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The American Ruling Class

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  • Update on Trump's $5 million offer to Barry

    Due to superstorm (a.k.a. Frankenstorm) Sandy, Trump extended the deadline of his original October 25th offer to pay $5 million to the charity of Barry's choice if Barry would release his college application records and passport records. The deadline had originally been set to expire on October 31, Halloween Day, which seemed a fitting time for Barry to be unmasked, but Trump announced he would extend the deadline to November 1st because of the storm. Barry has only responded to Trump's offer, on the day the offer was made, by appearing on the Jay Leno show and mocking Trump. When asked about Trump, Barry said, "This all goes back to when we were growing up together in Kenya." Of course the audience laughed, and Leno never asked if Barry would take Trump up on the offer. The media as a whole has downplayed Trump's offer as a kooky thing that doesn't deserve a response, especially during a time when "the President" is so busy with matters related to hurricane Sandy, and doesn't have time for this sort of foolishness. That's a lot of BS, of course, because the offer was made before superstorm Sandy became a big news item. Sandy didn't deter Barry from appearing on the Jay Leno show, so how could it deter him from producing the documents that Trump called for? Besides, Barry has numerous assistants who could have properly handled Trump's request, and obtained and delivered the documents before the deadline without the need for Barry to do much of anything besides ordering that it be done.

    As to Frankenstorm Sandy, as aljhoa's post pointed out, there is definitely much evidence from satellite and radar feeds that points to the storm as having been guided and enlarged through HAARP and other TTA manipulation in concert with massive chemtrail seeding. And no one can dispute the fact that this occurred at a very opportune time for Barry. Sandy took people's minds off the Trump offer, provided an excuse that was deemed plausible by most Americans for Barry's non-response, while at the same time offering Barry countless photo ops (such as appearing at Red Cross headquarters, and with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie) and the opportunity to appear "Presidential" while severely minimizing or reversing Romney's recent gains in the election battle. Romney, who had been pulling in enthusiastic crowds of 15,000 people at recent speaking engagements, was forced to cancel and reschedule several campaign rallies, and has seen attendance drop to roughly a quarter to one third of previous numbers. Before the storm, a Rasmussen Poll showed that Barry was 2 percentage points behind Romney, but the latest poll now shows they are tied at 48% with only 4 percent of voters still undecided. Rasmussen also shows Barry as having gained 2 percent in his job approval rating, which now stands at 50%. Combine that with rampant election fraud to help Barry edge out Romney in what will be reported as a very close election, and Barry appears to already have won. The basic purpose of polls is to sway public opinion, since people naturally want to vote for a perceived winner rather than a loser, but polls can also be used to mislead the public into believing that the election is going to be close just so that people will not feel resentful after their man loses.

    Could Sandy have been the "October Surprise" that many of us have been expecting? In the aftermath of Sandy, it is not yet known whether the elections will have to be postponed, at least in areas hardest hit by the storm, and this could also play to Barry's advantage if talk about the storm and its aftermath remains a primary focal point in the mainstream media right up until election day. Notice too, how talk of the Benghazi incident, and Barry's lies about it, have faded nearly into oblivion while Sandy gets all the coverage and the lamestream media happily looks the other way, never calling out Barry for dereliction of duty. None of those responsible for allowing the 7 hour attack at Benghazi to go unopposed will ever be held accountable, and you can quote me on that. The Benghazi incident far outstrips Watergate, which resulted in Nixon's resignation, and no one was killed as a result of the Watergate scandal.
    Last edited by rickoff; 11-02-2012, 11:15 PM. Reason: Added info
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Ohio Voting Machines

      Howdy everyone,

      Ive been looking lately at websites and Facebook pages on why Americans are voting for Obama and there was a comment made on that was over the usual blaring static of the other comments/postings made.

      The author of the Facebook comment was from Vassel Benford on 11-03-2012

      Why did the Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted's office, in an end run around Ohio election law, have "experimental" software patches installed on vote counting tabulators in up to 39 Ohio counties? Voting rights activists are concerned that these uncertified and untested software patches may alter the election results...
      The Free Press has learned that Election Systems and Solutions (ES&S) installed the software patches that will affect 4,041,056 registered voters, including those in metropolitan Columbus and Cleveland (click here for spread sheet from

      A call to the Ohio Secretary of State's office concerning the software patches was not returned by publication deadline. Previously, the Free Press requests for public records, including voting machine vendor contracts, have been stonewalled by Office Secretary of State John Husted's office through his public records officer Chris Shea. Through other channels, the Free Press has obtained and has posted the possibly illegal full contract online here (see page 17).
      I may have missed this or just went by it before but the attached contract PDF was signed and dated by Ohio's Assistant Secretary of State " Scott Borgemenke" on September 19, 2012 (page 13). Was there in fact uncertified and untested "experimental" software patches installed prior to the election?

