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The American Ruling Class

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  • Right on guys, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

    I think it is simply inevitable
    I agree, weather it is planned or not its inevitable at this rate. The fact that an economy needs to be GROWING simply to sustain itself is scary. Earth is finite. Nothing will grow forever. The first step is population control but that alone prevents economic growth and creates many more problems.

    There are cars at every single corner of every single street in every single city. Yet many car makers had to be saved from bankruptcy. Everything is growing and growing with the stakes getting higher and higher yet the risk of collapse always stays the same. Growing the population and growing the economy may seem like a good idea now, but when we get to the end of the rope, the fall will be that much more catastrophic.


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      I think the majority of the "American Ruling Class" may well be just as unprepared for the aforementioned catastrophe; Just like everyone else, many/most are probably in 'denial'. I KNOW some on this thread think the coming apocolypse is all PLANNED by the 'powers that be', and I think it is simply inevitable, and nothing anyone can do to stop it.

      It MAY be 'the great eaqualiser', however. Much of what 'They' have aquired, wealth, power, etc. may be of little use to them,...'after'.
      You can bet your boots that The American Ruling Class power elites, and the Bilderbergers who oversee them, know precisely what will happen and when it will happen, and they are fully prepared to live out the chaos. They know the schedule, because they arranged it.

      We do know for a certainty that the Washington power elites of our so called government, and military, have vast underground bunkers nearby that are hardened against even a nuclear strike, and where literally thousands of "important" and "necessary" people can live safely and comfortably in a self-sustaining environment for as long as is necessary, with all their dietary, medical, and other needs provided for. And there are other such bunkers in strategic locations across the United States, and worldwide for that matter. Of course we peons won't be welcome at any of those sites.

      And when it is finally safe to emerge from their bunkers, the power elite will emerge with their lives and their wealth intact, and with their power over any "outside" survivors far stronger than ever before. To ensure that will be the case, they told Congress to ram through the National Defense Resources Preparedness (NDRP) Act, giving the Corporation U.S. president the power, in times of peace and national crisis, to take full control of ALL American resources.

      Did you know that Barry has signed over 900 executive orders since he has been presiding at Corporation U.S.? More than a dozen Executive Orders signed in these last three and a half years give Barry the power to declare MARTIAL LAW as he sees fit, and he can do it WITHOUT Congress' authorization and without being held accountable to Congress or to the people in any way! Here is a list of some of the most despicable executive orders Barry has signed in order to pave the way for what is to come:

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports. [Yup, you won't be going anywhere they don't want you to go.]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 to seize and control the communication media. [Hmmm, didn't they already do that long ago, surreptitiously? Oh, that's right - that was only MAJOR media. This time it will be ALL media, so that we no longer have ANY source for truthful news or communication with like minded individuals.]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals. [Yes, and do you think they would be willing to dole out any of these resources to us peons to operate vehicles or equipment?]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 to take over all food resources and farms. [Yes, all such resources, including your private farm or food stockpile, and your water well, will be confiscated "for the greater good."]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. [Yes, you will be forced to work for the "government," and those who cannot work, or refuse to work, will most assuredly be dealt with quickly and severely.]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 to take over all health, education and welfare functions. [To ensure that all existing medical supplies and personnel are rounded up and made available by priority of "importance."]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 to operate a national registration of all persons via the Postmaster General. [Yup, all survivors will have to register so that they can be rounded up and "relocated" to FEMA camps where they can be closely monitored and controlled.]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft. [This would be done early at the onset of chaotic conditions to prevent people with means from escaping to more serene locations.]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations through the Housing and Finance Authority. [And where do you think we would be relocated to, if we can survive? Definitely not to some lovely new community. Think FEMA camps.]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 to consolidate 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen-year period assigning emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies.

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 to authorize putting all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 authorizes the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
      [And you can bet that Eric Holder's injustice department would be delighted to enforce every one of Barry's whims and desires.]

      EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency (FEMA) to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of "money" in U.S. financial institutions in any undefined national emergency. It also stipulates that Congress cannot review the action for six months. [Just think about this - in 6 months time it would be way too late for Congress to undo any of what had already been done to enslave and encamp us, even if they had the will power to do so, which of course is doubtful.]
      Last edited by rickoff; 06-15-2012, 06:14 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Rick, Rick, Rick

        First of all, most of these 'Executive orders' are consolidating power already 'ceded' to the NationalGov't, and the Exeutive branch, a long time ago. They already 'contol' transportation; get on a plane, have to go thru screening, drive on a freeway, get pulled over, etc.
        As you agknowledge in your post, many are 'consolidating' things in previous executive orders.
        Bottom line, he or any president can have an 'executive order', but its JUST a piece of paper.Hows he going to 'enforce' it, in order to use the Military (I assume your going to say) of perhaps 4 million Men/Women in Uniform, to herd what,...250-300 million people into slave labor camps, (which is, i assume, what your talking about)?
        And what makes you think said men and women, having taken an oath to uphold the Costitution (whichever version you want) are going to OBEY such orders? Or, the (with the # of guns in circulation) that 'They' could make it work?
        Finally, (it seems to me) the 'ruling elite' benefit, from us 'peons' going to work (for them, ultimately) so they can profit from our labor, driving to work in a car we buy, from THEM (ultimately) using gas we buy (from them), and stoppingon the way home topick up groceries we buy FROM THEM, and going home to a house financed by,......THEM.

        In short, THEY 'profit' from our active consumption and active production. THEY want the 'status quo'; THEY don't WANT 'things' to change, as they like it the way it is.

        Mubarrak went down in 17 days, NOT because the 'people' wanted him to 'go down', but, because they were all in Tarir square, protesting, they WEREN'T going to work, or shopping, either. And, with him 'down', the 'powers that be' are striving mightily, to give the appearance of change, without changing anything substantially, other than the 'figure head', i.e. Mubarrak; THEY (in Egypt) want a return to the status quo.

        Again my opinion; I DON'T think the 'Power elites' are manipulating and conniving to make whats about to happen,happen; just the opposite! I think they are doing everything they can, to 'stave off' the (what I think is ) inevitable. "Better the devil you KNOW", and they know and like this 'devil'.

        I JUST don't see the Gov't being able to suppress the people, in the U.S. ANY government, even a totally brutal dictatorship, can only rule with the passive aquiescence of the people; look at Syria. He bombs them, uses attack helicopters on them, and still they fight on. And the 'economy' of the country, which he and his cronies profitted from, by corruption, etc. is gone in the toilet. So, where does it benefit the 'ruling elites', in Syria? You don't think they wouldn't LOVE to have things go back 'the way they were', 2 years ago? Anyway, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, its our basic difference which we keep coming back to; YOU think this is all being masterminded by people 'behind the scenes' (Bilderburgers and such), and you are by far and away not the only one, I might add. And, I concede, 'You all' MIGHT be right. I, on the other hand, don't THINK so; in fact, I think the 'Power elites' are doing everything they can, to tryu to keep it together, to keep the genie in the bottle, etc.
        'Stemming' the financial crises, so 'they' could go back to 'business as usual' was simply on example of this. And I know, you think they engineered the 'crises' deliberately. I think it happened, despite them, not because of them. Oh, sure, they used their influence to make sure they didn't 'suffer', but that doesn't mean they deliberately set the thing up.
        Anyway, we'll have to see, how it turns out. The 'fact' that even the Gov't is 'preparing for the worst, while expecting the best' should convince any remaining 'doubters' that THEY need to start doing likewise.
        Quite frankly, if your 'vision' is the correct one, i'm not sure what preparations would do 'any good'; the Gov't is (apperently) going to come and round you and your family up, wherever you are, and put you in a camp,or force you to work in a factory, or to turn over all the product from your farm. So, what exactly is the point?
        In which case, they'll just have to kill me, and I figure I'll be better off than those poor souls who submit.Jim


        • Personally I think the Elite do have a PLAN or at least an IDEA of what they want to do. I think its relates to the super advanced technology that they have possion of and in which they dont want 6 Billion other people to have possion.

