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The American Ruling Class

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  • While I'm at it, here are some more very interesting facts which show that armed Americans is a good thing to have:

    -In 1982, the town of Kennesaw, Georgia, passed an ordinance which required all heads of household to have at least one gun in the house. The burglary rate immediately dropped an astounding 89 percent! Ten years after the law was passed, the burglary rate was still 72 percent less than it was in 1981.

    -Armed citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as the police do every year in this country (1,527 to 606). [I wonder if these killings were included in the "Firearm Homicides" figure in the above graph?]

    -A 1996 University of Chicago study concluded that states which passed concealed carry laws reduced their murder rates by 8.5 percent, rapes by 5 percent, aggravated assaults by 7 percent, and robbery by 3 percent.

    -According to the National Safety Council, with guns being used 2.5 million times a year in self defense against criminals, firearms are actually used more than 80 times more often to protect lives, rather than to take lives.

    -A 1979 Justice Department study entitled Rape Victimization in American Cities, concluded that of more than 32,000 attempted rapes, 32 percent were actually committed. But, when a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3 percent of the attempted rapes were actually committed.

    -Another Justice Department study found that 57 percent of felons agreed that "criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running (into) the police."
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control -- Puppet Masters --


      • Originally posted by minoly View Post
        So you are saying
        20 6-7 year olds and 6 other innocent lives were all taken way


        in the name of gun control?
        History shows much worse has been done to gain far less.

        A common mistake any good man can make is thinking "others" have the same compassion for human life as "you" do. A serial killer has no problem killing a person because they have no compassion or connection to human life. Weather they hurt an adult or child typically makes no difference at all.

        The powers that be have killed innocent americans throughout history from medical testing, to weapons experimentation, even false flag operations like 9/11, all simply to advance their agenda. Weather that agenda is to go to war, to achieve deadlier viruses or simply to advance their technology.

        The actual aim is to totally disarm the public.
        I agree. You cant put chains around a mans arms if he has a gun in his hands.
        The right to protect yourself is the purest form of freedom we can have. Assault guns are the first step, hand guns are next. All you need is a single hand gun to kill 20 people. I'm willing to bet, the next mass shooting will happen with only hand guns involved.

        If you want to save the next group of kids, train and arm the teachers!
        At least have a single armed guard at every school, watching security cameras.


        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          I didn't see your question before today, minoly, and am not quite sure who you were asking the question to. If it was directed at me, I'd have to say no, that the Ruling Class aim is not to pass "some sort of weak gun control law." The actual aim is to totally disarm the public. That goal would be achieved through several legislative actions, of course, rather than an all-at-once act, but once they get the ball rolling with the first step in their agenda, the remaining actions will not be far behind.

          The media attack on guns is certainly growing every day, rather than waning as most news stories do after whatever incident occurs. Every day they do all they can to keep the Sandy Hook story alive, and to feature a new story about some shooter somewhere, as if to offer proof that guns are our greatest problem, our biggest threat to public safety," that something must be done," and that the only logical thing to do is ban guns, ammo, and ammo clips. Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of people buying into this deception.

          Here are some very interesting statistics which will never be shown in any TV news report. This chart compares 10 things that kill people in the United States every year:

          As you can see, homicides of all kinds are at the bottom of the list, accounting for less deaths than the other "killers," and there are roughly half again non-gun homicides than gun related homicides. This clearly shows that if someone wants to kill then the non-availability of a gun isn't going to stop them. As is pointed out near the bottom of the chart, according to the FBI the #1 weapon used in violent crimes is a baseball bat! That doesn't surprise me, because a baseball bat is a very effective weapon for bludgeoning people to death, is quite difficult to defend oneself against unless the defender is equally or better armed, and certainly is readily available to just about anyone. Everyone knows they are certainly, commonly, and plentifully, available in any and every public school in the USA.
          Hey Rick,

          Nice chart and here is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 2011 published data ( FBI — Table 20 ) TABLE 20 - Murder by State, Types of Weapons, shows that "Murder" by any RIFLE in all but several instances is less than hand guns, knives or cutting instruments, hands fists feet or other weapons such as baseball bats as you described as bludgeoning. These statistics on the type of murder is quite disturbing in this chart and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) next and amazing how the Democrat and Union controlled media picks and chooses what is the hot topic for ???? real agenda.

          ( ) (link -full size)

          The latest Center for Disease Control (CDC) 10 Leading Causes of Injury Deaths by Age Group Highlighting "Violence Related" Injury Deaths, 2010 ( ) #4 Suicide @ 19,392 deaths by firearm and #5 Homicide @ 11,078 deaths by a firearms "BOTH" take someone crazy. The best numerical question about 10 Leading Causes is injury Deaths "Violence Related" is #4 19,392 deaths by Suicide with a FIREARM .... how many was done with a Semi-Automatic assault rifle using a HIGH capacity clip with thirty (30) bullets out of 19,392 ?

          ( )

          The only common denominator from all the listings is some mandated "Mental Health Care" which the US Federal and State Governments for the past decade has drastically cut funding for, because of the Government incompetent spending habits and influence from Insurance Company lobbyist.

          With a population of over 311 Million ( 311,000,000 ) American citizens there is going to be those that need mental health care it's obvious, especially by just looking at the charts posted, but to punish and "BLAME" millions of law abiding Americans gun owners for having guns, a US Constitution "2nd Amendment" right, for the EVIL doings of mentally disturbed individuals whether American or UN-documented Alien. For any reason to remove and restrict those firearms from gun owners by banning or force-ably the removal through a US population minority or by the Federal, State or County Government, is selfishly wrong, dangerous for millions of citizens needing a minimum of matching protection from mentally disturbed individuals including criminals also the use by law abiding Americans for hunting any wildlife game within Government guidelines.

