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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
    Another mass shooting this one in Colorado and the media is all over it trying to figure out what motivated the shooter. To me it looks like a false flag event. The UN gun grabbing bill is looking like it might be shot down and Sheriff “Joe” is closing in on Obama what a better time to create a little diversion. What better place then near Columbine to further stroke the public’s emotions? Is it unrealistic to think that this might be a staged event? Could this simply be a follow up event to the failed “Fast and Furious” attack on the 2nd amendment?

    Meanwhile the usual suspects wasted no time jumping up claiming this proves we need to ban guns so we will be safe from these armed madmen. Of course we will also need TSA gropers at all theaters and malls to help keep protect us.

    It been said the shooter kicked in a fire escape door to enter the theater. Anyone here think they’re up to kicking in typically a metal door in a metal frame? It has been rumored that someone received a phone call and then went and opened the door. If true that means we have a planed event rather then just a long gunman. But I doubt that the media will want to go there because then they would have to start examining all possibilities and that might prove to be embarrassing for some people.
    Hi Mad
    As soon as I heard some lunacic shot up a bunch of people I KNEW the liberals would be out in full force trying to take away the 2nd amendment. Unfortunetaly I was right. They will gladly walk on dead bodies to take away our guns, although they say we are the heartless ones because we own guns(can anyone say hypocrit?)
    I truly feel sorry for the innocent people who died that night just out for a movie. I especially am haunted of a picture of one of the victim's father screaming when he heard the news. I trully couldn't say how i would react if some one did this to my son daughter or wife but i can tell you I would cry and scream. My heart breaks for that man. BUT my guns didn't kill innocent people. My guns didn't threaten anyone. My guns are legal. and I am a law abidding American citizen excersizing my rights granted by the constitution. And as such they have no right to take my guns.

    However there is an idea in certain far right groups(who will remain nameless)that says if the government sees fit to eliminate the 2nd amendment they there by eliminate the constitution. And if they eliminate the constituion there is no law to goven us... nor any obligation for us to obey the government. I don't want to draw too much attention from big brother but I am sure you see where this is going...
    Unfortunately still is that the powder blue thugs will also use this tradgy to take away our guns... Well my message to them is SURE you can have my guns after you pry my cold dead fingers from the trigger but becarefull the barrell will still be hot

    Finally pray for the victoms in Colorado that they find peace with Jesus. Pray for the families that they may be comforted and pray for the shooter that he would repent before he stands before God.
    Smile it doesn't hurt!

    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


    • @Bizzy

      Why did he sit in his car and wait to be arrested?
      Why did he boobietrap his house for the police then tell the police that it was boobie trapped?
      Why buy 6,000 rounds and only kill 12 people?
      Why did he look dazed and confused in court?

      He could have left the scene and went on a rampage all night long killing hundreds of people. Something seems fishy. I'm with mad scientist.

      Guns never kill people....People kill people.
      Cars kill people everyday...but wasnt the cars fault right?
      Maybe it was the driver?


      • I would say the answer to your questions is that he is simply a “Manchurian candidate”. He has been brainwashed and drugged out of his mind then was programmed to do only one task, shoot up the theater.

        The descriptions of his actions after being arrested sound like someone who is higher then a kite. It would be interesting if they did some drug tests on him to see just what all is in his system. But I seriously doubt that will be allowed to happen.


        • Witness thinks someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater

          Witness thinks someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater |
          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


          • I would say the answer to your questions is that he is simply a “Manchurian candidate”.
            They can be created without any drugs at all mere hyponosis can work. No idea how factual the show was but logic tells me its more than likely possible. A man was hypnotised to be a sleeper agent and carried out a mission then returned only to wake up and think it was all a dream.

            Discovery Introduces "Deception with Keith Barry" - Discovery Insider

            Imagine you woke up in your car with dream like memories of bomb trapping your apartment and killing a dozen people, then looking down and seeing you are strapped with guns. What would you do? Sit there till police arrived then tell them not to go in your apartment. Then sit in court as if none of this can be real cause it was all just a dream.

            I once woke up from a dream digging in my closet looking for the escape hatch....never found it lol. Another time I woke up flipping my bed over looking for a silver spoon. Its unreal how reality can be altered by the subconscious mind.
            Last edited by jdodson; 07-24-2012, 02:27 AM.


            • I see you folks are discussing ideas about the Colorado movie theater shooter, and are onto the possibility of hypnosis having been used. I'm sure that everyone has heard the fact that a person under hypnosis will not do something illegal or immoral if they would not do the same while in a normal state of mind. That fact is well established, but what most people will fail to take into consideration is that anyone can be turned into a killer through hypnosis. I know this seems contradictory, but it really isn't. Let me give you an example. Suppose that a man who is in deep hypnosis is instructed by the hypnotist that a satanic cult is plotting at this very moment to kill him, and all the members of his family, in a brutal, bloody attack, and that the only way this attack can be prevented is to go to where the cult is meeting, and immediately strike at them with firepower before they have the chance to carry out their attack. To the hypnotized subject, this scenario now becomes a perceived reality, and the thought of killing these "cultists" to save himself and his loved ones is now justified in his mind. He can be taken to a place, armed with weapons, and be told to stand by a door which will soon open to reveal the satanic cult. He can be told to enter when the door opens, and fire into the group of plotting cultists inside, killing as many as possible before returning to his car - where he should then wait for further instructions. Once in his car, the hypnotist can call him on a cell phone, and tell him that he will "awaken" in ten seconds, and that he will have no recollection of anything that has occurred.

