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The American Ruling Class

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  • 2 things I can't understand

    Regarding what Iceland has done; I can't understand why the other countries in 'trouble'; Greece, Spain, etc. haven't (at least, yet) followed icelands lead.

    And, I can't believe that Iceland has, at least so far, 'gotten away with it'.

    Its like one small business in a neiborhood, refusing to pay 'protection'; your just waiting for the place to get 'torched', because if the extortionists let ONE get away with not paying, everyone else will stop paying.

    And yet, at least so far, I don't see any retribution by the world bank, IMF, etc. Any idea why, or why not???Jim


    • This Iceland thing is the crack in the armor, we should stick a wedge in there
      and never let up the pressure. My take is - the people have decided and let
      the banks and politicians Know that if they want to exist in Iceland outside of
      jail they need to discontinue with the illegal and wrong financial practices.

      There should be two things in life that are never exploited for big profit, they
      are housing (a place for all to live ) and the staples of food (milk, bread ect.).

      After those basics are met for all then other things could be exploited for profit.

      The thing is that if the basics of life were easier to achieve for everyone then
      less people would be inclined to earn money for the sake of earning money.
      Much less stress and crime would plummet, which would reduce policing costs
      and all kinds of other costs involved with crime and damage.

      The current system seems to produce homeless people, criminals, very
      stressed people trying to make ends meet legally and rich people.

      Something is very wrong when people must repay loans for 20 to 30 years
      just to have a place to live and die.

      And when fuel for the car is cheaper than milk for the children there is a real
      serious problem.

      It's time we all took a leaf from the Icelandic playbook and all stand together
      to tell the banks and the pollies, if you want to stay out of jail fix the
      problems and cease with the illegal and wrong financial practices.

      The big question is - Does Iceland still have a central bank and does the
      Icelandic government loan money from them ? Does Iceland intend to print it's
      own money and have debt free money ? Until that happens they still can end
      up back where they started.

      In my opinion there are a great many politicians that have done serious crimes
      against their nations peoples both past and present they all should be made
      to face their crimes and punishment.



      • Iceland as '***** in armour'

        I wonder,....Going back to my earlier analogy of 'extortion', is it possible its all a 'con'? That is, the IMF/World Bank, etc. come into countries like Iceland, Greece, etc. and THREATEN them with DIRE consequences if they don't 'pay up'. But the threats are 'empty' threats; they aren't REALLY going to 'blow up' your store, if you refuse to pay the extortion; they don't REALLY have any dynamite.
        Bottom line; if countries do like Iceland, and repudiate their debts, refuse to honor the bonds they have issued, which have all been purchased by Central Banks, the 'CREDITORS' i.e. Central Banks are hurt. The countries repudiating their debt go thru a period of time where they suffer, but the 'pain' is MUCH less than the long period of extreme austerity,etc, being imposed on them by the IMF, etc. as the 'price to pay' for a Bail-out.
        How does it really harm 'ME' i.e. the 'average citisen' if the Central Banks get F*cked? If the Central Banks of Europe, the IMF, the World Bank, and the FED all go (what?) 'down the toilet', how does this REALLY effect me?

        Sounds like a pretty good idea, actually. "Oh, but the worlds 'economy' would run off a cliff!" Again, sounds like a pretty good idea, to me.

        As Iceland shows, 'Commerce' doesn't stop. People in Iceland still had stuff to sell, and people who wanted to buy that stuff. And, once things settled down, inter-country commerce resumed, because people in other countries had stuff they wanted to buy and sell, with people in Iceland.

        So I say, 'BRING IT ON!' All these countries, the state of Californicate, (and other states, and even yes, the US Gov't should 'repudiate' their debts, collapse this corrupt system of finance. Its only when the current system collapses, that a new system can emerge!Jim


        • Money is just an idea anyways. If the "source" switches out of the hands of the banks and into the hands of a debt free government that is a good thing. Sure the banks get pissed BUT...

          What police force do these banks own? The military controlled by the government? Well the minute that the people realize that they are actually the power who controls the military (they ARE the military/police) then the bank control is history.

          They use smoke screen tactics for sure. Hopefully Iceland starts to blow the smoke away around the entire world.
          Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


          • the more accurate story on Iceland mortgages

            That Spanish report appears to be very liberal with its claims. Here is what seems to be the truth:

            "In the case of Iceland the situation was more difficult, due in part to the much bigger proportion of the population that was affected, and to the wide presence of foreign currency mortgages.

