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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
    Not only would they not pass it, americans would demand that they do no such thing.
    If that bill were in discussion there would be massive fear campaigns taking place. Grandma and grandpa would be out on the street. No more assistance for anyone getting an education. The sick will be left for dead.

    You hear the same arguments anytime anyone talks about cutting the deficit. Apparently it makes you a heartless person who wants to endanger peoples lives.
    Yes, right you are. Anytime there are discussions in Congress about spending reductions, the talk is always centered on how any such reductions would harm a particular sector of the population, and being presented this way such talks always result in some very loud protests from the people. This is done purposely, of course, to avoid any discussion of cutting or ending big government agencies, or reducing military spending. To avoid those discussions, the proposed cuts always involve reducing benefits to social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, etc. You know that all the talk is insincere, because there is never any talk about ending the Federal Reserve and declaring the national debt unconstitutional and void. If Congress were to take such action, the financial cliff would immediately be avoided, so it is a no-brainer. And if Congress took charge of coining our currency, as is their duty under the Constitution, all future borrowing and interest payments would also be avoided. Congress could also print a paper fiat currency, just like our currently printed Federal Reserve notes, that could be used to make up the difference between revenues and actual spending, so as to cover any necessary budget shortfall. It's the same as what is done now, except that none of this unbacked fiat currency would have to be borrowed, or paid back with interest. Thus, such a fiat currency could be used to pay for social benefits, infrastructure projects, or whatever, without need of collecting or raising income taxes. With such simple answers to our fiscal dilemma at their disposal, Congress instead opts to maintain the status quo and simply keep kicking the can down the road until they come to a dead end.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • I suspect that by now everyone here is aware of the petitions to secede have been flooding the White House site; they now are coming from all states, many of which have pasted the required 25,000 count mark. This is all well and good and it might ever start to raise some eyebrows but still it is sort of like asking your banker to forgive the mortgage on your home because you’re tired of paying it. These petitions don’t have any real teeth to them.

      So maybe it is time to ratchet it up a notch with this petition. It would seem that not that long ago international paperwork was filed re-declaring our original constitution and stating that we will no longer be bound by the "corporate version" that the banksters and lawyers concocted for us.

      To start with go to this site for a brief overview: (bottom of page)
      Secession or Re-Declaration for Freedom? | ANMilitia
      Here you can read our “new” constitution or if you are a recent graduate of our school system you can hear it read for you.

      Then like the original founders you will be asked to sign this new constitution!

      You are then direct to go to two different sites where you’re required to log in, wait for a conformation email, then go back to the sites and sign. You might have to cut & paste the confirmation information to get back to the sites, just clicking on didn’t work for me. You will actually have to work a bit to declare your freedom.


      • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
        It would seem that not that long ago international paperwork was filed re-declaring our original constitution and stating that we will no longer be bound by the "corporate version" that the banksters and lawyers concocted for us.

        To start with go to this site for a brief overview: (bottom of page)
        Secession or Re-Declaration for Freedom? | ANMilitia
        Here you can read our “new” constitution or if you are a recent graduate of our school system you can hear it read for you.
        Not that I'm a "recent graduate," but decided to give it a listen while eating some dinner. I recognized the voice right away as being Teri Hinkle, whom you had pointed to in a previous link to the Drake radio show. I only had time to listen to about 25 minutes of the YouTube post of the ReDeclaration, but all that Teri spoke of during that time was correct, with much of the referenced information having been posted in this thread at one time or another. It was apparent that some of what was said by Teri ended up being repeated, and I couldn't see why that was being done, except that it might have been a compilation of several recordings that were joined together by an editor who forgot to listen to the resultant audio before posting it. Anyways, I'll try to listen to the remainder later tonight before hitting the sack.

        Edited addendum 11/28/2012: Heard the rest, and it all sounds okay to me. It's all centered around the idea of getting back to the "organic Constitution," which is the original Constitution for the United States of America, plus the Bill of Rights (first ten Amendments), and would also include further Amendments up to and including the original 13th Amendment (Titles of Nobility Act), which would not allow any lawyer to hold a seat in government, and which also would have caused Barry to lose his citizenship (if he ever was one) for accepting the monetary award of the Nobel Peace Prize. If somehow this effort could succeed, it would necessitate a complete changeover in Washington, but to succeed would require a lot more than this "ReDeclaration," no matter how many people sign it. By the way, can anyone tell me how many have signed it so far?
        Last edited by rickoff; 11-28-2012, 10:04 PM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Talk show host Glenn Beck posted a unique item for sale on eBay, which eBay later removed after receiving a large number of reports from outraged viewers. The title of the item was "Obama in Pee Pee," and included a bobble-head figurine of Barry placed in an open Ball jar filled with what looked like urine.