              All of the above scenario can be carefully planned weeks, or even months, before the event is to take place, and after the initial hypnosis sessions all further sessions can be initiated over the telephone simply by using a key word or two (learned by suggestion in an earlier session) that instantly re-triggers a state of deep hypnosis. While many people believe that a subject under hypnosis would have his eyes closed and be unable to drive a car, or aim a gun, this is not so. The subject can be told to open his eyes and see what is actually around him, or instructed to see what the hypnotist describes he will see (such as a room filled with purple dinosaurs, little green aliens, or plotting satanic cultists). To the subject, this all becomes his reality, no matter how far fetched the vision may be.

              With all this in mind, it is easy to see how nearly anyone could be manipulated to do something as horrific as what happened in the Colorado movie theater. Many past high profile shootings are thought to have been initiated through the use of hypnosis. As I pointed out in another post in 2009, Oswald was known to hang out with David Ferrie for a number of years before the JFK assassination. What's more, Ferrie was known to throw parties where he used hypnosis upon unwitting young women to induce them to perform sex acts with other party goers. One characteristic that Oswald shared with other shooters such as Sirhan and Hinckley, is that none of these men had any recollection of having done what they were accused of. It is certainly not beyond belief that the Colorado shooter may well have been programmed through hypnosis to do what was done, or to at least be the "patsy" to take the blame for it.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Ron Paul's "Audit The Fed" bill (HR 459) passed yesterday by a 2/3 majority in the House of Representatives, and action will now move to the Senate. I can't imagine that the effort will fare very well in the Senate, because Ben Bernanke and his bankster pals know they can count on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and their many other Senate allies to do everything in their power to derail passage. Most certainly there will be Senators wanting to tack on amendments to weaken the legislation, or to re-write their version of it in such a way as to make an audit nearly meaningless. Nothing but a full audit will suffice to expose the agenda of the Fed, and bring pressure to end it. As debate now moves to the Senate, we must be relentless at hounding our Senators and demanding that they vote in support of a full audit, and those who vote against a full audit must be held accountable.

                To see how your Representative voted on Ron Paul's House version of the legislation, go here. The lists are alphabetical, with Republican representatives in normal text and Democrat representatives shown in Italics. The bottom line is that the roll call voting results showed that 327 Representatives voted in favor of passage, while 98 voted against. Of the 98 who voted against Dr Paul's "Audit The Fed' bill, 97 were Democrats.
                Five Democrats, and one Republican, did not participate in the voting. The lone Republican to join in voting against the bill was Representative Robert Turner of New York's 9th Congressional District. You may remember that Turner won his seat after disgraced Representative Anthony Weiner resigned due to a Facebook scandal wherein he posted lewd photos of himself.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • For the past few months I have been receiving notices in my mailbox of free cellphone giveaways to anyone who already receives some form of "government" assistance. I suspect that most, if not all readers of this thread, are receiving similar notices. Looking into what is going on, I see that millions of people are not only receiving these free cell phones, but are also receiving hundreds of hours of free wireless service time each month. What's more, since the "government" is funding this so-called "Lifeline" program, wireless service providers are eagerly making a point of enrolling as many people as possible by establishing countless mobile distribution points all over the US. Since there is no database that can be searched to find out if a person has already received a cellphone under the program, a great many people are taking advantage of this fact by obtaining multiple phones. This way, they can talk all day long if they wish, and sell excess phones to others to get quick and easy cash for alcohol and drug purchases. Check out this video, in which a young woman brags that she has 6 cell phones in her purse, and about 30 more at home. All of them work, and all were obtained in the free giveaway program. She says that it only takes her a few minutes to obtain each phone, and that she can easily go back to the same point of distribution to obtain extras. It's no wonder that the program is growing by leaps and bounds. In Maryland, for example, there were 6,000 people who received free phones in 2008, but this number grew to 231,000 in 2011. The total cost of the "government" program is currently over $1.3 billion, and is a prime example the waste an rampant fraud found in Barry's wealth redistribution agenda programs. While millions of people take full advantage of the program at zero cost to themselves, those of us who pay for our telephone service are also paying the cost of this giveaway in the line on our phone bill titled "Universal Service Fund." Nice, huh?
                  Last edited by rickoff; 07-26-2012, 08:19 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                    The total cost of the "government" program is currently over $1.3 billion, and is a prime example the waste an rampant fraud found in Barry's wealth redistribution agenda programs. While millions of people take full advantage of the program at zero cost to themselves, those of us who pay for our telephone service are also paying the cost of this giveaway in the line on our phone bill titled "Universal Service Fund." Nice, huh?

