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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    Campaign For Liberty sent out candidate surveys to all candidates running for election to seats in the US Congress. The questions asked are shown below, and very important ones that we should know the answers to before casting our votes, and yet very few candidates have answered the survey.
    "Our country is better off. Our country is better off than where we were," she said.
    "President Obama, this extraordinary president in a very extraordinary time pulled our country back from the brink of depression, meltdown of our financial institutions, deepening of our deficit. And in the first two years, three and a half million jobs were created with the Recovery Act. President Obama was a job creator from day one."

    "We have to think in terms of the country than in each individual person," she said, adding later:
    "It's a hard sell, and if you don't have a job, what difference does it make to you?"

    Nancy Pelosi: ‘Our country is better off’ under Obama | The Ticket - Yahoo! News



    • We've been hearing that an announcement from "The Donald" was imminent, and now he has made that announcement. In case you didn't hear it, you'll find it here. In short, Trump has offered to pay $5 million to the charity of Barry's choice if Barry will produce all his college records and passport records no later than October 31st. Obviously there is good reason why Barry had all these records sealed. There's something in them that would cause a lot of flak if it were known, so how's Barry going to get around this offer? To my thinking, he will probably either say that he is simply too busy with more important matters to engage in game playing with Trump at this time, or will do the same as when called upon to produce his birth certificate and come up with faked documents. He's had plenty of time to prepare for such a contingency, of course.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Quotable quote of the day

        To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. - Theodore
        Teddy Roosevelt was right, and many years later it was John F Kennedy who paraphrased this in saying,
        "Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors."
        Notice the stark contrast to the above quotes in what was said by George W Bush after 9/11, in an address to the UN:

        Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th - malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.
        The reason Bush said this, of course, was an attempt to quell the growing worldwide skepticism concerning the government's "official" story of the 9/11 events. In that respect he failed, as today there are more people than ever who realize that the "official story," supported by the 9/11 Commission report, is full of holes and simply does not stand up to facts and scrutiny. What these people have come to understand is that the entire "official" 9/11 story is nothing more than an outrageous conspiracy theory devised as an attempt to shift the blame away from those who were actually guilty. And Bush was right in saying we should not tolerate that. Twelve years later, though, we have not seen any new and unbiased official investigation into 9/11, even though the independent investigations by citizen groups, and various factions of the 9/11 Truth movement, all point to 9/11 as being a pre-planned inside job.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Thanks rickoff for the update. Heres the youtube link for Dons annoucement:

          I think its awesome, already read two media articles which basically called this a joke and that it degrades the president....Which leaves me confused...

          How is asking for information on the leader of the country disrespectful?

          All Obama has to do is get some papers he should already have, and then grant a charity 5 million dollars of donald trumps money. Obama is the one who thinks wealth people should spread their money around...Obama should be more than happy to show some paperwork and help countless numbers of poor people by spreading someone elses wealth.

          How could it ever be disrespectful to make an offer to potientally help countless people in need? Lame stream media, at it again.


          • While looking for a post that I thought I had made this summer concerning a July 17 press release made by sheriff Joe Arpaio and his lead investigator Mike Zullo, I found that the post appears to be missing and probably never appeared. The information in that press release is quite important, as it definitively exposes Barry's birth "certificate" as a forgery. When Zullow went to Hawaii, he searched out and found the registrar whose name appears at the bottom of Barry's certificate. That name appeared to be U.K. Lee, but actually turned out to be a Verna K Lee. Zullow asked her about the handwritten numbers that had been penciled in on birth documents of that era, as he wanted to know what they signified. Verna explained that these were codes that were required by the federal government at that time, and that each code number signified something concerning the data entered below that number. In the case of code number 9 appearing, Verna explained that the number 9 signified that no entry was made in the box which bore that code. In other words, the code 9 meant "no data." Strange then that some boxes in Barry's "certificate" which were coded with a 9 do show data! It seems rather obvious that the forger did not understand what these code numbers meant, or would have left those boxes blank. Actually, the number 9 has been used in many private, state, and federal databases to signify "no data," so this revelation is not at all surprising. I myself wrote a data entry program for the state of Maine in which the Maine DEP specified that the number 9, when entered by a data entry person, would signify that no information had been provided for that particular field on a corresponding hard copy data sheet. The numbers coded on Hawaii's birth records would have been used to enter computerized data in a statistical database which could be accessed by state and federal agencies.

            Here's a link to the portion of the July 17 press release in which detective Zullo explains his findings:
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Donald Trump lost a lot of credibility pulling this off as a big publicity stunt

              If he had just gone on a major talk show and in the course of the interview casually offered 5 million dollars to a charity of the presidents choice if he would show all these records I bet it would been much better received.

              Instead it cheapened the announcement and made it look like Trump was again self promoting rather than trying to really help.

              I also think it helps the president to be able to brush it off as just a publicity stunt and it will then help the president discredit any real response.

