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The American Ruling Class

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  • Here's an interesting tidbit of information about the November 6th election. There were millions fewer people voting in this election than in 2008. At first that seems strange, because nearly everyone viewed this as perhaps the most important election ever, but I think there's a logical explanation. First, let's compare numbers:

    Year Party Popular Vote Electoral College Vote

    2008 Democrat 66,862,039 365
    Republican 58,319,442 173
    Total = 125,181,481 538 = Total Electoral College Vote

    2012 Democrat 60,865,197 303
    Republican 57,949,012 206
    Total = 118,814,209 509 = Total Electoral College Vote

    The first thing I see is that Barry received close to 6 million less votes than he did in 2008, and that Mitt received a mere 370,000 votes less than McCain did in 2008. With 6 million less people voting for Barry, the question then becomes why didn't they vote for someone else instead of not voting at all? Could it be that those 6 million extra in 2008 were largely independents, along with discouraged Republicans who thought they would give Barry a try, but who realized they made a bad choice? I would tend to think so. I also think that this same block of voters was leaning heavily toward the Liberty platform and had been Ron Paul supporters. Die hard Republicans always vote Republican, and that held true in this election just as in the previous one, and that's why nothing much changed in Republican voting numbers. After the shafting that Ron Paul got from the Republican party in this election, and all the dirty tricks used to make Romney the "chosen one," it's hard for me to imagine any Ron Paul supporter voting for Romney. I know that some did bite the bullet and vote for him because of the illusion that Barry would win if they didn't, but most held firm to their beliefs and said, as they had all along, "It's Ron Paul or no one." So to me it looks like those 6 million voters either cast write-in votes for Ron Paul, cast a vote for Liberty by voting for Gary Johnson, or did not vote at all. In 2008, about 524,000 people voted Libertarian, and in this election Gary received about 500,000 more than that, so we could assume that roughly that amount were Ron Paul supporters, like myself, who voted for Gary and Liberty because it was the only real choice on the ballot. I don't think that any of us felt like we had deserted Ron Paul, because he wasn't on the ballot and Gary's positions on all of the most important matters were almost identical to Ron's. But even with the block that voted Libertarian, that still leaves around 5.5 million voters unaccounted for. I wonder if the write-ins for Ron will ever be tallied up and shown to us. If I had to guess, though, I would guess that most Ron Paul supporters simply decided not to go to the polling places this year, as they were totally fed up with politics after all that went down.

    The Republican party did a really bad thing this year in shutting out Ron Paul, and they have now paid the price for that. It is a virtual certainty that Ron would have beaten Barry if the GOP only would have let Ron win what he actually won. Heck, look at the real difference between Ron and Mitt's support in Michigan, as just one example of the total farce that the primaries were. After seeing that, ask yourself how Mitt could possibly have "won" 41% of the Michigan primary vote while Ron supposedly came in 3rd at under 12%.

    Had Ron been the nominee, he not only would have received all the die hard Republican votes that Mitt received in this election, but would have had those 6 million extra votes, that were not cast for Barry, added in.
    Last edited by rickoff; 11-08-2012, 11:55 PM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Spin, already

      Even before the final tally, republican party 'operatives' were trying to 'spin' why Rononey lost, and saying 'the demographics have changed, and the repub party has to change, accordingly or become a minority party.

      B.S. This country has been, and continues to be, a "center/Right" country.
      Any time the conservative/libertarian message is articulated WELL, and offered as a contrast to the Liberal messeage, a majority of people will opt for the conservative/ libertarian view.

      Obummer and the dems didn't 'win', Romoney and the repubs LOST, and its because Romoney wasn't and isn't an "Extreme Conservative", and it takes more than SAYING you are, to make you one.Every other time he opened his mouth, he make it clear he doesn't hold conservative views. And all of his flip-flopping double speak in the world couldn't conseal that.

      THIS, Bizzy, is WHY I wasn't willing to 'hold my nose' and vote for Romoney; because he couldn't beat o'bummer, and even if he had, it wouldn't have been a vote for change, it would have been a vote for 'Same ole wine, in a brand new bottle'!

