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The American Ruling Class

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  • Border Patrol
    Westbound I-8 in Southern California (an East-West highway that NEVER intersects the international border).

    The cops were looking for illegals and this guy becomes a punk. Let them do their job. A simple yes and he would be on his way. Do you want to host illegals at your home? Stop being a punk. I served 20 years in the Navy protecting my country. This guy is an idiot.

    At least he tried. In the end he was still illegally detained and searched, (the last checkpoint ran his plates and for all we know so did the first two)
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    How Many Checkpoints in One Morning?! Welcome to the Police State! - YouTube



    • Originally posted by minoly
      "Even if you add up every tax in Obamacare, PolitiFact says the total is comparable in magnitude to tax increases signed by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 and by President Bill Clinton in 1993, and smaller than one signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1982."
      Hi minoly

      I don't believe it... show us the actual facts the actual numbers to prove this otherwise it is just more political doublespeak
      Smile it doesn't hurt!

      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


      • HOW can it NOT?

        It costs, on average $4000/year for an individual policy, and $6000 for a family. MOST of us don't 'see' this cost, because our health insurance is provided by our employer, who deducts the premiums as an expense, therby lowering THEIR taxable income. In other words, the 49% of the population that ctually PAY taxes, are paying for these peoples health insurance.

        And, these same taxpayers are currently 'paying for' medicaid, for 'poor' people, who can't afford insurance, and/or don't work, or work for an employer that doesn't provide health insurance.

        BUT< the Un-affordable healthcare act is going to 'enroll' what,...40 million people who currently DON'T have health insurance; many are unable to 9currently) qualify for medicaid, so the U.H.A. is going to 'expand' Medicaid coverage, so they ARE covered.That is going to HAVE to cost the Gov't $.
        But wait, there's more. People who are deemed to be able to afford health coverage, but DON'T get it thru their employer, are going to be able to purchase it on these exchanges, (again, 4-6000 dollers, each), BUT, they will be able to get a 'tax credit', of up to $4000, OFF their taxes. Whether the Gov't spends the $ directly, or gives someone a tax credit, its STILL the Gov't spending $, and HAS to be 'paid for' by increasing revenue.

        So how in the world can this thing be implemented, without massively increasing taxes, in order to PAY for it? 40 million people, each getting $4-6000 a year in 'health insurance'; YOU do the #'s, cause my calculator doesn't go that high.

        Oh, their going to 'pay for it' by, in part, taxing the makers of medical devices, and Pharmaceutical companies. Anyone who doesn't think those companies are just going to pass these additional costs onto their customers?
        So, a diebetic who now pays $50 for a blood glucose monitor, will pay $500.
        Coarse, if their on Medicaid, the gov't will pay $500 for it, for them!

        A hip replacement will cost another $5000. A drug that you have to have, in order to stay alive, that now costs $5-10 a pill, will cost $50-100 a pill!

        And does anyone REALLY believe that the Gov't will be able to generate enough $ this way, to pay for 'coverage' for 40 million americans?

        And (by the way) they CALL this 'Affordable' healthcare?!! Of COARSE they will have to massively raise everyones taxes, in order to cover the 'cost' of this unholy beast! Just as Social Insecurity and Medi-don't care ALREADY are 'threatening' to bankrupt the Gov't, this Un-affordable health-no-care will be the final nail in the coffin.

        "So goes California, so goes the nation"; see the major Cities, in Calif. filing for bankruptcy; the State has been technically insolvent for the last 17 years!

        And so goes the nation; Bankrupt!

        Come on Jesus, any time now! Jim


        • Originally posted by minoly
          Not even close, according to PolitiFact, which rated that a pants-on-fire lie. For starters, calling the mandate a tax doesn't change the fact that a small fraction of people are likely to owe it — since most who can afford insurance would rather have it.
          Minoly, what happened? Have you gone over to the dark side? I'm really not interested to hear what PolitiFact or FactCheck have to say. Both these organizations report the "facts" the way that the Ruling Class elite want them to. Have you forgotten that FactCheck is operated by the Annenberg Foundation, the same foundation that gave terrorist Bill Ayers 49.2 million dollars to create the Chicago ANNENBERG Challenge “philanthropic” organization in which good ole Barry was the founding Chairman of the Board? Ayers served as the grant writer and co-Chair for its two operating arms. Instead of relying on these radical leftist organizations for facts, just open your eyes and use your head.

