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The American Ruling Class

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  • On a secret trip to Afghanistan Barack Obama has signed an agreement pledging US financial and military support to the country for 10 years beyond the 2014 withdrawal. Despite its many failures the US is trying to portray its strategy as a success.
    *Obama met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and signed the Strategic Partnership Agreement, which states that Washington may use “diplomatic means, political means, economic means and even military means” to help Afghanistan, with approval from Kabul.

    Obama cements US support to Afghanistan beyond 2014 — RT

    On August 1, the first NATO military facility in Russia is launching its operations. The site, designed to assist NATO's withdrawal from Afghanistan, is the latest component in the alliance's strategy of tightening its grip on Central Asia.

    The Ulyanovsk facility represents a new stage for the US in building a military, political, social, and economic fabric of support inside Russia. It brings into Russia itself the military network that the US and NATO have set up in Central Asian states. In this region, Washington's approach differs from the one used in Libya and Syria: instead of conquering with tanks and fighter jets, the US and NATO are now buying their way into target countries, and it proves to be a much more efficient method of conquest. NATO has offered economic arguments: it’s business for your companies, revenues for your budget, jobs for your people.

    By providing Ulyanovsk facilities to NATO and running NATO supply routes, Russia and Central Asian countries are collaborating with the enemy to help it achieve all of the above against their own interests. As the Mackinder Heartland theory goes, he who controls the Heartland – the central part of the Eurasian continent – controls the world. Today, Central Asia, together with Afghanistan, is the key platform to project the threat against the three major competitors: in order of urgency – Iran, Russia, China.

    NATO's business strategy: No need to attack, just buy them up (Op-Ed) — RT




      Type that on the address bar and see what you get. If you read it in reverse it's "Illuminati"


      • Originally posted by Madeo View Post

        Type that on the address bar and see what you get. If you read it in reverse it's "Illuminati"

        It was a Joke. Just do a whois and look up again at the net for the name and this URL. There are some hits, that he did only fake it.
        Itanimulli Hoax « Itanimulli Hoax
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • that's interesting, although the site does make a good point. Why does the gov't not remove that link? It's been there since 2002.


          • Great description of a little known aspect of the NWO/Illuminati. Thanks so much to Iona Miller for this video!
            The Tavistock Agenda - YouTube



            • Why does the gov't not remove that link? It's been there since 2002.
              Its basically freedom of speech. I'm assuming that redirect code is in the html file written by the private person who owns the domain. The government would have to force him to change what he has written. They cant do it for him.


              • manus manum lavat

                OB-METHOD for the people by the people and no strings attached
                (one hand must wash the other)

                '80s OB method COMMERCIAL - YouTube



                • I'm sure you all remember the "bird flu" scare. The word is out, from reliable sources, that our "government" has been using taxpayer dollars to fund research (in the Netherlands) into developing a super strain mutation of the bird flu which does not exist in nature. This would be a deadly airborne contagion that can easily jump from one human to another and does not require any physical contact. If such a mutation was accidentally (or deliberately) released, it is estimated that hundreds of millions of people worldwide would die in a relatively short period of time, since 60% of persons who have been infected with avian flu are known to have died.

                  And far worse than this research being needlessly carried out in the first place is the fact that the results are going to be published, which means that any well funded rogue government or terrorist organization will have a "complete cookbook," as one scientist in the field has said, to produce this deadly virus!

                  There's no doubt that the "government" would claim that it is only a matter of time before avian flu naturally mutates to an airborne strain, and that developing an effective vaccine in advance of that is imperative. While that logic may have some truth to it, why race to produce something that not only has the potential, but also a high likelihood to cause the most deadly epidemic in history? Is this insanity simply the NWO's plan for the ultimate and rapid depopulation of our world? If so, you can safely bet that the NWO types will be the only ones who are vaccinated against this outbreak before it occurs.

                  Read more about this insane research here.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                    I'm sure you all remember the "bird flu" scare. The word is out, from reliable sources, that our "government" has been using taxpayer dollars to fund research (in the Netherlands) into developing a super strain mutation of the bird flu which does not exist in nature.......

                    If so, you can safely bet that the NWO types will be the only ones who are vaccinated against this outbreak before it occurs.

