weapons. They did not.

              Some have assumed that the word militia referred to the army or police and only these agencies should have possession of guns. This is wrong. Plus it is absurd to think that a special amendment would be needed to allow the military and police to be armed.

              According to the founders if you were a citizen, 17 years old and of sound mind and body, you then were automatically part of the militia. As such you then were allowed to keep and own the newest high tech weapons available, which at that time was a flintlock rifle.

              However one of the founders of the constitution, James Mason, had a slightly different definition of the word militia. His went like this. You still had to be citizen, 17 years old and in sound mind and body, but you could not be a politician elected to office. Think about that, it speaks volumes about their mind set and where they where coming from when they were writing the constitution. They had absolutely no problem with the average citizen owning guns but wisely did not trust guns in the hands of politicians or the government. Just the opposite of what is being advocated today.

              Thus the reason for the second amendment existence is to protect the first amendment and the rest of the constitution. It does this by allowing citizens, as a last resort, a means of protecting themselves from their government if it runs completely astray.

              This is the right that we are now being conditioned to give up. All that is required is that you must put complete trust in the government and are willing to become a slave and do exactly whatever you are told.


              • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                It is obvious that some individuals do not have the slightest clue as to what the second amendment and the constitution are all about. Listening to them, one would assume that the second amendment was written to protect a person’s right to own and collect guns. It was not. Or that it was written to protect the right of a person to go target shooting or for hunting so as to put food on the table. It was not.

                Others have stated that the founders of the constitution did not intend that the public should have access the latest high tech weapons. They did not.

                Some have assumed that the word militia referred to the army or police and only these agencies should have possession of guns. This is wrong. Plus it is absurd to think that a special amendment would be needed to allow the military and police to be armed.

                According to the founders if you were a citizen, 17 years old and of sound mind and body, you then were automatically part of the militia. As such you then were allowed to keep and own the newest high tech weapons available, which at that time was a flintlock rifle.

                However one of the founders of the constitution, James Mason, had a slightly different definition of the word militia. His went like this. You still had to be citizen, 17 years old and in sound mind and body, but you could not be a politician elected to office. Think about that, it speaks volumes about their mind set and where they where coming from when they were writing the constitution. They had absolutely no problem with the average citizen owning guns but wisely did not trust guns in the hands of politicians or the government. Just the opposite of what is being advocated today.

                Thus the reason for the second amendment existence is to protect the first amendment and the rest of the constitution. It does this by allowing citizens, as a last resort, a means of protecting themselves from their government if it runs completely astray.

                This is the right that we are now being conditioned to give up. All that is required is that you must put complete trust in the government and are willing to become a slave and do exactly whatever you are told.
                Smile it doesn't hurt!

                Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                • Founding fathers

                  Also said you need a "Revolution" about every 10 years; thats cause no matter what system you start out with, it will take about ten years for the
                  (?Sociopaths, Ruling Class, or fill in the blank, as in #$***'s?) to figure out a way to 'game' the system, for their own benefit. So, by their calculations, we are over 200 years overdue.
                  And yes, I also heartily agree; The founders were not 'afraid' of the people; they were 'afraid' of the Government, having seen first hand the 'over reach' of Gov't. And so they were empowering the people, with the second amendment, as a final bastion against too much power in the gov't, Knowing there never would have been a revolution to overthrow British rule, if the populace had been disarmed. And, knowing how important cannons were in the Revolutionary war, they surely would not have advocated for an 'imbalance' in arms, where the Gov't had more sophisticated weaponry than the populace; quite the contrary, according to the earlier post.
                  Nor would they have approved of the idea of saying "You can buy all the GUNS you want, but ammunition sales are regulated"; they would have seen right thru that!
                  Bottom line is there are people who don't own guns, don't WANT to own guns, and are afraid of people who do.And so they 'buy in' to gun control argument, because they THINK they would be safer if no one but the Gov't (presumably) owned guns. The idea makes them feel safer, and the idea of you and me walking around armed just scares the hell out of them. Its an argument based on emotion, not logic. Just like the argument AGAINST making voters prove they are eligible to vote. NOT logical, but that doesn't keep them from making the argument,....Jim


                  • Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
                    so here is a leading question for you guys...

                    Why do you believe the second amendment was included in the Bill of Rights?

                    Note: I am going to take this a little farther but I don't have time to do so now. In the long run I want to discuss how American's have already lost their second amendment right as intended by the founding fathers when they wrote it.

                    The ruling class knows this.

                    I ask again...
                    Why do you believe the founding fathers gave us the second amendment?

                    Founding fathers were "slaves" of the agendas.
                    List of Freemasons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    If the right to self-defense exists then it is a smoke screen and
                    considering today’s technology (e.g. C130) it’s an "invitation".

                    Is the black gentry paid off?
                    Public debt is a fact of life. The U.S. has had debt since its inception. Our records show that debts incurred during the American Revolutionary War amounted to $75,463,476.52 by January 1, 1791. Over the following 45 years, the debt grew.
                    Bureau of the Public Debt: Our History

                    WHO OWNS US?
                    "It's not debt that we couldn't have paid off," said Robert E. Wright, a financial historian and author of One Nation Under Debt: Hamilton, Jefferson and the History of What We Owe. Indeed, he said, President Jackson was the first to eliminate the national debt in 1834, putting the nation in the black for the first time after a debt that once exceeded $127 million for the American Revolution, the Louisiana Purchase and the War of 1812.

                    Rather, a part of that debt still exists because some of the bondholders — for whatever reason — haven't redeemed the bonds. They could be lost, destroyed or tucked away in attics or archives.

                    The U.S. balance sheet includes billions in 'old debt' -



                    • Getting used to leaving in fear?