          Let's use some deductive reasoning and logical thinking. We all know that the Obummercare mandate is a tax, as that is what the Supreme Court said. By the way, has PolitiFact or FactCheck called out Barry for deliberately lying about the mandate not being a tax? I doubt it. And we also know that the penalty for not paying the tax is a tax penalty - not a tax. So why then do you support and tout the PolitiFact argument that "a small fraction of people are likely to owe [the tax]." By its very nature a tax mandate means that EVERYONE (those not excused by Barry from being subjected to the mandate) must pay the tax (purchase the required insurance coverage). How, in your mind, does a tax imposed on basically EVERYONE equate to "a small fraction of people?" Sure, some of the people (those already paying little or no taxes) will get help to purchase their insurance in the way of tax credits, but the "money" to pay for those tax credits will have to come from increasing the tax burden on those who are already excessively taxed. And who pays the lion's share of the tax revenues that are generated each year? It is the so-called middle class, the very ones that Barry claims to champion.

          It is true that nearly all of the working middle class already purchase healthcare insurance, and this is because, unlike the wealthy, they cannot afford not to when just one brief hospital stay would put them in the poorhouse for years. But it is also true that insurance rates will rise dramatically due to Obummercare. Think about it, Minoly - if you were an automobile insurer and were told that you must start honoring claims for pre-existing conditions (damages from fender benders, busted windshields, and wrecks that occurred before the claimant purchased an insurance policy) you would have only two choices - either dramatically raise your rates or choose to terminate your business. You obviously could not stay in business if you did not raise your rates. So logic prevails - rates will rise dramatically by 2014, when Obummercare goes into effect, and those who do pay taxes will be paying more in taxes. There's no escaping that conclusion if your head is on straight.

          Originally posted by minoly
          Even if you add up every tax in Obamacare, PolitiFact says the total is comparable in magnitude to tax increases signed by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 and by President Bill Clinton in 1993, and smaller than one signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1982.
          There you go again with "PolitiFact says." It's pure hogwash. The Congressional Budget Office has determined that the actual cost of Obummercare will be far more than what its promoters claimed, and the CBO is known to generally underestimate. That's because they can only estimate based on current inflation rates. Let's not forget that big government always has screwed up by vastly underestimating the costs associated with programs they want to pass. Think about Medicare, for example. In 1976, when Medicare was launched, the estimated cost for 1990 was figured at $10 Billion. The actual cost by 1990, though, was $110 Billion! That's more than ten times the "government" estimate. Obummercare will be no different, except that the eventual cost will be so high that no one but the wealthy will be able to afford it. Many of those who now work and pay taxes will opt to go on the dole to make life easier, and taxes will either be substantially raised on those still working, or tax revenues will plummet. It will massively add to our already massive National Debt, which has already brought us to the brink of bankruptcy, thanks to Congress and the Federal Reserve.

          Instead of dreaming of new ways to grow government and spend taxpayer dollars, we need to do just the opposite if our nation is to survive and prosper. It's time to END the madness, not EXTEND it.

          Originally posted by minoly
          Tea Party activists and their libertarian allies will tell you that it's because we treasure our freedom, and that the mandate impinges on it, but I've always suspected a simpler explanation: We like to get stuff way more than we like to pay for it."
          Don't forget - the TEA Party, as well as most other Americans, do not want Obummercare. Therefore, the leftist "explanation" only explains why leftists do want it.
          Last edited by rickoff; 07-13-2012, 12:32 AM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Speaking of taxes just how many are enough and when do we say enough is enough?
            This list has been around for awhile but still it makes the point that our politicians are quite ingenious when it comes to thinking up new ways to tax the people. Yet they still cannot figure out how to balance the budget.

            Question: What do you consider to be a reasonable amount of your total income that you are willing to let the government take?

