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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    This case just goes to show once again that the states don't feel that constitutional law, which requires a presidential contender to be a natural born citizen, must be followed by the states even though a state may have no state law requiring the same, or requiring that proof of NBC status be shown by those who wish to be included on a ballot. It's a ridiculous argument, because the US Constitution is regarded as supreme law, was ratified by the various states at the time it was adopted (including New Jersey) and must therefore be recognized as such and obeyed. When a state allows a non-natural born citizen to appear on a ballot, that state is trashing the Constitution.

    What if the government rejects the Constitution?

    By Judge Andrew Napolitano
    Published April 12, 2012

    What if the government never took the Constitution seriously? What if the same generation -- in some cases the same human beings -- that wrote in the First Amendment, "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech," also enacted the Alien and Sedition Acts, which made it a crime to criticize the government? What if the feds don't regard the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land?

    What if the government regards the Constitution as merely a guideline to be referred to from time to time, or a myth to be foisted upon the voters, but not as a historic delegation of power that lawfully limits the federal government?

    What if the federal government is out of control, no matter which party controls it? What if there is only harmony on Capitol Hill when government is growing and personal liberty is shrinking? What if the presidential race this fall will not be between good and evil, between right and left, between free markets and central planning or even between constitutional government and Big Government; but only about how much bigger Big Government should get?

    What if enough is enough? What do we do about it? What if it's too late?

    What if the government rejects the Constitution? | Fox News



    • Responding

      To Judge Napolitono, (obviously) "What you mean, 'What if', Kemosabe??"
      To Rick; On the Birth certificate issue, it is a valid point; The Constitution say it is a requirement that Presidents be a NBC, but,..'We' don't have a effective, established,transparent method for addressing this issue; there is a 'GAP'. Any law is inneffective, unless someone is delegated with the responsibility and authority to enforce it.

      The most practical time to address this issue is when someone 'throws their hat in the ring', which is when their name is submitted to be on the ballot.
      Therefore, the most logical entity to ascertain legitimacy to be a candidate is the Secretaries of State, for each state.Each State Legislature needs to pass legislation spelling out the responsibilityand the authority of the Secretary of State to examine such documentation as is necessary to ascertain a candidate IS qualified. Obviously, this has never been done.

      I agree with your argument that since the Costitution is supreme law of the land, the judges rulewas wrong. However, if the aforementioned was done, he could not have ruled the way he did.

      I also think there is the opportunity to turn the 'crazy birther' argument around. That is, the argument can be made; "We want to do this (establish a transperent, effective way of resolving this issue), so we never again have a significant % of the electorate questioning whether their President is legitimate. i.e "Its not that WE'RE 'Birthers', (said by the people advocating for these laws), its that we want to insure their is none of this 'birther foolishness' in the future." Those who would fight such a law would thereby be 'disarmed' of their main argument.

      Farmhand; While your thoughts seem like a good aspiration, it seems like it would be impractical/impossible to incorporate within the existing system. On the other hand, while I fimly believe mankind went off coarse, when we made the initial decision, (to stop being 'hunter/gatherers, and to stay in one place) and that civilisation, with all its negatives resulted from that one decision,I admit I have NO idea how we go about getting 'back on coarse' or what an alternative should look like. Jim


      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
        Final Solutions?

        This documentary details the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. This video presentation advocates a new socio-economic system, which is updated to present-day knowledge, featuring the life-long work of Social Engineer, Futurist, Inventor and Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco, which he calls a Resource-Based Economy.
        Paradise or Oblivion (28 language subtitles) - YouTube

        Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
        (Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? - YouTube

        Shows the absolute brutality of conflict in India which recieves virtually no mainstream press in the United States.
        Final Solution - Massacres in India
        Seeking the Third Story - YouTube

        CNN | WTC Steel Column Spire Turns to Dust on 9/11 - YouTube




        • Radar Glitch

          4/22/2012 — Circle and Sawtooth Sweeps, also Scalar Square activity



          • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
            Grand Jury to Determine
            the Fate of Daniel Smith (and MMS)

            A man’s life - and that of his friends and family - hangs in the balance. They need our immediate help. The FDA’s prosecutor has called for a federal grand jury to be convened in the Eastern District of Washington in less than ten days. We don’t have much time to make history.

