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The American Ruling Class

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  • Hi Tyson,

    Glad you liked that. I first posted information on the Continental Congress back on November 20th, which can be found here:

    See also this video: YouTube - Continental Congress 2009 - The Next Step For A Free People [10min ver]
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Fed Chairman named "Man of the Year" by Time Magazine

      Over and over we have seen examples of how the Federal Reserve creates conditions that lead to economic recessions, and how the acting Fed chief is then hailed for supposedly solving the problems and saving us from disaster. It's happening again, folks, as incredible as it seems.

      YouTube - Ron Paul - Neil Cavuto 12/16/09
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Comment from another User in another Forum,
        what still do a lot of research for a while about Rothschilds.

        I hope, soon EVERYONE does understand this.

        The FED is Rothschild, the whole western Bankingsystem is Rothschilds
        Deutsche Bank
        Bank of England
        Organisations like UNO,IWF, Weltbank, WHO, WTO;NATO, SEATO,

        all Companys, what you can call Global-Players are Rothschilds
        Monsanto, Cargill, Bayer, Syngenta, IBM, Daimler-Benz, Kraft, Unilever, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Levi Strauss, Fiat, Coca-Cola, Enel, Boeing, EADS, Volkswagen, IBM, Shell, Standard Oil , Total, Toyota, Philip Morris, Nike, Adidas, Petronas , Lukoil, Statoil , alle "russian Billionairs-Companys", Vodafone, Telekom, Weyerhäuser, Kraus-Maffei aso. , aso.

        Mines like Rio Tinto, de beers
        Big Energy- and Watersuppliers did take over this over from the Gouvernmet for Rothschilds.

        Trafficsystems, Airlines, Hotel chains, Publishing Houses all Newsagencys,
        all leading Medias, all Hollywood-Productions, if it is Print or TV,

        I know, a lot will now argue, "But VW is owend from Piech.. aso"
        and that from Vatikan, and that from the Queen...
        Peoples you wont understand it, because Rothschild did put the
        Antisemitic-barrier into your Brain.

        Someone else posted a similar List.

        Rothschild Bank of London
        Warburg Bank of Hamburg
        Rothschild Bank of Berlin
        Lehman Brothers of New York
        Lazard Brothers of Paris
        Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
        Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
        Goldman, Sachs of New York
        Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
        Chase Manhatten Bank of New York
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • Ron Paul's Audit The Fed Bill

          Some time ago, Ron Paul introduced a bill titled, "HR 1207 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009," which is also known as the Audit The Fed bill. A thorough audit of the Federal Reserve has never been done since the Fed was established in 1913. The idea of auditing the Fed has gained very widespread public support due to the financial meltdown and scandals of 2008 and 2009. Congress is well aware of public demands for accountability, and these demands have put enough pressure on House Representatives to induce 317 of the 435 members to step up and co-sponsor the bill. A majority of 290 Representatives is required for a veto proof bill, so the bill certainly had enough support to accomplish that. Those opposing the bill have worked to derail it. An attempt was made by Melvin Watt to weaken the bill through an amendment to the Financial Stability Improvement Act (HR 3996) which would have allowed far less accountability, but that attempt failed. In an attempt to counter the Watt proposal and move the Audit The Fed bill toward a vote, Ron Paul and Alan Grayson co-sponsored an amendment to the Financial Stability Improvement Act which included most of the original provisions to Audit The Fed. Unfortunately, the Financial Stability Improvement Act was then combined with several other bills being considered by the House Financial Services Committee. Some of these co-mingled bills were not acceptable to Ron Paul, and therefore he chose to vote against passage of the final package, which was approved on December 11 in a 223 to 202 House vote. Because far less members voted approval of the package deal than would have voted for HR1207 if it had been considered separately, the bill now faces a possible veto. Ron stated that he believes a veto is almost a certainty, even if the Senate version of the bill (Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009 - S 604) is strongly approved (currently 31 of 100 senators are co-sponsors). We need to hammer our senators with demands to co-sponsor S 604 and move it forward, but we must also realize that Obama will veto any such legislation, since the Obama administration has been very supportive of the opposition voiced by Fed chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Geithner. There is no way they can allow this legislation to pass, and Obama will act in their behalf - not in behalf of the vast majority of US citizens demanding Fed accountability.
          Last edited by rickoff; 01-03-2010, 08:16 AM. Reason: sp
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Senate & Congress are "out of touch" with public

            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            We need to hammer our senators with demands to co-sponsor S 604 and move it forward, but we must also realize that Obama will veto any such legislation, since the Obama administration has been very supportive of the opposition voiced by Fed chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Geithner. There is no way they can allow this legislation to pass, and Obama will act in their behalf - not in behalf of the vast majority of US citizens demanding Fed accountability.

