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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    This video reveals an astonishingly easy way to stop massacres in mere seconds. It requires:

    * No police or 911.
    * No taxpayer expense.
    * Can be deployed anywhere.
    * Begins working in as little as five seconds.
    * Protects innocent lives

    How to stop a massacre (PG-13 edition with improved sound effects) - YouTube


    I love it and your absolutely right when they outlaw guns only the outlaws will have guns.
    And the government of course and thats what their pushing for.
    No guns easy to control.
    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


    • Rick

      Thanks for the detailed responce, re: Romoneys 'citisenship' issues. I was NOT putting out the info in my earlier post, as any kind of defence of him, just saying 'THIS is what HE'S saying, about the issue.'
      It WOULD be 'good' if someone would research this more completely, but given the difficulty of getting Barry's 'pedigree' to be seriously examined, I doubt that anyone could take this issue anywhere, even WITH the documents!

      This is why I really think a more productive approach MIGHT be to seperate the issue from Barry, entirely. That is, to say "Hey! The Constitution SAYS THIS. And we don't REALLY, currently, have any way of ENFORCING THIS. Having the Chairmen of the party 'certify' to each Secretary of State, that a person is eligible is obviously NOT sufficient. We need to address this issue in a more comprehensive way!"
      Unfortunately, (in part due to the lack of education in World and American History) I suspect there is only about %25 of the population that really CARES whether our Gov't is run according to the Constitution! For the rest, any detailed discussion of Constitutional issues causes there eyes to glaze over. Not saying I feel that way, or that they SHOULDN'T be3 'concerned, just saying thats the way it is! Hence, no 'outrage' over ANY of the many valid issues you've detailed in this thread, regarding how our Gov't has gradually, over many years, gotten away from following the Constitution.

      I doubt mostpeople could give a good description of exactly WHAT the Costitution says, how its structured, etc. In fact, I seem to recall someone did a 'poll'; they took the Bill of rights, and presented them to 'average citisens', presenting them as PROPOSED amendments. Something of a majority said they would be AGAINST adding these as new 'amendments', and very few if any recognised that they all ready WERE in the Costitution! Suchy is the IGNORANCE of the American people! Hence, I fear these issues will not 'resonate', even tho they are certainly VALID.Jim


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        Having the Chairmen of the party 'certify' to each Secretary of State, that a person is eligible is obviously NOT sufficient. We need to address this issue in a more comprehensive way!"
        If we leave it to the Corporation US Congress to legislate abidance and enforcement of the Constitution's presidential eligibility requirements, I think that I can safely guarantee that nothing will ever be done. That's why it is up to citizen groups to stand together and demand enforcement. Taking legal steps such as outlined in the first post on this page are a great way to start. This puts all of the people responsible for certification on notice that there are eligibility problems with a candidate or candidates, and informs them that if they issue a certification while knowing these facts then they will be held accountable and prosecuted. This allows for court cases to proceed after a candidate is wrongly certified, and would also provide an avenue for removing that candidate from office if they were improperly certified.

        That said, I don't believe that our corrupted judicial system would take any positive actions to prosecute the offenders, or to nullify election results, any more than they did in the previous election. And that is just one more reason why we need to seat an original jurisdiction government that will replace those in our current judicial system with Constitution abiding appointees.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Quotable quote of the day......

          "Ten years ago the USA had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope, and Johnny Cash. Today, the USA has no jobs, no hope, and no cash!"

          I haven't been able to determine the original source of the above quote, but the Internet went viral with requotes, and there are now more than 190 million instances of the quote appearing in various similar wordings. Whoever came up with this originally was very clever, as they were able to say a lot with just a few words.
          Last edited by rickoff; 09-11-2012, 03:06 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Israel Science and Technology Homepage is the national database and directory of science and technology related sites in Israel.

            The Israel Science and Technology website has published an article declaring that Barry's purported long form birth certificate is a forged document. Their explanation for posting this declaration follows:

            "Since this is a site of Science and technology, there is a need to explain why this site dedicates a page to expose forgery about a document related to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. Mr. Obama is the President of the USA that is currently the leader of the Free World, and the most powerful country in the Western hemisphere. In his position as the President, the policies pursued by Mr. Obama affects the whole world and not just the USA........The publication of such a blatantly fake document about something so basic as the birthplace of Mr. Obama, should raise great concern about the suitability of the person who is holding the reigns on the most powerful country of the World.

