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The American Ruling Class

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  • Sorry but the presidency has already been stolen. Actually it was stolen by the banksters many years ago. Our elections are just an illusion to make the people believe that they are voting for the person of their choice. Look at the republican candidates, Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, they are for all practical purposes clones of Obama and hand picked by the banksters. Who don’t care who wins the presidency so long as they are able to control the president.

    For decades now when people got feed up with government they were simply told vote for the other party. But what has this achieved? Has either party ever made any real difference in managing the economy, reducing taxes, keeping our companies and jobs from being exported overseas, or what about keeping us out of senseless undeclared wars? Maybe it is time to step back and realize that there has not been nor will there be any real change on these issues when both parties are working in lock step with each other.

    It is all a big game to them, when Bush was in office Obama claimed the high cost of gas was harming the economy, and that we needed to bring our troops home.etc.etc. Now that he is in office we are told the high cost of gas is a good thing and he has placed roadblocks in the way of us developing our own oil and gas. He did nothing to stop our already out of control debt instead allowed it to increase exponentially. And our troops, well they are still scattered all over the world protecting the banksters poppy fields in Afghanistan and other worldly interests.

    This is not the kind of hope and change that many people were hoping for however it is exactly what the banksters wanted and got.

    Our voting system is a joke it is open to manipulation and outright fraud. In Iowa’s primary one district that was strongly for Ron Paul was not counted. Oh we’re sorry the truck carrying their ballots got lost. Except they didn’t use trucks to carry the ballots, they were phoned in. Oh well it doesn’t matter how they were lost their gone and we don’t know were they went, so just forget about it. What we need a totally open and transparent voting system. All voting should be done on paper ballots to eliminate “computer error” and to provide a reliable recount if needed and using manual counting systems open to all those that wish to watch the entire counting process from start to finish.

    Even if it takes a few days to complete the count, that’s fine, so long as in the end everyone is satisfied that it is a true and accurate count.

    To vote in an election you obviously need to prove you are of voting age, a citizen and live in the district your will be voting in. Also on election day being asked to identify yourself has that person is not an unrealistic request.


    • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
      Sorry but the presidency has already been stolen. Actually it was stolen by the banksters many years ago. Our elections are just an illusion to make the people believe that they are voting for the person of their choice. Look at the republican candidates, Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, they are for all practical purposes clones of Obama and hand picked by the banksters. Who don’t care who wins the presidency so long as they are able to control the president.

      For decades now when people got feed up with government they were simply told vote for the other party. But what has this achieved? Has either party ever made any real difference in managing the economy, reducing taxes, keeping our companies and jobs from being exported overseas, or what about keeping us out of senseless undeclared wars? Maybe it is time to step back and realize that there has not been nor will there be any real change on these issues when both parties are working in lock step with each other.

      It is all a big game to them, when Bush was in office Obama claimed the high cost of gas was harming the economy, and that we needed to bring our troops home.etc.etc. Now that he is in office we are told the high cost of gas is a good thing and he has placed roadblocks in the way of us developing our own oil and gas. He did nothing to stop our already out of control debt instead allowed it to increase exponentially. And our troops, well they are still scattered all over the world protecting the banksters poppy fields in Afghanistan and other worldly interests.

      This is not the kind of hope and change that many people were hoping for however it is exactly what the banksters wanted and got.

      Our voting system is a joke it is open to manipulation and outright fraud. In Iowa’s primary one district that was strongly for Ron Paul was not counted. Oh we’re sorry the truck carrying their ballots got lost. Except they didn’t use trucks to carry the ballots, they were phoned in. Oh well it doesn’t matter how they were lost their gone and we don’t know were they went, so just forget about it. What we need a totally open and transparent voting system. All voting should be done on paper ballots to eliminate “computer error” and to provide a reliable recount if needed and using manual counting systems open to all those that wish to watch the entire counting process from start to finish.

      Even if it takes a few days to complete the count, that’s fine, so long as in the end everyone is satisfied that it is a true and accurate count.

      To vote in an election you obviously need to prove you are of voting age, a citizen and live in the district your will be voting in. Also on election day being asked to identify yourself has that person is not an unrealistic request.
      Think about it.
      Yes, they piss down your ****ing back and tell you it's raining. Election fraud? They tell you your vote counts. It's your duty to vote. The majority rules. Who's majority? The election outcome has been determined. Not by you of course.Duh! They piss down your back and tell you it's raining. And that's all I got to say about that.
      Think about it.


      • Smoking "Grass"?
        German writer and Nobel Prize-winner Günter Grass has published a poem about Israeli-Iranian relations. He accuses Israel of endangering world peace - and has sparked a wave of criticism.

        Grass wrote that Israel is claiming the right to a nuclear first strike with the aim of "eliminating the Iranian people."

        A turning point came in 2006 when Grass published his autobiography and confessed to being a member of the SS, known for its ruthlessness during World War II, as a 17-year-old. He was heavily criticized and his moral integrity suffered a blow.

