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The American Ruling Class

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  • Rickoff

    Obama has broken more promises than any other politician and lies about everything. not that he is any different than any other politician but the fact so many people fell for his smooth tongue and the fact that he was black.

    Many people voted from Obama simply because he was black. The blacks wanted one of their own in the White house to show it could be done and to help raise the image of the black man. A lot of white people also felt the same way but there were also a a bunch of white people who wanted a black president just to give the people a reminder how disastrous any black leadership really is.

    at this point the country is too far gone and the political parties have both lost their usefulness. The secret military complex and those in real power will soon take over in a very public way.

    I do not see Obama going to war with Iran before the elections because even that won't stop their party from being able to use that false flag as a reason to stop the elections or power switch.

    What I see happening is a a currency crash where Obama can argue that its a national emergency and under presidential order and with the act of congress (I mean what congressman on either side wants to argue party when there is a dollar collapse and the people come first and not politics) then Obama will shut down the government and enact an emergency council or something by presidential order.

    The bankers will allow Obama to remain in control and be their puppet because he more than Romney will be able to help quiet the hand out crowd and assure them now that the dollar has collapsed that its not the end of the USA but the beginning of a great new start where everyone can finally be free and equal. He will sell that turd to the hand out crowd and it will sell like crack cocaine on the streets of Detroit. He will talk about how unfair things were and how the odds were stacked against minorities (Which now out number the white people) and use all that race and progress propaganda to sell the bankers new deal. In exchange he will be given the job of puppet master while the bankers clean up the mess of the dollar and all the debt and help usher in a new better stronger currency.

    I see Mit losing not only the election but his wealth too. There are some tough times right in front of us but Obama can sell ice to Eskimos and he will assure us all how a little sacrifice will benefit us all in the long run.
    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


    • Rick

      Sorry for the slow responce to your ?, I've been off-line for a day or 2, and been lots of activity on this thread lately!
      When I was posting about the 'Marshmallow experiment', it was my 'short-hand' to delineate the children who weren't able to delay gratification, to say they 'failed' the test, or whatever. Didn't mean to misrepresent.
      As to 'white collar crimes', they tried the experiment 1 time, with an Oreo cookie; as might be expected, the kid waited till the examiner left the room, then he pulled the oreo apart, ate the filling, and stuck the 2 halves back together, and put it back on the table.Probably grew up to be a Lawyer, or a Politician, LOL.
      You can probably find more info by Googling, The test was originally developed by Walter Mischell, then at Stanford, now at Columbia, around 1970. I'm looking up my reference here, which is a book by David Brooks, called "The Social Animal". He uses 'fictional' characters, to summarise 50+ years of research on human bahavior. Fascinating stuff, and he makes the research 'Live', making it very readable, and understandable.

      On current politics; my feeling looking at DC. There are 3 possible scenarios; WORST is 1 party 'runs the table'; like 1st 2 years of O'bummer, and George "W". Next worst, (and, since I have strong libertarian leanings, and LIKE limited Gov't. not always so bad) a 'split decision', like what we have right now, with 1 party controlling White house, and 1 house, and other party controlling other.Right NOW, I think MAYBE we need Gov't to actually DO something, to deal with 'fiscal cliff', etc. so not really a good scenario.
      "Best", 1 party controlling White house, and other controlling both houses of legislature; think of second Clinton term. This is where we get 'compromise', and something gets done.
      And, it is usually the President who has to compromise with legislature, rather than the other way around. (Again, think of second Clinton term).
      So, my 'druthers' would be for (hate to say it) O'bummer win, with Repubs gaining control of Senate, and maintaing control of House. Because A) Legislature WRITES the laws, President only has option of signing or vetoeing, and B) 'WE' (the people) seem to focus our attention (and blame)much more on the Pres., cause we think of it as 1 person) rather than the legislature. So, there is more 'pressure' on the pres. to compromise, in order to get something done.
      If Romoney were to win, but Dem's maintained control of Senate, and gained control of House, i have no doubtr that he would have no problem compromising with them, cause i think he is NOT an 'extreme Conservative', he is basically a Technocrat, like O'bummer.
      Anyway, it doesn't look like the logjam in Congress is going to be resolved by the election; current polls indicate repubs won't gain control of Senate, nor will Dems gain control of house, so whichever wins Pres, we will probably continue on current suicidal coarse.;-(
      So yes, we all may see the details slightly differently, but we can all see some serious s*it hitting the fan, very soon! It just seems somehow inevitable.Jim