            The government and the newly constructed Icelandic banks developed a template to be used in case by case restructuring discussions between borrowers and lenders. The templates facilitated substantial debt write-downs designed to align secured debt with the supporting collateral (i.e bring the loan into line with the value of the house) and align debt service with the ability to repay.

            The IMF found that such case by case negotiations safeguard property rights and reduce moral hazard, but they take time. As of January of this year, only 35% of the case by case restructuring applications had been processed. To speed things up, Iceland has introduced a debt forgiveness plan which writes down deeply underwater mortgages to 110% of the households’ pledgeable assets.

            It noted that only when a comprehensive framework was put in place and a clear expiration date for relief measures announced that debt write-downs finally took off. As of January 2012, 15 to 20% of all Icelandic mortgages have been or are in the process of being written down."
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • The central banks literally create money out of thin air but we are expected to pay back any loans with money that was actually gotten by working for it. The Icelanders realized this and essentially told the banksters what they could do with their worthless fiat money. In Greese the same thing was happening but here the banksters were able to replace the premier with one of their cronies and he forced the country to except the austerity programs.

              And over here it looks like the banksters problems are just beginning as Liens have been filed against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks. This relates to gold that has been placed here on deposit by foreign countries. But now it would seem that those who deposited their gold here for “safe keeping” now want it back plus interest.
              However there is a "slight problem" it is already known that the FED doe's not have the assets to meet these obligations.

              2,420,937,400 kilograms of pure gold was placed on deposit.

              2,420,937,400 times .04 = 96,837,496 per annum
              96,837,496 times 51 years = 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold

              Demand is now made for Lien Debtors, jointly and severally, to deliver over to Lien Claimants 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.

              A very long but interesting article of what has been going on here that has been hiding under the radar.
              MASS ARRESTS: David Interviews Drake -- Transcript!


              • In this article, I'm going to argue that the US government, in particular, is being overrun by the wrong kind of person. It's a trend that's been in motion for many years but has now reached a point of no return.

                The reason is that a certain class of people – sociopaths – are now fully in control of major American institutions. Their beliefs and attitudes are insinuated throughout the economic, political, intellectual and psychological/spiritual fabric of the US.

                There are seven characteristics I can think of that define a sociopath, although I'm sure the list could be extended.
                1.Sociopaths completely lack a conscience or any capacity for real regret about hurting people. Although they pretend the opposite.
                7.Sociopaths traffic in disturbing news, they love to pass on destructive rumors and they'll falsify information to damage others.

                Political elites are primarily, and sometimes exclusively, composed of sociopaths. It's not just that they aren't normal human beings. They're barely even human, a separate subspecies, differentiated by their psychological qualities.

                One practical issue worth thinking about is how you, as someone with libertarian values, will manage in a future increasingly controlled by sociopaths.

                The Ascendence of Sociopaths in US Governance - Casey Research

                40. How to Deal With the 1 Percent - YouTube

                David Icke 2008 - Talks about Evil - YouTube



                • I agree

                  with the post on 'sociopaths'. An additional key quality; they are unable, due to brain wiring, to comprehend the concept of actions and consequensces; they truly don't think in terms of the long term consequences of their actions.

                  And, something to think about; this is a genetic mutation; it has occurred periodically thru-out the history of humanity. BUT, we have now evolved a 'civilised' society in which it is ADVANTAGEOUS for the individual, and therefore for 'propogation' of this genetic mutation.

                  Think about that; we have created a society where it is BENEFICIAL (to the survival of the individual) to have no conscionse; What does that say about our society??