      I agree with what you say, Rick, regarding R.P., and the way the Primary process was manipulated by the repub party 'operatives'. This 'battle' has been going on since Barry Goldwater, at least; this battle for the 'heart' of the repub party. Hopefully, R.P.'s recent experience is similar to the Goldwater one, and will 'spawn' someone, (hope it doesn't take 20 years!) who will be like Reagan was; someone who can better articulate the message.

      My initial thought, on seeing the results of the election, was this is confirmation that there is NO such thing as "Collective Wisdom", ( a long held belief of mine). But, maybe this WAS the right thing; to take the a**holes who created this mess, and send them back to 'fix' it. Personally, I don't think this mess IS 'fixable', but they certainly shouldn't be gotten off the hook, by re-shuffling the chairs.

      Not only did they create this 'fiscal cliff', by their recent actions, but by their longer term actions, of spending $ like drunken sailors, for many years. I suspect they WILL come up with some 'Grand Bargain', and will end up increasing taxes, while reducing 'benefits'. In addition, (and probably with much more impact for you and me), I expect to see the COST of 'things' continue to go up, as the 'hidden' tax of inflation rears its ugly head.

      I notice the size of packages at the store continues to 'shrink' even as the price of the package goes up.

      Come on, train! Hurry up and run OFF the cliff, fer Christs sake! Jim


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        Not only did they create this 'fiscal cliff', by their recent actions, but by their longer term actions, of spending $ like drunken sailors, for many years. I suspect they WILL come up with some 'Grand Bargain', and will end up increasing taxes, while reducing 'benefits'. In addition, (and probably with much more impact for you and me), I expect to see the COST of 'things' continue to go up, as the 'hidden' tax of inflation rears its ugly head.

        I notice the size of packages at the store continues to 'shrink' even as the price of the package goes up.
        As to Congress spending money like drunken sailors, the difference, as Ronald Reagan pointed out, is that drunken sailors spend their own money. I really can't see any 'grand bargain' happening, Jim. To my thinking, it makes sense that Democrats and Republicans in Congress will pretend that they are attempting to negotiate a way out, but then will just reach a preplanned impasse while blaming each other just to fool the people. Thus, the Bush tax cuts will expire, and everyone will be paying more tax, which was the real plan all along. It's a given that simply raising taxes on the wealthy can in no way raise enough revenue to balance the budget, so they only have three choices: (in their minds, that is)
        1. Raise taxes on everyone.
        2. Slash Social Security and Medicare.
        3. Do both of the above.

        They won't even consider what really makes sense in balancing the budget - in other words, all of the things Ron Paul advocated. They won't end government programs and agencies that aren't needed and are better left to the states to handle. They wont close all our foreign military bases and cut off aid to foreign nations that despise us. They won't eliminate the Federal Reserve and IRS, which are both at the root cause of our financial meltdown. Congress won't even trim back their own pay and benefits, which really should be a mandatory move during hard times. Instead, they will lay the burden of all the cuts they do make upon We The People. Yep, we are definitely going to start feeling the squeeze really soon. Federal government mismanagement is only going to get worse, and they are only going to make things a lot harder on us. About the only thing that can stop them is the states banding together to assert their 10th Amendment rights to refuse to participate in anything unconstitutional. Question is, though, outside of just a few states that have already taken positive steps in that regard, how many more will have the gonads to do the same?

        Right on Jim, about shrinking sizes and raised prices of packaged goods. You can see that the size of ice cream containers is considerably smaller now than the half gallon containers that were the standard for so many years. Some foods, though, are deceptively packaged to appear large, while the contents are meager (think potato chips, for example, where they fill half the bag with air). Coffee always came in a 16 ounce can, but they cut it back to 11 ounces and have raised the price to between 4 and 5 dollars. A year ago you could buy a pumpkin pie for $2.99, and now they want $4.99 for a smaller one. Necessities are also being packaged that way, to make you think you are getting more than you really are. Notice how the tube at the center of a toilet paper roll is now about two inches and growing in diameter. Nearly everything is deceptively packaged now. You look at a pound of ground beef and it looks great, but it actually has just a thin layer of fresh meat wrapped around brownish or greyed meat, and yet they want $3,99 to $4.99 a pound for that. If we have to pay that much then we should be getting what it appears we are getting. It's deception, and just isn't right. Nuff said, you all know what I mean and have seen it yourselves.
        Last edited by rickoff; 11-09-2012, 06:35 PM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • it would have been a vote for 'Same ole wine, in a brand new bottle'!
          lol hey at least romney's bottle had a label. Obama's wine has no label or markings, infact we dont know where it was imported from
          All it has is a ready made sticker slapped on it that says "made in usa".

