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The American Ruling Class

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  • Good points, Rick

    The situation you describe has already played a major role in increasing healthcare costs; firstly, with Insurance companies 'paying' for the healthcare, rather than the consumer. So, people go to the Dr. for every little twinge and upset, because "it MIGHT be something serious, and hey, it doesn't cost me anything to go and get it checked out".
    Then, with the Insurance premium being payed for by the employer, you've got further distance between the consumer, (the patient) and the PAYING for the service.

    And so, (for instance) the Dr. has incentives to order as many tests as he can justify to the Insurance Company; he gets paid more, for the office visit, based on the # of tests he orders.And the patient has A) no idea what the test is actually FOR, and B) has no incentive to say NO to the test, since they aren't paying for it.

    The whole system IS all screwed up, despite talking heads saying the U.S. has "the finest healthcare system in the world". But, Obummercare unaffordable healthcare act will just make it much worse, in SO many ways!

    I did see something today, the Obummer admin is trying to 'undo' the work requirements, etc. enacted during Clinton Admin.The whole 'ending Welfare as we know it'. Tommy Thompson is threatening to sue.



    • Alfred M. Hubbard, Seattle boy inventor of a device which for want of a better name he terms an atmospheric power generator, yesterday made good his prediction that he would drive a motorboat with the apparatus as a source of

      Alfred M. Hubbard: Coil Generator

      Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
      Is radiation safe? Have we been lied to about its dangers?

      I ran across this video the other day And oh boy it sure flies in the face of everything we know about radiation, well at least everything we have been told about it.

      If true it is hard to believe that a lie like this could go on as long as it has and not have been exposed. Yet we know that the price of diamonds is artificially high because the PTB purposely limit the supply and the same thing is true of oil prices. So I guess it is not that much of a stretch of the imagination to believe the PTB would want total control over electrical power generation.

      More information is needed.

      The Nuclear Scare Scam | Galen Winsor - YouTube
      Originally posted by jdodson View Post
      @mad scientist

      Awesome video. Looks like it was from the late 80's? Wonder if Galen is still alive and what has happened since then. I dont know if hes telling the truth but he seems sincere to me. Not to mention it would make perfect sense.

      Clean nuclear radiation would NEVER be allowed. Even if it were real.


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        ... the Dr. has incentives to order as many tests as he can justify to the Insurance Company; he gets paid more, for the office visit, based on the # of tests he orders. And the patients have A) no idea what the test is actually FOR, and B) no incentive to say NO to the test, since they aren't paying for it.
        Another angle, of course, is that doctors are afraid not to order any conceivable tests that might be appropriate to diagnose a patient's illness. For example, someone complaining of a sore shoulder and stiff neck may actually have a tumor which could be removed at that stage, but if undiagnosed could easily kill them within months. Malpractice suits against physicians are the primary reason why medical costs have skyrocketed during the past few decades, and Obummercare has done absolutely nothing to end that problem.
        Last edited by rickoff; 07-18-2012, 02:27 PM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Eric Holder's Department of inJustice has been going after states that have introduced voter ID laws. One of these is Texas. DOJ's claim is that such laws unfairly discriminate against the poor, and that obtaining such credentials amounts to a poll tax. DOJ hasn't done its homework in this case, because the Texas law provides for free state ID to be issued to any US citizen lacking a driver's license or other adequate photo ID. So, the ID is easy enough for anyone to obtain, provided they have documentation proving they are a US citizen.

          Texas is just one of 26 states that have introduced voter ID laws in an effort to crack down on voting fraud. A study by a DOJ expert produced a long list of Texans who had no government-issued photo ID and, it was alleged, were thereby disenfranchised. But the list, and the study, were fraudulent! The list turned out to contain the names of 50,000 dead people, 330,377 seniors who can vote by mail without ID, 261,887 voters who included a driver’s license number on their voter registration form, 800,000 Texans who were, in fact, registered to vote and who did have a government issued photo ID. That sure blows a hole in the DOJ's "statistics."