            U.S. House & Senate have voted themselves $4,700 and $5,300 raises.
            1. They voted to not give you a S.S. Cost of living raise in 2010 and 2011.
            2. Your Medicaid premiums will go up $285.60 for the 2-years and

            You will not get the 3% COLA: $660/yr. Your total 2-yr loss and cost is -$1,600 or -$3,200 for husband and wife.

            3. Over 2-yrs they each get $10,000
            4. Do you feel SCREWED?
            5. Will they have your cost of drugs - doctor fees - local taxes- food, etc., increase?

            6. Congress has its own lifetime insurance plan, which is much better than anything being proposed by Congress for the average US citizen. Congress has its own retirement system, which it much better than anything the average US citizen can ever hope to enjoy, even other Federal government employees. These benefits happen after simply being elected ONCE to Congress. Imagine...... lifetime insurance and retirement pay after ONE two year term for a US Representative or a ONE 6-year term for a US Senator. And, they do NOT have to wait for age 65!

            More @
   - : Letter to Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-California): Senate & Congress are "out of touch" with public



            • Send your Representatives a "Pink Slip"

              As seen at The Kick Them All Out Project - Imposing our undeniable will on the government through the power of our votes!

              Did you know that we allowed roughly 96% of the incumbents to be reelected in the last election? We allowed people to keep their jobs that committed the worst betrayal of the American people in history by Bailing Out Wall Street and giving them total control of the U.S. Treasury - with blanket immunity from prosecution tossed in for good measure! We threw away a golden opportunity to hold them all accountable. WE just ignored an incredible chance to FIRE THEM ALL! Instead of voting them all out of office, half the voters were content to just dance around singing the mantra "Change We can Believe In" as if it was actually going to happen without cleaning out the den of thieves in the Congress.

              If we are ever going to get a grip on our government, we're going to have to start acting like the employers that we are. The Congress critters work for US, not the central bankers and transnational corportions. What would you do If you owned a company and none of your employees listened to you, they lied to you, didn't do the jobs you gave them to do, and in fact, were actually working for your competition and selling your company down the river as fast as they could? I don't think you'd keep them on and give them a raise!

              Well, that's exactly what we've been doing, only in this case, your company is our Federal Government, and your employees are the 435 members in the House of Representatives and the 100 members of the Senate, virtually all of them working for the transnational corporations (the competition) and they have already achieved a hostile takeover of our government on every level and are using the powers of our own government against us in order to take over our entire nation.

              What the heck happened to that thing called "the wisdom of the American people?" You don't reward employees that betray you. YOU FIRE THEM! It's the most obvious and immediate remedy. And you don't worry that their replacement may turn out to be as bad. In fact, it's much less likely the replacements will be as bad when they know you will not tolerate such things, that you will not hesitate to fire anyone that lies and betrays your trust. Employees are far more likely to toe the line and actually do their jobs as best they can when they know they can't get away with anything less.

              Send your representatives who are up for reelection in 2010 a "pink slip" today to let them know they are to be fired.

              Download this Pink Slip image as a pdf file here:
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • The game is rigged!

                I stated before that attention focused on Love and Peace is all we need.
                Anger and frustration in our current system is no different than the anger exhibited by the youngster who try to blow up the plane on Christmas.
                There is a world-wide dissatisfaction with establishment rule.
                Changing the faces on the leaders of congress, president does not mean a thing. We can overthrow the current regime but who would we put in thier place? What would the system look like?
                "Oh, we would just need to re-establish constitutional republic!" Great idea but its shallow. If that constitution was so great, why is it not in effect now? Wouldn't it not be because there are seeds of its own destruction inplanted in it? Study it more carefully and look at history. Our history has had all kinds of social order rules i.e Code of Laws, Ten Commandments, Bill of Rights, etc. that have been trampled on just because we cannot come to the realisation that these silly rules cannot keep us all happy. We have to entrust somebody, anybody to take care of us only to come up with something more silly that sounds good for the moment only to fail years later in general satisfaction. Why? Any real solution out there? A better rule of law? A better person to control us? Where?
                Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


                • Reply to Mozaar:

                  Originally posted by Mozaar View Post
                  I stated before that attention focused on Love and Peace is all we need.

