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The American Ruling Class

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  • 1,743,286 views, 10,391 likes, 221 dislikes

    Yes, I MADE THIS, yes im 15 years old ( FOR THOSE WHO ASKED)

    The greatest form of control is when you think you're free when you're being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch them. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can't see the bars but you think you're free.

    What the human race is suffering from is mass hypnosis. We are being hypnotized by people like this: newsreaders, politicians, teachers, lecturers. We are in a country and in a world that is being run by unbelievably sick people. The chasm between what we're told is going on and what is really going on is absolutely enormous.

    [Chorus: Block McCloud]

    It's like we all know what's going down
    But no one's saying ****, what happened to the home of the brave?
    These mother****ers they're controlling us now
    But no one's talking about it, made us proud to be slaves

    And everybody's just walking around
    Head in the clouds, we won't awake until we're dead in the grave
    By then it's too late, we need to be ready to raise up
    Welcome to the end of days

    Vinnie Paz - End Of Days Ft. Block Mccloud MUSIC VIDEO ORIGINAL! (fan made) - YouTube



    • Islamization of America

      Islam is in the process of taking over all of America and transforming her to an Islamic republic observing Sharia law.

      The growth of mosques all across the US is aggressive and heavily funded by Saudi Arabia and Iran. In 2001 there were 1,209 mosques in the US and by 2008 there were 6,000. The money behind these mosques comes from the dangerous and activist strain of Islam, Wahhabism of Saudi Arabia. Since 1970, Saudi Arabia has spent 80 billion dollars to promote this radical Islamic message worldwide by funding mosques, schools and radical Wahhabi and Sharia agendas. Not to be outdone, Iran also spends billions to promote its radical version, Shiism. Together they are the double barrel shotgun that is funding their scheme to take over the world, with the US being their most sought after treasure.

      You think I’m extreme or nutty? Who would have ever thought most of Europe would allow itself to be taken over by Islam? Sadly, they are dying now and looking for a way out. It is almost impossible for Europe now. Will it be impossible for the US as well, the last bastion of freedom, Judeo/Christian values and heritage in the world? Listen to the words of Amil Imani.

      “…Again, Muslims first make their mark by establishing mosques in as many towns and cities as they can. These mosques range from the ostentatious, such as the one in Washington D.C., to the academically-cloaked University Islamic centers, to the innocuous storefront types and even prison chapels. One and all have the same aims: Hold the faithful in line, recruit as many new adherents by any and all means, and indoctrinate one and all in the imperative of Islamic conquest.”

      I don’t want to be unfair or hurt people who choose differently in life then me but Islam has continuously revealed that it is really a Government dictatorship package housed in the skeleton of a Religion. We must wake up to the fact that Sharia Law is the cancerous opposite to our treasured constitution and bill of rights.

      What kind of religion and law values women as half of a man, guides husbands as to how to beat their wives and demands execution for gays, stoning for people caught in adultery and cutting off of limbs for stealing? I’ll tell you what kind: A religion that is pretending to be a religion that is really an intimidating, controlling dictatorship scheme.

      America wake up! I want to know what is going on in the 6000 mosques, hiding behind ‘freedom of speech.’ I think it is high time American authorities stop waxing so polite and being intimidated to start tracking what is being said and taught in US mosques and schools, then having the guts and clarity to shut more than a few down.

      Islam is a Government dictatorship housed in religion

      Femmes Soldats Dans Le Monde Ppt Presentation



      • It is interesting how many people will parrot the phrase that “Islam is a peaceful religion” without ever reading of studying anything about it.
        Obviously in all religions you will have individuals that are good people and those that are not. For those that have taken the time to learn about Islam know that the fundamentalists and those that try to carefully follow what the Koran teaches these individuals are not very nice people and are what we would call terrorists.
        Fortunately for us most Muslims are not rabid fundamentalists and are not interested in all of the raping, killing, stealing, etc. that Koran calls for. Thus they can be a good person but they are a “bad Muslim”.

        However they have a very real problem if they speak out against the fundamentalists. To do so puts their life in jeopardy as the Koran now considers them worse then the infidels because they are supposed to know better. Thus this peaceful religion allows a “good Muslim” to kill them and take the possessions.


        • In a show of extreme cowardice, the Senate failed to take a vote on Ron Paul's Audit The Fed legislation, and has adjourned until after the November elections. Having been flooded with phone calls, faxes, e-mail, and petitions calling for the Senate to support, vote on, and pass this legislation to fully audit the Federal Reserve, it is rather obvious that the current Senate has no intention of passing the legislation. What's more, the call to adjournment, leaving this and other important legislation hanging in the balance and unresolved, is obviously a tactic that Senators are using to avoid a roll call vote that would put their names on the line as opposing a Fed audit, thus angering a voting public which is overwhelmingly demanding one.