                    Thanks for posting the info related to Avian/Bird Flu. Maybe this circuit will act as an "antidote" to it.

                    Have you or anyone else built the circuit Bedini just released at the recent conference?

                    John Bedini Schematic Kills Viruses/HIV (1 of 5)
                    John Bedini Schematic Kills Viruses/HIV (1 of 5) - YouTube

                    PDF of schematic:
                    John Bedini Schematic for killing all Viruses Including HIV and Hepatitis C



                    • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                      Have you or anyone else built the circuit Bedini just released at the recent conference?
                      But Bob Beck came up with a circuit similar to this some years ago. His was much simpler in that the output was simply just a 4hz, pulse at 50volt p/p rather then Bedini's with pulses within pulses. But he also claimed it had great healing power.

                      You were to strap the two electrodes over the two main arteries of your wrist and sit back and let the device do the work of cleaning your blood. The theory and the evidence behind it makes sense. OK so I built it and tried it. Don’t know if it would have actually worked because while the pulsing was not painful it sure was annoying. Maybe that was because of the number of times I have inadvertently shocked myself. But there was no way I could leave it on for the require amount of time.


                      • Leading fundamentalist rabbis gather in Israel to defend the publication of a book,
                        Torat Ha'Melech, that attempted to provide halakhic justification for the killing of non-Jews,
                        including innocent children and families.
                        The gathering exposed not only the ferocious racism of a swath of Israel's pro-settlement rabbinate,
                        but the powerlessness of the government to stop them.

                        How To Kill Goyim And Influence People -- Torat Ha'melech - YouTube

                        How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Israeli Rabbis Defend Book's Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews (with Video) | Alternet



                        • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                          Thanks for posting the info related to Avian/Bird Flu. Maybe this circuit will act as an "antidote" to it.

                          Have you or anyone else built the circuit Bedini just released at the recent conference?

                          John Bedini Schematic Kills Viruses/HIV (1 of 5)
                          John Bedini Schematic Kills Viruses/HIV (1 of 5) - YouTube

                          PDF of schematic:
                          John Bedini Schematic for killing all Viruses Including HIV and Hepatitis C

                          No, I wasn't even aware of it, so thanks for posting the links. I know I've been getting behind on a lot of things, and don't have much time to spend on the forum other than reading and posting to this thread. Between working on projects at my new homestead, and rehearsing/playing with the band I am in, there just aren't enough hours in the day to pursue much of anything else. I also have to be careful not to go over 5 Gigabytes Internet data usage each month, or get charged extra above the $50 a month rate I'm already paying for 4G wireless Internet service, so I'm rather limited to how much Internet browsing and downloading/uploading I can do.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Update on UN Agenda 21

                            I recently posted information about the UN's "Agenda 21," which was developed 20 years ago as an attempt to impose an extreme agenda globally, including in every state, city and town in the United States. Masked as a "green initiative," it seeks to dictate and control every aspect of our lives.

                            What's really scary is that Agenda 21 is already taking hold in states and municipalities all across America. In fact, the U.S. subsidiary of the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), the international body charged with implementing Agenda 21 at the local level in each state, claims that nearly 600 local governments in 49 states in America are already carrying out the agenda. What's more, George Soros' "Open Society" has given more than $2 million to ICLEI to support implementation of Agenda 21 at the local level. And when George Soros funds anything, you know it has to be something that will benefit him while harming the rest of us.

                            Specifically, at risk from Agenda 21 are, among other things:
                            • Private property rights
                            • The ability to choose what vehicle we drive, and even our very means of travel
                            • Private ownership of family farms
                            They have had 20 years to work at slowly implementing this agenda, and had to go about it slowly or face an outraged public. Now all the groundwork is done, and they are ready to move towards rapid and full implementation. And you can bet your bottom dollar that if Barry wins reelection, either fairly or fraudulently, his second term will be all about securing Agenda 21 and scrapping the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

                            I wish I could say that Romney would do a lot better for us, and he claims that he would, but I have my doubts. I find it very hard to trust any politician who will not take a firm stand to end the Federal Reserve, and Romney has already said he wouldn't do that. We know Barry won't do it, and no one but Ron Paul has said that he will, so I'll vote Ron Paul in the national election and let the chips fall where they will. I'll also vote in the original jurisdiction state governor elections to ensure that my vote really counts, and to take the best possible shot at getting our states and our nation back in lawful, constitutional order. I hope all of you do the same.