                  Perhaps you have stated that somewhere, but definitely not in this thread. Your previous posts (#22, page 1, and #80, page 3) made no such statement. It's a great philosophy if everyone lived by it, but let's be real. There is both good and evil in this world, and the evil will never focus their efforts on love and peace. The evil ones are hell bent on destruction, suppression, oppression, and enslavement. All the love and peace we can muster will have zero effect upon that. This is no time for complacency. As one of our finest Founding Fathers warned us,

                  "The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men." - Samuel Adams

                  Originally posted by Mozaar View Post
                  Anger and frustration in our current system is no different than the anger exhibited by the youngster who try to blow up the plane on Christmas.
                  I strongly disagree. The would-be bomber sought to make a statement by killing himself, along with murdering perhaps 200 other passengers on that airplane who had never done anything to offend this man. That is terrorism, pure and simple, and has no other purpose than to terrorize. Nothing has been advocated within this thread to suggest that we should terrorize anyone, or that we should even take up arms or resort to violence of any kind, so I am amazed that you came to this conclusion. When I say "let's kick them all out," I certainly don't mean that we should go to our representatives' offices, beat them to a bloody pulp, and literally send them out the door with a boot to the butt. I think that I have made it abundantly clear that what I am talking about is voting all of these corrupt, career politicians out of office at the nearest opportunity, and replacing them with people of integrity.

                  Originally posted by Mozaar View Post
                  Changing the faces on the leaders of congress, president does not mean a thing. We can overthrow the current regime but who would we put in thier place?
                  Patriotic citizens, not lawyers and elitists, who are willing to sign an affidavit stating that they will introduce and/or co-sponsor, and vote affirmatively in regards to the following legislation:
                  1. Audit and end the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Banking system and restore the practice of the Treasury printing its money based upon a gold standard. Erase all debts owed to the Federal reserve as having been illegally obtained. Claim all gold and monies held in Federal Reserve Institutions, or deposited by the Fed elsewhere, as property of the people of the United States.
                  2. End the Internal Revenue Service, and return to the principles of funding government operations set forth by the Founding Fathers.
                  3. Require that all bills which are introduced must be voted upon singly, for their merits, without amendments and pork-barrel project add-ons.
                  4. Outlaw the practices and groups which use money and other rewards to influence politicians and buy votes. Adopt strict 6-year term limits for legislators, roll back pay levels to year 2000 standards, and limit all future pay raises to be in line with Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases. Eliminate all current and future scheduled government paid "retirement" benefits and payments to legislators.
                  5. Repeal the 14th Amendment, and any other amendments which seek to diminish the strength of the US Constitution, or extinguish the rights of the people as originally guaranteed by the Constitution.

                  Think this is impossible? Think again. A viable plan for accomplishing all of this already exists at post# 115, and it seems you have missed it. This plan maintains and protects love and peace, as well as freedom, justice, and liberty, and is totally non-violent in nature. See it here:


                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Rick, Very well said, post #278. Thank you!!
                    I read an article at the deer camp this year, that you might find interesting. I believe it was Nov 09 American Rifleman mag (standing guard), but I may be wrong for I can't seem to find it. Might it be suppressed somehow?

                    Best to you & yours,

                    Thinker + Tinker = Free Energy


                    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                      Perhaps you have stated that somewhere, but definitely not in this thread. Your previous posts (#22, page 1, and #80, page 3) made no such statement. It's a great philosophy if everyone lived by it, but let's be real. There is both good and evil in this world, and the evil will never focus their efforts on love and peace. The evil ones are hell bent on destruction, suppression, oppression, and enslavement. All the love and peace we can muster will have zero effect upon that. This is no time for complacency. As one of our finest Founding Fathers warned us,
                      [COLOR=blue] Rick
                      I post a lot of Love and Peace mentality a lot, please excuse me if I missed it this forum. It needs it. Just having a consciousness of just plain being nice to your neighbor has immediate effect on the society as a whole. This is not just some religous mumbo jumbo but a scientific fact. Explaining that would be like explaining gravity, if you insist I could come up with some quotes of my own.
                      The reality is that you cannot route evil with plain common sense and reason. It would be implying that they do not know what they are doing. C'mon. We initially became the slaves of any system both old and new because we believe in a system outside ourselves to govern us. The "evil ones" are basically everyone of you who think this way. I do not mean this as an insult but rather signaling an opportunity to reflect on selfishness, greed, etc. that exist in all of us, however because its left unchecked by individual self-reflection, its reflected throughout the world. The individual needs to be conscious of his/her power. This is what we need to know.