          It would be great to see every Fed loving Senator up for election this November being booted out and replaced by true patriots, and it is likely that several new TEA party candidates will do quite well, but remember that only 1/3 of the Senate seats will be up for grabs, so it won't be enough to pass Audit The Fed when the Senate reconvenes.

          The House has also adjourned until after the election, and while they did take positive action to overwhelmingly support and approve the Audit the Fed legislation, I'm sure that many did so simply to avoid public backlash at the November election. All of their seats are open in November, so it made perfect sense to them to at least appear as being supportive. They knew that their yes votes for a full audit would have no effect unless the Senate also voted the same way, and they could rest assured the Senate would not do that.

          You can bet your boots that the Ruling Class elite who operate the Federal Reserve will not be canceling their campaign contributions to their puppet Representatives who voted for the audit. The RC elite would like nothing better than to see all of the incumbent establishment politicians in both parties reelected for another term. Unfortunately, as historically has been the case, most of those politicians will be reelected, either by an uninformed or misinformed public, or by use of fraudulent vote counting.

          Election rigging, and fraudulent vote counting are the first line of defense used by the RC elite in primary voting, and we saw numerous examples of that. Using this tactic, the RC ensures that the only candidates placed on the November election ballot are the ones which they have hand picked. It is also used as the RC's last line of defense in a national election, since it allows for the actual popular vote count to appear to have gone one way when in fact it may actually have been overwhelmingly the opposite of what is reported. So one way or another, most of those now in Congress will remain there in the next term, and that will only ensure a continued Ruling Class agenda, and the continued decline of our nation.

          There is no way that we can rest assured that our vote will be counted correctly in the Corporation US elections this November, but we can be assured that our vote will count if we vote in the original jurisdiction (OJ) state elections. The reason we can be assured of this is that if we vote in the OJ elections by use of a content certified, certified mail sent ballot, both we and the candidate we voted for will have definitive proof of the number of legitimate votes cast in their favor. It's a chance to have the first vote of your lifetime actually stand for something. I'll be talking a lot more about this process in the next weeks ahead of the election, and explaining what you need to do to vote in this manner.

          Last edited by rickoff; 09-25-2012, 03:18 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Get your tax exemption card!

            You can actually obtain one of these cards, plus four additional ones for family and friends, by going here. At a cost of $15 for 5 cards, it's probably one of the best values to be found today.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Hey guys quick question...

              The fractional reserve rate is 10% (well it can be 0%, or 3% in some situations). However, what reserve rate does the Federal Reserve have itself?

              I faintly remember that the FED has to have a 100% reserve. IE It buys securities in bonds, gold, and currency and then lends out Notes which equal its reserves, no more.

              I am writing a paper and need to cite this information (if it is true) and I cannot find anything about the FED reserve rate anywhere!. Anyways, if you guys know where I can find what rate the FED has that would be great! Thanks in advance.

              Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


              • Total War game producer Sega blocks use of anti-war song at Wembley Arena during call for people to stop killing each other because they don't want to be associated with 'controversial figure' David Icke

                The financial agreement had been made with Sega, but then they withdrew permission to use the song because 'We did not want our music to be associated with a "controversial" figure'.

                So it is fine and non-controversial for them to use war as entertainment for the young and others, with all the potential impact on their minds and perceptions about war and violence, but not okay to use a song to which they own the rights to call for people to stop killing each other in crazy wars. That would never do because I am a 'controversial figure'. Tut, tut.

                Using war as entertainment for the young is normal is it? Not 'controversial' at all? I don't want to be associated with Sega, either, but unfortunately they own the rights to a relevant song and I put the truth and what needs to be done before personal feelings.

                This is the song - freely available on YouTube - and what were the writers of a song like this doing selling the rights to be used in a video game called Total War?


                Click here to watch ...

                These are publicly available contact emails for Sega and their Total War arm called Creative Assembly if anyone wants to make their feelings politely known to them:





                Apparently the 'brand manager' for Total War has stopped the song being used at Wembley during a call for an end to young people killing each other and innocent civilians. Ironic, but true, or maybe very appropriate.

                The promotion blurb for Total War Rome II says: 'Become the world’s first superpower and command the most incredible and vast war machine of the Ancient world. Dominate the enemies of your glorious empire by military, economic and political means.'

                The world is so crazy that it is considered 'controversial' to call for an end to people killing each other, but not to make money from selling video games about Total War.

                And they say that I'm mad?

                If people don't agree with Sega's attitude - don't buy from them. It is clearly the only language they understand because appealing to their 'better nature' obviously doesn't work.

                Sega Corporation is a multinational video game software developer with headquarters in Japan and various offices around the world including London.

