Allen West: Obama is feeding U.S. a crap sandwich
During a August 25 appearance on the Neil Cavuto show, Tea Party Congressman Allen West said the following regarding Barry:
"...if you’re feeding a person a crap sandwich with a smile, it’s still a crap sandwich. That’s what you see coming from President Obama. He’s fed America just a load of you-know-what, and it has not done anything for this country." See it here.
It's a refreshing change to see someone telling it like it really is on mainstream media.
Of course we have to remember that very few conservatives could have gotten away with saying this without being labeled a racist. When a black man like West says these words, however, liberals cannot use the racist ploy.
West has also called Progressive Democrats communists on mainstream TV, and refused to back down when called out on that by CNN anchor Soledad O'brien. See that interview here.
You will not see Romney, or any other establishment Republican, ripping Barry or calling Progressives communists, socialists, marxists, or statists. The best that Romney has done so far was to say, at a recent Michigan rally: "No one's ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised," he said to the laughter of the crowd, speaking alongside his wife, Ann.
This was a good jab, but it should have been followed through with a knockout punch by talking about Barry's fraudulence. Instead, Romney passed off what he had said as being a joke, and said the following:
"I've said throughout the campaign and before, there's no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S. This was fun about us, and coming home. And humor, you know -- we've got to have a little humor in a campaign," Romney told CBS News.
Sounds more like Mitt is campaigning for Barry than against him, don't you think?
Mitt would say, of course, that he just wants to run a clean campaign and present a "Mister nice guy" image to voters, but that's not what this is all about. This is about toeing the establishment party line, which is also the NWO line, and not not making the kind of waves that could cost Barry to lose his bid for reelection.
CNN will air "Romney Revealed" tonight, and you can bet it won't be all that flattering. They will air "Obama Revealed" next Monday, but you can safely bet that show will reveal absolutely nothing about Barry's shady and mostly hidden past, his personal attachments to radicals, his forged birth certificate and Selective Service registration, his Social Security card scam, or his ineligibile status to serve as POTUS.
During a August 25 appearance on the Neil Cavuto show, Tea Party Congressman Allen West said the following regarding Barry:
"...if you’re feeding a person a crap sandwich with a smile, it’s still a crap sandwich. That’s what you see coming from President Obama. He’s fed America just a load of you-know-what, and it has not done anything for this country." See it here.
It's a refreshing change to see someone telling it like it really is on mainstream media.

Of course we have to remember that very few conservatives could have gotten away with saying this without being labeled a racist. When a black man like West says these words, however, liberals cannot use the racist ploy.
West has also called Progressive Democrats communists on mainstream TV, and refused to back down when called out on that by CNN anchor Soledad O'brien. See that interview here.
You will not see Romney, or any other establishment Republican, ripping Barry or calling Progressives communists, socialists, marxists, or statists. The best that Romney has done so far was to say, at a recent Michigan rally: "No one's ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised," he said to the laughter of the crowd, speaking alongside his wife, Ann.
This was a good jab, but it should have been followed through with a knockout punch by talking about Barry's fraudulence. Instead, Romney passed off what he had said as being a joke, and said the following:
"I've said throughout the campaign and before, there's no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S. This was fun about us, and coming home. And humor, you know -- we've got to have a little humor in a campaign," Romney told CBS News.
Sounds more like Mitt is campaigning for Barry than against him, don't you think?

CNN will air "Romney Revealed" tonight, and you can bet it won't be all that flattering. They will air "Obama Revealed" next Monday, but you can safely bet that show will reveal absolutely nothing about Barry's shady and mostly hidden past, his personal attachments to radicals, his forged birth certificate and Selective Service registration, his Social Security card scam, or his ineligibile status to serve as POTUS.