          I think they do want a major population reduction to springboard into the future which will be a tightly controlled super advanced society. I dont think they would care about individuals who have survived by themselves on a farm. Those type of survivors wouldnt be a threat at all. They would have to conform of course to the new way of life. The new world order.

          We all have seen movies of the future, the futuristic cars, buildings, technology. They have that now. So, what are they waiting for? I dont think they globally want this way of life. They dont wany countries fighting and killing each other, or a population which is explosively overpopulating. A super advanced sociecty with that much technological power must be uniform. It must be a single society and it must be controlled to a much greater extent. Otherwise it may just be "Atlantis Part 2" our new found power may very well destroy us.

          They have Zero Point Energy, They have Anti-Gravity. They have invisibility.
          With great power comes great responsibility. Thats just my IMHO.
          Last edited by Nadda; 06-15-2012, 10:11 PM.


          • Originally posted by Nadda View Post
            They have Zero Point Energy, They have Anti-Gravity. They have invisibility.
            With great power comes great responsibility. Thats just my IMHO.
            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
            not only does the 'spire' turn to dust
            you can see it emit small fractals at 1:21
            like we see with most of the falling twin tower steel
            as it molecularly breaks down.

            TODB0AMER 1 month ago

            9/11 WTC North Tower Core, HAVE YOU SEEN IT? - YouTube



            • Obama the Fascist

              Check this out:

              Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises

              Potential to have corporations overturn state laws. Fascism at its finest compliments of the Obama administration.
              Last edited by Aaron; 06-16-2012, 05:02 PM.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                Check this out:

                Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises

                Potential to have corporations overturn state lawns. Fascism at its finest compliments of the Obama administration.

                Rare Adolf Hitler speech 1942 - YouTube



                • Ron Paul delegates file suit against GOP

                  More than 120 GOP delegates, who say that campaigns have been conducted "like organized crime syndicates," have filed a federal suit against the Republican Party, and another 40 national convention delegates have already asked to join the suit. Most delegates, though not all, are Ron Paul supporters. The charges leveled against the Republican Party include, "threats of violence," certification of "unlawful slates of delegates," forced "affidavits of loyalty to Romney under penalty of perjury" and even "altered ballot results to make sure the national convention is stacked with delegates who will vote for Romney." The suit demands that delegates be freed to “vote their conscience” for presidential nominee at the GOP's August national convention in Tampa, Fla., rather than being “bound” to vote for Romney, or any other particular candidate.

                  “The Republican National Committee and its chairman have been aiding the Governor Romney campaign for at least six months,” the lawsuit alleges. “The RNC and its chairman, defendant Reince Priebus, have … combined with a particular candidate with all of the aid the RNC can possibly, but improperly give … to obstruct, intimidate and harass delegates from voting their conscience.”

                  Richard Gilbert, attorney for the delegates, explained, "They don’t want to be bound to any candidate, or even be forced to vote for the nominee. To have a real convention, the delegates must have free will so that when they meet, they can persuade each other and then decide who to vote for.” Gilbert went on to say that, “some campaigns act like organized crime syndicates – and I mean organized crime, no doubt about it. In Arizona, the voting machines were rigged so that Ron Paul votes were counted as Mitt Romney votes. It was so intentional that a Romney delegate refused to certify the vote count, and for that he got thrown off the convention.”

                  “If the judge rules in our favor, I won’t be surprised if three or four new candidates, say Sarah Palin, jump in and say they want to be considered,” Gilbert speculated. “It will be the most interesting national convention in my lifetime if the judge rules for us on this.”

