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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
    Which is far from what you'll get in Obama. I get it, any other year I'd agree with you. However, when we have a president with a muslim name, a fake identity and forged birth certificate...My only priority, is getting that guy out. Unfortunately, which really is sad, you very well helped him stay.

    There should be no debate without every single person who was on the ballot being present at that debate. The Democrats and Republicans have a monopoly. Which is a real shame, and a disservice to the country.
    The reason people keep harping about Obama’s birth certificate is because it is a big deal, if you believe our constitution means anything then should be followed. Of course it is sort of a one sided argument and it shouldn’t be because as it was talked about here before O’Romney has the very same problem, we do not know if he meets the natural born requirement.

    Rather then following the heard mentality and trying to vote the lesser of two evils I choose to vote for Gary Johnson.

    But if one were forced to choose lesser of the two evils then they would have to pick Obama. Because at this point we know he is rotten he and thus anything he does will immediately be held up for scrutiny. However with O’Romney we would be told we need to wait and give him some time and not rush to judge him while he is leading us down the same path to ruin as Obama was following.


    • Originally posted by jdodson
      I live in the inner city, and we have entire specific neighborhoods which are black. Its illegal to discriminate in the housing market, so no one is forcing them to live together, they choose to. For a 12% ratio how is it possible so many end up in the same area? thats where they want to be.
      I'm an ohio realtor, I have full scouting and networking of city neighborhoods. That statment is not my assumption or me being a racist...what I said is FACT.
      When I have a client it is a violation for me to show them areas with the same ethnicity...even when they ask me to. As I stated when specific neighborhoods have a large group of people of the same ethnicity it is because those people took their own time to find that area and choose to reside there. Nobody persuaded, or even helped them do it. Doing so is a violation of the discrimination act which protects ethnicity among religion and others.

      Originally posted by jdodson
      we have a president with a muslim name
      Originally posted by regster
      Very revealing
      Barrack Hussein Obama....thats not similiar to a muslim name?
      Saddam Hussien
      Osama bin ladden

      Your right...the truth is revealing.
      If you have something to say about my opinion then say it, dont pull different quotes and dont imply that im being racist...if thats what you were doing?

      Originally posted by MadScientist
      while he is leading us down the same path to ruin as Obama was following.
      I admit you may very well be right. But I dont just see the difference between romney and obama just as being the lesser of two evils. We know what Obama has done and will do...Spend money we dont have and tax the most productive businesses.

      Whatever romney would have done, he certainly did not want to go down that path..or so he said. Either way, we will see what Obama can do with another 4 years. Hope for the best.
      One thing is certain, we have a very divided country. A large portion of people apparently think Obama is on the right track.
      Last edited by jdodson; 11-07-2012, 06:37 AM.


      • Originally posted by Regster View Post
        You are missing the point. I am saying that this astroturf campaign to out him as a foreigner will, with 100% certainty, attract racists and that the charge would not have been so strong without that factor.
        So its your opinion people would not have cared as much about weather the president of the united states came from a foreign country unless the racial discrimination were involved? If thats the point you were making, thats insane.

        So a white president of the U.S. could allegedly be born and raised in france and you think no white people would really care? Thats a similiar comparison to what you just said.

        Originally posted by regster
        As it stands you make it look like all "constitutionalists" are really KKK members with that rubbish
        I hear you saying less about him and potientially more about yourself.
        Nothing rickoff can say will reflect what "all" constitutionalists think or believe.
        Last edited by jdodson; 11-07-2012, 06:44 AM.


        • Originally posted by Regster View Post
          You are missing the point.
          Sorry, guess I just wasn't aware you had made a point. What was it? If it's what is found below, you never said or implied that before.

          Originally posted by Regster View Post
          I am saying that this astroturf campaign to out him as a foreigner will, with 100% certainty, attract racists and that the charge would not have been so strong without that factor. And you come back denying he is black because he has a white (very recent) ancestor.... like a massive proportion of "African" Americans.
          First of all, why do you use the words "astroturf campaign" to describe the effort to expose Barry for what he is - an illegal usurper. Astroturf is fake grass - fake like Barrys documentation, but the evidence against Barry is very real. Do you not believe the evidence after seeing it with your own eyes, or have you simply not looked at it?

          You say the charge would not have been so strong without some possible racists being attracted to the movement to expose Barry? The fraud charges against Barry have everything to do with the evidence, and nothing to do with a few racists.