                    "Mitt Romney tells us, in his own words, he believes corporations are people.
                    No, Mitt, corporations are NOT people," she pronounced.
                    "People have hearts. They have kids. They get jobs. They get sick.
                    They love and they cry and they dance. They live and they die. Learn the difference." The audience went wild.

                    Corporations are people working together toward a shared goal, just as hospitals, schools, farms, restaurants, ballparks and museums are. Yes, the people who invest in, manage and work for corporations are there to make a profit. And yes, corporations may employ some bureaucrats, jerks, cheapskates and even nefarious criminals.

                    Jack Welch and Suzy Welch: It's True—Corporations Are People -

                    "If Mob Rule Takes Hold in the U.S"



                    • The Senate is about to take a cloture vote on S3414, the Cybersecurity Act of 2012. It is imperative that we contact our senators and demand that they oppose cloture. As it stands, S3414 would create yet another government bureaucracy (a “National Cybersecurity Council”), and it could guarantee companies engage in more invasions of our privacy. Just what we don't need - a larger, more costly, and more intrusive "government." As usual, this is being promoted as something necessary to ensure our safety on the Internet, and protect us from cyber attacks. Don't be fooled - this is just another NWO power grab, and a huge one at that.
                      Last edited by rickoff; 07-28-2012, 02:03 PM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Peter Lindemann - How do you power your home?

                        Dear Aaron,

                        Thinking this is here on topic?


                        Topic: 11980-peter-lindemann-how-do-you-power-your-home.html

                        And after just a few very clear OPEN questions from the topic starter, a bit strange directly defensive & attacking reaction from Peter and some other people!

                        We get: This thread is closed.
                        Aaron Murakami


                        Feels far from and sure not as a clear judge!

                        This forum should be over bringing out the true, to us the "people" together and further against the so called "Parasit Leaders", these could also be distractors like the 12 years ZA-RA soap, but again see is very entertaining to read, and mean not brutally stopped.

                        Life is al about learning till dead!!

                        Every day in a new vision, looking every day at the same + & -, meaning looking to the same life with new understandings, so why so brutal with a intervention?

                        Let it go like Jesus also did, thats teaching the people why some are so like blind groupies, for every something different to learn in the same!


                        Not to follow judgement: From a so called spiritual person?

                        Hoping for the future more clear, briljant insight.

                        Love2All, Johan


                        • Originally posted by Johan View Post
                          Dear Aaron,

                          Thinking this is here on topic?


                          Topic: 11980-peter-lindemann-how-do-you-power-your-home.html

                          And after just a few very clear OPEN questions from the topic starter, a bit strange directly defensive & attacking reaction from Peter and some other people!

                          We get: This thread is closed.
                          Aaron Murakami


                          Feels far from and sure not as a clear judge!

                          I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say, as it seems that English is not your language. It does appear that you feel you were treated unfairly by persons you name, and other members of Energetic Forum, but this thread is the wrong place to voice your displeasure over such matters. I know nothing about the 11980 thread you refer to, and that topic has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is The American Ruling Class. If you wish to post anything in this thread, please stay on topic and refrain from making any personal attacks against forum members. If you have a problem with any other member it is best resolved through private messaging with that member, or with the assistance of a forum moderator. Please delete your post from this thread, and I will then delete this one.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • If it comes to a theater near you, the new documentary movie 2016 Obama's America is a must see film. Created by Dinesh D'Souza, a former policy adviser to President Reagan, this movie goes deep into doing what the mainstream media has failed to do - exploring Barry's past, and what he really hopes to achieve by 2016 if reelected.

                            Here's a link to a trailer ad for the movie.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • ICE and Border Patrol unions speak out on Barry's amnesty to illegals

                              In a press conference this Thursday on Capitol Hill, ICE and Border Patrol union representatives voiced their concerns over Barry's decision to grant amnesty and work permits to most illegal aliens under the age of 30, and Janet Napolitano's orders to stop enforcing the laws against illegal immigration that were passed by Congress. Napolitano has threatened ICE and Border Patrol agents with reprimand and/or termination for failing to obey her directive, which is contrary to the oaths these agents swore to uphold. Here's what the union reps had to say about the matter:

                              ICE Union President Chris Crane said: "It's impossible to understand the full scope of the Administration's policies, but what we've seen so far concerns us greatly. ... Our orders are if an alien says they went to high school, then let them go. If they say they have a GED, then let them go."

                              Border Patrol Union President George McCubbin said: "The Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has travelled around the country stating that the border is more secure than it's ever been. We do not believe that to be the case. She conveniently forgot to ask the men and women on the front line if that was true, but rather she relied on the information and statistics provided to her by those in positions who have an interest in reflecting whatever position the administration wants it to reflect. In this case a safe and secure border."
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