                  I think it is likely that Holder's Injustice Department would apply pressure upon the court to decide in favor of the delegates' suit, thinking that such decision would most likely cause a huge rift in the Republican party, thus vastly improving Barry's chances of re-election in November. And the GOP's professed reasoning in calling for a dismissal of the suit will likely be the same.

                  Does anyone else here see how this could potentially wind up being even bigger than the Watergate scandal, which incidentally is approaching its 40th anniversary? And does anyone else now see how things are shaping up for Sarah Palin to emerge as the actual nominee at the GOP convention, and how this was likely the actual GOP game plan all along, as I had speculated quite some time ago? Obviously Palin has received tremendous publicity and name recognition from the media due to TV programs like "Sarah Palin's Alaska," and the GOP has now had 3 years to school and groom her in preparation for the task. In my opinion, even though I'm not a Palin fan, I believe she would beat out Mitt Romney easily to clinch the nomination. I just can't help thinking that the GOP has been intentionally keeping her out of the fray for as long as possible to allow her to avoid the mud-slinging and come in squeaky clean at the last moment to be the one who heals the rift and unites the Republican Party. Let's face it, Romney simply does not have widespread unified support from Conservatives or Independents, so how could he be the GOP's logical and actual choice?
                  Last edited by rickoff; 06-16-2012, 05:50 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    First of all, most of these 'Executive orders' are consolidating power already 'ceded' to the NationalGov't, and the Exeutive branch, a long time ago. They already 'contol' transportation; get on a plane, have to go thru screening, drive on a freeway, get pulled over, etc.
                    Sure, the feds already have the FAA and TSA as controls on air travel, but right now you can still get a ticket to fly just about anywhere you wish, and you can even fly there in your own plane if you can afford one. But that will all change under the fascist dictatorship that is emerging. And yes, the Interstate Highway System was built primarily to ensure the access and mobility of US troops during practice operations, national emergencies, and for defensive purposes in time of war, but state troopers are the ones who patrol these highways and would pull you over if your foot is too heavy on the accelerator pedal or you have a tail light out. That's not the type of control I'm talking about. What I'm talking about, and what Congress is allowing, is for you to be pulled over for no reason at all, arrested and detained indefinitely with no charges, and your automobile confiscated.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    As you acknowledge in your post, many are 'consolidating' things in previous executive orders.
                    Right, like by giving a single "government" department, such as Holder's Injustice Department, the power to enforce all of Barry's executive orders by whatever means they deem appropriate.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    Bottom line, he or any president can have an 'executive order', but its JUST a piece of paper. How's he going to 'enforce' it, in order to use the Military (I assume your going to say) of perhaps 4 million Men/Women in Uniform, to herd what,...250-300 million people into slave labor camps, (which is, i assume, what your talking about)?
                    First of all, I'm not talking about herding 300 or so million people (the entire US population) into slave labor camps. The job will be much easier than you think, for the following reasons:
                    1. In the wake of what is likely to come, somewhere between 80 to 90 percent of the population will no longer exist. Population reduction has always been the actual driving force behind wars. Even in the relative period of so-called "peacetime" since WW2, millions of military and civilians have been slaughtered. And that's not all. Do you and your family eat corn? Most families do, and it has been found that genetically modified corn (nearly all corn marketed nowadays) eventually causes those who consume it to become sterile. I'm sure you will think that wasn't intended, and had nothing to do with any plan by TPTB, just as you probably wouldn't think that the AIDS epidemic was foisted upon Africa to ensure a dramatic reduction in the population explosion there, and you probably wouldn't care to read the damning evidence concerning both of these topics, just as you have no desire to research what the Bilderbergers are all about.
                    2. When the overall situation here in the U.S. goes utterly chaotic, most of those who are somehow able to survive the chaos for a week or more will be exhausting whatever scant resources are available to them, and will also be fearful of their safety, and safety of their surviving family members. These people will quite willingly head to known FEMA camps and plead for admittance.
                    3. Those who haven't yet been accounted for in #2 will be relatively few in number. They will for the most part be rural dwellers living on farms, and a lesser number of "survivalists" also living in remote locations. None of these will pose a realistic threat to the authorities, so there won't be a pressing need to round them up immediately. The first visits will come to the farmers, of course, and they will be expected to give up their crops and food stores to be distributed as the "government" sees fit. If the farmers comply without question, they will probably be allowed to remain on their land and continue to grow future crops that will likewise be taken by the authorities. If they voice disagreement and objections, they will surely be whisked away and incarcerated.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    And what makes you think said men and women, having taken an oath to uphold the Constitution (whichever version you want) are going to OBEY such orders? Or, the (with the # of guns in circulation) that 'They' could make it work?
                    Jim, you need to get real. The guns currently held by American gun owners are no match for military weapons, and furthermore the "government" already knows who those gun owners are, and what guns they own, due to gun registration laws. Furthermore, Barry's regime is cooperating with the UN on a gun ban treaty that would see the U.S. "government" requiring all U.S. gun owners to turn in their guns or face serious consequences. Those who fail to comply will be routed out, and those whose duty it is to rout them out will be using SWAT team tactics to ensure compliance or death.