            Please take a stand to help save MMS and Daniel Smith from the FDA: I Am Not An Animal

            The FDA seeks to have the courts declare MMS a "drug" subject to regulation by the FDA and to charge Daniel Smith of Project GreenLife and others with violations of Title 18 Section 371, "Conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States" in violation of The Food Drug and Cosmetic Act.

            On June 29, 2011, without any warning, the FDA raided Daniel Smith’s home along with two companies that did Project GreenLife's fulfillment and bottling.

            Armed with guns and vests, they seized everything: computers, hard drives, business records, private member records, product, equipment, and every penny from every bank account, wiping Project GreenLife out all in a single afternoon. Not a bad day’s work for a stealthy yearlong operation.

            Project GreenLife was a 1st and 14th Amendment Private Membership Association. As Trustee, Daniel wrote the FDA a year prior, asking if the agency had any legal and valid objection to making MMS available to private members in the private domain.

            By the help and counsel of the ProAdvocate Group, Daniel based his inquiry on a good-faith understanding of U.S. Supreme Court case law as it pertained to the activities of a private association. Daniel told the FDA unless they objected within ten days he would assume they had no objection.

            While they could have just replied, they didn’t, leaving Daniel to believe he was free to go about his business. In the meanwhile, FDA agents spent a year quietly going through his garbage, putting GPS tracking devices on his cars, having agents sign membership contracts affirming they were not federal agents so they could make fraudulent buys.

            Slowly and methodically they gathered enough information to craft a story that would shock a Magistrate into granting them nearly a hundred warrants so they could completely wipe Project GreenLife out all in a single day. They wanted to teach Daniel Smith a lesson, limit the availability of MMS to the world, and make sure nobody else tried exercising their constitutional rights.

            Daniel has been fighting for his life and the lives of his people for ten months with very little resources and without an attorney. He’s kept everything under wraps until now.

            If the FDA wins this case, it would result in a horrible precedent by an uninformed court’s determination that MMS and sodium chlorite are “drugs” subject to regulatory oversight, and Daniel and others may go to prison for a very long time.

            But they’ve underestimated the MMS Movement. We have a chance to turn it all around and stop this before it goes any further. Both a grand jury and trial jury can put an end to the tyranny of rogue agencies like the FDA with what is called "Jury Nullification".

            Google those words and share what you learn. If we band together, Jury Nullification could be the end of corrupt government.

            Prosecutors, judges, and agencies like the FDA are terrified of the words “Jury Nullification” because it educates jurors of their right and power to decide what is and isn’t a “just” law, placing the real Power back into the hands of the People where it belongs.

            This is how the prohibition on alcohol was repealed in America in 30’s. Juries simply refused to convict because the law was unjust.

            Harlan F. Stone, the 12th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1941 said: “The law itself is on trial quite as much as the cause which is to be decided...

            If a juror feels that the statute involved in any criminal offence is unfair, or that it infringes upon the defendant's natural god-given unalienable or constitutional rights, then it is his duty to affirm that the offending statute is really no law at all and that the violation of it is no crime at all, for no one is bound to obey an unjust law.”

            Juries are made of people like you and me. They aren't dumb and they can see through greedy government charades if they are provided with enough facts.

            The facts in this case are sodium chlorite is not a drug, the FDA has no jurisdiction, and Daniel Smith and Project GreenLife are not criminals. The problem is, grand juries tend to only hear the prosecutor's version of the story, and trial juries rarely hear the evidence that would acquit.

            However, a prosecutor is obligated to share "exculpatory evidence" and we can help with that!

            The jury needs to hear that sodium chlorite is not a drug, that chlorine dioxide, privately made, is perfectly safe to use, and that the FDA is overreaching!

            They also need to know that Daniel Smith and his people are not criminals. They need to hear they (the jury) have the power to put an end to the FDA’s 110 year reign of sickness and terror.

            Here is a link to Sample Declarations you can download and read. If you agree, and you are willing to take a stand for Daniel and his family, and for MMS, and to tell the government and the FDA to BACK OFF, and to help the Jury get reacquainted with their true Power; then simply SIGN AND SEND!

