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The American Ruling Class

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  • Ron Pauls Last Address to Congress


    Ron Paul's last address to congress

    Ron Paul's Farewell Speech to Congress - YouTube




    • Hi Rickoff,

      Forgive me because I have not read all of this very long thread but I have a few questions.

      Who exactly is running this "American Ruling Class"? Who is at the top of the pyramid?

      I've seen all sorts of conspiracy theories, listened to Alex Jones for many years..... but I wanted to know if you know who's really running the show. Alex Jones never provides any real answers, neither does anyone in the so called Patriot movement that I've seen and I've seen plenty.

      The "Ruling Class" have all the politicians, all the weapons. all the media, all the stockpiles, all the secret technology.. a push of the button and we'd all be dead and they'd be on a moon base watching, laughing and eating pop-corn.... how is any human force going to stop them? And if we somehow did somehow get back the world (assuming we once had it to begin with).... what is to prevent it from happening again?

      How can one put love and justice into someone's heart and yet still call it a free world?

      How can one change human nature?



      • Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
        Hi Rickoff,

        Forgive me because I have not read all of this very long thread but I have a few questions.

        Who exactly is running this "American Ruling Class"? Who is at the top of the pyramid?

        I've seen all sorts of conspiracy theories, listened to Alex Jones for many years..... but I wanted to know if you know who's really running the show. Alex Jones never provides any real answers, neither does anyone in the so called Patriot movement that I've seen and I've seen plenty.

        The "Ruling Class" have all the politicians, all the weapons. all the media, all the stockpiles, all the secret technology.. a push of the button and we'd all be dead and they'd be on a moon base watching, laughing and eating pop-corn.... how is any human force going to stop them? And if we somehow did somehow get back the world (assuming we once had it to begin with).... what is to prevent it from happening again?

        How can one put love and justice into someone's heart and yet still call it a free world?

        How can one change human nature?

        Hi STG,

        We have in fact covered that here some time ago. The reason why so many people are asking who these people are, and so few people have any knowledge about the subject is that these people either came from, or fell into, highly secret societies. I'm sure you have heard the names of some of these groups - the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Club of Rome, the Council of 300, the Grand Druid Council, and several others. All of these are either Illuminati organizations, or are under Illuminati control. Among the people in these groups, a few became immensely powerful and wealthy, and were able to hold on to that power and build on that wealth for generations. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are usually the the first ones to come to mind, but there are other family names much less heard of that are even more powerful, such as the Collins family. In all, there are 13 bloodlines that make up the powerful elites that are positioned at what we might call the top of the pyramid, to use your term, and these people pretty much own the world. You could spend the rest of your life researching these people and find out very little about them on your own. Some, such as David Hill and Tom Collins, who had been members, had left, and were willing to talk or write about who is involved and what goes on were found dead shortly thereafter. David Hill, who was a high ranking Freemason, had researched the Illuminati and written a manuscript about his findings. This manuscript later fell into the hands of Fritz Springmeier, and confirmed his own research. Fritz wrote a book titled Bloodlines of the Illuminati, which I would say has by far the most accurate and complete information that you can find on this subject matter. He also has a website where he names the 13 bloodlines, and where you can click on any of the names to read about the origins of the family and what some of its family members have been involved in. Most all of these families are into banking and insurance, and you would find that they control the World Bank, IMF, and most all of the world's Central Banks, including the Federal Reserve. You may or may not be surprised to learn that the members of these families travel anywhere they want without a passport, have immunity from being arrested or prosecuted, and pay no taxes.

        Some of these families live in the United States, and could rightfully be called the American Ruling Class elite. Others live elsewhere, but they are all able to meet whenever necessary (such as at the annual Bilderberger meeting) to review how well their plans worked out in the months gone by, and to formulate their strategy for bringing about and maintaining their New World Order. They have already accomplished most of what they set out to do, but are anxious to cull all of what they call "the useless eaters," by bringing about some planned catastrophic event, or events, that over a short period of time reduces the roughly 7 billion world population to 1 billion or less.

        There really isn't much that we can do to stop them. That's because most people don't have a clue as to who these elitists are, or what they stand for, and if we tell them then most will just figure it is simply too far fetched to possibly be true. That doesn't mean, of course, that we shouldn't try to awaken people and convince them to prepare for whatever is to come in the best way possible. Some people are hopeful that the military will intervene, put an end to the elitist plot, and give us back our nation and our liberties, and while that would be great I'm not very confident that will happen - not when I see a distinguished officer court-martialled and sent to prison for questioning Barry's eligibility, or General Ham being relieved of his command for wanting to defend the US embassy in Benghazi. For every one soldier who will do what is right, there are many more who will simply follow orders and do as they are told, whatever that may be.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
          but I wanted to know if you know who's really running the show.
          Ok how about these for a start; Rockefeller, Kissinger, the Rothschild’s. The bush’s & Clinton’s, Bill Gates, or some of the fine folks that head up the Council on Foreign Affairs or the Council of Rome or The Federal Reserve Bank etc.