          “I have been working on a masterpiece. I have been working on something for quite a while,” Beck clowned. “When I say quite a while, I mean all day, small little doses all day. I drank a lot of water when I did this.”

          A note put up on Beck’s website, the Blaze, explained: “Beck decided that submerging an Obama ‘bobblehead’ doll in urine (later revealed to be completely fake) was necessary to convey his artistic message. He of course realizes this will be controversial and that many will find his use of the Obama figurine to be disrespectful. The idea, for Beck however, is not to be untoward, but through irony, to highlight the hypocrisy of those who would shout in defiance at defacing the image of a sitting U.S. president, but not that of an image so sacred to Christianity – the world’s largest religion.”

          What Beck is referring to, of course, is the well known crucifix figurine which was submerged in a jar of urine and labeled "Piss Christ" by a person (Andres Serrano) claiming to be an artist, and who was actually given a monetary award of $15,000 for this so called "work of art" by the taxpayer funded National Endowment For The Arts.

          It is strange that so many people have freaked out over the Glen Beck offering on eBay, while apparently none of these people are in the least bit upset that a New York art gallery is once again displaying the "Piss Christ" exhibit. After all, the entire crucifix figurine was submerged in actual urine, while Glenn's "urine" was only colored water, and the head of the figurine resembling Barry was never submerged.

          Several demands have been made to Barry by Christians calling for him to denounce the "Piss Christ" exhibit, and those Christians are rightfully wondering why Barry has not responded, whereas he and his cabinet staff were so quick to run a $70,000 TV ad denouncing the YouTube movie trailer for "The Innocence of Muslims," which they used as a lie to cover up the Benghazi scandal.
          Last edited by rickoff; 11-28-2012, 11:02 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            If somehow this effort could succeed, it would necessitate a complete changeover in Washington, but to succeed would require a lot more than this "ReDeclaration," no matter how many people sign it. By the way, can anyone tell me how many have signed it so far?
            Obviously true. Just declaring something is easy, demanding what you have declared could require a bit more effort. However if enough people sign it that does send a real clear message to the PTP.

            I just checked to count and from is start on Sunday there are now 2267 signatures.
            But I've been hearing that some people have been having a hard time trying to log in to get it signed. Now why would that be?


            • DA14 Asteroid

              The only close asteroid approach on the horizon is forecast to occur on Feb. 13, 2013,
              when an asteroid will pass within 4.5 Earth radii to our planet (for perspective, Earth’s radius is 3,963 miles, or 6,378 kilometers).
              The asteroid is not going to hit Earth, Yeomans said.


              Asteroids and Comets
              Earth Impact Effects Program
              Near Earth Objects Map

              Last edited by aljhoa; 11-29-2012, 04:24 PM.


              • I may or may not have mentioned this before, but for anyone who is serious about preparing for whatever may come there is a very good resource to be found in Off The Grid. Off The Grid, as the name implies, exists to give people real information and options for becoming independent of the power grid. They are also an excellent source for emergency preparedness and survivalist gear and literature.

                Another good source of information is the Off The Grid Newsletter, which you can sign up to receive free via e-mail, and the weekly Off The Grid Radio Show. This week's broadcast features Steve Vanesse, who has been a featured guest on National Geographic's Doomsday Preppers show. Although they have the same name as the company linked in the above paragraph, these two offerings are put out by Solutions From Science, which also is a great source for emergency food supplies, heirloom seed banks, solar power backup solutions, water purifying equipment, and other preparedness and survivalist offerings.
                Last edited by rickoff; 12-02-2012, 02:44 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Published on Nov 29, 2012 by RussiaToday
                  Leading US strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski
                  rejects Israeli pressure to form American national security policy
                  by beating the drum for war on Iran.
                  Washington would not blindly follow Tel-Aviv if Israel chooses to unilaterally strike Iran, he said.

                  Brzezinski: US won't follow Israel like a stupid mule - YouTube



                  • Still waiting for the trickle down


                    • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                      Still waiting for the trickle down
                      Are you saying that you personally have never experienced a corporate trickle down effect? If so, that could only be for one or both of the following reasons:

                      1. You are not, and have never been, employed by a corporation. Had you been employed by one, the wages you continued to earn, as well as the hourly rate you were paid, would have been dependent upon the ability of that corporation to prosper and grow.

                      2. You are not, and never have been, an investor owning publicly traded shares of one or more corporations. Had you been an investor, the income you received from those investments would have been dependent upon the ability of the corporation to prosper and grow while marketing a high demand product at a reasonable price.