                  One other point about sociopaths; they tend to have a disproportionate effect on society. For instance, low intelligence sociopaths tend to become career criminals; how much effect can such an individual have on society, over the coarse of their life?
                  High inteligence sociopaths would be like Jeff Skilling, Madoff, as well as politicians, etc. One might well say that Ricks "American Ruling Class is largely or even totally comprised of such above average intelligence sociopaths. Think of the disproportionate effect such people have on our society? Their #'s are currently estimated to be 500 million, and GROWING. Jim


                  • At a Cancer Free World conference in Berlin, Germany, on 13th March 2012, Dr. Rath called on the people of Germany and Europe to take responsibility for building a democratic Europe for the People and by the People. Describing how widely available scientific research on natural remedies already makes it clear that the incidence of common diseases can now be reduced to a fraction of their current occurrence, he explained how the building of a new global health care system, based on the prevention and elimination of diseases, is now possible. Dr. Rath stressed, however, that this stunning "world without disease" will not be handed to us on a plate, because each disease represents a billion dollar market for the Pharma Cartel and its political stakeholders in the Brussels EU politburo. As such, if we want to create a world without disease for us and our children, we must all act now.
                    Dr. Rath's Call to the people of Germany and Europe, Berlin 13-3-2012 - YouTube



                    • Farmhand

                      You said "There should be two things in life that are never exploited for big profit, they
                      are housing (a place for all to live ) and the staples of food (milk, bread ect.).

                      After those basics are met for all then other things could be exploited for profit.

                      The thing is that if the basics of life were easier to achieve for everyone then
                      less people would be inclined to earn money for the sake of earning money.
                      Much less stress and crime would plummet, which would reduce policing costs
                      and all kinds of other costs involved with crime and damage."

                      You don't say HOW you propose this would be done, nonetheless, you SEEM to be talking about "Entitlements"; That is, the mere fact of existence ENTITLES the individual to Food and Shelter; well, why stop there?

                      After all, the shelter is going to be of limited value, if they freese to death in it in the cold of winter, or die of heat prostration in the heat of summer. And, they will need to cook the food. And, while we're 'there' they need hot water, to keep everything clean. So,lets say food, shelter, and household energy. Oh, and they can't be naked or dressed in RAGS, so lets give them clothes.But wait, in this modern society, they really need transportation, so lets give them a car and a gas allowance. Oh, and then theres information and communication, so better throw in a cell phone, TV, computer and I-net hook-up. Where does it end?

                      I really BELIEVE in freedom, and liberty, and no freedom is trly complete, without the freedom to experience the consequences of your actions; its the freedom all the others are BASED on.

                      For society to try to 'guarantee' security, (in this case, security from poverty by providing such 'entitlements'), the 'trade-off is freedom and personal liberty. At least, it has been every time such 'programs' have been tried, so far.

                      This is what they tried in the Soviet Union, where 'profit' was taken out of ALL transactions. And the people were dependent on the Gov't, for food, clothing, shelter, employment, etc. It didn't work out too well.

                      Your suggesting JUST taking food and Shelter out of the 'for profit system', while leaving the rest of the system intact. HOW would you do that, exactly???

                      Like many, you are attempting to fix what you see as wrong with the current system, while leaving the rest of it as is. Firstly, can't see how you would do this, i.e. take food and shelter out, while leaving rest of system functioning as it is, and secondly, the whole system is 'corrupt', overbuilt on a foundation of sand, and can't possibly continue to function much longer. Bandaids won't work; its gone WAY beyond that.Jim


                      • Well I didn't say anything should be given as free. Just that they shouldn't be
                        allowed to profit from them. My thinking is this. Who originally owned the land
                        to be able to sell it the first time. Land is not like cars or stuff it can't be
                        moved. If one person owned all the cars in the world it would be very
                        different to the effect of one person owning all the land.

                        I believe no one needs to own more than one home to live in, and I believe if
                        it was not allowed or well discouraged for people to own multiple homes then
                        the price of homes would fall. People think it is good when the value of their
                        home rises, but that is just an indication of a lack of supply or an increase in
                        so it's not good it's bad. The more expensive real estate is the more debt is
                        needed to buy some.

                        As for staples of food they should not be free either, just tax free and in such
                        surplus they are cheap. So less taxes on the producers. The way it is now so
                        much money can be made from milk and bread it attracts the big companies
                        to monopolize the industry.

                        Also if the baker is not struggling to repay his mortgage his bread might be cheaper.

                        I may have been a bit unclear in my other post, I don't think anything should
                        be given free.

                        The way I see it the land should be held in trust by whomever occupies it or
                        the government, when land is needed for a person to have a place to live the
                        land should be there to be appropriated. And people should be able to build
                        their own homes if they so choose. No one freezes to death here it's doesn't
                        get cold enough. The way it is now if a person wants some land to build on he
                        must buy it, if he cant do that he must live as a slave and rent or be homeless.