            Accounts Receivable Tax
            Building Permit Tax
            CDL License Tax
            Cigarette Tax
            Corporate Income Tax
            Dog License Tax
            Federal Income Tax
            Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
            Fishing License Tax
            Food License Tax
            Fuel Perm it Tax
            Gasoline Tax
            Hunting License Tax
            Inheritance Tax
            Inventory Tax
            IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
            IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
            Liquor Tax
            Luxury Tax
            Marriage License Tax
            Medicare Tax
            Property Tax
            Real Estate Tax
            Service charge taxes
            Social Security Tax
            Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
            Sales Taxes
            Recreational Vehicle Tax
            School Tax
            State Income Tax
            State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
            Telephone Federal Excise Tax
            Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
            Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
            Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
            Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
            Telephone State and Local Tax
            Telephone Usage Charge Tax
            Utility Tax
            Vehicle License Registration Tax
            Vehicle Sales Tax
            Watercraft Registration Tax
            Well Permit Tax
            Workers Compensation Tax

            Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago,
            and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.


            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
              Question: What do you consider to be a reasonable amount of your total income that you are willing to let the government take?

              After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting.
              Star Trek: The Original Series - Wikiquote



              • Friday the 13th

                2016: Obama's America | Official Movie Site



                • kudos, Rick

                  On your responce to Minoly, regarding Obummercare. Much clearer, concise and point by point. I'm afraid I was haveing difficulty when I was typing my responce, as my keyboard was slippery, cause i was foaming at the mouth!

                  And, confirms you and I agree on far more than we disagree!Jim


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    I'm afraid I was haveing difficulty when I was typing my responce, as my keyboard was slippery, cause i was foaming at the mouth!
                    Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube



                    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      thats so hilarious, I was actually shocked at first.

                      And (by the way) they CALL this 'Affordable' healthcare?!! Of COARSE they will have to massively raise everyones taxes, in order to cover the 'cost' of this unholy beast! Just as Social Insecurity and Medi-don't care ALREADY are 'threatening' to bankrupt the Gov't, this Un-affordable health-no-care will be the final nail in the coffin.
                      Well said.

                      kids in theyre 20's who would otherwise never buy health insurance are going to be hunted down by the IRS. They have finally won the challenge...they now have completed every possible way to tax you. Now you must pay a tax for being alive. Congrats to them, too bad for us.

                      Land of the free?


                      • Published on Jun 26, 2012 by James Bouder

                        Beginning scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom explaining why America's Not the Greatest Country Any Longer... But It Can Be.

                        He could of just summed it up by saying "zionists are the reason"
                        choongification 59 minutes ago

                        Maybe because he's not a bigot that parrots other bigots untruths.
                        Auggie56 in reply to choongification (Show the comment) 45 minutes ago

                        in what sense am i a bigot? Please don't make such rash assumptions form one comment i made. I know there are kids running around saying "Jews run the world!" but I've had first hand experience in this fact. Isn't calling me a bigot bigoted itself? you have your perception of what goes on, and so do i, and as for anyones views, mine makes sense to me. it explains the lack of common sense and the unintuitive nature of the world today. Someone is stopping "good things" from happening, so who?
                        choongification in reply to Auggie56 24 minutes ago

                        The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER... - YouTube

                        Published on Jul 6, 2012 by brianp1185

                        The opening scene to the Pilot Episode of The Newsroom. Airs Sundays at 10pm on HBO.

                        The Newsroom - Opening Scene (Wow!) - YouTube



                        • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                          Kids in their 20's, who would otherwise never buy health insurance, are going to be hunted down by the IRS.

                          Land of the free?
                          Actually, "kids" through 26 years of age will now remain covered under their parents' family medical policy. Of course that is a reason why family medical insurance rates will certainly rise. Before Obummercare, young adults were considered to be of an age adequate to be "out on their own" and able to work and obtain their own insurance, and those that went on to college were able to obtain student healthcare policies at low rates.

                          Traditionally, young folks have felt the least need for healthcare insurance since they, as a group, are generally quite healthy and in the prime of life. Many people, especially self-employed individuals aged 27 to about 40 actually prefer not to be burdened by healthcare insurance costs, and would rather utilize that portion of their income to pay off student loans and purchase needed items. A better plan for them is to set a portion of their income aside in savings to be used for unexpected healthcare costs if needed. And if not needed, that amount would continue to grow increasingly larger in future years to provide adequate protection when a need arises. But under Obummercare, they will be forced to pay much more than they likely would have opted to save, and they will, in effect, be footing the bill for persons who do not maintain themselves in good health and who chronically will go to a doctor or hospital for the least little malady. And that brings me to another point.....

