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The American Ruling Class

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  • Allen West: Obama is feeding U.S. a crap sandwich

    During a August 25 appearance on the Neil Cavuto show, Tea Party Congressman Allen West said the following regarding Barry:

    "...if you’re feeding a person a crap sandwich with a smile, it’s still a crap sandwich. That’s what you see coming from President Obama. He’s fed America just a load of you-know-what, and it has not done anything for this country." See it here.
    It's a refreshing change to see someone telling it like it really is on mainstream media.

    Of course we have to remember that very few conservatives could have gotten away with saying this without being labeled a racist. When a black man like West says these words, however, liberals cannot use the racist ploy.

    West has also called Progressive Democrats communists on mainstream TV, and refused to back down when called out on that by CNN anchor Soledad O'brien. See that interview here.

    You will not see Romney, or any other establishment Republican, ripping Barry or calling Progressives communists, socialists, marxists, or statists. The best that Romney has done so far was to say, at a recent Michigan rally: "No one's ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised," he said to the laughter of the crowd, speaking alongside his wife, Ann.

    This was a good jab, but it should have been followed through with a knockout punch by talking about Barry's fraudulence. Instead, Romney passed off what he had said as being a joke, and said the following:
    "I've said throughout the campaign and before, there's no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S. This was fun about us, and coming home. And humor, you know -- we've got to have a little humor in a campaign," Romney told CBS News.

    Sounds more like Mitt is campaigning for Barry than against him, don't you think? Mitt would say, of course, that he just wants to run a clean campaign and present a "Mister nice guy" image to voters, but that's not what this is all about. This is about toeing the establishment party line, which is also the NWO line, and not not making the kind of waves that could cost Barry to lose his bid for reelection.

    CNN will air "Romney Revealed" tonight, and you can bet it won't be all that flattering. They will air "Obama Revealed" next Monday, but you can safely bet that show will reveal absolutely nothing about Barry's shady and mostly hidden past, his personal attachments to radicals, his forged birth certificate and Selective Service registration, his Social Security card scam, or his ineligibile status to serve as POTUS.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • I have to go along with the idea that there is no difference between Omama and O’Romney. Well OK one has an "R" after his name and other a "D" and maybe even a little different window dressing but there will be no substantial difference in how either will lead. Both where chosen for us by the same “elite” group of individuals and they don’t care who we pick because they know whoever wins they going to have an obedient puppet who will do whatever they are asked.

      Consider all the promises Obame made for “hope and change” before the last election, bring our troops home, open government, lower gas prices, etc, etc. no promise was too absurd. He was allowed to say whatever he wanted. But once in office he was not allowed to do any of that probably because he was being held in line by that pasty little birth certificate issue hanging over his head.

      We will have to see what skeletons O’Romney is hiding. But I’m quit sure he has been quite thoroughly briefed as to what he will be allowed to do and what he cannot do.

      Meanwhile the PTB via their controlled media have the public running around waving their red and blue flags screaming my team is better then your team. Of course with all this yelling and screaming going on very few bother to look behind the curtain and see that the controlling wizards are laughing their butts off at us stupid sheeple who think we are actually making a choice.

      But then they are masters at controlling us through use of fear. By creating endless wars or that a terrorist, that they created, will kill you. Or some plague they created will kill you, unless you take one of their vaccines, which will also probably kill you. And how about their new super GMO foods that will provide food for all but have been shown to cause infertility. But don’t worry just pay your carbon taxes and they will save the world, well at least for themselves because most of you will be dead.

      That is unless the sheeple of the world wake up and take off their blinders and look past the lies that the controlled mass media has been feeding us and start seeing what is really going on. The good news is that there are way more of us then there are of them. However right now they control vast amounts of money and this enables them to buy whatever results they want. Of course there are also some good guys out they working diligently to cut off their finances. So you might want to keep an eye on the banking system between now and the end of the year.