          Yes, I said that Barry is not black. I know the color black when I see it, and Barry is definitely not black. Barry is a light brown color, much the same as my wife, who by the way I adore. What to you makes him black rather than white or light brown? From what you have said about his "very recent" white ancestor (surely meaning his mother), it would seem you believe that he springs from a long line of blacks, that was only just recently broken, and that this makes him something like 98% black. You don't consider the fact that his mother probably came from an equally long line of whites. Face it - Barry is half white, so cannot be called a black person other than by someone who is misinformed.

          Originally posted by Regster View Post
          You know, sometimes conceding a minor point can help win an argument. As it stands you make it look like all "constitutionalists" are really KKK members with that rubbish.
          I'd be happy to concede any point of fact that you can make, minor or major, but so far you haven't come up with a valid point. And now you're continuing on with your senseless, baseless racist rant, attempting to associate me, and other constitutionalists, with the Ku Klux Klan. That's pathetic. If you have something to say in defense of Barry's fake documentation and constitutional ineligibility then step up to the plate and say it. That's where the argument should be, if you can make one, not with this racist rubbish.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
            Rather then following the herd mentality and trying to vote the lesser of two evils I choose to vote for Gary Johnson.
            Glad to see you're with me on that, MS. What Gary himself said about this election made all the sense in the world.

            Vote Libertarian with me just in this one election. And in four years if We The People decide we don't like peace, prosperity, and freedom, we can always vote tyranny back into office again. - Gary Johnson
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by rickoff
              It's truly pathetic that only 1% of the vote was for Liberty, while 99% was for tyranny. Looks like you and I are part of the new one percenters.
              I understand you guys felt like you needed to take a stand for liberty and the constitution but this was the only shot we had to get the guy with fake identification out of office. I dont think there has been a more radical president in history more unqualified and undocumented holding the presidency. Obama truly believes big government can grant jobs, rights, rations which is the furthest thing from liberty. Obama has no idea how to run an economy, soon as things slow down again it will be the next Trillion Dollar Stimulus. This man ignored 5 million dollars for kids in charity to keep his past hidden. Its an absolute shame this man is holding the highest office in this nation.

              I know that you both knew Gary would not have the mainstream support, Gary wasnt in any presidential debate. No candidate will win without getting that viewer recognition. All news media and social media spend weeks on end talking about those debates, that kind of attention is what reaches the millions and millions of voters it takes to win the election.

              I understand though, and in 2016 when Obama is out, I'll be voting for the constitution and will be trying to help the movement to get more candidates in the debates.


              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                Of course all people are prejudiced from the start. When we pick and choose things in life, like what we prefer to eat, or what clothing we want to wear, or what persons we want to have close associations with, we are exercising prejudices. Nothing wrong with that. And neither is there anything wrong with discrimination in its basic form. If we didn't discriminate then we wouldn't understand how to shop for the highest quality items at the lowest prices. It is only when people discriminate against other people because of their ethnic origin, or color of their skin, that they can properly be called racists. I am not a racist. My wife came here from the Philippines, which is certainly a different ethnic origin than mine, and her skin is just as brown as Barry's. I have many friends of differing ethnic origins and skin colors. I oppose Barry only because he is a liar, a usurper, a Constitution shredder, a Ruling Class puppet, and is in no way qualified as eligible to be President. I have amply shown the proof of that in this thread, and have never derided him for being a man of skin color different than mine. So don't you think it is about time you gave up on your racist rant? Go back and read my posts concerning Barry's ineligible status. Examine the evidence and facts that I presented. Do you not reach the same conclusion? If not then say so and explain why instead of pursuing this senseless racism ploy.

                I assume you mean 40% of the white vote, right? But why was that? Is it because he had the black vote locked in? If so, then why is it that nearly all black voters voted for Obama, and will vote for him again? Do you suppose it could have anything to do with the color of his skin causing them to overlook his eligibility status, his radical ties, his hidden records, his Communist/Marxist upbringing, his many lies, and his NWO Ruling Class agenda?

                How ironic, must be nice floating down the largest river in Africa.
                Ah,, perhaps I C... Rick, I don't think anyone is calling YOU a racist here. And if you read my posts I have no "rant"

                Also, yes...
                Originally Posted by minoly:
                All President Obama needed was 40%

                note past the tense and this was written before last nights results.


                • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  I'm right with you on unions, Glen, and although I may not have mentioned it here before I have been an advocate of the Right To Work ideal all my working life. I always preferred working for myself whenever it was possible, or working for a non-union employer, but did have two jobs over the years in which union participation was expected, and in which those who chose not to join the union were treated quite badly.

                  snip ....................... snip

                  A lot is at stake for workers who just want to work and not be harrassed by union thugs. For a while, the Right To Work laws became adopted in several states, but for the past decade there was no further advancement until Indiana became the 23rd state this year. The unions have made it clear to their Democrat candidates that they want forced unionization, and compulsory union dues for non-members legislation passed, and the Democrats have been complying and attempting to push these through. If Democrats retain control of the Senate after this election, such legislation is almost a certainty. RINO and "moderate" Republicans are quite likely to play along with these efforts to destroy workers rights, so we can only hope that many of them will be booted out and replaced with true conservatives. We'll see soon enough.
                  Hi Rick,

                  I wanted to further the reason that I brought up the union issue as it relates to the importance of where i reside in Oregon. Many people don't understand the significance to the "Willamette Falls" which is the largest waterfall in the Pacific Northwest by water volume, second largest in the United States behind Niagara Falls, and the eighteenth largest in the world, located in "Oregon City" . I'm sure you all are wondering what am I talking about and what does this have to do with unions so here is a little history some may remember from school.

                  Oregon City, Oregon Established in 1829 by the Hudson's Bay Company, in 1845 it became the first U.S. city west of the Rocky Mountains to be incorporated to take advantage of the power of Willamette Falls to run a lumber mill. It soon became the end of "Oregon Trail" , the falls have been home also to several paper mills beginning with the Oregon City Paper Manufacturing Co. in 1866, the Willamette Pulp and Paper Co. opened on the West Linn side during 1889. The Willamette Falls Electric Company (later renamed Portland General Electric) was formed in 1888 to build a hydro-electric generation facility at the falls. Four turbine driven dynamos were built on the east end of the falls, On the first of November, 1888, Oregon City streets were brilliantly lit by power from Willamette Falls. . A 14-mile (23-kilometre) long transmission line to Portland was built, becoming the United States' first long distance transmission of electrical energy. Construction of a new power plant began in 1893 on the west bank of Willamette Falls. Called Station B (later named the T. W. Sullivan Plant), this power plant was online transmitting electricity throughout the region December 1, 1895, almost one year before power was tapped at Niagara Falls for transmission and distribution to Buffalo, New York. The Oregon City Municipal Elevator continues to operate as one of only four municipal elevators in the world and “Elevator Street” remains the only “vertical street” in North America that connects the lower to the upper part of Oregon City.

                  Ok, so much for just a little of the history of the "Willamette Falls" and it's surroundings if you, members and guests have the time to check out the links. Well now, we have a over abundant clean water supply, billions of Douglas Fur trees with a long reaching water way to transport the trees, railway transportation system and a "nice" power source for the paper mills and other manufacturing. Then came the UNION's for the workers just like the East Coast, here in Clackamas County with the first capital location of Oregon, first sheriff on the West Coast .... things really changed here quickly into the industrial revolution.

                  Being a second generation born citizen here, unfortunately I became fully aware of the many UNION's that's been here and how they operated over the 110 years of my families residence. The "right to work" in Oregon was basically a Insurance Company driven acceptance of the National Electrical Code (NEC) when they adopted it and added it to the Oregon State Legislation Laws for electricians, their licensing overview from education and experience to Life Safety issues starting back when they mandated Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI's) in the 1960's today it's Oregon Electrical Specialty Code which is a addition to the NEC codes.

                  At any rate I don't like Unions much because I've seen how out of control and brutal they can get, not only to the families of workers involved but the other UNION's that honor any strikes from other UNION trades working in the same location, it's a loose / loose situation at times. I admit years ago Unions had there place to get fair wages, benefits and employee rights but it's gotten way out of hand now with cascading union seeing other unions make more then so they want more. There's a fine example in the blue collar building trade with electricians (first) and plumbers (second) the "shop" labor hours price charged is so close, every time the plumbers raise their rates over the electricians the electricians rates automatically go up in a price war this has been going on for about forty years.

                  I was taught the old school way of doing things showing your "merit" working, not by or through "collective bargaining" and demands to have pride in your accomplishments and to excel in your field this would insure your having steady work .... sounds good in theory, but hard to do if everyone's not on the same page or even playing field for both UNION and NON-UNION laborers of the same trade.

                  I love history .....

                  Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 11-07-2012, 12:50 PM.
                  Open Source Experimentalist
                  Open Source Research and Development


                  • Why did Ron paul not run?