        Günther Grass calls Israel threat to peace | Culture | DW.DE | 04.04.2012



        • Spring Greetings

          Salut Au Printemps-Daimyo Ppt Presentation



          • More Dots

            Behavioral Analytics from BRSLabs - YouTube

            Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) questioned NSA director and CYBERCOM commander General Keith Alexander regarding reports that the NSA is intercepting U.S. citizens' phone calls and e-mails.
            Hank asks NSA director tough questions about wiretaps, e-mail intercepts - YouTube



            • Liquid Metal Battery

              "We need to think about the problem differently. We need to think big. We need to think cheap."
              Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy - YouTube

              There are 550 comments.



              • Called the iBrain, this simple-looking contraption is part of an experiment that aims to allow Dr. Hawking — long paralyzed by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease — to communicate by merely thinking.

                “The iBrain can collect data in real time in a person’s own bed, or when they’re watching TV, or doing just about anything,” Dr. Low said.

                “Dr. Low and his company have done some outstanding work in this field,” Dr. Hawking said in a statement. “I am participating in this project in the hope that I can offer insights and practical advice to NeuroVigil. I wish to assist in research, encourage investment in this area, and, most importantly, to offer some future hope to people diagnosed with A.L.S. and other neurodegenerative conditions.”

                Much work remains, however, including the integration of Dr. Hawking’s brain waves with the computers and devices that allow him to communicate.

                “Wouldn’t it be wonderful,” Dr. Low said, “to have a mind like Stephen Hawking’s be able to communicate even a little bit better?”




                • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                  “Wouldn’t it be wonderful,” Dr. Low said, “to have a mind like Stephen Hawking’s be able to communicate even a little bit better?”
                  Yes it certainly would.
                  But could it not and would it not also be used by your friendly government when they feel that there is some reason to question your activities?
                  As with most neat inventions they can also have a dark side.


                  • "American Stonehenge"

                    A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

                    "American Stonehenge."[1] The monument is 19 feet 3 inches (5.87 m) tall, made from six granite slabs weighing more than 240,000 pounds (110,000 kg) in all.[2] One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones.
                    Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



                    • Thoughts

                      Madscientist; Thats assuming the Gov't has any real desire to KNOW our 'innermost' thoughts. Frankly, having read many posts on this thread and others, there are a lot of peoples 'innermost' thoughts that I wish I DIDN'T know! LOL

                      I notice on this 'Stonehenge' project, the FIRST "Commandment", or whatever, is keep the population below 500 million; where have we heard THAT before? Why didn't they just write the words to John Lennon's "Imagine", and be done with it? About as Ideallistic, and as Impractical. Jim


                      • "I was the walrus, but now I am John..., you'll just have to carry on. The dream is over.”
                        John Lennon - God - Lyrics - YouTube

                        Copious declassified documents--let alone the paperwork still classified--indicate that US Intel had an almost obsessive interest in John Lennon, and an animus against him. Sure, one could argue quite convincingly that the FBI and the CIA (whom the Bureau consistently informed with respect to Lennon's activities) had created a mountain out of a molehill.
                        The X Spot: The Grounded Walrus: Means

                        The X Spot



                        • Gerald Celente is disappointed in Ron Paul's campaign. He needs to get more serious.
                          Gerald Celente Slams Ron Paul - YouTube

                          Ron Paul interview on the Morton Downly Jr. SHow
                          Amazing RON PAUL Interview MUST SEE!!! - YouTube



                          • Our controlled media obviously hates Ron Paul, or more likely is terrified of him, simply because they know they would not be able to control him. So they ignore him and tell us he can’t win even though he has shown that he can. Unfortunately there are many who will believe the lie that he is unelectable.

                            Here in Illinois during the primary he held a rally at a downstate college with 5000 people showing up. But not a word said about it in our local news. Meanwhile one of the other candidates (Grinrich?) held a rally at a small airport and about 100 supports showed up and that was a newsworthy item.

                            Just recently in California he held a couple rallies at colleges and drew 6000 and then 8000 people. Where was the main stream coverage of that? Do you think the coverage would have been slightly different if it had been Romney speaking?


                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              I notice on this 'Stonehenge' project, the FIRST "Commandment", or whatever, is keep the population below 500 million; where have we heard THAT before? Why didn't they just write the words to John Lennon's "Imagine", and be done with it? About as Ideallistic, and as Impractical. Jim
                              Here are a few quotes from the depopulation elites:
                              "The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." -Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and funded by the Rockefeller family

                              "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." -Ted Turner, American media mogul

                              "U.S. policy toward the third world should be one of depopulation." -Henry Kissinger, political scientist and foreign policy advisor

                              "In order to save the planet it would be necessary to kill 350,000 people per day." -Jacques Cousteau, famous explorer and filmmaker

                              "We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage." -Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet statesman

                              "A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be one billion people. This must be implemented within 30-50 years, two-thirds of the population must be cut." -Michael Coffman, September 9, 1994, during the UN Biodiversity Assessment on Sustainable Human Population
                              This is just a sampling from many public quotes about the elite's desire to depopulate the planet. But while their desires may be somewhat public (if you know where to look), their plans have mostly been kept in secret, for obvious reasons.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • on the positive tune..

                                Iceland forgives mortgage debt of its population

                                The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused three years after their financial excesses would sank one of the most prosperous economies in 2008.

                                Iceland forgives mortgage debt of its population - YouTube

                                'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                                General D.Eisenhower