          Oh and this banking cabal is being broken up, yet however how much have you heard about any of the following items from the banker controlled MSM?

          Over the last year over 600 bankers have resigned, been fired, or decided to take an "early" retirement.

          This September china officially announced that it would start buying, selling and trading crude oil using Chinese currency and not the American dollar.

          Barclays bank took another major hit to its already bruised reputation when a US regulator threatened the bank with a record $470m penalty for allegations that it attempted to manipulate the US electricity market.

          HSBC was caught in new drug money laundering scandal.

          People have been finding out how the banks swindled them by manipulating the LIBOR rates.

          For decades, almost half of Germany's gold has been stored deep below the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Now German politicians are asking their central bankers to inventory their stock of the reserves. Some even say that the gold should be shipped home. Assuming that it is still there.

          There is a 4 trillion dollar law suit against the fed this could end the fed.

          Recently a couple the fed’s top honcho’s announced that they decided to take “early retirements.”

          And in London a couple bankers decide to get out of the banking business by jumping off buildings.

          So the banking cabal which has long considered itself to be immune from all those pesky little laws that we are expected to follow is now finding that is under a full scale attack from a number of different sources. Meanwhile the MSM is trying to convince us that nothing out of ordinary is happening, nothing to be concerned about, nothing to see, as their empire is slowly being dismantled.

          How can one change human nature?
          Well the 2012 date is quickly coming up. Some claim it will be the end of the world and for the above mentioned groups I suspect it probably will be. But from what I’ve be reading for the rest of us it will be a new beginning. There is to be a rising of human consciences over the next year. Of course their still will probably be some bumps and jolts along the way.
          But we could not be alive in a more interesting time.


          • Originally posted by john_g View Post
            Ron Paul's last address to congress

            Ron Paul's Farewell Speech to Congress - YouTube
            Mike deals with the gullible ass blacks who again voted 90% for their DNC slave masters
            No Hope; No Change For the Blacks! - YouTube

            "Pass it On" Irish Bodhran, live - YouTube



            • Update on petitions to the White House

              The secession petition movement is really catching on. The Texas petition now has over 111,000 signatures, and several other states have attained, or are nearing, the 25,000 signature requirement for petition review. All states now have a petition in play, and some have more than one secession petition, as the site does not warn users that a similar petition already exists.

              Aside from the secession petitions, several other petitions of interest can be found at the White House website which you may want to sign:

              Here's a petition to require Barry to allow the public to examine his birth and college records.

              Here's a petition asking Barry to veto any attempt to reinstate the Federal "Assault Weapons Ban" of 1994

              Here's a petition requesting implementation of a Federal Voter ID Law

              Here's a petition to answer all question posed by Ron Paul in his farewell speech of November 14th

              Here's a petition to DEMAND an immediate, thorough and honest investigation into GEO-ENGINEERING, HAARP, & "CHEMTRAILS"

              Here's a petition to Federally Legalize Marijuana

              Here's a petition to Repeal Obamacare

              Here's a petition to abolish GMO foods

              Here's a petition to Require labeling of foods that contain GMO's

              Here's a petition to Stop Drone Strikes

              Here's a petition to Come clean on the Benghazi scandal

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Stripping Citizenship and Exile for Anyone

                A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state's secession.

                "Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported," the full petition reads.

                W.H. Petition Calls for Stripping Citizenship and Exile for Anyone Who Signs Petition to Secede | The Weekly Standard



                • Dredd Exclusive Trailer Debut [HD] - YouTube

                  Establish new legal system of motorcycle riding "Judges"

                  This is a petition to dissolve the current legal system and replace it with a single Hall of Justice,
                  run by Judges; motorcycle-riding law officers who act as police, judge, jury, and executioner.




                  • Barry wants Holder to be AG for second term

                    Yes, Barry is calling for Holder to come back in for a second term as Attorney General of Corporation US. Incredible, isn't it, with so much that Holder has done to violate the Constitution, but then again that is Barry's prime objective. And one reason why Barry wants Holder to return is to oversee the confiscation of firearms from the American public, by carrying out the UN firearms ban. Holder is the epitome of gun abolishment advocates, and in 1995 he stated in a videotaped speech that schools should teach young people, on a daily basis, to develop an anti-gun bias, and to do so by the effective use of "brainwashing" (his own words). See and hear him saying that in this video.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • @aljhoa: Yes, I saw those two petitions, along with some other really silly stuff.

                      The "Judge Dredd" petition is definitely meant to be one of the silliests ones, although Barry already believes that he can place anyone he wants to on his "kill list," and could dispatch a motorcycle riding hit man to "take care of business." So petition is unnecessary.