                      Again, not sure if this is a proper place to post this but I found it quite disturbing and wanted to share -

                      Kids All Over America Are Being Put On Buses And Sent To Alternate Locations During School Terror Drills
                      By Michael SnyderMarch 27, 2012

                      All over the United States, school children are being taken out of their classrooms, put on buses and sent to "alternate locations" during terror drills. These exercises are often called "evacuation drills" or "relocation drills" and they are more than a little disturbing. Sometimes parents are notified in advance where the kids are being taken and sometimes they are only told that the children are being taken to an "undisclosed location".

                      You can continue reading - Kids All Over America Are Being Put On Buses And Sent To Alternate Locations During School Terror Drills -

                      We had those drills during Cold War time but since most schools had underground shelters with air tide steel doors, our drills were not much different as a fire drill - get to the underground bunker, don't panic etc. I'm sure, this is something new here. It goes a bit further than "duck and cover".

                      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                      General D.Eisenhower



                      • To me it looks like the kiddies and their parents are being trained to accept that it is "perfectly normal" for them to be packed up and moved, without any forewarning, wherever the government decides to do so.


                        • Hmmmm

                          "We had those drills during Cold War time but since most schools had underground shelters with air tide steel doors, our drills were not much different as a fire drill - get to the underground bunker, don't panic etc. I'm sure, this is something new here. It goes a bit further than "duck and cover".
                          What you mean "WE" Kimosabe? WE never had underground bunkers, with air tight steel doors, and I attended 14 different schools, from k-8. (We moved around, a lot!). All they ever had us do was those silly 'duck and cover' drills, getting under our desks.

                          The one thing all this gov't activity does, to my mind, is put 'Survivalists" in a different light. What I mean by this; for many years, Survivalists were seen as a 'nutty fringe' and either harmless nuts, or maybe a little dangerous.

                          Now, its clear even the Gov't sees a real possibility of something BIG and BAD coming, and is trying to prepare. So, its not the 'Survivalists" that are 'nutty', its those who are in denial, and are clinging to the notion that making plans is nutty, that are living in a false reality!

                          MAYBE this whole thing is part of some vast conspiracy by 'THEM" to declare martial law, and herd the populace into "FEMA camps", etc. OR, maybe its just the Gov't is looking at the same things the rest of us (survivalists) are looking at, and coming to similar conclusions; i.e. "SOMETHING" Big and Bad is coming,or at least may well be coming, and so better make SOME kind of plans, for if and when it does; the "Buy duct tape and Plastic" (Homeland Security reccomendation post 911) , the upgrading of plans for the Gov't to take over the means of production, etc. this plan for evacuating schools, even the FEMA camps, which COULD be simply a plan to create "Shelters of last resort"; all part of a theme.

                          We can waste endless words here, debating "THEIR" motivations, and exactly the nature of whats coming, to no good end. But it seems to me that all this Gov't activity, regardless of the motivation, confirms the Gov't at least recognises the possibility is REAL that 'something Big and Bad' is coming. Whether THEY and the Gov't are behind whats coming, or simply preparing to respond to it, is irrelevent. Whether its a Fincial meltdown, a natural disaster, a Nuclear war, a failure of the electric grid, it really doesn't matter.

                          Either you keep your head in the sand, and re-assure yourself that 'survivalists' are just 'nuts', or you 'wake up, and smell the coffee', either you make SOME plans for securing you and yours, or you rely on the Gov't. to do it for you, and end up in a "Shelter of Last resort". The "American Ruling Class" MAY be behind this, or may simply see whats coming as inevitable, in either case you can bet THEY are certainly making plans! So, its up to you,.......Jim


                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            "We had those drills during Cold War time but since most schools had underground shelters with air tide steel doors, our drills were not much different as a fire drill - get to the underground bunker, don't panic etc. I'm sure, this is something new here. It goes a bit further than "duck and cover".
                            What you mean "WE" Kimosabe? WE never had underground bunkers, with air tight steel doors, and I attended 14 different schools, from k-8. (We moved around, a lot!). All they ever had us do was those silly 'duck and cover' drills, getting under our desks.
                            I should clarify;
                            I was attending schools on the other side of "Big Water" and referred to them. We were conditioned to believe in Big Red Brother (Former USSR) and "rotten West" with their propaganda aimed to derail wonderful Communism through planted agents. Our paramilitary school curriculum included using portable telecommunication devices, grenade throwing and firing rifle (Grade 7) Nobody believed this crap, even kids but we had to be careful listening to Voice of America or Free Europe Radio since it wasn't legal, as well as possession of foreign currencies. What I see happening here is like a Deja Vu of those distant memories.

                            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                            General D.Eisenhower



                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              Now, its clear even the Gov't sees a real possibility of something BIG and BAD coming, and is trying to prepare.
                              If FEMA’s emergency relocation centers are truly meant to be used in case of a natural disaster or some other public emergency that is fine as this would generate a nice warm fuzzy feeling for most people. But if that is the case why then do these camps need to be surrounded by barb wire fencing? Which are constructed so as to keep people in? There is just something about that which doesn’t generate that nice warm fuzzy feeling for me.


                              • “Being first to appear on the ballot in all fifty states proves that
                                Ron Paul is the only candidate with the organizational muscle, resources, and stamina to challenge Mitt Romney.”

                                Ron Paul First GOP Candidate to Appear on Ballot in All 50 States*|*Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

                                What that guy and the others are doing is called GOSSIP and is wrong. 
                                Putting bullcrap into others minds. That is a tactic used to over throw governments...

                                withwingsaseagleeyes 1 day ago
                                Washington State Vote Rigging Caught on Hidden Camera! - YouTube