                      Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                      I strongly disagree. The would-be bomber sought to make a statement by killing himself, along with murdering perhaps 200 other passengers on that airplane who had never done anything to offend this man. That is terrorism, pure and simple, and has no other purpose than to terrorize. Nothing has been advocated within this thread to suggest that we should terrorize anyone, or that we should even take up arms or resort to violence of any kind, so I am amazed that you came to this conclusion. When I say "let's kick them all out," I certainly don't mean that we should go to our representatives' offices, beat them to a bloody pulp, and literally send them out the door with a boot to the butt. I think that I have made it abundantly clear that what I am talking about is voting all of these corrupt, career politicians out of office at the nearest opportunity, and replacing them with people of integrity.
                      Of course you will disagree. You probaly think all you have to do is make a march on Washington and demand change, right? I am sure you have heard of the American Revolution, French Revolution or the Bolshevic Revolution. Whenever our world wanted any real change in the way they were being ruled, it did involve violence and sorry to say the would-be Christmas bomber is another soldier in his own revolutionary army. As always these movements always, and I do mean always miss the point. Our founding fathers did come up with the best form of established rules for governing, but with time the public became disengaged with how they are governed and the result is what we are left with now. In every election, do we not try to elect people with integrity? Or are we just "hell bent" on electing evil people?

                      Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                      Patriotic citizens, not lawyers and elitists, who are willing to sign an affidavit stating that they will introduce and/or co-sponsor, and vote affirmatively in regards to the following legislation:
                      1. Audit and end the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Banking system and restore the practice of the Treasury printing its money based upon a gold standard. Erase all debts owed to the Federal reserve as having been illegally obtained. Claim all gold and monies held in Federal Reserve Institutions, or deposited by the Fed elsewhere, as property of the people of the United States.
                      2. End the Internal Revenue Service, and return to the principles of funding government operations set forth by the Founding Fathers.
                      3. Require that all bills which are introduced must be voted upon singly, for their merits, without amendments and pork-barrel project add-ons.
                      4. Outlaw the practices and groups which use money and other rewards to influence politicians and buy votes. Adopt strict 6-year term limits for legislators, roll back pay levels to year 2000 standards, and limit all future pay raises to be in line with Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases. Eliminate all current and future scheduled government paid "retirement" benefits and payments to legislators.
                      5. Repeal the 14th Amendment, and any other amendments which seek to diminish the strength of the US Constitution, or extinguish the rights of the people as originally guaranteed by the Constitution.

                      Think this is impossible? Think again. A viable plan for accomplishing all of this already exists at post# 115, and it seems you have missed it. This plan maintains and protects love and peace, as well as freedom, justice, and liberty, and is totally non-violent in nature. See it here:


                      Yep just what we need, more rules. I did find one post I posted and it is consistent what I am saying now: When man rules man, man gets screwed

                      What I am suggesting could be very hard. Then again it is just a matter of perception. Not really easy to digest it but this Love and Peace thing movement is growing. I am not talking about some hippie peace movement, but those who realize the spiritual nature of their thoughts.
                      This is a very interesting forum as it has a lot of my past beliefs with new vigor and "red meat". But these are all energy consuming thoughts especially when little is done with the information we learned. It just makes a good read. Keep up the good work guys.
                      Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


                      • @Mozaar... It's naive of you to think that merely by promoting love and peace that it will actually manifest. If you sit by and do nothing but advocate virtue while evil men enslave you, what does that tell you about the nature of this world?
                        Words are not always enough. Love and peace are not obtained passively. There has to be a plan of action that is taken and accomplished successfully.
                        Gandhi never sat back and just talked about anything. He would certainly try diplomacy first, but when that didn't work he swung into action. Many people who followed Gandhi died violent deaths in their quest for independence. They put their lives on the line because they believed it was worth the price of freedom.
                        That is the level of commitment that is needed to overthrow our present ruling class. Do you have that level of commitment to freedom? Would you put you life on the line for your country?



                        • @Ted Ewert - Well said, Ted.

                          @Mozaar -
                          In every election, do we not try to elect people with integrity? Or are we just "hell bent" on electing evil people? - Mozaar
                          In every election that choice is never really available to us, because the candidates are all preselected by a corrupt political process which ensures that only candidates who ascribe to the Ruling Class agenda will have a chance of being elected. Until we change that process, by actually taking control of it, it matters not who we vote for.