            Moreover, the lack of action on the part of the members of the United States House of Representatives and Senate, as well as the courts of the United States, despite many previous appeals to these three branches of American government, also raise a concern about how the governmental institutions of the reputedly best, and certainly the most important democracy in the Free World have avoided this issue."
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Curious

              Has Judicial Watch, (or anyone else, for that matter) sent similar letters out, regarding Mitts eligibility? Among other things, this would take away the wrong headed, 9but persuasive to many) argument that "Those crazy birthers are just 'picking' on Barry", etc. It wouldmake it a non-partisan argument about following the Constitution. If I wasn't so cynical, I would be AMASED that 'no-one' has seriously raised this issue about Mitt! Rick, YOUR earlier post, which you admitted wasn't thouroughly researched, went into more detail aboutMitts background, than anything else I have seen!

              In just 'scratching the surface', It seems like there is an even MORE obvious 'case' against Mitt, than there is against B.O., and yet no one is even talking about it, (except here).

              It seems as if people are just accepting this, and with the current lack of concern, we could soon have a 'Dream-kid', as a Candidate for president. After all, isn't that just one short step away from what Romoney and Barry are? Jim


              • Pretty obvious, yes...
                Mitt is White and President Obama is not
                it's OK, just admit it


                • Here is a short video tribute to 911.
                  9-11 explained in 5 minutes!!!.mp4 - YouTube


                  • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                    Here is a short video tribute to 911.
                    9-11 explained in 5 minutes!!!.mp4 - YouTube
                    Thanks, MS. Excellent video, and says a lot in just 5 minutes. It has been pointed to before in this thread, but it's good to see it brought up more often, and this is certainly a timely reminder. As usual, there were scads of 9/11 special reports running on TV all day on September 11th, and briefly sampling their content was a reminder to me that the media is still clinging to the same false stories which had been prearranged back in 2001 for public consumption, despite the tons of evidence which tells us what really happened on that day. As most are probably already aware, I posted a considerable amount of information in this thread regarding the 9/11 events. To me, the "official" Pentagon story is the most unbelievable of all, since numerous reliable eyewitness accounts verify that the plane which was said to have hit the Pentagon placed its flight path to the north side of the Citgo gas station, and not on the path stated in the "official" account. What is so important to understand from this is that the damage to the lamp poles and the Pentagon could only be caused by a projectile coming in along the "official" south side of Citgo approach. If a plane coming in on the actual north side approach had struck the building head on, rather than on the angle required by the south side approach, the damage would have been very different. And that is why we can know with a certainty that the plane never did hit the Pentagon. It merely flew over it just as an explosion occurred, all in perfect timing, with the resulting smoke plume giving the plane cover. For anyone still unconvinced that no plane hit the Pentagon, here's another brief video interview of a Pentagon employee who was working in an office at ground level, in the area adjacent to the alleged impact, on that day. She walked out of the building through the blasted opening, and never saw any plane wreckage or saw any evidence of jet fuel involved.

