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The American Ruling Class

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  • Rick

    Firstly, I think we agree on more than that. And, I concede that I may well have difficulty believeing some of what you say, bacause as another poster suggests, I don't WANT to believe that such evil exists.
    Anyway, I have posted my thoughts, and you have posted yours.
    I do think I have, in the past, shown a willingness to look at your evidence, and even make major concessions.
    At any rate, this IS 'your' thread, and I do appreciate many of the things you post. And I don't really see any point in re-stating what I've already said, so I will resist the urge to do so.
    This IS an enjoyable thread to read and contribute to, and I have learned much from it. Jim

    P.S. On the Delegates suing the RNC, I SUSPECT the courts will rule with the RNC, saying (in effect) that they (RNC) can conduct THEIR selection process, any way they want to.;-( Thing is, in most states the state government PAYS for the primaries, but I doubt the Court will consider that.

    I think BOTH parties have been doing this for YEARS; the 'smoke filled room' selection process never REALLY went away, they just set it up to LOOK like the candidate was selelcted by the 'average rank and file'. JIM


    • Originally posted by Joit View Post
      It all ties togheter to the Rothschild Imperium. They have anywhere her networks to manipulate and control everything, control the Media, control the Science, control the food (gm seeds), control the Economy, control the history how its written today, even control the Wealth from the Vatican, what actually been made as a counterweight to the Rothshild wealth, and try to control lately the Opinion at the Net with her payed Writers. And that, because they stay at the backround and only pick theirs right Agents, what do the Jobs for them.

      An other Note. The Difference between a Democraty and the Mafia.
      At the Democraty you can vote, before you have to follow Orders. The Mafia saves you the trouble to Vote.
      But Foxman said he is proud of the accomplishments of American Jews. "I think Jews are disproportionately represented in the creative industry. They're disproportionate as lawyers and probably medicine here as well," he said.

      I appreciate Foxman's concerns. And maybe my life spent in a New Jersey-New York/Bay Area-L.A. pro-Semitic cocoon has left me naive. But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.

      How Jewish is Hollywood? -



      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        the 'smoke filled room' selection process never REALLY went away, they just set it up to LOOK like the candidate was selelcted by the 'average rank and file'. JIM
        Exactly! But it is the powers-that-be representatives that sit in both of these smoke filled rooms. They choose who you will be allowed to vote for. That way they don't care who you vote for because they win in either case.

        The candidates can promise you anything they want to get elected but once in office they are only allowed to do what they are told to do.
        Just look at what Obama promised and then look at what he has actually done.


        • Rombama 2012!

          It never ceases to amaze me how trigger happy obama has been in office
          Obama's PROMISE To End The Iraq War - Oct. 27, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank" - YouTube
          Yet 4 years later we are still waging endless war.

          Liberal Republican OR Liberal Democrat
          Take your pick, neither will do what needs to be done.
          Both will keep the war machine going and raise more debt ceilings.


          • Why have we devolved into this one party system perhaps the answer is here.

            What is NESARA?

            NESARA = National Economic Security & Reformation Act.
            Have you ever heard of this? Do you know what it is about?
            Probably not but that’s ok because you are not supposed to know about it.

            However the following link is to an article that talks about it. It is rather long but gives a view of our history that is not being taught in school thus one you’re probably not aware of. Yet it puts our current economic mess into new perspective.

            There are parts where I suspect you will think “that’s imposable” well maybe but try to keep an open mind and view it as the whole and avoid snap judgments.

            HISTORY OF NESARA « The Way of Love Blog


            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
              Why have we devolved into this one party system perhaps the answer is here.

              What is NESARA?

              NESARA = National Economic Security & Reformation Act.
              Have you ever heard of this? Do you know what it is about?
              Probably not but that’s ok because you are not supposed to know about it.
              Hi MS,

              The subject of NESARA was brought up here quite some time ago, and while at first glance the NESARA plan may look good, I had problems with some of it which I wrote about in this post.

