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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    Transmissions from Mars #183 -- ABC NEWS reporting U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms - YouTube



    • Is there a "drone" in your neighbourhood?

      Oath Keepers is an American nonprofit organization[1] that advocates that its members (current and former U.S. military and law enforcement) uphold the Constitution of the United States should they be ordered to violate it.[2] The Oath Keepers' motto is "Not On Our Watch!", and their stated objective is to resist those actions taken by the U.S. Government that overstep Constitutional boundaries.[3]
      Oath Keepers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      ZOMO units were created on December 24, 1956 under the direct command of the President of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Poland and first used in 1957. Their mission statement was defined as "the protection of the nation," and their main role was as a rapid-response police force, structured after and trained by the instructors from the Schutzpolizei of East Germany. Since 1972, the duties of ZOMO included counter-terrorism (including countering aircraft hijackings), with the elite Special Platoons of the ZOMO (pl. Plutony Specjalne ZOMO) created in 1978. As opposition to the communist government in Poland grew, the units were expanded to counter the growing unrest, and their role became more of anti-riot police.
      ZOMO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      "Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful," the high level globalist minion Henry Kissinger purportedly said in an address to the Bilderbergers at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991.
      Is it possible after the next manufactured terror event they will also be grateful for the armed presence of soldiers from Poland and Latvia?

      InfoWars Report : Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans - FL - YouTube




        Originally posted by rickoff View Post
        That's right, the lawyer simply argued that she wasn't going to produce it because it was irrelevant.
        United States v. Wong Kim Ark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        These two sites show the Supreme Court thinking on citizenship: it doesn't matter who your parents were as long as you are born on U.S. soil. Interesting how they have twisted the original intent of the framers of the constitution, whose thoughts on who could be President of The U.S. were clearly expressed at the First Continental Congress and even in writings before the Congress started.
        This information was posted early in this thread when this debate first started.
        Also note how they have avoided the phrase "natural born citizen" in these rulings.



        • Natural (Native) Born Citizen: Solved

          A citizen of the United States is no longer a citizen of the Union; that is, the United States of America, but now is a citizen of the United States (Fourteenth Amendment), that is, a citizen of the territories and possessions of the United States, including the District of Columbia as well as federal enclaves with the several States. [Footnote 5] As such one who is a citizen of the United States is one who is not born in the United States of America; that is, in an individual State of the Union. A citizen of a State, under Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution, is still one who is still born in an individual State of the Union. [Footnote 6]

          Thus, a citizen of the United States cannot become President of the United States of America, since he or she is not born in the United States of America; that is, in an individual State of the Union. Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 still applies to one who is a citizen of a State; that is, one who is born in an individual State of the Union.

          The States are not separate and autonomous sovereign nations. Any one born in any State IS a Citizen of the USA. However, everyone born in any state is NOT a “Natural-Born American Citizen” depending on whether or not he/she meets the established definition of a Natural-Born American. If one is born in any state, of (2) foreign parents,one must be naturalized. If one of the Parents is foreign and one is not ,the child is a “dual” Citizen regardless of whether the mother or the Father is the foreigner. There are Statutory citizenships such as those which the fourteenth amendment address and there are the Constitutionally Defined statuses . The latter can only be changed by amending the Constitution while the previous are legislated by statute. The 14th amendment did not serve to amend the constitution to repeal the Natural Born American requirement to be President. It addressed a statutory question about Naturalization and not a Constitutional question about what a Natural Born American is

          Indeed,it is the same Supreme Court Case,which the Author cites,that established just what a Natural Born American is,Minor v. Happersett,USSCt. That is “One born in a country of parentS {emphasis added}, (Parent with an “S”,means BOTH) who ARE citizens” themselves.

          The founders wanted the President to be 100% American. They wanted a “Natural Born Citizen”. One with a foreign un –naturalized Mother or a foreign un-naturalized Father or even a Child whose Parents ARE BOTH Americans,yet he/she was born in a foreign nation is NOT a Natural Born American. John McCain fits into this category. McCain’s parents were both
          American but he was born OUTSIDE the territorial limits of the USA (Colon,Panama,which was specifically EXCLUDED from the parameters of the Panama Canal Zone,BY TREATY and was NOT US Soil.

          There is NO debate or controversy. The definition of A Natural Born Citizen has been established and has been for hundreds of years. It remains only for America’s malfeasant congress and judiciary to enforce it.

          Natural (Native) Born Citizen: Solved



          • NBC explained


            An excellent treatise by Mr. Goodman, well worth reading in it's entirety, and one which I agree with completely. It is well worth reading the entire article, from which you posted that excerpt.

            The reply to the reply at the end is especially telling in light of current events.