                    I was so grossed out by the media's 9/11 misrepresentations that I decided to go and see 2016:Obama's America at a nearby movie theater, so that I would at least be exposed to some truths. Having dug into Barry's past myself, about as deeply as is possible, I didn't learn an awful lot from the film that I didn't already know, but there were some interesting moments such as where the producer had traveled to Kenya to interview people there, including Barry's half brother. All in all, I thought the documentary was well done, and the only criticism I would offer is that the film was too kind, in that it made no mention at all of Barry's faked birth certificate and other false documents, or his eligibility to serve as POTUS. I think the reason for that is that the producer didn't want the film to be seen as a pro-"birther" film, as some people who have been led to believe that the birthers are nut cases would probably have walked out of the movie. I do think, though, that the birth certificate, Connecticut Social Security number, and forged draft registration, could all have been included to make the film even better. The only people who would have walked out on the film would have been Barry supporters, and I doubt they would have gone to see the movie in the first place. The producer was probably aiming at undecideds and independent voters. In any case, the final moments of the film should have made it clear to anyone watching that if Barry gets another 4 years to carry out his NWO agenda, the America we once knew will have ceased to exist by 2016, and there will be no way to recover from that.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 09-13-2012, 03:26 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • While viewing the video linked to in the previous 2 posts, I noticed a preview to another brief video titled, "GOP EXPOSED AT THE RNC," so gave it a viewing. It is video capturing the teleprompter used at the RNC, and shows what was placed on the teleprompter during and after the voice vote on the proposed rule change regarding the number of states required in order to submit the nomination of a candidate. Prior to the vote, the rule had always said that a delegate majority from 5 states was required. Ron Paul supporters were able to show that they met this requirement, so to prevent Paul from being nominated at the convention, a rule change was proposed and voted on that would require an 8 state delegate majority. The vote required a 2/3 majority in order for the rule change to become effective, and you can plainly hear from the voice vote that the "ayes" were no stronger than the "nays." What the teleprompter clearly shows is that RNC officials, as directed by John Boehner, were prepared to accept the "ayes" as prevailing no matter what the actual result was, thus shutting Ron Paul out of any chance of being nominated. This is really disgusting, and even more so than the fact that the rule change itself was even brought up for a vote. I think we can safely assume that without the rule change, and if all delegates from all states were not bound by party dictates and were free to vote their conscience, Paul may well have won the overall vote. Of course there is no way we will ever know that for certain now unless we were to question every delegate in attendance, and that would be quite a job. Most states, of course, require that the primary "winner" takes all the state's delegates, and forces all those delegates to vote for that candidate. Thus, a rigged primary guarantees that all the delegates in that state will vote for the perceived "winner."
                      Last edited by rickoff; 09-13-2012, 02:57 PM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        In any case, the final moments of the film should have made it clear to anyone watching that if Barry gets another 4 years to carry out his NWO agenda, the America we once knew will have ceased to exist by 2016, and there will be no way to recover from that.
                        Published on Aug 7, 2012 by GrayStateMovie

                        This is an independently produced concept trailer. Please support the film and help it get made into a commercially viable feature film by contributing at Gray State -- Indiegogo.

                        GRAY STATE SYNOPSIS
                        The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic collapse, while Americans continue to submerge themselves in illusions of safety and immunity. While rights are sold for security, the federal government, swollen with power, begins a systematic takeover of liberty in order to bring about a New World Order.

                        Americans, quarantined to militarized districts, become a population ripe for tyrannical control.

                        Fearmongering, terrorism, police state, martial law, war, arrest, internment, hunger, oppression, violence, resistance -- these are the new terms by which Americans define their existence. Neighbor is turned against neighbor as the value of the dollar plunges to zero, food supplies are depleted, and everyone is a terror suspect. There are arrests. Disappearances. Bio attacks. Public executions of those even suspected of dissent. Even rumors of concentration camps on American soil.

                        This is the backdrop to an unfolding story of resistance. American militias prepare for guerilla warfare. There are mass defections from the military as true Patriots attempt to rally around the Constitution and defend liberty, preparing a national insurgency against federal forces, knowing full well this will be the last time in history the oppressed will be capable of organized resistance.

                        It is a time of transition, of shifting alliance, of mass awakening and mass execution. It is an impending storm, an iron-gray morning that puts into effect decades of over-comfort and complacency, and Americans wake up to an occupied homeland. It is a time of lists -- black list, white list, and those still caught in the middle, those who risk physical death for their free will and those who sell their souls to maintain their idle thoughts and easy comforts. It is in this Gray State that the perpetuation of human freedom will be contested, or crushed.

                        Is it the near future, or is it the present? The Gray State is coming - by consent or conquest. This is battlefield USA.

                        GRAY STATE Official Concept Trailer #1 - YouTube



                        • I think we all know the RNC was a total sham from the start, Romney was chosen for us long before the convention even held.
                          The teleprompter video just helps prove it. It reminds me of the 911 British(?) reporter doing a street shot and describing how building #7 had just collapsed while in the background we see it still standing.