                          @Mozaar -
                          I did find one post I posted and it is consistent what I am saying now: When man rules man, man gets screwed. - Mozaar
                          I fully agree with that statement, but we do not elect our government representatives to rule us. Instead, their assignment is to serve us. There are a great many representatives in Washington who obviously have forgotten what their assignment is, and it is now (and always has been) our responsibility to remove and replace these representatives with people who do understand their mission is to serve the interests of the public and the nation. If you, and others who believe that love and peace alone can overcome evil, will wake up and take active steps to participate in the Precinct Strategy, which I talked about in post #115 on page 4, there is every reason to believe that we can bring about positive and peaceful change that will restore the integrity, accountability, freedom, and liberty that our Founding Fathers intended for us.
                          This plan is not about a futile "march on Washington" as you suggested. It is not about waving protest signs and chanting slogans of discontent. Your total lack of understanding concerning this plan would appear to demonstrate that you never took the time to read about it. This plan shows how ordinary citizens can peacefully take back control of our government using the power of our votes to install men and women of integrity as local voting precinct officers in the major political parties, who can then nominate candidates of real integrity to run for state and federal government positions. This would immediately end the corruption that currently exists in the political process, and which allows politicians to be bought and sold. The plan requires citizen action, of course. I am actively participating in that action plan, and am encouraging others to do the same, because I truly believe it is our best opportunity (and may in fact be our last opportunity) to restore our freedom and liberties. That is what I want for my family and my descendants, and I think that is what most everyone really wants. Perhaps I am wrong, and I certainly cannot speak for you. Exactly what is it that you would like to achieve, and to leave in perpetuity to your descendants? Do you have a plan of action to achieve that? If so, are you actively pursuing it? If, as you stated, "little is done with the information we learned [in this forum thread]," then of course there would be little chance to succeed in overcoming tyranny. The question that needs to be answered by everyone who enters here is this: are you willing to step forward and take prompt and aggressive, yet peaceful, action to dethrone the American Ruling Class? If any would answer "no," then we may well all lose this option and be faced with the final option of defending ourselves against violent and bloody conflicts waged against us by those who we could have peacefully defeated earlier if we had only stood up and taken action. Please give that adequate and due thought, and keep in mind the words of Samuel Adams, which I quoted at the top of post #278. These words of warning should be heeded by everyone who cares about love, peace, freedom, and liberty.

                          Last edited by rickoff; 01-09-2010, 08:34 PM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
                            @Mozaar... It's naive of you to think that merely by promoting love and peace that it will actually manifest. If you sit by and do nothing but advocate virtue while evil men enslave you, what does that tell you about the nature of this world? Words are not always enough. Love and peace are not obtained passively. There has to be a plan of action that is taken and accomplished successfully.Ted
                            To make myself clearer, I do not just talk about Love and Peace, I live it, I think it. You can too. It is difficult to look evil in the I and not be afraid. I understand that and I am not naive. I do not believe anything can truly enslave me because I live in a degree or two higher than those who think they can. No social order carved out in stones, or with expensive pens and paper can really come up with a satisfying answer to what happiness is all about. You know that!

                            Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
                            Gandhi never sat back and just talked about anything. He would certainly try diplomacy first, but when that didn't work he swung into action. Many people who followed Gandhi died violent deaths in their quest for independence. They put their lives on the line because they believed it was worth the price of freedom. Ted
                            You got me here. From what I know from what I remember Ghandi led only peaceful demonstrations against British rule. I do not know what society he hoped to build in an independant India.

                            Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
                            That is the level of commitment that is needed to overthrow our present ruling class. Do you have that level of commitment to freedom? Would you put you life on the line for your country?Ted
                            I am not afraid of death so I do not really see that as a real sacrifice. Jesus did a lot of preaching himself and never forced anybody to think like he did or do like he did. Nor did anyone die for him. He reached out to free our minds. The mind of Mozaar is free.
                            As I stated earlier, the game is rigged! Overthrow this system, you will find another down the road that your grandkids or worse yet your kids will be whining about it later. Go ahead! Make that march on Washington, someone will make someone a leader. That office of the leader ends up making all the rules for all the peons that believe in a government that will take care of them!
                            Trust that each level of weakness you think exist in you or other people is the strength of the suffering out there. The ruling class knows this and they are very good in making sure they take care of that demand.
                            Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


                            • Obama Lied

                              ALERT: President Barack Obama has been caught in a BALD-FACED LIE -- he promised that all Congressional negotiations to get his healthcare bill passed would be “broadcast on C-SPAN,” but when C-SPAN CEO Brian Lamb took Obama up on his campaign pledge and asked in a letter that lawmakers let his cameras in during the final deal-making between the House and Senate…

                              OBAMA SAID NO. YouTube - Jack Cafferty Rips Obama on Failed Openness Pledge: 'Just Another Lie Told for Political Expediency'

                              Now, even the liberals in the mainstream media are getting upset that they were lied to -- and that they’re STILL being brushed off when they ask about those lies. And Obamacare’s hopes grow dimmer as his “friends” in the media start to abandon ship.
                              Last edited by rickoff; 01-12-2010, 06:10 AM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • I just assume everything he says is a lie. Maybe someday he'll be caught uttering the truth.