                    I cannot understand why Ron Paul didn't run as an independent, as he seemed to have a good support network. I understand Rand supported Romney, but wasn't that the time to split away, especially with all the dirty tricks campaign? Or have I missed out on something fundamental?


                    • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
                      I was taught the old school way of doing things showing your "merit" working, not by or through "collective bargaining" and demands to have pride in your accomplishments and to excel in your field this would insure your having steady work .... sounds good in theory, but hard to do if everyone's not on the same page or even playing field for both UNION and NON-UNION laborers of the same trade.

                      I love history .....

                      Thanks for the interesting history lesson, Glen. You and I are both history buffs. I fully agree with you that remuneration for work performed should be based strictly on merit, which means job performance. As a youngster, my dad taught me that whenever I performed a job I should not simply do what was expected of me, or what I saw everyone else doing, but rather that I should always strive to excel at the job, or at whatever I was doing, and "go the extra mile" so to speak. He explained that such an attitude would help me get and retain jobs and move up to positions of higher responsibility and pay, while at the same time earning respect and admiration, along with a bolstering of my own self-confidence. I have practiced what my dad taught me all of my life, and found that what he said was quite true excepting for the two times when I worked in a union controlled environment. In both those circumstances, merit pay was out the door. Pay was strictly based upon seniority, and raises were given at prescribed intervals. Everyone would get the same raise after such a time interval. When I started work at GE as a machinist, I was assigned a lathe operator job machining valve stems for large steam turbine generators. New hires, no matter their previous experience or abilities, were assigned to work with an "expert" in that production area, from another shift, before working their actual job. My "expert" mentor was an old timer, and a union man all the way. He told me that I was lucky because I had landed what he considered the best job at the plant. When I asked him why, he explained that over the years he had figured out how to milk the job to the maximum, so that very little was actually expected of him. He showed me how he would take plenty of time in setting up a new piece of round stock in the lathe, and how he would set up a cut with very slow rotation and cutter advancement in order to enable him to sit down on a stool for a half hour while the cutter made one pass along the length of an eight foot long valve stem. He said I should never work at a faster pace because I would never get any more pay for doing that, and it would only cause management to expect us to produce the same amount of work every day. Of course with my mindset this all went in one ear and out the other for me, and when I started my job on the overnight shift I couldn't just sit there the way my mentor had. Instead of producing two valve stems in an eight hour workday, I produced five on my first day. When my "expert" mentor came in to work the next morning and saw that he flipped out, telling me to never do that again. After I left to go home, he sabotaged three of my valve stems and claimed that these imperfections were due to my inexperience and failure to precisely follow the methods he had taught me.

                      In the Postal Service, everyone was expected to work at a very fast pace. For example, on the letter sorting machine we had just half a second to read the address on an envelope and key in a three digit code to sort the letter correctly, before the next letter appeared, and do this hour after hour. Lazy workers wanted no part of this, so gravitated towards jobs where they could maximize their laziness and inefficiency. They would take frequent and long bathroom breaks so they could sit and read a newspaper or magazine, or would wander around and chat with other employees. The supervisors learned that they could not do anything to get these people to pick up the pace, so they didn't even waste time trying. Instead, they focused on getting more and more work out of the good employees in order to meet mail flow deadlines. If we had been paid a merit based piece work rate, those of us who did our best would have easily earned ten times what the lazy milker ones would have made. But no, under union workplace socialism we were all paid identically on a graduated pay scale based solely upon time employed. There was obviously no incentive for employees to excel, and there was practically no chance to advance to a better job because bids for jobs always were awarded to the person bidding with highest seniority. Job awarding had nothing to do with skill, abilities, knowledge, or past performance, and this only ensured that people moving up the ladder were usually the least competent to perform that job effectively. It's no wonder that the Postal Service is now in dire straits.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by john_g View Post

                        I cannot understand why Ron Paul didn't run as an independent, as he seemed to have a good support network. I understand Rand supported Romney, but wasn't that the time to split away, especially with all the dirty tricks campaign? Or have I missed out on something fundamental?
                        Hi John, that's a good question. Back at the earliest sign that the Republican establishment was using every dirty trick possible to ensure Mitt would "win" the primary elections, my feeling is that Ron should have dropped the party like a hot potato and declared an independent run. He hasn't said why he didn't do that, but I think he truly believed that he could gain enough delegates to beat out Romney. He probably would have, if things had been done fairly and by the rules. He hung in there too long to change his plans. Ron and his supporters did accomplish something, though. They won eight of the eleven House seats for which they had endorsed candidates, so the Ron Paul Revolution is alive and well. The GOP, on the other hand, made no real progress in the House and actually lost Senate seats. My feeling is that the GOP has suffered the consequences of their strategy to minimize Ron Paul's chances. If Ron had been the nominee I really think he could have won, because he is the polar opposite of Barry, while Mitt is little different. Even though Ron was shoved aside and locked out by the Republican party, the Ron Paul Revolution lives on and remains energized. Truth is, there is no Mitt Romney Revolution that will live on.