                          By the way there is an attorney that has filed a suit against the RNC for all its “misdeeds” Going be interesting to see how far that will be allowed to go.


                          • Oh, GREAT!

                            Let me get this straight; we are told the 'crash' of 2008 was in part, due to the big banks investing in mortgage backed securities. And now the fed has announced their going to be having Fannie/freddie 'package', and the FED is going to buy 40 BILLION $'s worth of MBS, a month, indefinetly. WTF???

                            Talk about 'shooting the moon', or a 'HailMary' pass! The Captain of the Titanic, haveing just been told he has struck an Iceberg, has ordered "Full Speed Ahead!"
                            Junkies O'D on Heroin? Give him ANOTHER shot!

                            In short, bend over, and kiss your a** 'Good-Bye'. I Know, the FED has been doing lots of crappy stuff, all along,....but Come-On! Isn't this the one thats eventually going to come back, and bite us in the butt? Like eating your seed, during times of Famine; so you have nothing to plant, next year? There are all sorts of analogies, but they all come to the same thing. We're (meaning Corporate U.S., and its citisens, as long as we continue to be 'stockholders') are getting royally reamed, here! And the vast majority of Sheeple, don't even look up from their grazing; "Hey, there's good grass, over here!",....Jim


                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              I Know, the FED has been doing lots of crappy stuff, all along,....but Come-On! Isn't this the one that's eventually going to come back, and bite us in the butt?
                              In actuality, Jim, everything that the Fed has done since their inception in 1913 has come back to "bite us in the butt." The fact that the purchasing power of the US dollar has decreased by 97% during the Fed's reign is surely proof of that, and the only reason this has been allowed to continue, despite the best efforts of Ron Paul to end it, is that the US Presidency and Congress are both owned by the same group of people who own the Fed, World Bank, and the IMF. If this were not so then these three entities, and all their companion agencies (such as the IRS) would have been gone long ago.

                              The reason why our dollar has declined so much is not because the Fed is inept and makes bad decisions. You have to remember that their purpose is not to build a strong economy and build and protect our national wealth - their purpose is exactly the opposite: to create financial distress and chaos, and to plunder our nation's wealth and resources while creating massive non-repayable debt. And would you not agree that they have done a splendid job of achieving those goals?

                              Don't think for a moment that the Fed is making a huge mistake by "purchasing" $40 Billion of Mortgage Backed Securities per month with no end date stipulated. They know exactly what they are doing, and it makes perfect sense. They know that, under the economic situation they have created and fostered, the US economy can only get worse, while unemployment will increase. As prices of all goods, services, food and energy soar, and more and more people become jobless, the number of mortgages that go into default will go up exponentially. And that's a good thing for the Fed, as holder of the mortgages, because those mortgages represent something of real value - REAL Estate. When the dust finally settles, the Fed will not only be the owner of most of the western world's gold (which they already hold or control), but will also be the owner of vast tracts of US Real Estate and natural resources for which they have neither paid nor risked a dime of their own private wealth. Talk about transfer of wealth! Barry has nothing on these people. They are the masters of the game, and he is merely their obliging and obedient servant and puppet.
                              Last edited by rickoff; 09-16-2012, 01:10 AM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Yes,Rick

                                Having read yor previous posts, on the FED, as well as followed their activities elsewhere, I DO realise.
                                Somehow, tho, the fact that they could so blatantly announce this, and get so little responce, from 'the people' is a 'straw that broke the camels back', for me.
                                In "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy", there is a character that has an 'epiphany' moment, in which he realises that civilisation is INSANE; he LOOKS at a box of toothpicks, and notices that printed on the side of each box, is a set of 'instructions'. INSTRUCTIONS for how to use a TOOTHPICK! This is the moment, when he realises civilisation has gone insane; this despite many other clear signs previously noted.
                                For me, THIS is such a moment; Granted, there have been many other 'signs' which I have previously noted, many of them things you have pointed out in your posts, but for some reason, THIS is the one that breaks the camels back, for me! Unbelievable!Jim