                      In either of the above scenarios, when a corporation prospers it automatically pays more in income taxes (unless that corporation happens to be General Electric, which pays zero in taxes). If taxes are raised on the corporations which do pay taxes, this of course adversely affects the corporation's bottom line. To make up for those losses, remain profitable, and avoid a sell off of their stock, a corporation has only three viable options:

                      a.) Raise prices on their products to pass the burden on to consumers. This can work if you have a thriving economy, or there is huge demand for the corporation's products (such as there is for I-phones, etc.), but when the economy is in the tank and most consumers have little disposable income to spend on discretionary items, a raise in prices is likely to send consumers shopping for a better bargain elsewhere.
                      b.) Keep product prices stable and competitive by cutting costs associated with producing the products. The largest cost factor, of course, is the human factor, which means layoffs of workers, elimination of overtime hours, no new hiring at current pay rates, and utilization of more automation equipment.
                      c.) If neither option 'a' nor 'b' appears viable, the only remaining option (aside from selling the corporation or going out of business) is to relocate the corporation to a country which offers a lower, or zero, tax rate.

                      So, as you can see, raising corporate taxes makes no sense at all as it can only hurt workers or consumers, or both those groups. As Gary Johnson said during his campaign, the corporate tax is actually a double tax since it is paid both by the corporations and by those who either work for, or invest in, those corporations. Gary suggested doing away with the corporate tax altogether, and while that may not sound appealing to people who think of corporations solely as greedy and evil entities, it actually makes a lot of sense. If the US corporate income tax ended tomorrow, the United States would suddenly become the place for all corporations to run their business. Corporations which had moved overseas would come back to the US, and a floodgate of foreign corporations would also be seeking to establish their businesses here. This would quickly result in more new job offerings than could possibly be filled by those who are now unemployed or underemployed, and the corporations could afford to pay higher wages and benefits while at the same time increasing their profits and expanding their businesses. This could easily end the need for a nanny welfare state and trim a trillion or more of welfare expenses from our annual budget.
                      Last edited by rickoff; 12-04-2012, 07:41 PM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • The stock market! REALLY!

                        No need to get personal, statistics do not lie

                        The red line, here, is median real household income, as gleaned from the CPS, indexed to January 2000=100. It’s now at 89.4, which means that real incomes are more than 10% lower today than they were over a decade ago.

                        This is a corporate thing.
                        Long live the Corp/


                        • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                          The stock market! REALLY!

                          No need to get personal, statistics do not lie

                          The red line, here, is median real household income, as gleaned from the CPS, indexed to January 2000=100. It’s now at 89.4, which means that real incomes are more than 10% lower today than they were over a decade ago.

                          This is a corporate thing.
                          Long live the Corp/
                          True statistics do not lie, but what they actually reveal depends upon a correct understanding by whoever is reading and analyzing those statistics. What you apparently fail to realize, from viewing the above chart, is that real household income is also about 10% lower today than when Barry was inaugurated in January of 2009. Before that the graph fluctuated somewhat but overall was relatively stable. Besides that, unemployment continued to rise sharply after Barry's inauguration, and is still well above what it was at in January 2009. It's rather obvious that as unemployment numbers rise, household income figures will fall. While unemployment numbers did begin to rise early in 2008, they did not escalate sharply until the summer of 2008, just a few months before the 2008 elections, when it became apparent to most anyone who was then thinking realistically, that Barry would most assuredly win the election. So, really, this chart speaks volumes about Barry's and Congress' proposed and failed economic policies, and little to nothing concerning corporations.

                          Mind you that I'm not a corporation worshiper, have little use for them myself, and have posted articles herein about corporate greed and power. But remember that corporations only exist because of legislation which the Congress passed, and the Presidents signed, to allow and enable them to pursue their avenues of greed and corruption. Corporation US is one of the worst corporate offenders of all, and let's not forget that.
                          Last edited by rickoff; 12-05-2012, 12:22 AM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • So personal
                            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                   apparently fail to realize,
                            I won't bother to point out where your analasys fails, your suppositions stand for themselves.


                            • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                              So personal
                              I won't bother to point out where your analasys fails, your suppositions stand for themselves.

                              Did you just have this Xray taken, Minoly? It looks kind of scary, so I hope everything turns out okay for you.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                                So personal
                                I won't bother to point out where your analasys fails, your suppositions stand for themselves.

                                I think rickoff has a very good grasp on the issues in the world. His analyses are usually spot on. Implying so blatantly that he is stupid with the Homer Simpson brain X-ray, makes an ass out of you, minoly. Please act civil.