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        Once again, I find myself in agreemant with you, (Post 3229). Both parties are 'conning' there members or constituencies, and BOTH are lieing to the American people about what they are doing, about the positions of the 'other side', etc.
        I, too will vote for R.P, in the election for 'corporate officers', even if I have to write in. The way the Repubs pushed Romoney on us, helped me to see thru the lies and B.S. of the repub party; and the Dems are no better. They also promise things to their liberal base, which they have no intention of dilivering on, in order to get their votes.
        Minoly (no offence, guys!) 'buys into' the lies of the Dems, and Bizzy 'buys into' the lies of the Repubs; NEITHER party 'deserves' our vote! A 'pox' on BOTH their houses, I say! Jim
        Can't we all just get along :-)

        I only fill a void, I too believe and have said so - that they are BOTH THE SAME. the print in this ARC thread seems to be slanted to one side and begs to be balanced.

        If Republicans are willing, Obama said, “I’m prepared to make a whole range of compromises” that could even rankle his own party. But he did not get specific. If you win, why go back and compromise???? - because the great OZ behind the curtain...

        Obama: Republicans Will Be Willing To Deal In My Second Term | TPM2012

        Obama Excited To Work With GOP In Second Term - YouTube

        "Give me liberty or give me death!" any one who does not "stick to their guns" (with their true beliefs) on this vote may as well line up for the next feeding pasture. Baa baa baa...
        Last edited by minoly; 08-28-2012, 03:30 PM.


        • Some political bumper stickers for you...

          First some anti-Barry stickers:

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Obama markets birth-certificate button



            • And now some anti-Mitt and anti-TEA Party stickers and buttons:

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • LIONEL PODCAST: Obama, Romney or Newt. No Difference. Ron Paul Is The Answer. | All Lionel


                • The RNC - what a sham!

                  Everyone is probably aware by now that the Republican National Convention (RNC) was due to start yesterday, August 27th, but was instead postponed until today. The reason given was Tropical Storm Isaac, but was that really the reason? What many people probably did not know is that RNC officials told Ron Paul, before canceling yesterday's activities, that he could have one hour to speak at the convention last night. One hour to speak to an empty floor, huh? That figures. Ron Paul delegates were infuriated, and rightly so, and they staged a protest Monday at the convention hall. Ron won't be speaking at the RNC, but he did speak to a crowd of supporters, estimated somewhat over 11,000, at the University of South Florida Sun Dome on August 26th.

                  More than 200 Ron Paul delegates showed up at the RNC and vowed to vote for no one but Paul. In retaliation, the RNC stripped away Ron Paul delegates from three states (Louisiana, Oregon, and Maine), thus depriving Ron Paul supporters of the ability to submit his name as a nominee, or to demand an amendment of the Party platform. It was said that Ron would appear on the convention floor at 1:45 today to show solidarity with his delegates, but if he did then no one would be aware of that because no TV stations showed any coverage of such an event.

                  As the RNC got underway this afternoon, it was quite clear that there would be no discussion about the possible viability of any candidates other than the Romney/Ryan duo. RNC officials also said they would be holding an early roll call vote to make Romney's nomination official, saying that they would do so as a precautionary measure prompted by the storm. That's hogwash, of course, and I think we all realize that this convention is nothing but a sham, just as the primary elections that preceded it.

                  I think it is really unfortunate that voters fell for the "anybody but Obama" fervor that swept the country. "Anybody" will not make a difference, especially when that anybody is an establishment Republican who is determined to go with the status quo and toe the party line. To ensure defeating Barry, the Republican nominee should have been someone with an ideology and record as far apart from that of Obama as is possible. Ron Paul was the only candidate that fit such a description. Instead, they nominate Mitt, a man who, as George Soros has said, is little different than Obama. Makes a lot of sense, huh?