                        It's very revealing that the Google Election results page lists the names of 29 candidates for President, many whom I have never heard of, but does not list Ron Paul among them. Even Roseanne Barr appears in the list! I wonder if we will ever know how many write in votes Ron received.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 11-07-2012, 04:29 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                          I understand you guys felt like you needed to take a stand for liberty and the constitution but this was the only shot we had to get the guy with fake identification out of office. I dont think there has been a more radical president in history more unqualified and undocumented holding the presidency. Obama truly believes big government can grant jobs, rights, rations which is the furthest thing from liberty. Obama has no idea how to run an economy, soon as things slow down again it will be the next Trillion Dollar Stimulus. This man ignored 5 million dollars for kids in charity to keep his past hidden. Its an absolute shame this man is holding the highest office in this nation.
                          I agree with everything you say about BO, he is no more fit to be president then Mickey Mouse. However when we look closely at O”Romney other then some minor window dressing we are comparing tweedledee to tweedledum.

                          The only ones that truly won here is the ruling cabal in that both of these men are the hand picket puppets that they have chosen for us. Thus they could care less which one we actually elect.
                          I know that you both knew Gary would not have the mainstream support, Gary wasnt in any presidential debate. No candidate will win without getting that viewer recognition. All news media and social media spend weeks on end talking about those debates, that kind of attention is what reaches the millions and millions of voters it takes to win the election.
                          Again I agree. No candidate can win if the people don’t know that he exists and the real powers-that-be what to keep it that way. Thus from their bought and paid for MSM there will never be any coverage of third party candidates, even those with name recognition like Ron Paul, and if anything at all is said about them it will typically be negative.

                          The PTB select the candidates for both parties then encourage us go out wave our red and blue flags screaming my team is better the your team. This is all done to get us to believe and support the illusion that we are the ones actually choosing the president.

                          Also note the percentage difference between the winning and losing. Just a few percent! Do you really believe that it was that close? And us crazy independents got only 2%. Of course if you have a nice close election it makes it harder to claim that there was fraud or cheating going on. That way to the losers PTB can say “well you will just have to work harder for your candidate next time” as they are privately laughing their butts off at how gullible you are.


                          • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                            I understand you guys felt like you needed to take a stand for liberty and the constitution but this was the only shot we had to get the guy with fake identification out of office.
                            Another way of looking at this is from MS and my viewpoint, which is that the only shot we had to save our Republic, defend our Constitution, and restore our liberties, was to vote as we did. How could we vote for tyranny when we had a legitimate and real choice on the ballot to vote for Liberty? It's just a darned shame that you and others that love liberty
                            did not vote for it with us. If you and others had, and we had succeeded in helping Gary win just 5% of the vote, this would have permanently ended the two party system. As it was, our votes did not diminish Mitt's chances of winning, or increase Barry's chances of winning, and this would have remained true if you had voted with us. Look at the numbers. Mitt still would have lost the popular vote, and Barry still would have won the Electoral College vote by a wide margin.

                            [quote=jdodson;213694]I know that you both knew Gary would not have the mainstream support, Gary wasn't in any presidential debate.[quote]

                            Yes, we knew the MSM would focus only on the two Ruling Class puppet candidates, and give special praise to Barry to influence public opinion. You are wrong about Gary not appearing in any Presidential debate, though, as he did participate in debates with the other candidates early on, and until being shut out by the Republican party. Here's an example.

                            Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                            I understand though, and in 2016 when Obama is out, I'll be voting for the constitution and will be trying to help the movement to get more candidates in the debates.
                            That's good to hear, but don't count on Barry being out in 2016. You may just see him going for a third term.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • I would say Congratulations to the American Voters, to extend another few Years for OMama Puppet, if there really been any....

                              I still wonder about a bit, that the comone awareness from most Peoples is so little, that it left Ron Paul so far behind.
                              But actually i dont, you see the influnce from MMS there how to brainwash Peoples, but even if not, anyone can clearly see how it is controlled by it.