                    To be fair, yes, there are those in the military who have taken an "Oathkeepers" pledge to not comply with or enforce any unconstitutional orders, but realistically speaking, just how effective will they be at keeping that promise? If they were going to keep that promise, then where were they when they were needed to stand up to unconstitutional police tactics used against civilians in Pittsburgh, for example. The armed services are comprised of men and women trained and expected to obey orders, whatever those orders may be. The "yes sir" mentality is drilled into them day and night, and they know that if they fail to obey an order then they will be court-martialed and imprisoned just like colonel Terry Lakin was. How many stepped up to defend Terry's stance? Only two that I know of, and they were both retired military officers and were not allowed to testify in Terry's behalf. You wouldn't have thought that U.S. soldiers would have behaved the way they did during the My Lai Massacre, and would have instead refused the orders of their platoon leader and relieved him of command. And you wouldn't have thought that National Guard troops would open fire upon college students at Kent State University under any circumstances, as those kids were just like their own sons and daughters, but they did it because they were following orders. So don't fool yourself into believing that it can't happen again.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    Finally, (it seems to me) the 'ruling elite' benefit, from us 'peons' going to work (for them, ultimately) so they can profit from our labor, driving to work in a car we buy, from THEM (ultimately) using gas we buy (from them), and stopping on the way home to pick up groceries we buy FROM THEM, and going home to a house financed by,......THEM. In short, THEY 'profit' from our active consumption and active production. THEY want the 'status quo'; THEY don't WANT 'things' to change, as they like it the way it is.
                    That was true up to a certain point in time, but that point was reached long ago. THEY profited and made their vast and unimaginable fortunes at everyone else's expense. The nation has already been 97 percent or more plundered, so there is very little to be gained by THEM in maintaining the status quo. What THEY want now is a very dramatic population reduction, and THEY have been known to have made this very clear, over and over again. I recently posted several quotes related to this topic, in which THEY pulled no punches in saying that vast near-term population reduction was not only desirable, but also a necessity. And who has the means to ensure this is carried out? THEY do.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    Again my opinion; I DON'T think the 'Power elites' are manipulating and conniving to make whats about to happen,happen; just the opposite! I think they are doing everything they can, to 'stave off' the (what I think is) inevitable....I JUST don't see the Gov't being able to suppress the people, in the U.S. .....YOU think this is all being masterminded by people 'behind the scenes' (Bilderburgers [that's Bilderbergers] and such), and you are by far and away not the only one, I might add. And, I concede, 'You all' MIGHT be right. I, on the other hand, don't THINK so.
                    We understand that, Jim. We all understand that you don't believe that anything questionable that has gone down before, or will go down in the future, is by conspiracy, and that you aren't interested in open mindedly reviewing evidence that supports conclusions of planned conspiracies and events. And that's why I won't waste any more time attempting to convince you otherwise. I'll continue to write about things that I think matter, and people can read what I write and agree or disagree, but I just don't have enough hours in a day to sit here and re-justify, or rehash, positions that I have already made quite clear. It is far more appropriate that I spend that time doing something that will be appreciated, and in "preparing for the worst."

