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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    The House vote on HR 459, Ron Paul's "Audit The Fed" bill will take place on July 24th, just 6 days away. Passage will require a 2/3 majority because no amendments or pork barrel stuff will be allowed tacked on. This will be a straight up or down vote, which is exactly how things should be done in Congressional voting.
    Published on Jun 25, 2009 by 2xtream

    Rep. Duncan questioned Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke on Thursday about what his opinion of a majority in Congress who have co-sponsored Ron Pauls bill to audit the Federal Reserve.
    Bernanke clearly regarded the bills intent as hostile to the institution he represents:
    "My concern about the legislation is that if the GAO is auditing not only the operational aspects of the programs and the details of the programs but making judgments about our policy decisions would effectively be a takeover of policy by the Congress and a repudiation of the Federal Reserve would be highly destructive to the stability of the financial system, the Dollar and our national economic situation."

    "Bernanke Threatens The Congress" We will cause an Economic Collapse if you audit the Fed! - YouTube



    • You didn't build that

      Komrad Obama recently said that businesses weren't started by people or entrepenuers but it is only by the government's help and aid that businesses are built. this just goes to show how out of touch Komrad Obama is with America and how it works. He hates America and wants to destroy it; there is no doubt of that. His speaches echoe that theme time and again. He may not say those exact words but the intent and feeling are definitely there.


      Enough is known about him to take this one step further


      I defy any Obama supporter to tell me otherwise. He is an antiamercian thug and anyone who votes for him knowing his policies is no better.
      True Americians are really pissed at this latest insult. I as an American demand an apology from that ursurper in the white house. I also demand an apology from any lunitic who voted for him.
      Last edited by Bizzy; 07-19-2012, 04:41 PM.
      Smile it doesn't hurt!

      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


      • "But during a campaign appearance in Ohio on Wednesday, Mitt Romney misquoted Obama, before agreeing that tax payer-funded programs help all American businesses succeed:

        ROMNEY: I know that you recognize a lot of people help you in a business. Perhaps the bank, the investors. There is no question your mom and dad, your school teachers. The people who provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help. But let me ask you this. Did you build your business? If you did, raise your hand. Take that Mr. President! This is what’s happening in this country. These people are entrepreneurs."
        Romney Agrees With Obama: Government Does 'Help You In A Business' | ThinkProgress

        RP should be jumping all over this stuff, get himself back in the race. IMHO he should not tie himself to willard in any way shape or form, nore should any supporters.


        • Of COARSE

          you can only start a business, with the 'help' of Government. Everyone knows, first thing you do, to start a business, is go to the state, and get a "Business License" which you PAY for (TAX), so that YOU can begin collecting SALES tax, FOR the government.

          So, hold it! WHO is 'helping' whom, here?!!! Isn't it the businesses, which are 'helping' the Government, by collecting taxes for the government???

          Oh, and your also collecting SS, medicare, etc. and paying matching amounts, to THE GOVERNMENT, 'help' again, and look who's helping, and who is BEING 'helped', AGAIN!

          Yeah, could we have a little LESS 'help' from the government, please? Not sure we can handle any more 'help'. Jim


          • @dutchdivco Right on

            The government is like a business partner that gets half the profit and does nothing to help run the company. Ever buy an investment property and sell it? Have fun sending half your profit to someone who risked nothing.....The Goverment.

            How does government AID a business?
            They risk NOTHING and expect to get paid.
            You call that aid? I call that the mofia.
            Better pay your dues or some people with guns will show up at your door.


            • The Donald is at it again, this time on the Hannity show, calling for Barry to release his records, and saying that Romney should be demanding it in exchange for releasing his tax records that Democrats are calling for. See video of the Donald here. Whatever his reason for doing this, it's nice to see at least someone attacking Barry, especially on mainstream media. This is a subject that Hannity has refused to address by himself, and whenever a caller to his show mentions anything about Barry's fraudulent documentation Hannity is quick to end the discussion and talk about something else. Hannity has always portrayed Ron Paul as a kook too, so it is not too difficult to figure where he's coming from.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Darrell Scott Testimony
                December 17th, 2008

                Testimony Of Darrell Scott Father Of Two Victims Of Columbine High School Shootings Littleton, Colorado Before The Subcommittee On Crime House Judiciary Committee United States House Of Representatives Thursday, May 27, 1999 2:00 P.M. 2141 Rayburn House Office Building

                I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my
                feelings best.

                Your laws ignore our deepest needs, our words are empty air.
                You've stripped away our heritage,
                You've outlawed simple prayer.
                Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
                And precious children die.
                You seek for answers everywhere,
                And ask the question "Why?"
                You regulate restrictive laws,
                Through legislative creed.
                And yet you fail to understand,
                That God is what we need!

                Testimony Share » Darrell Scott Testimony



                • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                  “It’s a shame. The important issue is [what] the two candidates seem to agree on. They don’t really disagree with militarism overseas, they don’t disagree with the Federal Reserve system and the bailouts, and they don’t disagree on basically whether the role of federal government is wealth redistribution through welfare. So instead, they’re talking about tax returns and that to me is so disappointing,” he said. “It’s all a charade, I think it’s all contrived to not have a debate.”
                  Yes it is a charade you certainly don’t think the PTB would allow anyone to run who might actually produce change? So whither the sheeple vote for Obama or “O”Romney no major change will take place except their continuing destruction of the country.
                  The PTB desperately want everyone to keep running around waving their red and blue flags because if they stopped they both sides might say “Oh look our problems are really coming from over there”.

