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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    Nothing in this video surprised me, other than the English subtitles which appeared while these two men were obviously speaking English. So why include the subtitles at all? And did you notice that the subtitles that were presented bore very little resemblance to what was actually being said? Really strange, huh? It's as if someone was using some really lousy speech recognition software to convert the spoken words to text.
    Must have inadvertently turned on the youtube captions option. There are no subtitles embedded in the video that I can see. Or perhaps some entity out there is taking over your browser and turned it on for you.


    • Originally posted by minoly View Post
      Must have inadvertently turned on the youtube captions option. There are no subtitles embedded in the video that I can see. Or perhaps some entity out there is taking over your browser and turned it on for you.
      I tried the video again, and it came up the same way, though no other YouTube videos I watch show any captions. I clicked the CC icon at bottom of the video window and the captions went away, so perhaps I did inadvertently turn them on before, as you suggested. I use Firefox as my browser, and Firefox does retain in memory any settings you previously made for viewing a particular website, such as enlarging text, without affecting other websites. It would appear that Firefox can also remember such a setting for individual videos.

      It would seem that the captions are offered for deaf people, and they must be devised using speech recognition software that doesn't quite cut the cake, so to speak. It's pretty funny how the captions come together for this video. For example, at 00:16 elapsed time, the announcer says, "... and guess who turns out to get caught for voter fraud," but the caption says, "..and guess who it turns out to get proper voter fraud."

      "Proper voter fraud!"

      It would seem that the only way to define "proper" voter fraud is to say it is one that succeeds without ever being noticed or reported on.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Quite interestingly, those participating in a Chicago NBC TV viewer poll, asking which candidate won Wednesday's presidential debate, voted 1,946 to 933 that Gov. Mitt Romney prevailed. That's better than 2 to 1 voting against Barry, and remember this is Chicago, a democrat stronghold and Barry's home town! If he rates this poorly at home then he's definitely in trouble.

        I watched the debate on my computer, and Mitt definitely trounced Barry. He was much better prepared, kept his cool, and made his points without suffering any effective rebuttal from Barry. Of course there is so much more ammunition that Mitt could use against Barry if he was so inclined, but I think we can safely assume he won't do that in either of the two remaining debates. His strategy will continue to focus on convincing voters that his vision for America's future is a better, and very different one, than Barry's. That shouldn't be too difficult, since just about any vision for America's future would be better than Barry's, and no doubt that is why so many people will be voting the "anybody but Obama" mindset in November. It's not so much an endorsement of Mitt's positions and objectives as it is a clear disdain for Barry's policies and actions.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Electric Galaxies Defy Big Bang
          Posted on October 2, 2012 by B Talbott

          Researchers using the Hubble telescope have spotted an “astounding” grand-design spiral galaxy – astounding, they say, because it shouldn’t exist. Based on the galaxy’s estimated age of 10.7 billion years, according to conventional theory, it should not display such complexity of form. In this presentation, we discuss whether astronomers’ methods for dating galaxies are actually valid, and whether an electrical theory of galaxies may help resolve this cosmological puzzle.

          Electric Galaxies Defy Big Bang |



          • Published on Oct 5, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

            UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL.

            Rosa Koire Rips Away Green Mask of NWO's Blueprint for Global Takeover - YouTube

            2012 EVERY U.S. CITIZEN SHOULD WATCH THIS - "The End of America" as we know it. - YouTube

            Last edited by aljhoa; 10-05-2012, 04:05 PM.


            • On the Debate

              Talking heads are making a big deal about that Obummer didn't bring up 47%.
              I was initially floored that Obummer GOT the question; regarding Social Security,and what his answer was; basically, 'not a problem, just needs a little tweak'.
              The trustees say it will start paying out more than it takes in in 2020, (I think), which is basically 'Bankrupt' in 7 years, but he says 'No Problem!', and Romoney doesn't even call him on that. But then i realised if Romoney DID 'call him on that', Romoney would have to talk about what HE would do, and he doesn't have any better answer, or at least not one he's willing to talk about, so he just 'let it go'. Romoney was definetly more prepared, and energised. Obummer just wasn't that 'into it', in the debate. Still, while I really liked the Format, which was more like a real debate, it was like watching a football game, where niether team is 'your' (home) team. Looking for good plays, etc. but don't REALLY care who wins or loses. Good entertainment, tho!