            Follow the instructions for 10,000 Declarations on It will cost only the money and time it takes to mail and you could help make history and save more lives. I doubt any court or jury has received thousands of testimonies like this, until now.

            Every declaration counts. Don’t think other people will send enough that yours won’t matter. If everyone thinks that, no one will send anything, and Daniel Smith and his family will be left to the sharks and the tyranny will continue.

            PGL helped the MMS movement grow by making MMS available all over the world for over four years. They gave half of every bottle sold back to those who shared it. Here is our chance to support them in return and get the truth about MMS and the FDA on the Record!

            Remember, we have less than ten days. Let’s see if we can get 10,000 Declarations sent THIS weekend.

            It starts with yours!
            Go to I Am Not An Animal


            From Jim Humble W-site
            Jim Humble and MMS -

            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
            A child’s brain has a developmental time after which it closes down. That time is approximately six years for most children. During the first six years of a child’s life he believes everything that he is told to believe.

            After that first six years, the child begins to evaluate everything new that he learns using the data from his first six years. Ask any doctor, the brain changes and finishes development at approximately 6 years. This is fully evident in many studies.

            Look anywhere on earth, you will see that civilization is a product that is a result of what children learn during their first 6 years of life. Of course they continue to learn until they are 10 or 12 or 15, and all the rest of their lives, but the data that they will never question is that data that they were taught during the first 6 years. Of course, normally the data that they continue to receive to the ages of 10 and 15 merely enforces the 6 year data.

            Nobody quits lying to a child because he reaches the age of 6 or even 10. So you create a child, then lie to him about every single aspect of life until he is 10 years old or older, and then you wonder why he acts so funny and irresponsible during his teen years. Nobody questions this. When I questioned a parental group about why not teach their children some truth, they were simply appalled that I would suggest that children not learn all about fairies and goblins and Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny and Tooth fairies. They didn’t want me to participate in the group, however, I was encouraged because two of the parents said, “My God, yes. What have we been doing?” They left the group when I did.

            Lying to children has been done for so many thousands of years, no one can see the damage it does. But something must be responsible for the greed and death condition of Earth, it just didn’t happen as an accident. There is always a cause for the condition that exists. The more important reason that people cannot recognize this terrible situation that exists is that our young have never been taught to reason with logic. In fact, it is something that simply cannot be taught after about age 10.

            A mind that has been filled with fairy tales, and Santa Clause, and Easter bunnies simply does not grasp logic. If such minds could be taught logic, then the armies of nations would not have been out killing and murdering for the past 2000 years because that never was logical. The present logic used by all of our leaders and military men I call, “Santa Claus logic.” It was logic taught to them all during their Santa Claus years.
            Let me tell you what is the most damaging thing that has ever happened to this civilization, first we were taught, and now our children are taught, that it is OK to believe lies. Children, when small, believe lies because their parents want them to, and that makes it easier on the parents. When the children grow up, they believe lies because it still seems that believing lies will make it easier on them as adults.

            Somewhere in their minds they know it is OK to believe lies because for their first 10 years they were expected to believe lies. That’s why you can get a president elected who will be the worst case. That’s why people will almost always elect someone that will destroy them. Deep in one’s mind he has learned it is OK to believe lies

            There are no people on earth at this time who can think with facts. All the people here believe lies and insist on using those lies as part of their reasoning. That’s what causes some people to take fantastic advantage of others and destroy their way of living merely to get more money. Or to put children into a cancer hospital and radiate and torture them to death when the torture is only 2.3% effective. The children would have been less tortured and have a longer life had they just been left at home. But then, if people could think based on facts, the child would have been cured in the first place.

            Method for Achieving World Peace


            • Doh!

              "By the help and counsel of the ProAdvocate Group, Daniel based his inquiry on a good-faith understanding of U.S. Supreme Court case law as it pertained to the activities of a private association. Daniel told the FDA unless they objected within ten days he would assume they had no objection.

              While they could have just replied, they didn’t, leaving Daniel to believe he was free to go about his business."

              Dealing with Gov't Beurocracy, or any big hiearchy really, very naive to rely on assuming, or 'good faith'. Very poor advice, from ProAdvocate Group.