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    Quite frankly, if your 'vision' is the correct one, i'm not sure what preparations would do 'any good'; the Gov't is (apparently) going to come and round you and your family up, wherever you are, and put you in a camp, or force you to work in a factory, or to turn over all the product from your farm. So, what exactly is the point?
                    The point, of course, is that if you prepare for the worst case scenario then the peace of mind that you achieve is priceless. And if it turns out that the "worst case" scenario is not quite what we face, but some really tough and chaotic times are in fact unavoidable, those who do prepare for such times will be best prepared to ensure their, and their family's, safety, well being, and survival. We might not agree on much, but I think you would be quick to agree that we certainly cannot, and should not, rely on our so-called "government" to look out for our best interests.

                    Last edited by rickoff; 06-16-2012, 10:13 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Here's a fun game for you... name the presidential candidates... note: not all of them are form this year...
                      Attached Files
                      Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post

                        but I think you would be quick to agree that we certainly cannot, and should not, rely on our so-called "government" to look out for our best interests.
                        It's heartbreaking,the America I grew up in is gone.Anyone who speaks openly of changing it is a "homegrown terrorist",or worse. 9 generations of my family have worn various uniforms of our military,and I can only imagine what those "old timers" would have done.I feel so powerless I can only hang my head in grief and shame,even as I realise thats exactly how they want us to feel. All the sacrifice,all the blood shed so that we might be FREE,dear GOD,how could we let it come to this?
                        1thereandback 3 months ago

                        ***MUST SEE*** John Stossel's "Illegal Everything". - YouTube


                        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                          Again my opinion; I DON'T think the 'Power elites' are manipulating and conniving to make whats about to happen,happen; just the opposite! I think they are doing everything they can, to 'stave off' the (what I think is ) inevitable.
                          That is understandable. It is hard for any decent person who has not been carefully following these so called elite to believe at any individual or group could be this totally evil and corrupt. It is hard to imagine total demonic behavior of this magnitude.

                          Yet when you read their writings it is there, endless wars where they finance both sides, GMO foods that have shown to sterilize rats within three generations, giving out polio vaccines that contained the live virus, vaccines that contain mercury, aluminum, and other deadly ingredients, so step right up and get your flu shot. Drug companies making drugs that the side effects are worse then disease they suppose to cure, then destroying anyone who dares to question their wisdom by promoting alternative medicine.

                          Meanwhile the education system has been dumbing down the population to think that the only things that are important are sports and what some brain dead Hollywood star is going. So keep drinking that water with the fluoride added that is actually rotting your teeth and smile at just how well that these loving elite are taking such good care of you.

                          And remember to thank the TSA agent as they are sexually grouping you while training you to accept anything the government decides to do to you. Do not resist as you simply are being taught to be the perfect obedient little slave. So do not think about any of this just follow orders and drink the cool-aid.


                          • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                            GMO foods that have shown to sterilize rats within three generations,

                            The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says genetically modified foods
                            pose no greater health risks than traditional foods.

                            Genetically modified foods may get label in California | Fox News

                            Pancake Breakfast
                            Mary offered to care for the eight-year-old daughter of neighbours who were going away for the weekend.
                            On the Saturday morning, she made breakfast, laying a generous helping of bacon and eggs in front of the child.

                            “Mummy always serves hot pancakes for breakfast,” said the eight-year-old.

                            So Mary, very eager to oblige, hurried into the kitchen and quickly prepared a plate of hot pancakes,
                            which she laid in front of the girl.