          Originally posted by rickoff
          Instead, they will lay the burden of all the cuts they do make upon We The People. Yep, we are definitely going to start feeling the squeeze really soon. Federal government mismanagement is only going to get worse, and they are only going to make things a lot harder on us.
          Maybe thats what it will take to get everyone to realize how bad Obamas policies are. Obama can talk all day long about taxing the rich but we all know that wont put a dent in the spending that he has planned. Seems every obama policy involves government funding...good luck with that'll pay the bill soon enough.

          btw my local gas went from $3.18 before the election to $3.49 the day after


          • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
            my local gas went from $3.18 before the election to $3.49 the day after
            Wow, where do you live? In the midwest? Prices never went anywhere near that low here in Maine. It dropped from around $4.00 in September to $3.53 around the election, and now is moving up again. Just goes to show that they intentionally dropped the price just for the election, so that voters would breathe a sigh of relief and not take it out so hard on Barry. If it had stayed up at $4.00, or gone even higher (as it will soon enough) then Barry would have been a goner.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Wow, where do you live? In the midwest? Prices never went anywhere near that low here in Maine.
              I'm in central ohio. I didnt realize you were from Maine. I've been looking at real nice land up there, its really cheap compared to the land prices here in ohio. It also seems more secluded up there. You practically cant go anywhere in ohio without running into a town or major highway.


              • Actually

                Romoneys label was JUST as deceptive, as O'bummers; it SAID "Extreme Conservative", which he disabused, every time he opened his mouth, and which his proposed policies, to the very limited degree he talked about them, were NOT "Conservative".
                The whole thrust of his campaign; "Elect ME Pres., and I'll get people working", was not a reflexion of conservative views, which are that the Government doesn't create jobs; it only prevents them by bad policies.

                And, his 'Label' was deseptive, because he never gave a clear message as to what he actually intended to do, to 'fix' the economy; just vague generalities, and "Trust me".

                And yeah, Rick, you MAY be right. I figure EITHER; "They" WILL come up with a 'Grand bargain", in which case,....We're screwed.
                Or,...."They WON'T come up with a "Grand Bargain", in which case,....We're screwed.

                You know that idea of "Win-win"? Well, we're in a "Lose-lose" scenario; we're caught between the Dog, and the fire hydrant, and whichever way we turn, we're going to get WET! So, whats new? Jim


                • Howdy all,

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                  • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                    I'm in central ohio. I didnt realize you were from Maine. I've been looking at real nice land up there, its really cheap compared to the land prices here in ohio. It also seems more secluded up there. You practically cant go anywhere in ohio without running into a town or major highway.
                    I've been to Ohio, as my sis lives in the Columbus area, so I know what you mean. Maine is rather secluded, because it is almost entirely rural, with 90% forested land. The property I bought for $85,000 last year has 22 acres, and 20 of that is old growth forest with many trees over 100 feet high. There is a two acre clearing where my house and garage/workshop sits, so plenty of room for gardens, animals, etc. The house is a passive solar home that saved me oodles of money last winter. My highest electric bill last winter was $120, and everything in the home runs on electricity, including the night time electric baseboard heat. This winter I will be adding in a wood stove, as there is plenty of free firewood to be had. There is also a stream that runs 1600 feet through the property, and I own land on both sides of it. I'm working on plans to set up a low tech hydro power project, and will probably have a windmill too since hardly a day goes by when I don't have a good breeze. The possibilities are almost limitless. If I do some kind of farming activity that brings in just $2,000 a year, I can get a 25% reduction on my property taxes, which is already under $1,000, so I'm thinking seriously about tapping my many maple trees and selling maple syrup, which retails for about $50 per gallon in the stores. Whereabouts have you been looking in Maine? Have you personally come up this way, or just been reading ads and looking on the Internet?
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • $43 Trillion Lawsuit

                      $43 Trillion Lawsuit -

                      After the story was posted, a CNBC VP's children were murdered within a couple hours. The story was removed. But it's too late, the story is already replicated everywhere. Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury - MarketWatch

                      Defendants include Eric Holder, Tim Geithner, Valerie Jarrett (Obama's senior adviser), etc.. the list is BIG.