                  Of course there was never any question that establishment Republicans would pull every trick in the book to prevent a takeover of the party by Ron Paul supporters and TEA Party candidates. The American people are duped into believing they are left with a choice, once again, of voting for what they perceive as the lesser of two evils. As in every previous election, anyone who suggests casting write-in ballots, or voting for a non Republican/Democrat candidate is said to be a fool. Many people will fall for the argument that a non-Obama vote not cast for Romney is in actuality a vote for Obama, but this kind of thinking has no basis in reality. The Ross Perot campaign proved that. Fully 60 percent of voters who cast ballots for Perot never had any intention of voting for a Republican or Democrat candidate. These voters considered themselves as Independents. Of the remaining 40 percent of votes cast for Perot, 20 percent were cast by Republicans and 20 percent by Democrats, both of which saw that their parties were moving in the wrong direction. So yes, the Republican candidate (George H Bush) lost the votes of party members who opted to vote for Perot, but the Democrat candidate (Bill Clinton) lost an equal number of votes. Thus, even if registered Republican voters who voted for Perot had voted for Bush, Clinton would still have won the election if the registered Democrats who voted for Perot had voted for Clinton instead.

                  If Independents consider Ron Paul to be out of the running then they will likely vote a protest ballot for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson rather than voting Republican or Democrat, as they are fed up with the antics of both major parties. Thus, the GOP has destroyed their chances of winning the votes of Independents, as true Independents do not want Romney any more than they want Obama.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • If any of you were watching the RNC at 4:15pm Eastern time, when it was announced that the Maine delegates had been disallowed, or at 4:26pm when rule changes regarding future selection of delegates was put up for vote, you would have heard some very loud booing. To my thinking, this booing was not only appropriate, but was also well deserved, and I really don't care if it splits the Republican party in half. Officials were quick to proclaim "The ayes have it," regardless of the fact that the "no's" were at least as vocal in opposition. What a scam! Democrats must be rolling on the floor and laughing their a**es off. At any point where booing continued unabated and threatened to become problematic, officials simply opted to begin a loud musical break, hoping that the music would throw convention goers into a clapping, swaying, hypnotic trance while drowning out the protesters and taking people's minds off the goings on.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • When the state by state delegate counts were being reported yesterday at the RNC, a speaker would first introduce a state and say the total number of delegates apportioned to that state. For example, "Nevada, 28 delegates." Then a person selected by the state delegates to speak on their behalf would report the delegate vote tally. In the Nevada example, they said, "Seventeen for Ron Paul, and 5 for Mitt Romney." That of course doesn't come to 28, but that is because 6 additional delegates were either in abstention, or their vote was not announced. Still, Ron Paul was clearly the big winner in Nevada, with more than a 3 to 1 margin over Mitt Romney.

                      After each of the state tallies were announced by a state's representative, a RNC official on stage would re-announce the results, and the results were also shown on an electronic tally board. That's fine, but the method in which this was done was disrespectful to Ron Paul and his delegates, and must certainly have left them enraged. In the Nevada example, the stage announcer said, "Romney, five," never mentioning Ron Paul's name or stating his Nevada delegate tally. And the electronic tally board, while advancing the delegate counts, showed one column titled "Romney," and another column titled simply "Others." No mention of Ron Paul, despite the fact that he won the lion's share (185) of the 201 "other" delegates reported at the convention, which amounts to 92 percent. That's totally disrespectful, and erases any credibility that the Republican National Convention would otherwise be given. The effort by the GOP establishment, all along, has been to minimize or eradicate Ron Paul at every turn in the process, and that effort has been blatantly apparent. What a sham this has been, from the very beginning. Total corruption.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • I also noticed when Romney crossed the magic threshold of 1,144 needed, his picture was at the bottom with the number next to it, they showed Newt and Rick S. with 0 zero and did not show Ron Paul or his tally.