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • A currently ongoing poll, asking people to choose who they think would make the best choice as Mitt Romey's VP running mate, has attracted around 34,000 submissions so far. And just as I had suspected, two of the names in the top dozen results tier are not even qualified as being eligible to sit as VP or President, according to Article 2 of the Constitution. Those names are Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal. Rubio is in the #1 spot, with 28% calling for Mitt to choose him. Of course Rubio is the logical choice for the GOP, since they expect he could sway the Hispanic voters their way, but why hasn't Rubio stepped up to say that he is no more qualified under the Constitution than Barry? That would certainly get people thinking about the eligibility issue, and do a lot more to help dethrone Barry than Rubio running as an ineligible candidate. The idea of Rubio on the ticket has been in circulation for months now, and pushed at voters just like Romney was, so he's had plenty of time to step up and tell it like it is, and refuse the appointment. Thus, don't be surprised when Rubio is announced by Mitt as his choice for VP. In the 2008 election, we saw two major candidates who were not eligible for office. History is about to repeat that. Heck, we don't even know if Mitt is qualified, since to my knowledge it has never actually been proven that his father, born in Mexico to U.S. parents, ever legally became a U.S. citizen.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Connections and members from the Bilderberger group what run the world.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    I concede that I may well have difficulty believing some of what you say, because as another poster suggests, I don't WANT to believe that such evil exists.
                    Yes, I understand that, Jim. And it is largely because of the belief system we were brought up under, and indoctrinated to, by our parents, schools, and churches. And as I've pointed out before, hardly anyone will start questioning the reality of what they have been told until they have had a very disturbing and unjust experience. Once you do start questioning authority then you quickly learn that an awful lot has been either hidden from you or lied about.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    I do think I have, in the past, shown a willingness to look at your evidence, and even make major concessions.
                    Yes, you have made some concessions, but still appear to believe that there have been no Ruling Class conspiracies to undermine and trash the Constitution, control public perception through their control of education and media, and virtually control every aspect of our lives from birth to death and beyond. You yourself stated, "I don't know about the Bilderbergers, (and don't really want to)," and this shows your unwillingness to search for or discover truth concerning the Ruling Class elite, which is what this thread is all about. You say that, "this IS an enjoyable thread to read and contribute to, and I have learned much from it." You would probably enjoy reading, and learn a lot from, Daniel Estulin's book, The True Story of The Bilderberg Group. If you are lucky, you might find this book at your local public library, but that is doubtful since this is one book THEY surely don't want to be made readily available to the public. Daniel has spent 14 years of his life researching and exposing the Bilderbergers for what they are, and I highly recommend his book.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    P.S. On the Delegates suing the RNC, I SUSPECT the courts will rule with the RNC, saying (in effect) that they (RNC) can conduct THEIR selection process, any way they want to.
                    That may be what happens, but it shouldn't be. The GOP is in violation of their own bylaws, as well as federal election laws.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    I think BOTH parties have been doing this for YEARS; the 'smoke filled room' selection process never REALLY went away, they just set it up to LOOK like the candidate was selected by the 'average rank and file'.
                    Well there you go, Jim. In effect what you are saying is that there is a long standing and ongoing conspiracy to deceive and defraud voters, and admitting that candidates for both major parties are hand-picked by people placed in high positions. We have seen exactly how that works by following the Ron Paul and Mitt Romney campaigns. What you don't yet seem to realize is that the people in those high positions, who have the ability to ensure an outcome, are placed in those positions by the Ruling Class elite, and that they are merely fulfilling the desires of those elites as directed. So when November rolls around and nothing has changed except perhaps a few faces around Washington, it isn't because it is our fault - it is because the game is rigged.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Florida eligibility case update

                      The courtroom saga continued today in Tallahassee, Florida. Attorneys representing Barry at the hearing argued that the Florida presidential preference primary, which listed Obama as the only Democrat nominee, didn’t make him the party’s nominee for president, and that judge Lewis should therefore dismiss the case since no one could claim damage at this point. Judge Lewis noted that the Democrat party wrote to Florida’s secretary of state a letter indicating Obama’s name was the only one submitted, and said he thought the state’s electors were bound to vote for him.“Wasn’t there a letter [that said] this is the only candidate whose name will appear?” Lewis asked. In answer, Barry's attorney said that such a decision “has not been triggered yet.”

                      It figures that without a leg to stand on in claiming Barry is eligible, his attorneys can only hope that Lewis will back down and either dismiss the case while claiming their stance is correct, or turn it over to federal jurisdiction. Attorney Larry Klayman, representing the plaintiff in this case, accused the Obama attorneys of playing a “shell game” and trying to put off the issue, as numerous courts did in 2008 until the election was over and Obama had been inaugurated. The judge certainly isn't foolish enough to think that Barry's attorneys are doing anything other than conducting a shell game and stalling for time, for if Barry were in fact eligible then his attorneys would produce proof of that to immediately put the matter to rest once and for all.

                      Anyone willing to guess the outcome of this case?
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Barry flubs 'State Of The Union' speech

                        In his State of the Union Address, Barry said, "We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution, the notion that we are all created equal."

                        Um, wrong citation, Barry. That is from the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. And what the declaration says is not just a notion. The promise stated by the Founding Fathers in the Declaration is that we have unalienable rights, and reads, "
                        We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

                        What the Founding Fathers were saying, in effect, is that since these rights are God-given ones, they can never be diminished or taken away by anyone other than God. The idea, of course, was to prevent any person or group from ever obtaining, or claiming, the power to deprive us of these unalienable rights. So what makes Barry, or Congress for that matter, think they can pass and sign into effect a national defense Act that allows Barry the power to alienate us from those stated rights? Obviously neither Barry, nor the majority of those in Congress, have any respect for the Declaration Of Independence, our country's founding document, upon which all else is premised, so it is no wonder they look upon what the Founding Fathers wrote as simply being a "notion."
                        Last edited by rickoff; 06-19-2012, 11:25 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by sha5mdmakesure
                          Hi guys,

                          Can you give me your thoughts about this one? I just bought this product ( ) for $27 and wanted your opinion on this matter. Thanks
                          Did you buy this before you joined Energetic Forum? If so, too bad, and you could have known it was a scam had you searched here first and read the thread that deals with the subject, including a link to a Peswiki article on the scam. For that matter, a simple Google Search on the words "Tesla Secret Scam" will turn up both the above links, along with over a million more.