              Anyway, really begining to think D.C. is counting on immigration to 'solve' Social Security, having calculated that MOST 'illegals' are working age, and MOST are NOT working for 'cash, under the table', but ARE paying into Social Security, albiet with someone elses #. Jim


              • Here's audio from a very informative radio interview featuring Joel Gilbert, author of Dreams from my REAL father, and Red Diaper Babies. Joel is one of very few journalists who have dug deep to understand who Barry really is, and what he is all about. He correctly understands Barry's marxist ideology, how this shaped his agenda, and what this means for us if Barry is reelected.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  Anyway, really begining to think D.C. is counting on immigration to 'solve' Social Security, having calculated that MOST 'illegals' are working age, and MOST are NOT working for 'cash, under the table', but ARE paying into Social Security, albiet with someone elses #. Jim
                  As of 2004, the Social Security deficit was $5.229 trillion. That deficit narrows to $3.699 trillion if the $2.5 trillion supposedly in the Social Security trust fund is counted. However, the existence of that $2.5 trillion is in doubt. Paul O’Neill, the first Secretary of the Treasury during the G.W. Bush administration was interviewed on November 24, 2008 for the PBS show Frontline, and said, "There's a so-called famous lockbox in West Virginia I went to look at when I was secretary of the Treasury. You know what's in the lockbox? Actually it's a filing cabinet, and there are some pieces of paper that say, "We owe you." There's no money there; there are no investments there. There's nothing there but a piece of paper. That's a fraud. People think, "Hey, I put money all my life in Social Security and Medicare." You didn't really. The government just took it and spent it on something else. There's no money there. ."

                  So obviously then Social Security is already broke.

                  The illegal alien lobby frequently touts the statistic that illegal alien workers contribute $7 billion each year to Social Security, and this may be so, but the incarceration of illegal aliens convicted of non-immigration crimes (criminal aliens) costs the federal prison system about $1.2 billion per year,1 and the state and local prison system more than $13 billion per year.2 That is a total of $14.2 billion dollars. Federal, state, or local, the money for the incarceration expense comes from the United States taxpayer, just like the money that funds Social Security.

                  Looking at one federal government program (social security) and exclaiming that illegal immigrants contribute is highly flawed when they are withdrawing far more from other areas of government expenditure.
                  So far I've only mentioned how the costs of incarcerating criminal aliens outstrips the benefit to Social Security revenues by more than 2 to 1. I made no mention of the actual full cost vs benefit of illegal immigrants.
                  A Heritage Foundation study has determined that an average low-skilled immigrant household costs federal, local, and state governments $19,588 per year more than it pays in all taxes. There are 4.5 million low skilled immigrant households which comprise nearly 16 million individuals who heavily rely upon taxpayer funded government assistance programs that pay for housing, food, medical care, and education, among many other things. The total cost of illegal immigration to Los Angeles County taxpayers alone exceeded $1 billion in 2008. Approximately $200 million was spent on public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $450 million to welfare and food stamps. And consider this: In California alone, immigration is responsible for more than 45% of the state's school children. This huge influx costs California's taxpayers more than $26 billion each year.

                  We often hear the argument that deportation of all illegal immigrants is not really feasible because of the enormous cost that would be involved, but this is nonsense. The cost of amnesty: $999 billion.
                  The cost of attrition by enforcement: as little as $14 billion.
                  Amnesty would cost up to 70 times as much as enforcing existing law. According to the Heritage Foundation calculations, the United States government would need to put $1 trillion into an investment today, earning 5 percent per year, if it were honest about paying for the costs of amnesty. Learn more here.

                  So there you have the facts. Keep this in mind next time you talk with someone who advocates amnesty for illegals.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Quotable quote of the day...

                    A taxpayer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
                    Although the author of this quote is unknown, he or she makes a lot of sense with just a few words.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Did you know that the first Mitt vs Barry debate was monitored by lie detection voice analysis software? Yep, that's a fact, but the company that did the monitoring has reported that the analysis was inconclusive. They say the likely reason why nothing either of the candidates said was analyzed as being a lie is because the candidates most likely believed in what they were saying as being entirely factual, even if in reality it was not. That seems a fair assessment, since Barry believes in his vision for America just as much as Mitt believes his.

                      Hmmmm if this is in fact the reason for the inconclusive results then I would have to say that Mitt missed a golden opportunity to expose Barry as a bold faced liar. Too bad Mitt didn't ask Barry if he knew that he had posted a forged birth certificate on the White House website. If Barry answered no, as he obviously would have (he couldn't say yes with a national audience listening in), the lie detection software would have had no problem recognizing that as a bold faced lie, as there is no way Barry could possibly believe that "certificate" is genuine, other than being a genuine forgery, and a poor one at that.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Is this the Obama October Surprise?

                        Only in an era of depressingly diminished expectations could the September jobs report be called a good one. It really isn’t. Not at all.

                        1. Yes, the U-3 unemployment rate fell to 7.8%, the first time it has been below 8% since January 2009. But that’s only due to a flood of 582,000 part-time jobs. As the Labor Department noted:

                        The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) rose from 8.0 million in August to 8.6 million in September. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.


                        8. White House economist Alan Krueger says the jobs numbers are ”further evidence” the economy is healing. But he’s wrong.