                        Rules Change Sparks Grassroots Boos at GOP Convention - The Daily Beast

                        Robin Koerner: Ron Paul Won


                        • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                          I hear the people in the background saying:
                          "Thank you so much for everything, Dr. Paul", "You changed my life Dr. Paul", "God bless you sir."
                          People just DON'T say things like that to ANY other politician. And while I reflected on it, I concluded that that is all I want to say to him too. Seeing others in the video voice what my own thoughts had been for months moved me to tears.
                          Ron Paul is a legend. He has radically changed thousands of young lives.
                          This is just the beginning.

                          Starpilot149 17 hours ago

                          Ron Paul Arrives At The RNC - Let Him Speak ! - YouTube



                          • Here are the current results of an ongoing poll as of August 29, 2012:

                            Poll - 10042 - Mitt Romney vs. Ron Paul

                            Who would you vote for, Mitt Romney or Ron Paul
                            1. Mitt Romney (4.82%)
                            2. Ron Paul ( 92.8%)
                            3. Neither ( 0.75%)
                            Not Answered ( 1.55%)

                            Whom do you believe has better solutions for the nation's economic problems?
                            1. Conservatives ( 45.2%)
                            2. Liberal ( 7.68%)
                            3. Neither ( 44.3%)
                            Not Answered ( 2.69%)

                            WND -- Mitt Romney vs. Ron Paul



                            • An analogy

                              Its been my thinking, all along, regarding R.P.; he is like John the Baptist; who came before, and paved the way for Jesus.Not trying to get metaphysical here. He is Like Barry Goldwater, perhaps even a BETTER analogy.B.G. 'won' the nomination, but 'lost' the lection. But, his candidacy 'educated' a bunch of supporters to the Libertarian way of thinking, and 'paved the way' for Ronald Reagan, 20 years later.

                              This 'split' in the Repub party is nothing new.There are 'political opperatives', and 'mainstream activist' in the party, who don't REALLY believe the Conservative/Libertarian values they espouse, OR, 'believe' them, but DON'T believe a candidate can WIN, if the candidate clearly expresses them. "You'll lose too many independents, and women!"

                              And then, their are the TRUE Believers; who believe this country (and the electorate) has ALWAYS been a 'center-RIGHT' party, and that a clear debate of the policy differences, between Liberal 'solutions' and conservative solutions, will ALWAYS result in a WIN for the Conservative argument.

                              Despite Reagans candidacy and presidency, which CLEARLY demonstrated that the T.B. are 'right', the political opperatives keep argueing poll #'s, and demographics, and have (obviously) prevailed THIS time. But, keep you eye out for R.P.'s 'successor', (possibly) Rand Paul?

                              Anyway, I too am disgusted with the way the (supposedly) democratic process of the primaries has been manipulated in order to lie, cheat and steal away delegates from RP.And I will not waste my vote, by voting for O'romoney. THAT would be a wasted vote! If elected, he will simply build on what O'bummer has done, circumventing the rule of law, when he sees fit, by executive order; the 'dream kids', refusing to have holder 'defend' the DOMA, etc. He make 'pick' different issues, but the overall effect of moving us closer and closer to Tyrany, will continue unabated.IMHO,...Jim


                              • From the White Hats blog

                                Over a series of issues the WH (White Hats) will release the following:

                                Named Generals and Trusts stealing and embezzling vast amounts for the Cabal.

                                The soon to be released Falcone charges and litigation naming Romney, Bush,Herzog, Joe Birch, Biden,Clinton and so many of them.

                                It will reach up asking if and why an Agency Chief, acting for one rotten leader, authorized and gave the order for the attempted murder of an American national.

                                The documents and contracts seized from the raids on Herzog and Joe Birch will go public. Bank transfer records held as racketeering evidence will shame many of them. The WH will just time when to release it. It's coming. Just be aware.

                                Both candidates are too dirty to go on the voters ticket for November. With Soros owning the company collating electronic votes, how can you trust any of them?

                                The WH will release so much more in time. They and YOU are the only free , thinking voices in America. Remember, they work unpaid, at their own cost and risk,always with integrity and conscience, to help protect American freedom and Global leadership.
                                - John