      • Has anyone noticed how lame the Republican TV ads have been, compared to what was aired during the 2010 mid term elections? This ad, which ran in 2010 was probably one of the best ads ever, and far outstrips anything which has aired in the 2012 campaign. Here's the latest RNC ad. See the difference? The 2010 ads were aimed at motivating voters to boot out as many Democrips as possible, whereas the latest ad, and nearly all the ads run in 2012 are all about booting out Barry. While that certainly is important, very little can be achieved by a Republican (Rebloodlican, as Jesse Ventura would say) administration unless both the House and Senate are going to be under Republican control. Unless that happens, Romney's term would be as a lame duck President, and Obamacare would not be repealed. Neither would there be a balanced budget, secure borders, an end to bailouts, or confirmations of conservative judges. There would simply be 4 (or 8) more years of gridlock, with very little (if any) positive change. And that's what the ads should be focusing on.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Rich what you’re missing is regardless of who is in office there will always be gridlock and incompetence to the highest level. Nothing but more spending and lies will happen regardless of who wins. The best thing that can happen is if DC was nuked and at the same time the dollar crashed. Even though it would be a national disaster on levels never seen before, at least it would shock the people to reality and create a lot of work and get people moving to finally do something about the criminal organization known as the US government.

          All this wasted time and energy about congress or the senate or who will control it or legislation and what man in is the white house.. it’s like arguing about a group of mobsters and who in that group of criminals who has more power and rank when the fact is overlooked they are all criminals and the same goes for DC… they are all crooks
          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


          • Originally posted by 5150 View Post

            Obama has broken more promises than any other politician and lies about everything. not that he is any different than any other politician but the fact so many people fell for his smooth tongue and the fact that he was black.

            I don’t think many would disagree that Obama is a smooth talker who can make his flip flopping sound perfectly reasonable. Naturally we are getting tired of all of that, and want to see real change.
            So up pops Romney and of course we are lead to believe that this kind of behavior is beneath him and he would never stoop to such a level. Or would he???

            romney exposed - YouTube


            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
              I don’t think many would disagree that Obama is a smooth talker who can make his flip flopping sound perfectly reasonable. Naturally we are getting tired of all of that, and want to see real change.
              So up pops Romney and of course we are lead to believe that this kind of behavior is beneath him and he would never stoop to such a level. Or would he???

              romney exposed - YouTube
              Like I have said many times they are both politicians so we should all expect that whenever either of them speak they are lying.

              I have nothing for them or the system and even if I could vote I wouldn't waste my time.

              what it has come down to is the splitting of America. This race is about what direction to take America.

              its really simple Obama is all for socialism and spreading the wealth and leveling the so called playing field.

              Romney is for capitalism at all costs and letting the rich stay rich and working the middle class to think they are free productive citizens when in fact they are all slaves to the system.

              either way you vote you will get screwed because Obama needs you to pay for his plan and so does Romney..

              enjoy your chains either way you vote because soon there will a massive uprising and civil war against the two ideologies but even then if the nation is split they will still be unable to see that no matter what they call themselves or what they think they wills till be slaves to any government in place
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • Everyone will always be slaves to a degree.

                A perfect world would be one where you wouldnt have to work to survive.
                Food would be plentiful and you could have as many kids and as much land as you desired.

                That will never happen here, unless humanity evolves and the mind of a man is not to consume and control but to live in parity.

                The currency system is no different than a barter system, it just uses an intermediate thrid party (the currency)
                Replacing money with a barter system would not change the fact that you are only worth what you possess in this world.
                A barter system would return the value of the possions to the holder (we the people) which is much better than the current value of the possessions (money) being held with the Federal Reserve.

                Weather you have a currency system or barter system there will always be the rich and the poor. One person will always possess more than another...again unless we evolve and realize the value of a man isnt based on the value of his possessions. I think we are lightyears away from that evolution. Sports for example are hugh draws for a large percent of people, which is bad. The sole purpose of competition is to place one human above another. Only when we truly accept as a species that one human is never better than another will we be on the right path. Easier said than done, I for one love watching sports and seeing someone get beat.