              I sympathise with him and his family, and would be happy to send a letter, although I'm unsure any jury will recieve it.Jim


              • Dutch, you cant exploit housing and other things Farm said if every country grows industrial hemp for it. (29, 000 uses)

                any how
                Obama's Lawyers Admit Birth Certificate is Fake! - YouTube

                Why isnt any one talking about how the forgery got into the white house, who ordered it and how did get posted, where does the trail lead



                • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                  Dutch, you cant exploit housing and other things Farm said if every country grows industrial hemp for it. (29, 000 uses)

                  any how
                  Obama's Lawyers Admit Birth Certificate is Fake! - YouTube

                  Why isnt any one talking about how the forgery got into the white house, who ordered it and how did get posted, where does the trail lead

                  Obama's lawyer did NOT admit that the image of Obama's birth certificate was a forgery - YouTube



                  • drones in US

                    Is there a drone in your neighbourhood? Rise of killer spy planes exposed after FAA is forced to reveal 63 launch sites across U.S. | Mail Online

                    Many drone sites around US set up.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • Isn’t it interesting how Obama and friends will claim federal laws supersedes state when it benefits them such, as fighting Arizona’s state law to keep illegal aliens form entering their state.
                      But then turn around and say that because there is no state law which requires them to follow a clear constitutional mandate that the president be a “natural born citizen” so in this case they claim that state laws are superior to federal laws.
                      It sure must be nice to be able to makeup and change the rules as they go.


                      • Ash, Mad Scientist

                        Firstly, you said can't exploit if hemp, etc. I'm reminded of the saying; Those who use the term 'foolproof' grossly underestimate the creativity of fools!"

                        My point is you underestimate the ability and propensity of 'sociopaths' (ARC?) to exploit ANYTHIN for profit. Even if you develop a 'new economy' based on Hemp, 'THEY' will find a way to exploit it, the Barstuds!

                        As for why anyone isn't talking about who made the forgery, how it go into the WH, who put it online; Still haven't gotten general populace to address and accept main question of it BEING a forgery, without getting to such questions.

                        Mad Scientist; This is nothing NEW, and isn't limited to the Obamanites. In fact, we ALL do this; we make an argument when it supports our position, and ignore the SAME argument when it refutes our argument on a differnet issue.
                        But, we 'see' this behavior clearly when others (whom we disagree with ) do it, but are 'blind' to seeing it when we do it, ourselves; its 'human nature'.Jim


                        • There are many who believe that Barry O is not actually the offspring of a Kenyan father, but instead was fathered by Frank Marshall Davis, a black man who lived in Hawaii and was a radical poet and journalist, as well as an avowed, card carrying member of the Communist party. After looking at some photos of Davis, I must say that Barry does indeed look much more like him than his claimed Kenyan father.

                          See what you think, and also check out a short video which exposes more details.
                          Last edited by rickoff; 10-04-2012, 03:50 AM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Rick

                            This gets back to an earlier issue; does 'natural born citisen' mean not only born in the U.S., but BOTH parents born in the U.S., or just MOM born in the U.S.
                            You KNOW who the Mother is, but frankly we are ALL 'taking it on faith' who the FATHER is, short of a DNA test. And, back when they were writing the Constitution, and haveing subsequent (relevent) legal cases, they didn't HAVE DNA tests.
                            Personally, I don't really give a rats *ss who his father was, myself.

                            I DO wonder just exactly how many orders the 'average' seargent gets from the President? Its called the 'chain of command', I believe. Even if an order ORIGINATES from the Pres., he would be court marshalled for refusing to obey a command from his immediate superior. Anyway, amasing how many people put their brain in 'Park', when they get on Facebook. Like the Secret service guy who posted the picture of himself, 'checking out' Sarah Palin.

                            Technology really does seemtomakeus dumber! Jim


                            • You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
                              ■Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend more money.
                              ■Being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government.
                              ■Politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.
                              ■The rights of the State come before the rights of the individual.

                              Upside-Down Land - Maine ReFounders

                              I Am America - YouTube



                              • That's right, the lawyer simply argued that she wasn't going to produce it because it was irrelevant.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

