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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    the subject of your post was "WHAT a Rocket!!!".
    Connecting dots shows that the "space ship" is gigantic,
    not only inflated petro-dollars and unnecessary 3k oil service
    but also "hazardous used oil disposal make
    "Change 2012".

    By Brandy Schaffels, Senior Editor | TrueCar – Tue, Mar 27, 2012 7:43 PM

    Do you change your oil every 3,000 miles? The majority of drivers on the road have been bombarded by advertising that recommends changing their car's oil every 3,000 miles, but the truth is that interval is no longer really necessary.
    Yes, engine oil does get dirty, and when that happens, it can clog engine parts, but if you’re driving a car that’s less than five years old, you’re probably wasting money — and oil — if you change it as frequently as that.

    Almost 15 million Californians change their motor oil every 3,000 miles or more often, using more than 150 million gallons of motor oil each year – enough oil to fill 255 Olympic-sized swimming pools, according to a recent study by CalRecycle.

    Across the country, reprocessors treat about 1.1 billion gallons of used oil yearly according to the American Petroleum Institute.

    How often do you really need to change motor oil? - Yahoo! Autos

    Manufacturer's full flow filter at high rpm prevents oil starvation and additional bypass filter does the trick.
    Add a quart with with toilet paper Change 2012.

    Last edited by aljhoa; 03-29-2012, 02:56 PM.


    • Mad Scientist

      Not trying to 'defend' the Gov't actions, but there COULD be 'legitimate' reasons for the barb wire. Crowd control can always be a potential problem; look at the 'riots' during X-mas sales, this last year. Look at what happens when Food and water are brought in, after a natural disaster; IF the people would calmly stand in line, wait ther turn, etc. there would be enough for everyone, but instead they 'mob' the trucks, and 'loot' the food.

      You get a LOT of people in one place, there is always the potential for 'lynch mob' kind of mentality, rumors, etc. In the event of SHTF, there WILL be 'looting', and while martial law will give authorities the ability to shoot looters, that is mainly done to re-establish control. Undoubtedly, SOME 'bad guys will be 'rounded up', rather than shot, and they will need some place to put them. So, may be need to seperate those they are trying to 'serve and protect', from predators, (2 legged variety). In short, there COULD be reasons for the Barbed wire which are NOT 'nefarious'. Bottomline, if you don't want to end up in a "Shelter oflast resort", do what you need to do NOW, to give yourself an alternative. Bug in Bug out plans, Bugout bag, etc.

      Or, accept the 'plans' that the Gov't is setting up. If you develop a GOOD plan, that allows for a variety of different contingencies, it won't really matter all that much what the Gov't is doing with these "FEMA Camps", cause you'll avoid getting anywhere near them! Jim


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        Not trying to 'defend' the Gov't actions, but there COULD be 'legitimate' reasons for the barb wire. Crowd control can always be a potential problem; look at the 'riots' during X-mas sales, this last year. Look at what happens when Food and water are brought in, after a natural disaster; IF the people would calmly stand in line, wait ther turn, etc. there would be enough for everyone, but instead they 'mob' the trucks, and 'loot' the food.

        You get a LOT of people in one place, there is always the potential for 'lynch mob' kind of mentality, rumors, etc. In the event of SHTF, there WILL be 'looting', and while martial law will give authorities the ability to shoot looters, that is mainly done to re-establish control. Undoubtedly, SOME 'bad guys will be 'rounded up', rather than shot, and they will need some place to put them. So, may be need to seperate those they are trying to 'serve and protect', from predators, (2 legged variety). In short, there COULD be reasons for the Barbed wire which are NOT 'nefarious'. Bottomline, if you don't want to end up in a "Shelter oflast resort", do what you need to do NOW, to give yourself an alternative. Bug in Bug out plans, Bugout bag, etc.

        Or, accept the 'plans' that the Gov't is setting up. If you develop a GOOD plan, that allows for a variety of different contingencies, it won't really matter all that much what the Gov't is doing with these "FEMA Camps", cause you'll avoid getting anywhere near them! Jim
        Hi Jim
        I agree there reason for doing these drills MAY in fact be purely humanitarian. To teach kids to be good little subjects of the realm. And in an emrgency it may actually help those who didn't have enough forsite to help themselves.
        However in looking at the government's track record and the overt intentions of this "president" why would anyone trust your family with them for any reason.
        I agree again with you and warn all others have a "bug out plan" clothing, shelter commincation and defence. Don't be like those government dependants in New Orleans during Katrina or the Jews in Nazi Germany, be ready and trust no one. Your life and the life of your family will depend on being ready.
        Smile it doesn't hurt!

        Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


        • We all believe, in the end, what we WANT to

          believe. For instance,as a general rule, where others see a conspiracy, I tned to 'see' human incompetence, and human nature. For instance, some government Beaurocrat yelling at some contractor, at a FEMA camp; "DOH, the barb wire is supposed to face OUT, not IN!!!"
          Kind of like old "Politically incorrect" joke about the landscaping contracor yelling "Green side up! Lol Jim


          • Update

            Interview with Drake from David Wilcock:


            I am on the plane to this weekend's conference in Austin. You are about to hear a stunning interview with Drake, an insider specifically asked by the Pentagon "good guys" to come forward and explain what is going to be done.

            I was blown away by the information he was giving. If you didn't already believe this was really going to happen, this may very well change your mind.

            I ran Drake through an extensive validation process with one of my top insiders and he passed with flying colors. He is the real deal.

            We have an urgent-status rush transcription order for our Divine Cosmos Transcription Team on this, and will get it posted ASAP.

            DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny


            • March 29, 2012 Brave new bank?

              Brave New Bank? BRICS moot dropping dollar, IMF - YouTube

              New global lender stepping away from the dollar.

              Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

              Talking about reforming the UN.

              BRICS Bank?

              How will this affect us in the U.S.?


              • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                Brave New Bank? BRICS moot dropping dollar, IMF - YouTube

                New global lender stepping away from the dollar.
                Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
                Talking about reforming the UN.
                BRICS Bank?
                How will this affect us in the U.S.?
                Farming - Connecting the Dots

                The chemical- pharma- oil- cartel (english subtitles) 1/5 - YouTube



                • Judge Andrew Napolitano speaks on Geithner (the criminal)

                  Last week Geithner was arrested and released! - YouTube

                  Shep Shepard slips on MSM and says: "It's clear that the banks run the country... the country doesn't run itself" then latter dubbed "kidding"


                  • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                    Some have assumed that the word militia referred to the army or police and only these agencies should have possession of guns. This is wrong. Plus it is absurd to think that a special amendment would be needed to allow the military and police to be armed.

                    They had absolutely no problem with the average citizen owning guns but wisely did not trust guns in the hands of politicians or the government. Just the opposite of what is being advocated today.

                    Thus the reason for the second amendment existence is to protect the first amendment and the rest of the constitution. It does this by allowing citizens, as a last resort, a means of protecting themselves from their government if it runs completely astray.

                    This is the right that we are now being conditioned to give up. All that is required is that you must put complete trust in the government and are willing to become a slave and do exactly whatever you are told.
                    Yes, you have it right, M.S., and while our government is doing everything they possibly can to trash our Constitution and allow the UN to strip away gun ownership rights of Americans, we should all wake up to the fact that the Department of Homeland inSecurity has put in a standing order for 450 million rounds of ammo. Hmmm. now why would they need all this ammo? To "protect" us when we no longer have any guns to protect ourselves?
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Not surprisingly, the Selective Service System director has rejected sheriff Joe Arpaio's request to see Barry's original registration card. Joe is now attempting to follow up with a request to allow someone from his posse to travel to SSS headquarters to view the registration. Previously the SSS had allowed two freedom of information requests concerning this record, so to turn down a request from a law enforcement agency is nothing but an attempt to keep a lid on the situation. In his rejection, the SSS director said that his office had no evidence that Barry's SSS registration is a forgery.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        In his rejection, the SSS director said that his office had no evidence that Barry's SSS registration is a forgery.
                        Isn’t it remarkable how a bureaucrat can stand up and claim he has no evidence of something when in fact he has just been handed that evidence?
                        “I don’t know nuthing, I haven’t seen nuthing, don’t blame me for what’s happening, go away, leave me alone, I’m just doing my job.”
                        An we are expected to believe that.


                        • “This is without question our number one geopolitical foe; they fight for every cause for the world’s worst actors. The idea that he has more flexibility in mind for Russia is very, very troubling indeed,”

                          While saying that the greatest current threat to the world is a “nuclear Iran,” he lambasted Russia for consistently “standing up for the world’s worst actors,” referencing the Russian veto of the Security Council resolutions on Syria

                          “Russia is Public Enemy No. 1″ – Mitt Romney |

                          It seems that 2012 onwards, the world is on the brink of Third World War. All sane and peace loving men would pray that it is averted. For, the horoscope of the times, points towards a global catastrophe in the making.

                          Russia and China are allies against the US-Nato geo-strategy (Iran and Pakistan are joining this alliance). China is rising economically, and Russia is resurgent strategically. After Iraq and Afghanistan, they have seen the US-Nato model of regime change in Libya and Syria by sponsoring local militants. In Russia, President Putin accused the US of instigating the opponents of United Russia; in China, it used India to ferment trouble in Xinjiang, Tibet etc. All this is unifying the alliance of Heartland powers Russia-China and Rimland state actors Iran-Pakistan into anti-US-Nato alliance. But the events are moving too fast! The Mayan Prophesy of 2012 as a ‘catastrophic year’ approaches. The US-Nato-India clash with Pakistan or US-Nato-Israel clash with Iran will lead by default or design to a multi-regional war.

                          On the brink of Third World War | The Nation



                          • BO's birth certificate

                            Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference March 31 - YouTube

                            If you want to get to the point, go to :49 to 1:14 (49 minutes to 1 hour 14 minutes) - a really comprehensive breakdown of BO's birth certificate. What is already known but in a very good structured way.

                            EDIT: Just watch it to the end.
                            Last edited by Aaron; 04-03-2012, 08:00 AM.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference March 31 - YouTube

                              If you want to get to the point, go to :49 to 1:14 (49 minutes to 1 hour 14 minutes) - a really comprehensive breakdown of BO's birth certificate. What is already known but in a very good structured way.

                              EDIT: Just watch it to the end.
                              Yes, Aaron, while we have covered the same BC anomalies quite thoroughly here, the presentation shown to the media by Joe's group brings together many of the important points in a way that is awfully hard to ignore if the media was at all interested in getting to the truth of the matter. The fact that hardly anyone in mainstream media even made mention of the presentation, and those who did feature it only reported that it was all nonsense makes it very clear that the days when reporters reported big news events are long gone. This stuff should be all over the place, but the only major networks reporting on it are in foreign countries. Just think how things have changed over the years. Now we have to listen to Russian news to hear what's really happening here in America. How sad is that?
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • President Obama vs. Republican Candidates
                                RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

                                Stop Vote Suppression!
                                Now that they control a majority of statehouses across the nation, Republicans are attempting a bold power grab to disenfranchise voters and repeat the Florida election debacle of 2000.
                                Right now, states with Republican governors or new GOP majorities are ramming through bills designed to make it harder for people to vote.

                                They'll stop at nothing to steal the Presidency.
                                We have to act now to stop these bills from becoming law.

                                Democratic Governors Association (DGA) - Take Action | Stop Vote Suppression!