                Ultimately it doesnt matter what system is in place we will all be 'slaves' to it.
                I for one, support a system in which those who work the hardest and produce get rewarded the most. Which is not Obamas plan.
                Last edited by jdodson; 10-18-2012, 09:50 PM.


                • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                  Rich what you’re missing is regardless of who is in office there will always be gridlock and incompetence to the highest level. Nothing but more spending and lies will happen regardless of who wins. The best thing that can happen is if DC was nuked and at the same time the dollar crashed. Even though it would be a national disaster on levels never seen before, at least it would shock the people to reality and create a lot of work and get people moving to finally do something about the criminal organization known as the US government.

                  All this wasted time and energy about congress or the senate or who will control it or legislation and what man in is the white house.. it’s like arguing about a group of mobsters and who in that group of criminals who has more power and rank when the fact is overlooked they are all criminals and the same goes for DC… they are all crooks
                  No, 5150, I'm not missing a thing. I'm well aware that nothing will actually change after the 2012 national elections, and that no matter who "wins" it won't be the people. I've understood this for most of my life, and have been writing about it here for years. You have come into the conversation just recently, and since you haven't taken the time to backread, or read this thread from the start, you really don't have a very good understanding yet as to what I believe. As I've made note of here, I won't be voting for either Barry or Mitt, but it's not because I'll be sitting at home, shrugging, and heaving a sigh because I feel there is nothing I can do to make a difference. I'll vote in the national elections, and I'll vote at every chance to boot out incumbents. I'll also be voting for Ron Paul as a write-in. I know he isn't going to get elected, but I'll vote my conscience just the same. I'll also be voting in my state's original jurisdiction governor election, just as people all over America will be doing in their respective states. I'll be doing this because I realize that it is the only chance I have to vote where my vote will actually count for something, and cannot be tampered with. If this effort to elect original jurisdiction governors in the lower 48 states is successful, and I believe it will be, those oj governors will appoint Senators, and those Senators will elect a Senate pro tempore. That individual, who is not a Senator, is empowered by the Constitution to act as President of The United States of America if there is a situation when we have no President, Vice President, or Speaker of the House. And that is exactly the actual situation we are currently in, thanks to the 17th Amendment, which unconstitutionally changed the way that US Senators were seated. Because of that, we haven't had a legal, constitutional government since 1913. That's about to change, and the Senate pro tempore will at as a legal President of the USA until new and legitimate elections can be held to elect a President, Vice President, and members of the House of Representatives. A lot of other good stuff will happen because of this too, such as abolishment of the Federal Reserve, cancellation of national debt, appointment of real Supreme Court justices, and much more. Individual sovereignty will be restored, and our properties will be secured against taxation. I know you cannot vote in this election, but there are many who can, and we all need to get behind this effort and make certain it succeeds. If we fail, we and our nation are doomed. I have no doubts about that.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Did you realize that one Presidential candidate, and that candidate's running mate, were arrested for showing up at the last Presidential debate site and protesting the fact that they were not included in the debates? That's a fact. It was the Green Party candidates. I think they had a valid point to make. Why does it always come down to just 2 candidates debating each other? Why aren't all the candidates that will appear on the ballot included? I for one would like to hear what these candidates have to offer as their answers to the questions that are asked. I'd especially like to see Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate, go up against Barry and Mitt, and I think he would tear them up. We won't see Gary invited to the final debate, so it can only leave us wondering what that might have been like. Well, I thought you might enjoy watching this simulated debate between Gary and "Barry."