                  So how can we convince the sheeple that voting for Obama or “O”Romney is what truly amounts to a wasted vote?


                  • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                    So how can we convince the sheeple that voting for Obama or “O”Romney is what truly amounts to a wasted vote?
                    It's a two step process:

                    1. Convince people to watch the video Hacking Democracy
                    Anyone, with a decently functioning brain, who watches this will come away with the understanding that elections are rigged so that election fraud determines who the "winner" will be, and will understand that their vote really does not count. With that realization, most people will want to know what can be done to end voting fraud, and ensure that their vote will count. And that brings us to the next step.

                    2. Once a person has woken up to the fact that their votes in federal and state elections have never counted for anything, we need to explain how they can vote with confidence in 2012, assured that their vote will count, and will help to bring about an end to the corrupt election system that currently exists across the United States of America. To do this, we must first educate people to the fact that, because of the unconstitutional 17th Amendment, there has not been a valid federal election since 1912, and that any elections they have voted in since that time are merely corporate elections to elect corporation officers, and have absolutely nothing to do with electing actual state and federal government officials. Next, we need to explain that to restore our true constitutional government, we must cast our votes in the original jurisdiction state elections that will be held this November, and must make it very clear that the original jurisdiction elections are entirely separate from the state elections people are familiar with. And finally, we must ensure that people understand that they must cast their votes by content certified return receipt mail, must keep a copy of their certified vote as proof of how they voted, and must forward a third certified copy to the person they voted for as original jurisdiction governor of their state. Doing so ensures that their votes do count, and will be counted correctly, thus eliminating any possibility of voting fraud, while at the same time ensuring that our true constitutional Republic, and government by the people, is finally restored.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Rights

                      Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                      Guys there are a lot more rights you have civil and under common law then you might realize we created this educational research resource for ALL.

                      Evidence of Concern

                      Those who have social security numbers, have no rights. They signed them away according to the supreme court. Walt


                      • Another mass shooting this one in Colorado and the media is all over it trying to figure out what motivated the shooter. To me it looks like a false flag event. The UN gun grabbing bill is looking like it might be shot down and Sheriff “Joe” is closing in on Obama what a better time to create a little diversion. What better place then near Columbine to further stroke the public’s emotions? Is it unrealistic to think that this might be a staged event? Could this simply be a follow up event to the failed “Fast and Furious” attack on the 2nd amendment?

                        Meanwhile the usual suspects wasted no time jumping up claiming this proves we need to ban guns so we will be safe from these armed madmen. Of course we will also need TSA gropers at all theaters and malls to help keep protect us.

                        It been said the shooter kicked in a fire escape door to enter the theater. Anyone here think they’re up to kicking in typically a metal door in a metal frame? It has been rumored that someone received a phone call and then went and opened the door. If true that means we have a planed event rather then just a long gunman. But I doubt that the media will want to go there because then they would have to start examining all possibilities and that might prove to be embarrassing for some people.


                        • Originally posted by walter1592 View Post
                          Those who have social security numbers, have no rights. They signed them away according to the supreme court. Walt
                          Specifically, what did the SCOTUS say in that regard?
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • The Court ruled that no such contract exists, and that there is no contractual right to receive Social Security payments. Payments due under Social Security are not “property” rights and are not protected by the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The interest of a beneficiary of Social Security is protected only by the Due Process Clause.
                            Flemming v. Nestor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Getting a Social Security number creates the contract that you are, under penalty of perjury, a corporate United States citizen/subject, working for the government in a federal state, even if you live elsewhere. By the way, voting does also. Check your voter registration card and see if you swore you were a U.S. citizen. The same applies to gun purchases. You declared yourself to be a U.S. citizen, thereby waiving your second amendment right to bear arms. Another book subject!
                            Chapter 7 - The TRUTH About Social Security



                            • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                              The Court ruled that no such contract exists, and that there is no contractual right to receive Social Security payments. Payments due under Social Security are not “property” rights and are not protected by the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The interest of a beneficiary of Social Security is protected only by the Due Process Clause.
                              Flemming v. Nestor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                              The court decision in this case was a correct one. Most people have no idea what Social Security is all about, and believe that throughout their working life they have been paying into a retirement fund which they can draw upon in their retirement years. Fact is, the Social Security card number that you carry in your wallet is not your number. When you obtain that card, you are agreeing to a Trust relationship (more specifically a revocable trust), in which you are the Trustee, and the "government's" General Trust Fund is the Beneficiary. To better understand this relationship, read this.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                To better understand this relationship, read this.
                                The Social Security Act of 1935
                                Therefore, the Social Security Administration created relationship inherent with the acceptance of the card is that of a Trust that remains an agency of Corp. U.S. under Corp. U.S.’ ...

                                Judicial independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                                Federal courtsArticle III of the United States Constitution establishes the federal courts as part of the federal government.
                                The Constitution provides that federal judges, including judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, are appointed by the President "by and with the advice and consent of the Senate."

                                Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                The court decision in this case was a correct one.
                                The Pot Lyrics - YouTube