            • As a regular reader of this thread, the following Yahoo story becomes ridiculously transparent !

              In Maraniss excerpts, Obama’s ex-girlfriend recalls his ‘sexual warmth’ and charm but also his detachment | The Ticket - Yahoo! News


              • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                Slider your the same dood who helped Ben out in the PSEC stuff??
                If so man your altruism cannot hide we know you bro


                • Homeland Security To Test Biological Sensors In MBTA Tunnels

                  BOSTON (CBS) – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be releasing bacteria into the MBTA tunnels to test the safety of the subway.

                  The DHS has installed sensors in the MBTA system to detect biological agents and they’ve been testing to see how the air moves.
                  Now they want to release particles in the tunnels to see how well the sensors work.
                  The tests will be held at stations in Cambridge and Somerville.
                  Federal officials say they test the subway sensors by releasing dead bacteria called B-subtilis. They say it is used in food supplements, has been rigorously tested and has no adverse health effects for low exposure in healthy people.
                  The tests will be held during the off hours this summer, likely overnight. As part of the legal process, a hearing will be held May 16, from 5:30-7:30pm at the Cambridge YMCA in Central Square. The public will be able to voice concerns and comments.

                  DHS Test Summary -

                  While the systems are being evaluated, Massachusetts public health officials will be working closely with DHS and the MBTA to monitor the results. The MBTA and DHS are coordinating these efforts with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Cambridge Public Health Department, and the Somerville Health Department, with support from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency.

                  'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                  General D.Eisenhower



                  • Constitutional issues

                    There is an argument to be made that 'we' should 'follow' the Constitution, as it is 'supposed' to be the 'Law of the Land'.
                    However, as has been pointed out in numerous posts, on DIFFERENT issues, 'we' aren't, and haven't been for some time!
                    Now, as I've ponted out before; even if we assume the framers meant not only the candidate, but his parents had to be born in the U.S., at the time the Constituion was written they had NO way to 'verify', or know for sure, WHO the father was; they were taking 'Mom's' word for it.
                    Now, with DNA testing, we COULD require not only bith certificates but DNA testing from candidates.
                    But technology creates as many new problems as it solves; what about 'surrogate' mothers; suppose the women who carried and gave birth is a citizen, but not the 'egg donor', or vice versa? What about a child born of a single Mom, who is impregnated by artificial insemination?

                    Frankly, my problem with our current Pres. is NOT his 'heritage', it is his policies/politics. IF I agreed with his Politics/Policies, (NOT bloody likely, as don't agree with Romoney'$ either) I really wouldn't be too concerned about where his parents were born.

                    Which is I suppose, why his supporters denigrate the 'Birthers'; they LIKE his Policies and agree with them, and so don't think his lineage is an issue. In their 'shoes', I would probably feel the same.

                    Looked at another way, these children who were brought here when very young, and grew up in America, and are deported to their 'home country' at age 20, say, are LOST in their 'home country'. They respond the same as taking a 'gringo' born and raised in the U.S., and 'transplanting' them to mexico; they not only don't speak the language, (in many cases), but the whole society is 'forign' to them. I'm NOT making an 'argument' for the dream act, at all; just saying someone raised in this country is an American, in their thinking, values and loyalties. (Actually, not a guarantee, as there have been native born 'traitors').

                    I would be content, personally, with requiring a Candidate to provide his 'certified' birth certificate, just like he has to provide to get a drivers licence; it 'proves' he/she is OLD enough to be a Candidate (35 years old, I believe) and it proves HE/She was born in the U.S.

                    As for McCain, it has long been recognised that serviceme/women overseas retain U.S. citesenship, and children born on U.S. bases are still U.S. citezens, etc. and I don't. personally, have a problem with that.

                    If 'we'could just establish a 'transperent' way to clearly make SOMEONE responsible for making sure that a Candidate meets some version of the requirements to hold office, (which we DON'T have now), I would be 'happy' with that. Somethings better than nothing, which is what we have now? Jim


                    • Something’s better than nothing - short changing due to fear, ignorance, rationalising needs …

                      National Research Council evaluation
                      In 1988 at the request of the US Army, the National Research Council evaluated several highly marketed "New age" human performance enhancement technologies.[12] Druckman, one of the evaluators, said that "we found little if any evidence to support NLP’s assumptions or that it is effective as a strategy for social influence."

                      (Note that Tony-Robbins is NLP practitioner)
                      User:GregA/NLP Overview - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Comprehensive NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming



                      • Why "The Real 2012 Delegate Count""? The answer should be obvious. The mainstream media is simply not accurately covering the race for delegates in the Republican contest for President. In fact, if you watch network news you would believe that the Republican contest is over. It is not.