          The list also contained the names of Texans with U.S. military ID (acceptable for photo ID to vote), former Texas residents who had in fact moved to other states, disabled voters who were exempt from the Texas photo ID law, and noncitizens. Strangely, the list of those who “lacked government issued ID” included former President George W. Bush, two state legislators and the wife of another, former U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm, current U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, and even the Texas director of elections, Keith Ingram – who was listed not once but twice!

          I wonder how much taxpayer money was wasted in the study to compile these "statistics."
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            I wonder how much taxpayer money was wasted in the study to compile these "statistics."
            The Government Can- Tim Hawkins (Insanitized DVD) - YouTube



            • Yes Rick

              Your absolutely right, regarding Dr.'s being compelled to order tests, to 'CYA', as a result of the effect of the legal profession. And it gets worse; Dr.'s are taught in Med school, if the patients signs, (Things the Dr. can observe, like BP, pupil responce, etc. ) and symptoms, (things the patient SAYS they are experienceing, but Dr. can't independently varify, like a headache, constipation, etc.) and medical history all point to a cetain diagnoses, BUT, the lab tests contradict that diagnoses, the Dr. can't make the diagnoses or treat accordingly. This despite studies done every year that show that up to 30% of lab results are WRONG! Why do they teach Dr this? Because lab results make good evidence in a court of LAW!
              There are many major problems with our current medical system; the over 100,000 people who die every year, as a direct result of iotogenic (medical care caused) reasons, the over testing, the missed diagnoses, (largely as a result of relying on tests, over other sources of info, and the list goes on.
              And, Obummercare did NOTHING to truly address these issues, but make things worse.

              On the voter I.D.; I am amased, considering the Sherriff Arpaoio vs. the feds, and 'Fast and furious' debacle, but; Arizona has a voter I.D. requirement, and the feds haven't challenged it! Wonder WHY? I THIN it MAY have been challenged, when it was first enacted, which was either in 2000, or 2004.Its BASICALLY the same as the texas law, gives people the option of a state I.D. card if they don'tdrive, has a long list of alternative things they can use, etc.

              It wouldn't prevent almost anyone who IS a citezin (sp?) from being able to vote, but DOES make it hard for a non-citizen, (there, got it right that time!) to vote, and would make it very hard to line up people to go around and vote multiple times, at different polling stations, or vote as dead people.Jim


              • Here is a true story of our medical system in action.

                Several years ago where I was working after lunch some of the guys would go outside and play a softball on the lawn. One day a good hard hit line drive is going out past the pitcher. He reaches out to catch it however his reach is not quite long enough. He winds up trying to stop the ball with the tip of one finger. Regrettably his finger was not quite strong enough and the ball bent it backwards to some strange angle. Were upon he said “Ouch! Oh Gee wiz that hurt” or maybe some other words to that effect.

                As it turned out his father happened to be a doctor so naturally he have him a call and asked what to do. His father told him that if he was one of his patients the first thing he tell them to do is rush over to an emergency clinic were they would take an X-ray of the finger and confirm the obvious that it was indeed broken. They would give him a shot for the pain and maybe a shot of vitamins just for good measure. They would then grab hold of the finger and straighten it out as best they could and then wrap it in gauze and tie it to a special finger splint to keep it from moving while it heals. And they would probably tell him he was an idiot for trying to catch a baseball without a glove.

                Or he could grab hold of the finger as straighten it out as best he could then wrap it with gauze get some coffee stirrer sticks from the cafeteria and tie them to it to keep it from moving. And if the pain is a problem take an aspirin. And oh yes you’re an idiot for trying to catch a baseball without a glove.

                So until we are willing to use common sense and address core problems just throwing more money at health care is not going to have much of an effect.


                • Obama attended the USA vs Brazil NBA game today.

                  As they showed him taking his seat they began playing "Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen.


                  • m[tax] = - MPC x1 / MPS = - MPC / MPS



                    • Bradley Manning - American Hero. Cenk on Fire at OccupyLA. - YouTube
                      Private Bradley Manning has been imprisoned and tortured for challenging our government. The mainstream media have either ignored Manning or condemned him as a criminal, even though (or because) he did their job better than they do. At a speech to OccupyLA on July 14, 2012, Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks explains why Manning should be considered an American hero, calls for his release, and explains the failure of the mainstream media in questioning power and authority.