                        The thing that gets me is why do we need to buy land ? It cant be moved, it
                        can't be stolen, it cant be made/manufactured, it cant be made more common
                        or more scarce, the supply of land is fixed but the demand increases each
                        time one person owns some more of it than he did before. The demand for real
                        estate is what is manipulated, the supply is fixed. Can the general population
                        really afford to allow a fixed commodity to be bought up like that. Think about
                        it. Who had to go into debt to originally buy land that was previously un-owned ?
                        No one really "owns" their land anyway. It's just used as another tool of
                        oppression. It's made unaffordable to own or occupy which makes people
                        homeless when there is ample vacant land, it stinks so bad it hurts.

                        Land should be appropriated by the people for the people. It may seem a
                        strange way to want to do things, but what could be stranger than the
                        central banking system ?

                        Last edited by Farmhand; 04-16-2012, 11:31 PM.


                        • Final Solutions?

                          This documentary details the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. This video presentation advocates a new socio-economic system, which is updated to present-day knowledge, featuring the life-long work of Social Engineer, Futurist, Inventor and Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco, which he calls a Resource-Based Economy.
                          Paradise or Oblivion (28 language subtitles) - YouTube

                          Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
                          (Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? - YouTube

                          Shows the absolute brutality of conflict in India which recieves virtually no mainstream press in the United States.
                          Final Solution - Massacres in India



                          • The WWW

                            Countries in purple are listed as having investigations against Siemens in the company's filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
                            Countries in orange are additional sites of bribery as identified by the SEC and the Justice Department.

                            The World Wide Web of Siemens’s Corruption - ProPublica



                            • In an eligibility case brought against Barry in New Jersey, the judge has sided with Barry's lawyer in stating that Barry's birth certificate is irrelevant to his eligibility to be placed on the New Jersey presidential ballot.

                              “There appears to be no affirmative requirement that a person endorsed in a nominating petition for the presidency present to the Secretary of State any certification or other proof that he is qualified for the office, at least not at the time when nominating petitions are to be accepted or rejected by the secretary,” judge Masin wrote in his decision. "In this matter, as the petitioners’ objection is that Mr. Obama has not provided the secretary with proof of the place of his birth by means of a birth certificate or otherwise, the lack of any obligation on his part to do so means he has not failed to act in accordance with the applicable law.”

                              Mario Apuzzo, the plaintiff lawyer, had hoped to force Barry's lawyer to provide a birth certificate in court, and to challenge the certificate as a fraud and produce expert witnesses to document the forgery.

                              Mike Zullo, the lead investigator in Arizona Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s law enforcement investigation into Obama’s birth certificate and eligibility to be president, stated in response to this court action, “What is emerging in the various state legal challenges to including President Obama on the presidential ballot appears to be an attempt by the White House to divorce tself from the Obama long-form birth certificate released. Instead of producing the birth certificate to the New Jersey secretary of state and arguing to Judge Masin that the document was legitimate, Obama’s legal counsel did everything she could to keep the document from coming into evidence. Why?”

                              I think Mike Zullo knows exactly why - because Barry's birth certificate could never stand up to scrutiny in court. If it were in fact valid then it would be gladly offered into evidence by the defense attorney in order to put the matter to rest once and for all.

                              This case just goes to show once again that the states don't feel that constitutional law, which requires a presidential contender to be a natural born citizen, must be followed by the states even though a state may have no state law requiring the same, or requiring that proof of NBC status be shown by those who wish to be included on a ballot. It's a ridiculous argument, because the US Constitution is regarded as supreme law, was ratified by the various states at the time it was adopted (including New Jersey) and must therefore be recognized as such and obeyed. When a state allows a non-natural born citizen to appear on a ballot, that state is trashing the Constitution.

                              Last edited by rickoff; 04-17-2012, 09:28 PM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                Mike Zullo, the lead investigator in Arizona Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s law enforcement investigation into Obama’s birth certificate and eligibility to be president, stated in response to this court action, “What is emerging in the various state legal challenges to including President Obama on the presidential ballot appears to be an attempt by the White House to divorce tself from the Obama long-form birth certificate released. Instead of producing the birth certificate to the New Jersey secretary of state and arguing to Judge Masin that the document was legitimate, Obama’s legal counsel did everything she could to keep the document from coming into evidence. Why?”