                        The employment-population ratio, which merely shows how many folks have jobs as a share of the civilian population, was 58.7%. Now that’s up from last month. But it is still far below where it was in June 2009, 59.4%,when the recession officially ended. And it’s even further below the 63% level before the downturn.

                        Bottom line: The U.S. labor market remains in a deep depression with virtually no recovery since the official end of the Great Recession. But the Long Recession continues unabated.
                        The sickly, stagnant September jobs report | AEIdeas



                        • Originally posted by rickoff
                          the lie detection software would have had no problem recognizing that as a bold faced lie
                          One problem. These guys are politicians. They both have told so many lies over the years im sure theyve gotten the vocals nailed down to at least make it sound like they believe what they are saying. They may as well be professional actors.

                          Either way,
                          Obama will spend WAY too much on social programs.
                          Romney will spend WAY too much on the war machine.

                          I want Ron Paul


                          • Moving Lips
                            Are All Politicians Liars? — The Patriot Post

                            Argentina: President Cristina Kirchner Talks To Iran

                            Making a U-turn, Argentinean President Cristina Kirchner has announced she is now willing to talk to Iran, a country she accuses of master-minding the worst ever terror bombing on Argentine soil 18 years ago.

                            Zionists outcries over Argentina’s decision were immediately voiced. From Assistant US Secretary of State Roberta Jackson who warned that “relations with Iran are never benign”; to the presidents of the local DAIA (Argentine Delegation of Israeli Associations) Aldo Donzis, and AMIA (Argentine Israeli Mutual Association) Guillermo Bolger, who said Iran’s proposal to talk “are disrespectful and offend Argentina’s judiciary system”, as “Iran cannot be trusted”, and the Israeli government which condemned the meeting of foreign ministers even before it took place.

                            Today, as the US, Israel and the UK constantly threaten Iran with unilateral military attack, it appears President Cristina Kirchner – whether inspired by prudence or outright panic – has decided to “sit down and talk with Iran”.

                            One wonders what will they be talking about? Little, no doubt: Argentina’s irrational and arbitrary accusations are shamefully unsustainable.

                            What will the local and international Zionist organizations that wield so much power over Argentina, the US and elsewhere do about this?

                            What will “The Embassies” in Buenos Aires (from the US and Israel, of course) do to bully Argentina?

                            These are just some of the questions the AMIA case poses on the increasingly complex global grand chessboard in which Argentina has repeatedly and consistently mismanaged the AMIA case since 1994, all of which does not spell a bright future for Argentina.

                            Argentina: President Cristina Kirchner talks to Iran — RT



                            • Rick

                              I wasn't saying that I believe immigration is the way to solve Social Security insolvency, which you detailed so well, in your post.
                              I have just been 'amazed', (if and to the degree thats still possible) with how BOTH parties are NOT addressing this issue! And, 'WE', that is to say most Americans, seem to be totally content to remain in collective denial about this. Amazing!
                              On the Lie detector for the debates; I believe the machine actually detects stress, under the theory that when we lie, we are stressed. I never had the opportunity to 'play' with one of those machines, although I seem to recall they aren't THAT expensive, and so anyone who wanted to COULD buy one, and use it for 'listening' to the debates.
                              Anyway, I DID write a paper, years ago, on the 'traditional' lie detector, and WAS able to 'fool' the machine, by 'fooling' myself; I persuaded myself, through rationalisation, that a 'LIE' was the truth; Obummer could do the same thing with his Birth certificate.
                              If Romoney wasn't willing to 'call' Obummer on his blatant lie, regarding Social Security, there's no way he's going to bring up the 'Birther' argument; Obummers people probably WISH he would bring it up, as their calculation would be that Romoney would lose far more votes that he would get, by being labeled a 'birther'. And, unfortunately, they are probably right! ;-(
                              Anyway, makes for interesting, diversionary entertaining TV, as long as you don't take it TOO seriously! Its like seeing 2 people I can't stand, 'duking it out'; I don't care WHO wins, but I like seeing it when either of them gets bloodied!
                              Again, thanks for the concise description of just how Bankrupt Social Security is, after seeing Obummers responce, and Romoneys lack of responce, I thought perhaps i was WRONG in thinking SS is 'screwed'!
                              And, the 'dissertation' on the costs of illegal immigration was informative, as well. As usual, you are a fountain of info! How you doing, on getting your 'old' house in order, and on your 'new' homestead? I fear I have been 'dragging butt', but now the weather is starting to turn nice, here, and I've really got to get my a** in gear, cause i fear the s*it is about to hit the fan!Jim


                              • Interesting CVSA 'Freeware'

                                Might want to check it out, although I didn't 'follow' any of the links, and it seems somewhat 'dated', as it refers to pres. Clinton as if he was still in office. And, I'm not very 'tech-savvy', but thought you might fond it interesting;
                                TVSA3 : Voice Stress Analysis Freeware.