                      • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                        m[tax] = - MPC x1 / MPS = - MPC / MPS

                        "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" lyrics by Yip Harburg, music by Jay Gorney (1931)

                        They used to tell me I was building a dream, and so I followed the mob,
                        When there was earth to plow, or guns to bear, I was always there right on the job.
                        They used to tell me I was building a dream, with peace and glory ahead,
                        Why should I be standing in line, just waiting for bread?

                        Once I built a railroad, I made it run, made it race against time.
                        Once I built a railroad; now it's done. Brother, can you spare a dime?
                        Once I built a tower, up to the sun, brick, and rivet, and lime;
                        Once I built a tower, now it's done. Brother, can you spare a dime?

                        Once in khaki suits, gee we looked swell,
                        Full of that Yankee Doodly Dum,
                        Half a million boots went slogging through Hell,
                        And I was the kid with the drum!

                        Say, don't you remember, they called me Al; it was Al all the time.
                        Why don't you remember, I'm your pal? Buddy, can you spare a dime?

                        Once in khaki suits, gee we looked swell,
                        Full of that Yankee Doodly Dum,
                        Half a million boots went slogging through Hell,
                        And I was the kid with the drum!

                        Say, don't you remember, they called me Al; it was Al all the time.
                        Say, don't you remember, I'm your pal? Buddy, can you spare a dime?

                        Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? - YouTube



                        • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                          Obama attended the USA vs Brazil NBA game today.

                          As they showed him taking his seat they began playing "Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen.
                          "Born in a land down under" would have been more appropriate.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • The House vote on HR 459, Ron Paul's "Audit The Fed" bill will take place on July 24th, just 6 days away. Passage will require a 2/3 majority because no amendments or pork barrel stuff will be allowed tacked on. This will be a straight up or down vote, which is exactly how things should be done in Congressional voting. Things look promising at the moment, because nearly 2/3 of the House members have already become cosigners of the bill, but that doesn't mean this is a sure thing. We all need to apply pressure on our state representatives in the House to not only vote yes on this bill, but to do everything they can to twist the arms of those who have not yet committed themselves. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Fed will be doing plenty of arm twisting themselves in an all out effort to sidetrack and derail this bill. And even if the bill does pass in the House, it faces a Senate filled with Fed apologists who will attempt to either kill the audit or water it down like they did last time around. Rand Paul will be leading the effort to pass the audit through the senate, and I'm sure he will demand a roll call vote so that we know exactly how each senator votes. Any that vote to kill or suppress a full audit need to be booted out as soon as possible, but I doubt that there will be many up for election in 2012 that will be voting no. Instead, those voting no will likely face reelection in 2014 or 2016, which is far enough away that voters probably won't even remember how these senators voted by then.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Barry's latest forgery

                              Barry's latest forgery is an altered photo that appears on his Facebook campaign page. The photo shows Barry at age 12 standing between his mother and his grandfather, with his sister Maya beside him. Close inspection of the photo, however, has revealed that the image of Barry's mom was airbrushed in. The most telltale element is the supposed hand of Barry's mom pressing against his side. The hand is that of a black person! Close analysis shows that it is also a man's hand, and very closely resembles the right hand of Frank Marshall Davis, Barry's communist mentor as well as his likely true father. Strange, isn't it, how every one of Barry's forgeries is so blatantly obvious to anyone who has eyes to see. Just about anyone with any photo editing experience could have done a better job on this one. It is as if Barry is knowingly posting this garbage just to thumb his nose and laugh at anyone who notices the obvious fraudulence.

                              Check out the photo, shown below, and go here for a short video.

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • “It’s a shame. The important issue is [what] the two candidates seem to agree on. They don’t really disagree with militarism overseas, they don’t disagree with the Federal Reserve system and the bailouts, and they don’t disagree on basically whether the role of federal government is wealth redistribution through welfare. So instead, they’re talking about tax returns and that to me is so disappointing,” he said. “It’s all a charade, I think it’s all contrived to not have a debate.”
                                Ron Paul to Mitt Romney: Release tax returns -

                                Sarah Palin still awaiting convention invite - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

