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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
    Its just insane the mass hysteria the lamestream media incites. While at the bank today, they had CNN on, I happened to hear one of their anchors actually compare what happened in newtown to 9/11.
    Actually their "comparison" is a good one, as the evidence shows that both were preplanned and executed "inside jobs." They just aren't going to show, or talk about, that evidence.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • wait a minute

      are you saying the Gov. executed 20 6-7 year olds and 6 adults

      so they could pass some sort of weak gun control law?

      just trying to get it straight.


      • Originally posted by minoly View Post
        wait a minute

        are you saying the Gov. executed 20 6-7 year olds and 6 adults

        so they could pass some sort of weak gun control law?

        just trying to get it straight.
        All agenda-furthering legislation comes in increments. No way in hell would the American people give up their guns in one swoop from the law. Slowly desensitize them to the idea of firearms being illegal and the end result is much more feasible.

        Do you think that our constitutional rights disappeared all at once? Or was it more a gradual stripping of our rights as to keep most people from seeing what is really going on?



        • Well, one thing for sure, is that the official story does not add up if you follow all the links in the Teri Hinkle article posted by Rickoff. I remember when the execution of Charles DeMenze took place in London. The BBC ran a live news feed, supposedly interviewing a bystander whom had witnessed what had happened. The 'report' was an almost perfect SITREP, not the sort of garbled report you would actually expect from joe public - it later transpired the bystander, was actually part of the police or some related agency.


          • So you are saying
            20 6-7 year olds and 6 other innocent lives were all taken way


            in the name of gun control?


            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
              Here is a good article by Teri Hinkle on the shooting. She picks up all the pieces that the MSM is somehow unable to find. If anyone still thinks this was just a “lone gunman nut case” this should cure them of that.

              To start with:
              “State” police on scene before shooting started.
              Local cop prevented from responding by “state police”
              Shooter uses rife to shoot kids then goes back to his car locks rife in car then takes hand guns back into school to shoot himself?


              My Take on the Shooting – Teri Hinkle |
              Good article, MS. I too was put off by Robbie Parker's demeanor. Here's another link to a longer video of Parker's news taping. Just as in Barry's tearful news statement, Parker reads from a scripted statement, rather than relying on heartfelt comments. Who provided the script, and who actually is this "Robbie Parker" anyways? How long did he and his daughter Emilie live in Newtown, Connecticut, and how long will he remain there once his job is done? Why didn't the media show Robbie smiling and laughing just seconds before he "gets into somber character" for his grand act news statement? That, of course, would have defeated the purpose of the "news" clip - the purpose being to play this drama for all it was worth.

              Teri did a good job of digging for the real story behind this false flag event, and there are others who have uncovered some realities that the mainstream media purposely "missed." In this video, we see compelling evidence that the authorities actually nabbed two perps outside the school, while Adam Lanza lay dead inside the school. One of these perps is seen running into the woods behind the school, where he is then found laying on the ground with several police types standing around him. Another was seen handcuffed and laying on the ground just outside the school, according to a youngster who saw him when he exited the school. There is no mention or commentary about these two on any mainstream media newscast, of course. What we can reasonably deduce from this knowledge is that these two perps were the actual killers, while Adam Lanza was probably just a victim these perps had selected to receive the blame. It is reasonable for us to wonder about the identities of these two perps, but we will likely never know. That's because they were obviously "cleared" of involvement in the crime. But why the rush to clear them, especially the man seen running off into the woods to make his escape? The rather obvious answer to that question is that he is able to produce a badge showing that he is a high level government operative in the FBI, CIA, or whatever. The fact that he, and the other perp (who also had high level ID, of course) just happened to be at the school at the time this shooting incident occurred, no doubt did not sit well with the local and state police, but a call to higher authorities to confirm the perp ID's would result in the lower authorities being told to immediately release the agent perps as being absolved of any inolvement in the shootings. The same happened at the time of JFK's assassination. One suspected shooter said to have been questioned at the book depository scene by police immediately following the assassination was able to produce ID showing him to be a high level CIA operative. He was immediately cleared without any further questions asked, and later went on to occupy the oval office as the 41st President of the United States.

              I'm fairly sure that I previously mentioned in this thread that the Ruling Class elite, or Illuminati, are said to operate by something like a
              "code of ethics" whereby they must foretell what they are going to do before they actually do it. This foretelling can be in the form of blatant in-your-face stuff, or can be offered up as clues which may seem insignificant at the moment when first observed, but are obviously more than mere coincidence when reviewed after the fact. Such is the case with revelations included in the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises. This was the movie that was being viewed in Aurora Colorado when a gunman stepped inside the theater and began shooting people. Both the words "AURORA" and SANDY HOOK" are shown in the movie in capital lettering so as to not be in the least bit subtle. My own point of view about these types of foretelling is that they really have nothing to do with a code of ethics. Instead, I believe that these are intended as slaps in the face of those who would question authority and media and conduct their own research and investigation. It's like they are saying, "Sure, we did this, and we know you know it, but so what? There's nothing you can do to stop our agenda, and you know that too."
              Last edited by rickoff; 12-21-2012, 10:30 PM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                So you are saying
                20 6-7 year olds and 6 other innocent lives were all taken way


                in the name of gun control?
                I have seen the evidence against the official story of the 9/11 attacks. Physics doesn't lie about THREE BUILDINGS that fall at FREE FALL SPEEDS. Are you saying that the same people that perpetrated 9/11 wouldn't have it in them to kill a few kids to further an agenda?


                • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                  I have seen the evidence against the official story of the 9/11 attacks. Physics doesn't lie about THREE BUILDINGS that fall at FREE FALL SPEEDS. Are you saying that the same people that perpetrated 9/11 wouldn't have it in them to kill a few kids to further an agenda?
                  I'm asking the question, so far has not been answered...


                  • I am not really 100% sure of the motive. What I am sure of is that the story doesn't add up in my mind. Why are there so many discrepancies caught on video that can be derived from previous posts on the matter? If it was JUST a crazed gunman, why is it that the testimonies of some videos of the scene suggest one to two more gunmen? What does the media point out about this ORIGINAL DISCREPANCY Can you tell me what happened to the original SECOND gunman? Surely an unbiased media would CLEAR the name of the other person ACCUSED of the shooting? I have heard of none such reparations.



                    Why no answers?


                    • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                      I'm asking the question, so far has not been answered...
                      Do yourself a favor, stop making a pathetic public joke of yourself; see what governments have done (and got away with) even waaaaayyy back in the day: That’s a small example. There’s lots more, Ace.

                      Oh, and why don't you take your self-righteous attitude and moan and piss over the slaughter of at a MINIMUM of 40 MILLION so-called Native Americans in the Americas, you poor uneducated soul? And it continues to this very day! And let's not forget what vaccines, prescription meds, poisoned foods, etc, do to "innocent" children too. Why don't you take on big pharma, big agro, or whatever blows your dress up, you big talking hero, you?

                      Sadly, people like you are apparently too unblessed mentally to see you are part of the problem by blowing your factless smoke (emotion-filled words) around (perhaps it merits being referred to as a humanoid petard?) when you should keep your sad state of knowledge to yourself... Oh but least I forget, Merry Christ Mass and have a wonderful New Year. Hint: Make a resolution to educate yourself before you put your mouth or keyboard in gear? You will not get messages like this one written to you if you do.


                      • Here are some more facts?

                        Originally posted by minoly View Post
                        So you are saying
                        20 6-7 year olds and 6 other innocent lives were all taken way


                        in the name of gun control?
                        Beslan school hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Before you get too confused and such, keep reading and find out how the formal government dealt with the matter.

                        There is a lot more to think about regarding that matter (and others) but for now, baby steps...


                        • Wow! hang a guy for asking a question. I see what world you want to live in.



                          • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                            So you are saying
                            20 6-7 year olds and 6 other innocent lives were all taken way


                            in the name of gun control?
                            In answer to your question I will simply say, YES!
                            However I would recommend you go back and read the article I posted by Teri Hinkle. She does a good job of going step by step through all of the “discrepancies” with this story. I would then expect that at some point you would have to come to the conclusion that all of this simply cannot be the results of a “lone gunman” or coincidence.

                            And yes I do believe that there are some incredibly evil people in this world that would not think twice about doing something like this if they thought it might further their goals.


                            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                              In answer to your question I will simply say, YES!
                              However I would recommend you go back and read the article I posted by Teri Hinkle. She does a good job of going step by step through all of the “discrepancies” with this story. I would then expect that at some point you would have to come to the conclusion that all of this simply cannot be the results of a “lone gunman” or coincidence.

                              And yes I do believe that there are some incredibly evil people in this world that would not think twice about doing something like this if they thought it might further their goals.
                              Thank you Mad Scientist.
                              I read and watched it all before asking the question. I have to say...
                              it gave me great pause, which is why I found myself asking the question.


                              • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                                wait a minute

                                are you saying the Gov. executed 20 6-7 year olds and 6 adults

                                so they could pass some sort of weak gun control law?

                                just trying to get it straight.
                                I didn't see your question before today, minoly, and am not quite sure who you were asking the question to. If it was directed at me, I'd have to say no, that the Ruling Class aim is not to pass "some sort of weak gun control law." The actual aim is to totally disarm the public. That goal would be achieved through several legislative actions, of course, rather than an all-at-once act, but once they get the ball rolling with the first step in their agenda, the remaining actions will not be far behind.

                                The media attack on guns is certainly growing every day, rather than waning as most news stories do after whatever incident occurs. Every day they do all they can to keep the Sandy Hook story alive, and to feature a new story about some shooter somewhere, as if to offer proof that guns are our greatest problem, our biggest threat to public safety," that something must be done," and that the only logical thing to do is ban guns, ammo, and ammo clips. Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of people buying into this deception.

                                Here are some very interesting statistics which will never be shown in any TV news report. This chart compares 10 things that kill people in the United States every year:

                                As you can see, homicides of all kinds are at the bottom of the list, accounting for less deaths than the other "killers," and there are roughly half again non-gun homicides than gun related homicides. This clearly shows that if someone wants to kill then the non-availability of a gun isn't going to stop them. As is pointed out near the bottom of the chart, according to the FBI the #1 weapon used in violent crimes is a baseball bat! That doesn't surprise me, because a baseball bat is a very effective weapon for bludgeoning people to death, is quite difficult to defend oneself against unless the defender is equally or better armed, and certainly is readily available to just about anyone. Everyone knows they are certainly, commonly, and plentifully, available in any and every public school in the USA.
                                Last edited by rickoff; 12-23-2012, 07:27 PM.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