                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • By Doug Casey

                              In this article, I'm going to argue that the US government, in particular, is being overrun by the wrong kind of person.

                              The reason is that a certain class of people – sociopaths – are now fully in control of major American institutions. Their beliefs and attitudes are insinuated throughout the economic, political, intellectual and psychological/spiritual fabric of the US.

                              You may be thinking that what happened in places like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia and scores of other countries in recent history could not, for some reason, happen in the US. Actually, there's no reason it won't at this point. All the institutions that made America exceptional – including a belief in capitalism, individualism, self-reliance and the restraints of the Constitution – are now only historical artifacts.

                              What's going on here is an instance of Pareto's Law. That's the 80-20 rule that tells us, for example, that 80% of your sales come from 20% of your salesmen or that 20% of the population are responsible for 80% of the crime.

                              There are seven characteristics I can think of that define a sociopath, although I'm sure the list could be extended.
                              1.Sociopaths completely lack a conscience or any capacity for real regret about hurting people. Although they pretend the opposite.
                              2.Sociopaths put their own desires and wants on a totally different level from those of other people. Their wants are incommensurate. They truly believe their ends justify their means. Although they pretend the opposite.
                              3.Sociopaths consider themselves superior to everyone else, because they aren't burdened by the emotions and ethics others have – they're above all that. They're arrogant. Although they pretend the opposite.
                              4.Sociopaths never accept the slightest responsibility for anything that goes wrong, even though they're responsible for almost everything that goes wrong. You'll never hear a sincere apology from them.
                              5.Sociopaths have a lopsided notion of property rights. What's theirs is theirs, and what's yours is theirs too. They therefore defend currency inflation and taxation as good things.
                              6.Sociopaths usually pick the wrong target to attack. If they lose their wallet, they kick the dog. If 16 Saudis fly planes into buildings, they attack Afghanistan.
                              7.Sociopaths traffic in disturbing news, they love to pass on destructive rumors and they'll falsify information to damage others.

                              Political elites are primarily, and sometimes exclusively, composed of sociopaths. It's not just that they aren't normal human beings. They're barely even human, a separate subspecies, differentiated by their psychological qualities.

                              With sociopaths in charge, we could very well see the Milgram experiment reenacted on a national scale. In the experiment, you may recall, researchers asked members of the public to torture subjects (who, unbeknownst to the people being recruited, were paid actors) with electric shocks, all the way up to what they believed were lethal doses. Most of them did as asked, after being assured that it was "alright" and "necessary" by men in authority. The men in authority today are mostly sociopaths.

                              One practical issue worth thinking about is how you, as someone with libertarian values, will manage in a future increasingly controlled by sociopaths. My guess is poorly, unless you take action to insulate yourself. That's because of the way almost all creatures are programmed by nature. There's one imperative common to all of them: Survive!

                              So of course the Germans closed ranks around their leaders, even though everyone at the top was a sociopath. You can expect Americans to do the same.

                              Americans have done so before, when the country was far less degraded. During the War Between the States, even saying something against the war was a criminal offense. The same was true during World War I. In World War II, the Japanese were all put in concentration camps on groundless, racially based suspicions of disloyalty.

                              It's very hard for an individualist to keep his mouth shut when he sees these things going on. But he'd better keep quiet, as even HL Mencken wisely did during both world wars. In today's world, just keeping quiet won't be enough; the national security state has an extensive, and growing, file on everybody. They believe they know exactly what your beliefs, desires, fears and associations are, or may be.
                              What we're now facing is likely to be more dangerous than past crises.

                              The Ascendence of Sociopaths in US Governance - Casey Research



                              • National Rifle Association (NRA) leader Wayne LaPierre, who is also a New York Times bestselling author, has written a book exposing the U.N.'s secret plan to impose gun control inside the U.S., despite the Constitution.

                                It's called "America Disarmed: Inside the U.N. and Obama's Scheme to Destroy the Second Amendment."

                                About 50,000 of these books have already been distributed by the NRA, and it is said that only 300 copies are left, so if anyone here wants to obtain a copy they should click the link above and get one while they are available. It is said there will be no further printings.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