                      You can see the court document here:
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        $43 Trillion Lawsuit -

                        After the story was posted, a CNBC VP's children were murdered within a couple hours. The story was removed. But it's too late, the story is already replicated everywhere. Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury - MarketWatch

                        Defendants include Eric Holder, Tim Geithner, Valerie Jarrett (Obama's senior adviser), etc.. the list is BIG.

                        You can see the court document here:

                        Hi Aaron,

                        I tried accessing the court document at your link but it only downloaded about 215kb or so and stopped. I heard all about this while listening to Coast to Coast AM radio two nights ago. The guest was Craig B Hulet, an ex special forces officer who Oliver Stone describes as, "one of the brightest guys in the nation with an insightful mind and a wealth of knowledge." Hulett says that the murdered children were being taken care of by a nanny, and the official explanation is that the nanny did it before killing herself. He says that's obviously hogwash because a knife was thrust into her neck with such force that it broke her neck, which is something that would have been impossible for the nanny to do, but which special ops forces are trained to do. He said that the lawsuit had caused Tim Geithner, Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton to jump ship, and predicted that, "a whole lot of other Obama administration officials, especially at the Treasury and the Fed are also going to jump ship." Just two days before the suit was filed, Bernanke announced he would be stepping down no matter who won the election, and 12 hours after Hulet was on the radio program, David Petraeus resigned as CIA director, supposedly because of an extramarital affair. The real reason, of course, was to prevent him from testifying before Congress on the Benghazi incident, and Petraeus did say he would not be appearing for that.

                        Several Bush administration officials are also named in the suit, so this is bridging administrations and goes back quite a ways. Hulet made it clear that Obama lied about the Tarp money having been paid back by the banks. He said that they haven't paid back a dime of it
                        , and Neil Barofsky, former Inspector General of the TARP program has said the same.

                        The big question, of course, is just how far this corrupt "government" and inJustice system will let the Spire Law Group - one of the country's top law firms - take this case. According to Hulet it won't get very far. Hulet said, "This law firm will not succeed. They will be discredited, they will be indicted, they will be smeared every way, shape, and form." And of course that stands to reason. No one was ever held accountable for 9/11, and probably no one, including Barry, will ever be held accountable for this thievery and deception.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 11-11-2012, 05:08 AM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • crimes against Americans

                          I think anyone that tries to get out testifying on Benghazi will be subpoenaed. I thought the same thing about Petraeus - timing was a little too magical. lol

                          Geithner, Clinton and Holder are expected to resign soon.

                          They're all shaking in their boots.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Is the media love affair with Barry coming to an end?

                            From 2008 (and even before that) up to the current time, the mainstream media (a.k.a. lamestream media) has given Barry a free pass on everything, but that may be coming to an end. Several news publishing outlets called for Barry's ouster before the election, and most all of them were firmly behind Barry in 2008. An example is the very Liberal Newsweek magazine, which is no longer printed, but has gone digital.

                            After the election, Newsweek's cover portrayed Barry as a Napoleon.

                            I think you will soon see many more negative photos and stories, not to mention a barrage of political cartoons of the type shown below. The first one shows Barry leading Uncle Sam over the financial cliff while claiming that we are headed in the right direction, and the second one shows Barry driving over the cliff and crashing the stock market while sounding off his campaign slogan of "FORWARD."

                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • I could not agree more. From what I’ve been reading there is an awful lot going on behind the scene that the PTP will not let the MSM talk about. Apparently it is now just a matter of timing and getting all the ducks lined up in a row and then we will start seeing some mass arrests taking place. I maybe wrong but it’s looking like it will be a miracle if BO can make it through this 4 year term.

                              I love the description of your new home, lots of wooded land with a stream, passive solar house. Sound very nice, enjoy. But I’m jealous; do you need a permanent house guest?


                              • media

                                Liberal media has their guy in office. Knowing that, they can now appear to not be biased since their goal is already accomplished. If that happened months ago, I'd believe they might have an intention of showing things how they are.
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