      There has already been many documented cases of cast votes for Romney/Ryan going to Obama/Biden in Ohio caught only by the voter casting their ballot, this could be very bad for the legal voting American citizens and possibly could throw a election.

      Open Source Experimentalist
      Open Source Research and Development


      • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
        Howdy everyone,

        Ive been looking lately at websites and Facebook pages on why Americans are voting for Obama and there was a comment made on that was over the usual blaring static of the other comments/postings made.

        The author of the Facebook comment was from Vassel Benford on 11-03-2012

        I may have missed this or just went by it before but the attached contract PDF was signed and dated by Ohio's Assistant Secretary of State " Scott Borgemenke" on September 19, 2012 (page 13). Was there in fact uncertified and untested "experimental" software patches installed prior to the election?

        There has already been many documented cases of cast votes for Romney/Ryan going to Obama/Biden in Ohio caught only by the voter casting their ballot, this could be very bad for the legal voting American citizens and possibly could throw a election.

        Hi Fuzzy,

        It's not just in Ohio where this highly questionable and likely tampering is going on, and you can bet your boots that TPTB will use every strategy available to ensure that Barry is reelected. They saw how voters reacted during the mid term 2010 elections, and they know that there is even more distrust, resentment, and angry voters in 2012. A huge number of Americans will vote for Mitt Romney as the lesser of two evils, and also because of their "anybody but Obama" mindset. This should, of course, result in a landslide victory for Mitt, but the lamestream media has done an exceptionally good job of making people believe that this is going to be a very close election which could go either way. TPTB will ensure, through computerized vote counting fraud, that this is exactly how the outcome will appear. In other words, we will hear on the news, late on election night, that the outcome hinges on just one state where the final tabulations have not yet been received, and where the count is "just too close to call yet." Voters of the "anybody but Obama" camp will hang on the edge of their seat awaiting the final word, and when it comes they will be disheartened but will accept the result. They will chalk it up to Barry winning because of the following:
        1. The 47% of American voters that pay no income tax, and believe that the 53% who do should provide them with even more entitlements.
        2. The Hispanic vote edge gained by Barry's executive order granting amnesty and work permits to illegals, most of whom are Hispanic.
        3. The overwhelming proclivity of persons in labor unions to go along with their union's stance of voting Democrat.
        4. The Jewish vote, which historically has been largely on the Democrat side, despite the fact that Barry has repeatedly trashed Israel and thrown them under the bus, so to speak.
        5. The black vote, which will once again go almost entirely to Barry, who they count as a black man, even though he is just as white as he is black.

        So you see, Fuzzy, there are enough reasons for people to believe that the election results are legitimate. The lamestream media isn't going to show any stories dealing with vote tallying fraud, and calls for recounts will be few and will quickly be dealt with and silenced. The sheeple will accept the "results," and will go to sleep again for another four years.

        If you haven't already done so, take the time to watch Hacking Democracy, which details how easy it is, and the strategies that are used, to control vote counting and recounts to produce whatever result that TPTB want. Anyone who watches this will understand that our vote cannot count for anything until we return to hand marked paper ballots and hand counted ballots where the count is observed and verified by a representative of each candidate appearing on the ballot.

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Republicans challenge voting machines in Nevada - News -

          The Free Press -- Independent News Media from Columbus, Ohio

          common legal tactic - if you are lying, accuse your foe of lying to protect your own lie. Sad sad game.