                            “No, thank you,” she said.
                            “But I thought you said your mother always has hot pancakes for breakfast!” said Mary in surprise.
                            “She does,” said the child.
                            “But I don’t eat them!”

                            Today is Pancake Day - A few Pancake Jokes - The Chief Baboon



                            • Regarding #2989 Hitlers speech.
                              It shows that we only know the History from Propaganda and actually noone can really backtrack how the Times really been there.
                              Lionel 'de' Rothshild (most titels from them are anyway stolen) said ie 1939! Germany should be give to the Jews and the Peoples partitioned to the other Europe Countrys.
                              They did want have them out from Germany, thats why a lot Jews still could go to other Lands like the US, but not killing them.
                              Further, another Historian did loudly 'think'. At the time as there been 6 Million unemployed in Germany and Hitler gave them work, they had to find a counterweight for this digit, and thats why there been so much Victims.
                              I had a chat lately in a Channel with someone jewish, as the Topic racial segregation poped up he was of course against it. But look today, its forbidden for Jews to marry non Jews, for the exact same Reason, racial segregation.
                              After only 3 Years from WW2, as Israel was founded, they start slamming on the Palestine population, killing them and continue until today. There are reports of chasing village citizen out from her homes and kiling them infront from her relatives, no matter if they are old peoples, womens or babys, even where they chop the heads from babys, beside poison the wells in palestine. Thats not the picture from the poor supressed jew.
                              Btw, they have since 1900 a organtisation to protect the supressed Jews, coincedent?
                              But after some History researchers, there are no real Jews from her roots, most of them are Khazars and jewish was a belive system like a Religion. So they are even lying when they are claiming they are jews.

                              I got this from someone who have a huge archive about palestine and a lot other Informations from a Blog, where someone digged very deep into the history of rothshilds.
                              But further, at all, it only looks like that Israel is a Tool, a Toy from Rothshild, to manipulate the public opinion with her agendas.
                              Rothshild control now since about 250 Years the History, ie. that there are parallels between the dead from Lincoln and Kennedy.
                              Both did try to change the monetary system and its influnce on the goverments from the countrys.

                              It all ties togheter to the Rothschild Imperium. They have anywhere her networks to manipulate and control everything, control the Media, control the Science, control the food (gm seeds), control the Economy, control the history how its written today, even control the Wealth from the Vatican, what actually been made as a counterweight to the Rothshild wealth, and try to control lately the Opinion at the Net with her payed Writers. And that, because they stay at the backround and only pick theirs right Agents, what do the Jobs for them.
                              Like, another Story from 192x? They been scared about a Candidate from the Republican. Then they pushed another Candidate from the Repulicans up, with the Medias of course, to divide the votes for the repuplican Candiates, and with this, the Democrat won.

                              Just look, how far they did defeat Ron Paul. It did looks like as one from her easiest Lessions.
                              What i have read at the net from Peoples what support Ron Paul was way more, that there been not only 30?% supporters, and way less, what had sympathy for the other Candidates. Usually the whole tea pardy movements and occupier's and other movements like wethepeoples should support him at last. And with this it should come easy to more then 6-25%. But who knows. pre-elections are maybe the best way to find out, what candidates can be dangerous.
                              But therefor, i can really doubt, that you can ever win here with the 'right' Candidate.
                              Ron Paul Results - Primaries - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from
                              The History of the House of Rothschild

                              An other Note. The Difference between a Democraty and the Mafia.
                              At the Democraty you can vote, before you have to follow Orders. The Mafia saves you the trouble to Vote.
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                              • "Genetically modified foods may get label in California | Fox News "
                                They did the same Trick by us. They said, they would do it, then did it not, even, when it was manipulated food, and second, you cannot control if the Animal where you get the meat from is not fed with gm manipulated grain.
                                And further, we have a law now, that the Manufactor have to declare the ingredience, but its not needed to declare something like Aromas, and thats where they hide it. The whole 'have a Choice' was only another Illusion.
                                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