                      The petition to issue an executive order stripping citizenship from, and deporting anyone who has signed a secession petition, could never go anywhere legally, because under the First Amendment to the Constitution the right to petition is guaranteed and specifically prohibits Congress from abridging "the right of the petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • In a show of stupidity, the baker's union has refused to return to work at Hostess, the king of baked junk foods including Twinkies, Hostess cupcakes, Ding Dongs, and Wonder Bread (to name a few of their most popular items). As a result, Hostess is permanently closing down operations because the company cannot afford to meet union demands for pay hikes, and 18,500 more Americans will be out of work. The Teamsters union, which drives the trucks that have delivered Hostess baked goods, was willing to go along with company requests for a pay freeze, but the baker's union refused, so now all the workers are out of a job. Makes a lot of sense, huh? Looks like the bakers want to have their cake and eat it too.

                        Seriously, though, there are already 23 million Americans out of work, so why not hire 18,500 of them (at a starting wage of half what they paid the union bakers) to bake, fill, and wrap twinkies instead of shutting down? After all, how hard can that be, especially since every process is pretty much automated. As to the union bakers, fire all of them for not showing up for work. You'd think the CEO would have been able to figure all of this out instead of letting the business go under.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 11-17-2012, 03:06 AM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          Seriously, though, there are already 23 million Americans out of work, so why not hire 18,500 of them (at a starting wage of half what they paid the union bakers) to bake, fill, and wrap twinkies instead of shutting down? After all, how hard can that be, especially since every process is pretty much automated. As to the union bakers, fire all of them for not showing up for work. You'd think the CEO would have been able to figure all of this out instead of letting the business go under.
                          Daily Job Cuts - Layoff News , Job Layoffs 2012 / 2011 , Bankruptcy, Store closings, Business Economy News



                          • Another worker insanity story

                            Workers at many WalMart stores across the nation are planning a "Black Friday" (the day after Thanksgiving) walkout as a protest against management policies such as having employees work on holidays. Walmart workers are not unionized, and WalMart has been known to close stores where its workers have attempted to unionize. The same is likely to happen at stores where WalMart employees are planning to walk out on what happens to be WalMart's biggest shopping day of the year.

                            Now I'm no fan of WalMart, and I hate to see them put up a store in any town because it results in all the town's small businesses going out of business since they can't compete with a superstore that sells everything for less. I also hate to see WalMart selling goods almost entirely made in China, rather than the USA. WalMart does employ a lot of people, though, about 2 million, and the fact that WalMart pays relatively low wages, offers few benefits, and expects employees to work most holidays, has never been a secret. Employees were well aware of these facts when they hired on, so why the beef now?

                            Despite whether we love or hate WalMart, their business model has worked quite well, and it includes staying open 7 days a week, from early morning until late at night. If an employee despises working under the conditions that WalMart has deemed necessary to maintain its business model, then the option to seek a job elsewhere that better suits the employee's needs and desires is always open. At a time when 23 million Americans are unemployed, that may not be possible for most WalMart employees, so doing something such as this planned walkout, which will severely hurt WalMart's bottom line, is likely to result in the employees' loss of job security and is akin to financial suicide.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Rick

                              Regarding Hostess, not all states have a 'right to work' law, so they may NOT have been able to bring in non-union workers, at least not without moving their plant. And, the CEO, in announcing the shut-down, DID say the strike was just the 'final nail in the coffin', indicating they were already in trouble.
                              Possibly, the focus on 'healthier eating' has adversely effeted their bottomline, and the current TIGHT credit situation adveresly impacts their ability to get financing, to 'tide them over' thru tough times.
                              WHAT are we gong to eat, after the SHTF 'appocolypse', (that will still be dible) now that Twinkies aren't bbeing made anymore! ;-(

                              Makes me wonder,about the explanations I've heard, of companies declaring bankruptcy, "in order to get out from under Union contracts, and Pension obligations", as if the company was deliberately manuevering the situation, expressly to improve the 'bottom line'. MAYBE thats what happened, but MAYBE the Unions 'forced' unrealistic concessions, or, during GOOD times, the company agreed to such terms, but found they weren't able to meet them, when things became tight?
                              In any case, this thing with Hostess certainly SEEMS like the 'workers' cut off their nose, to spight their face.
                              I fear, like another poster, I have never been 'sold' on Unions; its always seemed to me it was just giving you a second person (Union Steward) you had to cow-tow to, in ADDITION to your Boss; where's the advantage in that?
                              Anyway, more insanity and stupidity; individual, colllective, Institutional and cultural. Not sure the human race doesn't DESERVE to become extinct, at this point! Jim


                              • This has probably been spoken of before in this thread, but even so its worth repeating.

                                Downfall of Democracies

                                A democracy is always temporary in nature: it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.
                                A democracy will continue to exist up until the voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
                                From that moment on, the majority will always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury,
                                with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.”
                                Obama one of the worst presidents in american history.

                                Obama still has support from half the country.

                                Every "plan" obama has...involves government funding.

                                Amazing how many votes money can buy.