                    Do you think, after watching the debate, that Gary would win in a debate with the real Barry? If so, do you think he would also beat Mitt? I think he would whip both, mainly because for the most part Gary espouses the same ideas and ideals as Ron Paul, and is a true People's candidate. Did you know that Gary has said his favored choice for a running mate would be Ron Paul? We know that Ron isn't going to be on the ballot as a Presidential candidate, but Gary will. I have said that I will vote for Ron as a write in protest vote, but I may just change my mind and vote for Gary on the ballot, and here's why. As Gary says in this ad if just 5% vote for Liberty then the two party system will end. I happen to think that Gary might receive far more than just 5%, because a great many Ron Paul supporters will vote for him. I also believe that, like myself, there are an enormous number of Americans who are fed up and disgusted with both the Republican and Democrat parties. Gary is the kind of guy who will appeal to disenchanted Republicans and Democrats alike, as well as Independents. Gary is currently on a 40 university tour across the nation, addressing throngs of cheering college students who are coming to the understanding that if they vote Republican or Democrat then they will have no future to look forward to. A recent appearance at Macalster college in Minnesota, along with guest speaker Jesse Ventura, can be seen here. The entire video is well worth watching, and Gary's portion begins at 30:15 elapsed time if you want to jump ahead. For those not familiar with who Gary Johnson is, I highly recommend this short video, which explains his background and accomplishments. If you go to Gary's website, you will see that he has many great ads that are very convincing if only the TV viewing public were exposed to them. I haven't seen a single one of these ads on TV, and it's no wonder the mainstream media isn't airing any of them. Probably the best way we can help Gary, other than through a donation to help get these ads on TV, is to decide which of his ads is the most compelling and send everyone in your e-mail contact list a link to that video, along with a link to Gary's website.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 10-19-2012, 02:47 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Rick I was rhetorically speaking so my correction on that when I said “what you are missing” bad.

                      Yes this thread is super long and Rich you have single handedly written so many long thoughtful posts that I’m sure this thread alone consists of the majority of bandwidth use. LOL

                      Therefore no I haven’t honestly taken the time to go back and read everything but I do know from what I have seen you seem to be a man who is well thought out and who has a grasp on most things. Sure we disagree on a few issues but I won’t hold those against you. LOL

                      One example of our disagreements is that you still feel even if you go through the voting process like you mentioned above that you vote will still count and that be writing in Ron Paul will make any difference. Well I am here to say I don’t think it will and that for me it’s a waste of time as I think the system needs to totally implode and the MFs need to be hung before there is any real change but it’s your time you’re wasting so have at it.

                      I also want to say I am enjoying our exchanges and look forward to many more on a wide variety of topics including whether you think 9/11 was an inside job.
                      Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        Did you realize that one Presidential candidate, and that candidate's running mate, were arrested for showing up at the last Presidential debate site and protesting the fact that they were not included in the debates? That's a fact. It was the Green Party candidates. I think they had a valid point to make. Why does it always come down to just 2 candidates debating each other? Why aren't all the candidates that will appear on the ballot included? I for one would like to hear what these candidates have to offer as their answers to the questions that are asked. I'd especially like to see Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate, go up against Barry and Mitt, and I think he would tear them up. We won't see Gary invited to the final debate, so it can only leave us wondering what that might have been like. Well, I thought you might enjoy watching this simulated debate between Gary and "Barry."

                        Do you think, after watching the debate, that Gary would win in a debate with the real Barry? If so, do you think he would also beat Mitt? I think he would whip both, mainly because for the most part Gary espouses the same ideas and ideals as Ron Paul, and is a true People's candidate. Did you know that Gary has said his favored choice for a running mate would be Ron Paul? We know that Ron isn't going to be on the ballot as a Presidential candidate, but Gary will. I have said that I will vote for Ron as a write in protest vote, but I may just change my mind and vote for Gary on the ballot, and here's why. As Gary says in this ad if just 5% vote for Liberty then the two party system will end. I happen to think that Gary might receive far more than just 5%, because a great many Ron Paul supporters will vote for him. I also believe that, like myself, there are an enormous number of Americans who are fed up and disgusted with both the Republican and Democrat parties.
                        Simple because they challenge the establishment who is keen on keeping control of the government and the slaves..oops I mean people / voters.

                        I agree with you Rick, its not like the extra cost of having these guys on stage would hurt, hell what is it now Obama has raised 1 BILLION dollars for his reelection? thats just insane man!

                        like I said the entire system needs to implode and those rat bastartds need to hang in the public square

                        and when Nancy Pelosi is screaming and asking what the lynching its all about we will tell her... We need to hang you first so you can know what its all about! (thats in reference to her saying we need to pass the bil so you can see what's in it)

                        I could go on but hey .. whats the point until the system implodes on itself
                        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                        • Hi Rick,
                          I too have said many times to family and friends that my vote will be a protest write in for Ron Paul or anyone that Ron might endorse. Can Ron come forward in support of Gary Johnson? Or would that be jumping across party lines or something?