          "We do not see things as they are; we see things as we are." -- Anais Nin


          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            Due to superstorm (a.k.a. Frankenstorm) Sandy, Trump extended the deadline of his original October 25th offer to pay $5 million to the charity of Barry's choice if Barry would release his college application records and passport records. The deadline had originally been set to expire on October 31, Halloween Day, which seemed a fitting time for Barry to be unmasked, but Trump announced he would extend the deadline to November 1st because of the storm. Barry has only responded to Trump's offer, on the day the offer was made, by appearing on the Jay Leno show and mocking Trump. When asked about Trump, Barry said, "This all goes back to when we were growing up together in Kenya." Of course the audience laughed, and Leno never asked if Barry would take Trump up on the offer. The media as a whole has downplayed Trump's offer as a kooky thing that doesn't deserve a response, especially during a time when "the President" is so busy with matters related to hurricane Sandy, and doesn't have time for this sort of foolishness. That's a lot of BS, of course, because the offer was made before superstorm Sandy became a big news item. Sandy didn't deter Barry from appearing on the Jay Leno show, so how could it deter him from producing the documents that Trump called for? Besides, Barry has numerous assistants who could have properly handled Trump's request, and obtained and delivered the documents before the deadline without the need for Barry to do much of anything besides ordering that it be done.
            This wouldn't be happening if he wasn't black.


            • Originally posted by Regster View Post
              This wouldn't be happening if [Barry] wasn't black.
              Specifically what wouldn't be happening, Regster, and why wouldn't it? Do you mean to say that the repeated requests from Trump, and various "birther" and patriot groups, for Barry to produce documentation to prove his eligibility to serve as POTUS have been nothing more than an unjustified attack on Barry simply because he is black? If so, then consider the following reasons why this theory doesn't hold up:

              1. First of all, Barry is not black. He had a black father, but a white mother. That makes him no more black than he is white. So why not call him white, or tan, or mulatto, instead of calling him black?

              2. When irrefutable evidence is shown that Barry's "birth certificate," selective service registration, and social security number are all bogus, Barry's supporters and apologists are quick to attack the messenger as being racist, rather than attempting to refute the evidence in a logical and scientific manner. That's because they, having blind faith in Barry, believe that he could do no wrong, and that any statement to the contrary is simply a smear tactic having no substance, and not being worthy of examination on its merits. But that doesn't negate the facts. Barry's documentation is fraudulent, and there is no way that any of it could hold up in a court of law if admitted into evidence.

              3. Those who demand that Barry show his real documentation are constitutionalists - not racists - and are doing the right thing. If John McCain had been elected President in 2008, the same people claiming that Barry is ineligible, including myself, would be calling out McCain on his ineligibility. I have pointed out, more than once in this thread, why McCain was no more eligible to serve as POTUS than Barry was. Here's one example which clearly spells out why. Constitutionalists believe in strict adherence to the Constitution, which is the supreme law of our Republic, and the Constitution tells us what the eligibility requirements for POTUS are. Barry does not meet those requirements, and neither did John McCain. Instead of Democrats and Republicans bashing each other, they should have focused on what really mattered - the fact that neither of the 2 major candidates in the 2008 election were eligible for the job, and that this fact therefore negated the elections and our votes, unless of course we voted for someone who was not Republican or Democrat. The election results should have been voided for the major party candidates, and someone else should have been declared the winner, because any vote for Barry or McCain was a vote stolen from one of the remaining candidates.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                1. First of all, Barry is not black. He had a black father, but a white mother. That makes him no more black than he is white. So why not call him white, or tan, or mulatto, instead of calling him black?
                As Ice T put it....

                "Mexicans - black
                Jamaicans - black
                Iranians - black
                Indians - black
                Hawaiians - black
                Puerto-Ricans - black
                Eskimos - black
                South-Americans - black
                Orientals - black
                Yeah, that's right
                The Klan says everything's black that ain't white"


                • Rick

                  Look on the bright side, if Obama does get elected again (which it’s too close to call) then everything that will happen such as market crashes (Dollar Collapse) riots and probably war with Iran will all happen on his watch and therefore he will be to blame. He will also not be able to use Bush as the scapegoat again as he will have inherited a new administration based on the previous one which of course was his own. So we know if Obama wins he will screw things up and have the unavoidable blame and embarrassment that goes along with it.

                  I know many will say that’s exactly what they are trying to prevent from happening but the reality is at this point you could put god into the White House and the chances of any miracle occurring to change the overall outcome of all the years of living high on the hog will still have to be paid.

                  As for Romney, he won’t be able to do anything either and it will be the same blame game of placing all the blame of the past administration for the current problems as they just shuffle the lounge chairs on the titanic. If Romney does win there will probably be some riots and stuff that could happen and those could spread and burn the low income areas and might get out of hand at some point.