                        K33P U5 1NF0RM3D 8EN! 7H4NK5 50 MUCH F0R C0MP1L1N6 4LL 7H3 R3P0R75 FR0M 4R0UND 7H3 VV38 4ND P41N71N6 7H3 570RY H0VV 17 15 4ND N07 H0VV 17 15 831N6 P41N73D 8Y 07H3R5. 74NK5!
                        cam4mav 4 days ago

                        Ben Swann Reality Check Half Hour Special- Delegates - YouTube



                        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                          There is an argument to be made that 'we' should 'follow' the Constitution, as it is 'supposed' to be the 'Law of the Land'.
                          However, as has been pointed out in numerous posts, on DIFFERENT issues, 'we' aren't, and haven't been for some time!
                          Now, as I've ponted out before; even if we assume the framers meant not only the candidate, but his parents had to be born in the U.S., at the time the Constituion was written they had NO way to 'verify', or know for sure, WHO the father was; they were taking 'Mom's' word for it.
                          Now, with DNA testing, we COULD require not only birth certificates but DNA testing from candidates.
                          But technology creates as many new problems as it solves; what about 'surrogate' mothers; suppose the women who carried and gave birth is a citizen, but not the 'egg donor', or vice versa? What about a child born of a single Mom, who is impregnated by artificial insemination?
                          If the egg donor or sperm donor is not a US citizen then the offspring is not a natural born citizen. I'm all for the suggested DNA testing, although then, of course, the lab results could be falsified and claimed truthful, just as Barry's "certfiicate" was. Same goes for his Selective Service registration, which was obviously faked, but someone having access to the SS archives was willing to help Barry out by placing the faked record there. Incidentally, the best explanation showing why the SS registration was definitely faked can be found in this video.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Obama Administration Laundering Money?

                            Home Owners Across the Nation Sue All Bank Servicers and Their Offshore Havens; Spire Law Officially Announces Filing of Landmark Lawsuit

                            Largest International Money Laundering Network in History Formed During Obama Administration; U.S. Banks' Theft of Home Owners' Money Laundered Through Cayman Islands, Isle of Man and Numerous Offshore-Based Affiliates

                            NEW YORK, NY, Apr 23, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- In a lawsuit alleged to involve the largest money laundering network in United States history, Spire Law Group, LLP -- on behalf of home owners across the Country -- has filed a mass tort action in the Supreme Court of New York, County of Kings. Home owners across the country have sued every major bank servicer and their subsidiaries -- formed in countries known as havens for money laundering such as the Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg and Malaysia -- alleging that while the Obama Administration was publicly encouraging loan modifications for home owners, it was privately ratifying the formation of these shell companies in violation of the United States Patriot Act, and State and Federal law. The case further alleges that through these obscure foreign companies, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, and numerous other federally chartered banks stole hundreds of millions of dollars of home owners' money during the last decade and then laundered it through offshore companies. The complaint, Index No. 500827, was filed by Spire Law Group, LLP, and several of the Firm's affiliates and partners across the United States.

                            Far from being ambiguous, this is a complaint that "names names." Indeed, the lawsuit identifies specific companies and the offshore countries used in this enormous money laundering scheme. Federally Chartered Banks' theft of money and their utilization of offshore tax haven subsidiaries represent potential FDIC violations, violations of New York law, and countless other legal wrongdoings under state and federal law.

                            "The laundering of trillions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money -- and the wrongful taking of the homes of those taxpayers -- was known by the Administration and expressly supported by it. Evidence uncovered by the plaintiffs revealed that the Administration ignored its own agencies' reports -- and reports from the Department of Homeland Security -- about this situation, dating as far back as 2010. Worse, the Administration purported to endorse a 'national bank settlement' without disclosing or having any public discourse whatsoever about the thousands of foreign tax havens now wholly owned by our nation's banks. Fortunately, no home owner is bound to enter into this fraudulent bank settlement," stated Eric J. Wittenberg of Columbus, Ohio -- a noted trial lawyer, author and student of US history -- on behalf of plaintiffs in the case.

                            The suing home owners reveal how deeply they were defrauded by bank and governmental corruption -- and are suing for conversion, larceny, fraud, and for violations of other provisions of New York state law committed by these financial institutions and their offshore counterparts.
                            This lawsuit explains why loans were, in general, rarely modified after 2009. It explains why the entire bank crisis worsened, crippling the economy of the United States and stripping countless home owners of their piece of the American dream. It is indeed a fact that the Administration has spent far more money stopping bank investigations, than they have investigating them. When the Administration's agencies (like the FDIC) blew the whistle, their reports were ignored.