                          In the late 1960's I lived in upstate New York, and then governor Nelson Rockefeller initiated a program that offered state paid medical and dental care for everyone. The state extremely underestimated how much this program would end up costing taxpayers, because it was based upon then current healthcare expenditures. What they foolishly did not factor in was that people would begin going to doctors, dentists, and hospitals at an enormously increased rate now that they were guaranteed treatment at no personal cost. The situation under Obummercare is a bit different, but will have the same result, and here's why:
                          1. Under Obummercare, most people will pay no out-of-pocket copays for doctor visits. With these copays eliminated, people who were previously reluctant to visit the doctor for all but the most serious ilnesses will now see no reason to curtail visits relating to minor maladies.
                          2. Those who do work and pay taxes, and are are forced to pay high costs for policies issued under Obummercare will be resentful and will want to "get their money's worth." Think about it - if we all had to pay an annual gasoline tax of say $5,000 which allowed us to to fill our vehicle's tank X amount of times, don't you think that everyone would make darned sure that they actually got what they had paid for? And what if that tax allowed people unlimited fill-ups? Wouldn't a high percentage of the people begin filling up every day, and begin to "joy-ride" and travel about as never before?
                          3. Those who do not work full time and pay little or no taxes are the ones who will regard Obummercare as a wonderful gift, albeit a well deserved gift in their eyes. As with everything else that is gifted, the person who is given the gift has little to nothing at stake. There is no investment - just benefits to be had. And to these many millions for which freeloading has become a way of life for generations, this is just one more reason to remain within "poverty" guidelines. With food, housing, education, and medical care free for the taking while doing nothing in return, what is the incentive for any of these people to work towards a goal of becoming independent? History has proven that those who are raised in such households are far and away most likely to raise their own children under the same circumstances. I don't begrudge anyone help when they really need it, but shouldn't the emphasis be on doing what is necessary to get people off the dole and becoming independent, rather than the current practice of encouraging dependency on big government?
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • A MUST WATCH!!! (LISTEN)

                            Liberty Tactics Episode 5 - David Icke, Brian Gerrish - Police State, Olympics, Cult of Saturn - YouTube


                            • Doctor Terry Lakin, who served 5 months in Leavenworth for doing his part to uphold the Constitution by challenging Barry's eligibility, has written a book titled “Officer’s Oath: Why my Vow to Defend the Constitution Demanded that I Sacrifice my Career.”

                              Here's a link to a book review video describing what Terry's book is all about.

                              Lakin says that he wonders how other officers are able to ignore the Constitution’s requirements, combined with their oath to uphold that document, and that Americans must face up to the realization that if the Constitution is ignored in this situation [presidential eligibility], the future will hold more incidents where the Constitution will be passed over by those in power.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post

                                1. Under Obummercare, most people will pay no out-of-pocket copays for doctor visits. With these copays eliminated, people who were previously reluctant to visit the doctor for all but the most serious ilnesses will now see no reason to curtail visits relating to minor maladies.
                                2. Those who do work and pay taxes, and are are forced to pay high costs for policies issued under Obummercare will be resentful and will want to "get their money's worth." Think about it - if we all had to pay an annual gasoline tax of say $5,000 which allowed us to to fill our vehicle's tank X amount of times, don't you think that everyone would make darned sure that they actually got what they had paid for? And what if that tax allowed people unlimited fill-ups? Wouldn't a high percentage of the people begin filling up every day, and begin to "joy-ride" and travel about as never before?
                                3. Those who do not work full time and pay little or no taxes are the ones who will regard Obummercare as a wonderful gift, albeit a well deserved gift in their eyes. As with everything else that is gifted, the person who is given the gift has little to nothing at stake. There is no investment - just benefits to be had.

                                THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!! LINKS ARE BELOW
                                The establishment media and the scientific dictatorship are promoting brain-eating vaccines that virtually lobotomize people and rewire their brains into a state of subservient compliance so that their natural instinct to get angry and rebel against the tyranny being imposed upon them is neutered and sterilized.

                                Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine... Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy - YouTube