              Trump messed this up big time IMHO

              that said, Obama really cant hurt the economy anymore than its already damaged by congress and all the other stiff going on. We probably need Obama in office again to drive the train over the cliff and this will solve a lot of issues at one time. It will also give the Obama haters all the ammunition they need to say they were right and Obama destroyed the US dollar and economy. Fact is its the only way to rest the entire mess
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • President Obama jokes about his childhood with Donald Trump.
                President Obama on Donald Trump - The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - YouTube

                "Experts say the entire 2012 election could come down to just eight states.
                The states are:
                confusion, dismay,
                depression, apathy,
                shock, disbelief,
                despair, and anxiety.
                Those are the eight states." –Jay Leno

                Late Night Political Jokes - Late Night Jokes Updated Daily



                • 5150

                  I agree, except; The outcome your predicting, (and that we need, i.e. going ahead and driving the train off the cliff) will occur whether O'bummer OR Romoney is elected. And yeah, we stupid Sheeple (collectively) are distracted by the Presidential 'horserace', and don't seem to focus nearly that much on Congress.CONGRESS is in charge of the 'pursestring'; only they can appropriate $. Sure, in 'polls' Congress is less popular than a S*it sandwitch, but incumbents STILL have a tremendous advantage; we keep electing these crooks. So, while we complain about them, we keep 'rewarding' them for doing what they're doing!
                  Come on train, hurry up and run off the cliff, fer Christs sake! Its going to be a big mess, yes, but thats the only way we can start anew. "Creative destruction", I believe its called.
                  Romoney is just another O'bummer; he is NOT an 'Extreme Conservative', and will continue the same policies as O'bummer.

                  My wife works for a 'big' insurance company, and they recently sent down a 'memo', from on high; no 'New hires' starting next year, only replacing people who leave. Mind you, they have continued to hire new people, and create new positions, right thru this 'recession'. But NOW, they are deciding no new hires! Makes me wonder what THEY see, for the next 4 years. And note, they didn't wait till after the election. I'm assuming they figure that no matter who wins, we're in for some tighter times than we've had, even since 2008! Maybethey see the train going off the cliff, and are 'girding their loins'?Jim


                  • yeah im pretty sure we all knew the the multi-trillion stimulus patch job wasnt going to fix anything at all.

                    When something is going broke, throwing more money at it does NOTHING to fix what made it go broke in the first place. Thats like giving a crack addict $10,000 and saying "this will help you out for make sure you stop doing drugs".

                    Right now we have a pandemic of...."its not what i can do for my country...its what my country can do for me". Everyone enjoys getting their piece of the pie, thats how pension growth blew up, thats how the housing market inflation growth blew up. Its all greed on the part of a massive scale of people.

                    Funny you never heard anyone say...."my house is worth way too much right now" before 2006-07. Everyone enjoyed the benefits of an inflated market before it crashed.


                    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

                      My wife works for a 'big' insurance company, and they recently sent down a 'memo', from on high; no 'New hires' starting next year, only replacing people who leave. Mind you, they have continued to hire new people, and create new positions, right thru this 'recession'. But NOW, they are deciding no new hires! Makes me wonder what THEY see, for the next 4 years. And note, they didn't wait till after the election. I'm assuming they figure that no matter who wins, we're in for some tighter times than we've had, even since 2008! Maybethey see the train going off the cliff, and are 'girding their loins'?Jim
                      Yeah, letters from CEO's etc. like this are going out to employees all across the USA. It's their attempt to manipulate your vote in favor of $$$ But we all see this hear right, no sheep in this field right, no undecideds reading this form... left or right I respect all who know how to think and make a decision, it's the sheeple in the middle that the wolves are after.


                      • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                        it's the sheeple in the middle that the wolves are after.
                        Watch this SHOCK video about
                        our government's "cradle to the grave" entitlement society!

                        Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved - YouTube



                        • Harps w/ Orchestra Stairway To Heaven - YouTube

                          Published on Oct 24, 2012 by Maui Skywatch

                          Michael Murphy of "What in the World are They Spraying?" and most recently "WHY in the World are They Spraying?" is interviewed on Discovery Channel's "America's Most Secret: Structures" The second half of this segment features Dr. Nick Begich from the documentary "WHY in the World are They Spraying?" Michael's interview was filmed in the studios of Cut My Flix where the documentary was edited.

                          Chemtrail/Geoengineering Programs discussed on the Discovery Channel - YouTube



                          • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                            Watch this SHOCK video about
                            our government's "cradle to the grave" entitlement society!

                            Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved - YouTube

                            That's stupid, you're stupid, stop being stupid!

                            Howard Zinn: Corporate Welfare

                            Corporations Love Deficits - Links Between Profit and Recession - YouTube


                            • Early life
                              Zinn was born to a Jewish immigrant family in Brooklyn. His father, Eddie Zinn, born in Austria-Hungary, emigrated to the U.S. with his brother Samuel before the outbreak of World War I. Howard's mother Jenny Zinn emigrated from the Eastern Siberian city of Irkutsk.

                              Zinn described himself as "something of an anarchist, something of a socialist. Maybe a democratic socialist",[54] He suggested looking at socialism in its full historical context as a popular, positive idea that got a bad name from its association with Soviet Communism. In Madison, Wisconsin, in 2009, Zinn said:

                              Howard Zinn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 10-28-2012, 03:32 PM.


                              • Mitt Romney: Economic Traitor - YouTube