                              Example from Headlines:
                              Der Spiegel
                              What Germany expect from Obama.
                              Wtf, WHO IS Germany, Its a Country, without "Expectations". Absolute Nonsense, to try to implicate something, where noone does care about.
                              And well, the comments to this Article was more then amusing, they told something complete different, like, "whats exciting there, when it does not matter who wins" or " At last, its anyway only the Banks, who do win"
                              But then often, they simple make a slightly new Story, when the Comments dont match do what they want to see.
                              Other Headlines. Obama and Romney did fight hard.... and bla bla bla
                              It was only another worse Comedyshow, where they put the Clown Romney as Counterfight as Opponent, a more ridicoulus Comedian as Regan. It started in a Coffeeshop, where he stated, "The Banks are not to blame..."
                              Oh really, Mr Romney, do you want do discuss that Eye to Eye and not with some Rednecks, what probatly did care more about her Coffee, then this Clown what did dance around there. And then his big Career in dancing Flip-Flop, like " Oh, i will tell you all anything you like to hear, anything what let me looks like a smart Man, because i am a Millionair and you all can trust me so much"

                              Pretty simple, that Obama may not have a lot competition with this, else, they would had probatly only exchanged one Clown with the other.
                              Did look more like a big Fool test, how far can you fool the Peoples that they vote for someone else.

                              But i still dont believe anyway, that any from elections run straight from the Peoples. You can change any Result to one, what does look like a "close one" or a clean win, or a clean win, with some distance to the 2nd.

                              Romney son buyed lately some Stockes from Voting machines in Texas, and look what happend there, it voted for Romney instead of Obama, when he pressed the button to Obama.
                              Elections are seriously nothing else more then another bad Comedy Show.
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                Thanks for the interesting history lesson, Glen. You and I are both history buffs. I fully agree with you that remuneration for work performed should be based strictly on merit, which means job performance.

                                snip ................

                                When I started work at GE as a machinist, I was assigned a lathe operator job machining valve stems for large steam turbine generators.

                                snip ................

                                In the Postal Service .....
                                Hi Rick, I'm glad you liked my little history lesson on the "Willamette Falls" area which was the backbone of the Pacific Northwest's Oregon Territory, to have such things here I always take for granted because of seeing it everyday. It's interesting you became a machinist because right out of school in 1973 I became a mechanical draftsman for Cornell Pump Company, a division of Roper Industries a company that had several unions in house I had to deal with through the engineering department that was interesting. The company to cut back on labor costs and speed up manufacturing bought a new Lodge and Shipley CNC lathe at around $250,000 and what a machine for 1974. I had to learn how to make the drawings for the programmer to use, it was a new drawing concept and had no examples to use other than the manufactures. It took about a month a couple of chucks, boxes of tools and tips busted all cut up, but after that the parts came a flying off that thing and took the place of three machinist and the company was really happy not to have more UNION employees. I later got a job at a Lumber Sawmill equipment company in the electrical engineering department doing plant automation controls bringing the labor force from a 50-100 people down to not more than 10 to run the saw mill plant 100's of them, another international company was for underground hard rock and coal mining equipment owned by Paccar Inc. changing all the Diesel loaders used in mining shafts to electric for environmental reasons .... this place had six (6) unions and being the electrical engineering shop layazon I learned real quick "DO NOT PICK UP A TOOL" picky picky got written up by the shop steward enough times to fill a shoe box. At any rate went from place to place doing electrical engineering work for years like LSL, PLC or relay automation and industrial / commercial work then started feeling really bad on how many union and non-union people I was putting out of a job. The common result for each company was bottom line dollars "saved" which made them happy and even one company took some of my work for patents because I was employed with them .... didn't know that could happen, made me mad as hell.

                                I got tired of the electrical engineering field being a disposable commodity doing specialty work and became a electrician in 1987 and a supervisor electrician in 1994 to now, always working non-union. The "right to work" today has it's problems from the two entrances to a job site, one for Union and one for Non-Union workers to construction sabotage, theft and destruction of property to the owner and workers.

                                The Postal Service my grandfather worked for years at the OC Post Office which was quite large back in the day and ended up being the postmaster. During the depression workers locally because of the Willamette Falls power plants, Saw and Paper Mills most with unions everyone had some kind of work some where which was a good thing ..... WHY ..... because we manufactured stuff here, becoming now a lost American art form.

                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