                  Again either way whoever wins everyone is in for a big surprise and the dollar will still crash and the USA will fall hard, and its nothing to do with either party but simply a mathematical certainty that many still cannot accept.
                  Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                  • Originally posted by Regster View Post
                    As Ice T put it....

                    "Mexicans - black
                    Jamaicans - black
                    Iranians - black
                    Indians - black
                    Hawaiians - black
                    Puerto-Ricans - black
                    Eskimos - black
                    South-Americans - black
                    Orientals - black
                    Yeah, that's right
                    The Klan says everything's black that ain't white"
                    Ice T may say that, but it doesn't make it so. Pure nonsense. But let's suppose for a moment that this actually was the view of most white folks. If it were, then white folks in the Democrat party would not have voted for Barry in the primary elections of 2008. They instead would have voted for Hillary, and she would have been nominated as the Democrat candidate, simply because of the racial composition of the American population. Close to 80% of Americans are white, while blacks represent about 13%, and other groups represent the remaining 7%. Even if you separate out the roughly 17% of the US population that are Hispanics who are included as part of the white population in the above figures, that would still leave a whopping 63% of the US population as whites.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Howdy Rick,

                      I don't want to be disrespectful to anyone ... but for those that do remember the good old days of music, lately a song has been going around in my head that reminds me of our current president. I hate to admit it but many of my close friends know already, as a born devoted republican made a mistake and voted for a democrat in 2008, which I will never do again.

                      Bee Gees - Jive Talkin' (Video) - YouTube

                      Open Source Experimentalist
                      Open Source Research and Development


                      • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
                        Howdy Rick,

                        I don't want to be disrespectful to anyone ... but for those that do remember the good old days of music, lately a song has been going around in my head that reminds me of our current president.

                        Bee Gees - Jive Talkin' (Video) - YouTube

                        Good one, Glen. Of course the song is really about a lying, cheating woman who is bad to her loving man, but some of the words fit Barry quite well, especially the first verse:

                        It's just your jive talkin', you're telling me lies, yeah. Jive talkin', you wear a disguise. Jive talkin', so misunderstood, yeah. Jive talkin', you're really no good. - Barry, Maurice, and Robin Gibb
                        Nice, huh? And from one Barry to another.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 11-06-2012, 04:26 AM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Urgent action needed!

                          Friends, I'd like to direct your attention to the fact that Congress is planning to ram two pieces of repugnant legislation down our throats during the upcoming "Lame Duck" session. First is a multi-year reauthorization of the FISA Amendments Act, to allow Big Government to spy on American citizens. Second is the "Cyber Security" government grab to take control of the Internet.

                          Please go to this site, watch the brief video explaining what the statists will attempt to do, and then use the site to send free mailgrams to your senators demanding that they oppose any effort to pass these odious and repugnant pieces of legislation.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            Ice T may say that, but it doesn't make it so. Pure nonsense. But let's suppose for a moment that this actually was the view of most white folks. If it were, then white folks in the Democrat party would not have voted for Barry in the primary elections of 2008. They instead would have voted for Hillary, and she would have been nominated as the Democrat candidate, simply because of the racial composition of the American population. Close to 80% of Americans are white, while blacks represent about 13%, and other groups represent the remaining 7%. Even if you separate out the roughly 17% of the US population that are Hispanics who are included as part of the white population in the above figures, that would still leave a whopping 63% of the US population as whites.
                            And what I am saying is that a proportion of the fraction of that 63% who are obsessed with Obama's birth certificate (or Obama in general) are racists.


                            • Originally posted by Regster View Post
                              And what I am saying is that a proportion of the fraction of that 63% who are obsessed with Obama's birth certificate (or Obama in general) are racists.
                              If there were no truth to Barry's documents being fraudulent then I might agree that those calling him out as an illegal usurper might possibly be racially motivated. But since the evidence clearly shows that the documents are faked, and that Barry obviously knows this, what in your mind justifies a charge of racism against the messengers of truth?
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Generalize when it suits

                                White's Racism Towards Blacks Worsened in Last 4 Years, Study Shows

                                In all, 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes, compared with 48 percent in a similar 2008 survey. When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election. In both tests, the share of Americans expressing pro-black attitudes fell.