                            The case is styled Abeel v. Bank of America, etc., et al. -- and includes such entities as ML Banderia Cayman BRL Inc., ML Whitby Luxembourg S.A.R.L. and J.P Morgan Asset Management Luxembourg S.A. -- as well as hundreds of other obscure offshore entities somehow "owned" by federally chartered banks and formed "under the nose" of the Administration and the FDIC.

                            Commenting further on the case, Mr. Wittenberg stated: "As if it is not bad enough that banks collect money and do not credit it to homeowners' accounts, and as if it is not bad enough that those banks then foreclose when they know they do not have a legally enforceable interest in the realty, we now learn that they have been operating under unbridled free reign given by the Administration and some states' Attorneys General in formulating this international money laundering network. Now that the light of day has been shined on it, I believe we can all rest assured that the beginning of the end of the bank crisis has arrived."
                            All United States home owners may have the right to bring a lawsuit of this kind if they paid money to a national bank servicer during the years 2003 through 2009.

                            One lawyer impacted by the corruption -- Mitchell J. Stein, who formerly represented the FDIC, the RTC and the FSLIC during the Savings and Loan scandal of the 1990s, and who predicted all of the foregoing in open court two years ago -- commented: "Two years ago, I remarked in open court to a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge, as well as to legislators including Senator Dianne Feinstein's office during a multitude of in-person meetings, that the ongoing violations of the Patriot Act by these financial institutions was outrageous and a breach of the public trust of unprecedented proportions," said Stein.

                            "The size and scope of this misconduct -- stretching to far-away islands never before having standing as approved United States Bank affiliates -- is remarkable and emblematic of what we have seen," he continued. "The bank crisis represents the height of corruption and brazen behavior where our historically trusted financial institutions have no qualms about breaking the law, because they have the Administration behind them. Banks do well enough when they operate lawfully without needing to be permitted to operate as criminal enterprises that steal money from United States citizens."

                            Additional plaintiffs' counsel Nicholas M. Moccia commented: "Having been in the trenches of the bank crisis for years, I always knew that the misconduct was being conducted by a network. When I started litigating against banks, however, I could have never imagined that it would be this extensive. I look forward to taking discovery of these thousands of obscure foreign entities and to obtaining for homeowners their constitutionally entitled injuries for this international ring of theft and deception."
                            Comments were requested from the Attorney Generals' offices in NY, CA, NV, and MA and the White House, but no comment was provided.
                            About Spire Law Group

                            Spire Law Group, LLP is a national law firm whose motto is "the public should be protected -- at all costs -- from corruption in whatever form it presents itself." The Firm is comprised of lawyers nationally with more than 250-years of experience in a span of matters ranging from representing large corporations and wealthy individuals, to also representing the masses. The Firm is at the front lines litigating against government officials, banks, defunct loan pools, and now the very offshore entities where the corruption was enabled and perpetrated.
                            Contact: James N. Fiedler, Esq. Managing Partner Spire Law Group, LLP 877-475-2448 Email Contact SOURCE: Spire Law Group, LLP
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Spire Law Group, LLP is a national law firm whose motto is "the public should be protected -- at all costs -- from corruption in whatever form it presents itself." The Firm is comprised of lawyers nationally with more than 250-years of experience in a span of matters ranging from representing large corporations and wealthy individuals, to also representing the masses. The Firm is at the front lines litigating against government officials, banks, defunct loan pools, and now the very offshore entities where the corruption was enabled and perpetrated.
                              Contact: James N. Fiedler, Esq. Managing Partner Spire Law Group, LLP 877-475-2448 Email Contact SOURCE: Spire Law Group, LLP
                              Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              That's right, the lawyer simply argued that she wasn't going to produce it because it was irrelevant.

                              Ron Paul speech naming the individuals involved in the conspiracy
                              to dismantle the United States from within.

                              Ron Paul The Enemy of America. AIPAC PNAC Trilateral CFR NWO 2012 - YouTube

                              His backup plan since January has been to use delegates as a bargaining chip to extract concessions at the GOP convention: a prominent speech or the inclusion of Paul's views in the party platform that will be approved in Tampa, Fla., in August. To some degree, his campaign is about influence and leverage.

                              "That's the fallback. If we don't pull it off and we're not in first place, yes, that would be a good goal," Paul told Fox News' Chris Wallace after the Iowa caucuses. "I run to win, and I have won a lot, but we also want to help direct the party and the country in a certain way, so that would be a very, very positive strategy to have an influence on the party."

                              Ron Paul's Not-So-Secret Plot for the GOP Convention - Yahoo! News



                              • Now numerous active duty U.S. military soldiers and officers are bringing their own lawsuits against Barak Obama for not being a natural born United States citizen. BREAKING NEWS! US Military Refusing Orders from Barack Obama and Suing in Court!.flv - YouTube