                          In my thinking if Ron and Rand Paul would (could) show support for Gary, in a video on youtube, on myspace, on facebook, ect. Then I can imagine a money bomb spreading across this nation larger than any Ron Paul ever saw. With this, many more people would see and hear his message, and I would predict much more than 5% of the vote.

                          But who or what machines will count these votes? Will they not be just miscounted, lost, or buried, as the votes for Ron were handled in the primaries?

                          I have lost about all hope. And now I find that unless I'm a land owner I can't even vote for my original jurisdiction governor. Is this true?



                          • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                            I am enjoying our exchanges and look forward to many more on a wide variety of topics including whether you think 9/11 was an inside job.
                            To know what I think about 9/11, or just about any other topic related to the Ruling Class system, familiarize yourself with energetic forum's search option. You'll see that link up near the top of each page. If you want to see what I have written about 9/11, click the Search link first, then enter my user name rickoff in the Search By User Name field on the right side. On the left side, type in WTC Pentagon Shanksville and then scroll down to bottom of page and click the Search Now button. That will give you access to 24 of my posts (though not all of them) that deal with 9/11. You will not only learn what I think about 9/11, but also will probably learn a few facts that you were not aware of previously.

                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • jdodson

                              You suggest 'evolution', as the 'answer', although your not very optimistic. Might I suggest a different route, which holds a greater likelyhood; devolution.

                              Look at back at your life, and you can identify certain KEY decisions; everything that came after, can be traced back to that ONE decision.

                              SAME things true of 'humanity', and one of these main, KEY decisions was to STOP being 'Hunter/Gatherers', and start living in one place, all the time.

                              Everything can be traced back to that; Governments, currency, the aquisition of property AND possesions, employment, competition for scarce resources, etc.

                              I suspect that while we may not be approaching the end of humanity, we MAY well be approaching the 'collapse of civilisation', and that the result of such a collapse MAY be reverting to Hunter/gatherers.

                              Ronald Reagan 'Theorised' that the Soviet System had certain inherent Flaws, and that he could exploit those flaws, to bring about its downfall. And History 'says'he was right. The thing is, there are certain inherent flaws, built into the foundation of Democracy and 'Free Market Capitalism'; and the same goes for 'Civilisation', and those flaws undermine the whole process, and insure that it will, eventually, collapse. Its unavoidable.

                              ANd yes, the 'collapse of civilisation' will be very messy. "First thing we do, is hang all the Lawyers"; Thats so they won't be available, to offer a defence when we turn to the politicians, etc. LOL Jim


                              • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                                Hi Rick,
                                I too have said many times to family and friends that my vote will be a protest write in for Ron Paul or anyone that Ron might endorse. Can Ron come forward in support of Gary Johnson? Or would that be jumping across party lines or something?
                                Ron has made it a point not to endorse anyone, and says this is because he wants people to research and scrutinize candidates and come to their own conclusions rather than simply following someone else's suggestion. So it is very doubtful that Ron will announce that he is endorsing Gary. Ron has had good things to say about Gary, though, such as, "I think he's wonderful, and I think he's doing a good job and people should look at him and every individual should make up his own mind."

                                [quote=gene gene;212010]But who or what machines will count these votes? Will they not be just miscounted, lost, or buried, as the votes for Ron were handled in the primaries?

                                If you are specifically referring to votes for Gary Johnson, I think we can bank on him not being allowed to win the election no matter how many votes are placed next to his name. If he actually wins then those who run the elections aren't going to tell us he did. Until the voting is all done with hand counted paper ballots, there's no way we can factually determine who won.

                                Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                                I have lost about all hope. And now I find that unless I'm a land owner I can't even vote for my original jurisdiction governor. Is this true?

                                First off, realize that a "landowner" is someone who has secured a land patent on their real estate.

                                In the original jurisdiction elections, the importance of landowners is in ensuring that candidates for oj Governor are qualified landowners, as this gives the restoration effort authenticity. Similarly, Senators which are appointed by these Governors, and the President ProTempore, the Vice President, and President, should also be landowners, as should the Electors who compose the Electoral College. To find out what the qualifying factors are for a person voting for an oj Governor in your state, you need to look for the oldest copy of the state constitution that you can find. One prior to 1871 would be ideal, but at least find one that predates 1962. You would look for the section that talks about elections, and find a subtitle such as "Who may vote." I'm pretty sure you will find that you can indeed vote.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