                          This isn't to say that Tesla didn't possess any amazing secrets. He was a great man with a brilliant mind, but much of what he knew died with him, and much of the rest has been suppressed and will likely remain secret. Be very suspicious of anyone claiming to have knowledge of an actual Tesla secret, especially if they are attempting to sell you that information.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • tesla spammer

                            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            Did you buy this before you joined Energetic Forum?
                            That person is a spammer and spammed this forum 42 times promoting that site. I believe they own that page. I submitted an abuse report to - the company hosting that website telling them they're hosting a known fraud and they are driving traffic by spamming. Hopefully they will disable that site. I deleted all their posts here and will block their IP.
                            Last edited by Aaron; 06-20-2012, 12:19 AM.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • In a string of revelations and political statements, Polish leaders have come closer than ever to acknowledging that the United States ran a secret interrogation facility for terror suspects in 2002 and 2003 in the Eastern European country.

                              Former U.S. President George W. Bush writes in his memoir "Decision Points" that he ordered the CIA to subject about 100 terror detainees to harsh interrogation techniques, arguing the methods did not constitute unlawful torture and that they produced intelligence that prevented further attacks. Neither he nor the CIA have officially said where the "black sites" were based, but intelligence officials, aviation reports and human rights groups say they included Afghanistan and Thailand as well as Poland, Lithuania and Romania.

                              Former CIA officials have told the AP that a prison in Poland operated from December 2002 until the fall of 2003, and that prisoners were subjected to harsh questioning and waterboarding in Stare Kiejkuty, a village set in a lush area of woods and lakes.

                              CIA Secret Prison: Polish Leaders Break Silence About Black Site



                              • Rick

                                Thank you for your courteous responces,and your patience.
                                Like our(?) current SITTING (not saying legitimate, or anything) President, my 'attitudes' are 'evolving'.
                                From history going back to Nixon vs. Kennedy, I've known that 'buying' elections, and 'dirty tricks' have been going on for a long time.
                                And,my experience as a 'poll worker' in 2004 gave me personal knowledge that 'dirty tricks' didn't stop with Watergate.
                                While I 'focused' such awareness on the General election, it was in seeing what has happened with R.P. that helped me to realise just how much the primary process is 'rigged' at the outset, and in much the same manner.

                                It seems that Democracy is giving people the ILLUSION that they have a voice in the outcome of elections; and the ILLUSION that the election was 'fair'; that way they accept if their side 'loses', and 'buy in' to the results, either way.

                                And of coarse the ultimate way to 'rig' any race, is to 'own' both the winning horses; that way it doesn't matter which one 'wins'; bettors who lose will tear up their tickets, and shake their heads and talk about 'next time', and winners will stand in line to collect their payouts, but the 'owner' of the horse will collect the purse, regardless; I GET that.

                                The WHOLE system is corrupt, I get that, too. And I DO wonder; has it been this way, right from the begining of the American Revolution, on; Were the Founding Fathers deliberately creating a 'Democracy' where people would be given the illusion, or were they creating something MORE, and its been corrupted over time? I KNOW what you believe, but I note that many of the signers WERE 'RICH'.

                                And, I wonder if the one 'weakness' is what happens when the curtain is pulled away? When the vast majority percieve that this is all a 'con'; that they've been lied to/decieved, whatever? At the point the illusion falls, what then?

                                I understand this is WHY you are posting this info; to 'spread the word', and open peoples eyes. And this may well be why 'They' are creating FEMA camps, etc.' because they know the deception can't 'hold' forever. Fool some of the people, etc.

                                Still, I suspect MOST people will respond as I have, at least initially; "I've been hearing about the 'Trilateral Commision', etc. since the 60's. So what!"

                                It is, I suspect, EVENTS that will 'finally' expose the essential truth, rather than words and research (no offence to your efforts). You can trace what these people have been doing and are doing and even are planning, and try to 'educate' people. But, as I say, I SUSPECT (could be wrong) that at some point, some event or combination of events, will expose the curtain, and the man behind the curtain (as in Wizard of Oz), so that the vast majority of people will 'see'.

                                Sure, by then it will be 'too late'; I feel it is already 'too late'. You still hold out hope, and God Love you for that! I feel like whats coming is inevitable, and that we can 'plan for the worst, while hoping for the best', but that WE can't really do much to change whats going to happen;all we can change/effect is how we're prepared to respond to it.

                                Anyway, I get 'cranky', sometimes; usually when I'm tired or hungry. I WILL try to find that book,and READ it. Thanks, Jim