                Please circulate far and wide ... here's the link to send:

                Total War game producer Sega blocks use of anti-war song at Wembley Arena during call for people to stop killing each other because they don't want to be associated with 'controversial figure' David Icke - David Icke Website


                David Icke: Wembley Arena, October 27th – deeper in the rabbit hole than anyone has gone before

                When enough strands are connected over an entire day the picture of who we are, where we are, what we face and why, becomes crystal clear.


                Are we going to face what is happening or stay in denial and continue to run? Because if heads aren't removed from the sand and arses from sofas now there will soon be nowhere to run.

                Come together and make the statement - enough!

                'You can dam a stream and you can dam a river, but you can't dam a tidal wave.' - David Icke

                This is why we need to make a statement at Wembley ...

                Click here to watch ...

                Click here for tickets ...


                Join the Great Gathering of Consciousness - Wembley Arena 2012 - add your heart and your energy to this day of transformation

                Click here for tickets ...

                The Biggest Event of its Kind Ever Staged Anywhere in the World - David Icke at the Wembley Arena, London, in 2012

                David's nine-hour presentation will be massively updated with new information beyond anything that has gone before and he will seriously move the cutting edge of who we are, where we are, how we are controlled, and how we can - and shall-be free.

                Music by Gareth Icke


                • Colorado man challenges IRS to Supreme Court

                  The Supreme Court has docketed a Colorado chiropractor's case against the IRS for consideration, and has scheduled a date of October 11th by which the IRS must respond to the plaintiff's charges. Jeffrey Thomas Maehr filed the case stating that the IRS practice of taxing wages as income is fraudulent, illegal, and unconstitutional, and of course that is quite true. Most people who bring such cases against the IRS, though, find their case thrown out of court and termed frivolous, without the court ever examining the facts and evidence relating to the case.

                  Basing his argument on 10 years’ worth of research into tax law, Maehr correctly concluded that salaries and wages are the result of the mutual agreement among participants to exchange labor for money – and that’s not income. The proper definition of income, as Maehr says, is the increased and realized value of an asset, such as interest paid to the holder of money in a bank account, which can be subjected to income tax.

                  In his petition to the court, Maehr said, “The gravity of these fundamental law questions have never been properly adjudicated, and the evidence in fact available proves without a doubt that the taxation scheme being implemented against petitioner, and all Americans, is fundamentally and profoundly unlawful, unconstitutional, unfair and biased, and is evidence of ongoing, willful, deliberate, and unconscionable fraud.” Maehr's petition to the court also states, “Respondent [IRS] is taxing outside clear constitutional parameters, presumptively labeling he [Maehr], and all Americans as ‘taxpayers,’ apart from any mechanism of law. Respondent is wantonly promoting the mandatory filing of the 1040 form which is clearly in violation of the Paperwork Reduction Act. Respondent has not produced the law with the IR Code which makes petitioner or any American ‘personally’ liable for filing the 1040 form, let alone other ‘requirements.’”

                  The Supreme Court must first hold a conference to determine whether or not the justices will actually hear this case and move it forward. There will definitely be a lot of arm twisting going on behind the scenes to keep this case from being heard and decided on. That is because the IRS knows it doesn't have a legal leg to stand on in this matter. As you are probably aware, if you have followed this thread for some time, the IRS continually refuses to answer any and all questions regarding what specific part of the IRS code, or the Constitution, grants them the authority to tax wages as income. They cannot cite such code, because it does not exist. If the case does go forward then the Supreme Court would rightfully have to decide in favor of Maehr. Prior Supreme Court decisions concerning earned wages in exchange for labor include a 1969 case in which the court ruled: “Whatever may constitute income, therefore, must have the essential feature of gain to the recipient. This was true when the 16th amendment became effective. … If there is no gain, there is no income. … [Income] is not synonymous with receipts.” And a 1946 case stated, “Reasonable compensation for labor or services rendered is not profit.

                  As Maehr correctly concludes, in an exchange of performed labor or services for money, there is nothing gained because the performance of that labor or other service is to be considered an expense. The expense (the labor or service performed) is equal in value to the payment received, and thus nothing in the way of a gained income stream was generated. Makes clear and perfect sense, and the IRS will have no logical argument to claim otherwise. Their only rebuttal to Maehr's case will quite likely be to cite the fact that thousands of similar cases have been thrown out of courts without being heard for the reason that the lower courts determined the cases were frivolous and unwarranted, and should serve as legal precedent in Maehr's case. If the Supreme Court accepts that garbage and dismisses the case then we can be assured that the Court has abdicated its responsibility to our Republic, and to the People of this nation from whom they derive their power to hear and decide cases at the highest legal level. Of course we have already witnessed their refusal to hear any case that questions Barry's constitutional eligibility, so why would we think that Maehr's case will be any different? The "government" plan, of course, is to ever increase the amount of taxes we must pay in order to fund their ever increasing debt limit, and if a tax on wages and services was declared illegal and unconstitutional, just think what effect this would have. The effect on working Americans would be wonderful, as it would allow them to keep an additional third of their salary or wages which they previously paid in "income" taxes. With more money to spend, this would immediately give the economy and employment statistics, a huge boost. And with more money to save or invest, personal debt would largely fade away. The standard of living for workers would increase literally overnight, and a lot more people would be working to build automobiles, houses, and other manufactured goods that this new found wealth would make affordable to the workers. The downside, of course, is that the "government" would have less money to support entitlement programs, and to distribute to those who do not work and earn a salary or wages. The end result would be a requirement that the "government" must either make severe cuts to government agencies and/or entitlement programs, or take the nation further into debt, and I think we know they would choose the debt route.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Yeah, but

                    Wouldn't the Congress just rush through a Law, (and O'bummer sign it) giving the IRS legal 'authority' to tax wages as income? In upholding the Unaffordable Care Act, didn't SCOTUS make it clear THEY feel the Congress has 'Broad Powers' to tax?
                    Its strange they haven't already addressed this issue, by passing such a Law or regulation, particularly given the # of 'frivoulous' lawsuits on this filed over the years.
                    What a dilemma that would put Congress in! Sign such a law, and face an end to their career, (at least as an elected politician!) or DON'T sign it, in which case face a drastic reduction in the 'Pork' they get to play with!

                    I LOVE IT!Jim


                    • I wish his guy only the best for his law suit, but I don’t see him as having much of a chance. As you pointed out he has all the common sense arguments on his side. Thus the PTB cannot allow him his “day in court” because he would make them look like fools. Hence they will find or create some technicality to claim this is just a frivolous suit.


                      • THE HONOR ROLL

                        Real victories for the rule of law and
                        the restoration of the republic by real American grown-ups

                        Jason's federal victory for 2011 is posted


                        Amanda Bates' 2001 federal refund has been posted





                        • French researchers secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize.
                          Tumors, serious disorders... full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry.

                          GMO, Global Alert - YouTube



                          • More on income tax

                            For accurate and useful information regarding income tax, I advise going to the Lost Horizons website and reading their articles. Aljhoa's reference to the book "Cracking The Code" is a good example of truly useful and accurate information which can allow people to properly submit tax forms that exclude wages and services from consideration, and to refile for refunds of both federal and state "income" taxes overpaid in previous years. "Cracking The Code" is available free in pdf form at this link.

                            I originally posted the following in post #196 on page 7 of this thread, but repeat it here for your convenience:

                            Under the current Federal tax, most Americans actually have no tax liability whatsoever if the tax laws are applied correctly. As the Lost Horizons articles point out, the only persons who must pay income tax are those who are foreigners earning income in the US, US citizens earning income outside the US, and all persons who are employed by the US government, either directly or indirectly. For example, I worked for the US Postal Service until retiring, and was therefore required to pay income tax.

                            In recent years, we have seen many politicians push to advance the idea of a national sales tax, or a "Fair Tax" to replace the IRS income tax as being a great, and truly fair idea. I think this is happening because TPTB see that large numbers of people are waking up to realize the IRS income tax on wages is fraudulent, and they are hoping that they can sell the public on some other tax scheme in order to "take the heat off." As the articles point out, a national sales tax really isn't needed to provide operational funds for government, because the Founding Fathers provided adequate means for that through the Constitution. A national sales tax is just an idea that the Ruling Class devised to make people think that it would be better than the Federal income tax, but for the vast majority of Americans it won't be. It's really just another extortion scheme presented in Problem-Reaction-Solution format, with the expectation that an angered taxpaying public will actually demand passage of this so-called "Fair Tax."

                            If you listen to radio when out driving, especially talk radio shows, you will most likely have heard ads stating something like, "if you owe $10,000 or more in taxes to the IRS, we can reduce your payment by as much as 85%, so contact us today." Obviously, the IRS wants to squeeze every dime out of taxpayers that they can, and isn't in the business of offering debt forgiveness to those who are in arrears. So I would tend to think that the folks who run these ads simply know the truth - that income from wages or services performed is not taxable - and simply reprocess an individual's tax filings in the proper way to have all such income excluded, and then charge the customer a fee for this service. What most folks don't realize is that, with the proper knowledge in hand, they can file their own income tax exclusions, and can even file for refunds of taxes on wages and services paid in prior years. And once the federal refunds are processed, state refunds can then be submitted.
                            Last edited by rickoff; 09-27-2012, 03:17 PM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Urgent!: Sign The Internet Freedom Manifesto Today!

                              In case you didn't know it, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Joe Lieberman just issued a letter to President Obama urging him to use the "full extent" of his power to seize control of the Internet.

                              And according to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, 'President' Obama's Executive Order is "close to completion."

                              That's why - if you haven't yet done so - it's vital you
                              sign Campaign for Liberty's Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY!
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                Done, and will post to other sites.