          Open Source Experimentalist
          Open Source Research and Development


          • Does the name Behring Breivik sound familiar to you? Probably not, I would guess, but Behring Breivik is the Norwegian mass murderer who killed 77 people in July of 2011. Brevik first bombed government buildings in Oslo, killing eight people, and then went on a shooting spree at a youth camp, killing 69 more people, mostly teenagers. Rather brutal, wouldn't you say? And yet this all happened in Norway, a country with tough gun control laws. Brevik was examined by mental health professionals shortly before his trial, and they found him to be sane at the time of his attacks, though they did find that he had something called Narcissistic Personality Disorder a fancy name for what had previously been called megolamania. Those who have this condition are characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, or omnipotence. Sound familiar to you? Many think that Barry has this same condition, and I tend to think so myself. He definitely has a narcissistic personality and believes that he is above the law and the Constitution. I'm not suggesting that Barry is likely to follow Brevik's lead and personally go on a killing spree. After all, why would he do that when he can simply tell others to do it for him?

            Getting back to Brevik, though, does anyone think that Brevik would have had a tough time finding a way to kill 77 people if he had not been able to procure firearms? Sure, most of his victims were killed by gunfire, but he also used bombs, and a well placed bomb which is powerful enough can certainly kill hundreds of people. Also, a reasonable person would wonder what would have happened at the youth camp if at least one administrator there had been armed. Would Brevik still have been able to aim, shoot, and reload enough times to kill 69 people? Shooting people in a gun free zone can be likened to shooting fish in a barrel, and Brevik obviously chose this camp, located on an island, simply because he knew it would be unprotected and he would face no return fire.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
              If you want to save the next group of kids, train and arm the teachers!
              At least have a single armed guard at every school, watching security cameras.

              Yea right.. this will NOT work

              Why, because the agenda is gun control and to either restrict or regulate gun ownership until its impossible to own a weapon of any kind.

              What I see happening next is some nut job will unload a few magazines into a school bus on its way to school killing more kids thus bypassing the school building, cameras, security guards and the on site armed officer we keep hearing about that every school should have. (Which is your argument above)

              After such a school bus massacre the media will push the agenda again even further and the general public will say "we" cannot have armed guards around our children every hour of the day so its better to have gun control. We will see this happen.

              Don't kid yourself ,children are expendable as collateral damage in wars and pushing forward agendas.
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                Yea right.. this will NOT work

                Why, because the agenda is gun control and to either restrict or regulate gun ownership until its impossible to own a weapon of any kind.
                I would agree. Having an armed guard watching surveillance videos could possibly be helpful, but as some have pointed out the campus security force at Virginia Tech was unable to stop the killing of 32 and wounding of 17 others in two separate attacks staged 2 hours apart by the same shooter. I wonder if anyone asked why.

                The reality is that any site which advertises itself as a gun free zone might as well be painting targets on the backs of everyone who lives, works, or goes to school at that site. Invariably, shooters will choose sites that are known to be undefended gun free zones over those at which there is likely to be armed citizens or security personnel.

                Here's a solution for you. Why not have every person entering a school pass through a metal detector, just as is done at all courthouses now? If the detector triggers a detection alarm, a bullet proof security door both ahead of and behind the suspect is automatically locked, therefore sealing
                and safely confining the suspect within a secured area where the suspect can do no harm, other than possibly to himself. When police arrive, they would take over and ensure the suspect is fully disarmed of any possible weapons before being taken out of the enclosure. Isn't this the safest, and most sensible approach to in-school, workplace, and shopping mall security? Have only one possible entrance point, and ensure it is secure.

                There is absolutely no need for further gun control laws, and any that are enacted will only make the American public less safe than they are now. All our Senators and Representatives in Washington know that, but they (the vast majority, anyways) obviously don't care. The name of the game they are playing is total gun control, which can only be achieved by confiscation of all registered firearms. The first step will be to pass a law requiring background checks and registrations for all firearms currently in existence. Those who fail to willingly comply will face extreme penalties and lose their right to ever again possess a firearm. Of course all law abiding citizens will comply with the registration mandate. The next step will be to declare all firearms that could potentially cause a fatality to be illegal to possess, and owners of such weapons would be notified to turn them in to authorities. Again, there would be severe penalties, along with forced confiscation, for anyone failing to comply. And who would risk going to prison and having all their property seized as a result of failure to comply? Not many, and in the end only the government and the outlaws would still have firearms. Hmmm, government.......... outlaws......... is there really much difference?
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • While all of these suggestions have some merit in the end they are just Band-Aids for one particular type of attack. Once the attackers realize that a particular attack will no longer work they will simply devise another way. Of course as we go running around trying to prevent one tragedy after another from “ever happening again” the only thing that really happens is we continue to lose more and more of our freedom. But then that is the real goal here to eventually take away all our rights and freedom, naturally this will be done for our safety, and also to turn us into obedient slaves.

                  At that point then the real extermination of us “useless eaters” can begin in earnest and probably without many even realizing what is happening.


                  • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                    .. as we go running around trying to prevent one tragedy after another from “ever happening again” the only thing that really happens is we continue to lose more and more of our freedom. But then that is the real goal here to eventually take away all our rights and freedom, naturally this will be done for our safety, and also to turn us into obedient slaves.

                    At that point then the real extermination of us “useless eaters” can begin in earnest and probably without many even realizing what is happening.
                    Exactly, MS. And it's a crying shame that there are so many people out there who just don't understand this.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Originally posted by 5150
                      What I see happening next is some nut job will unload a few magazines into a school bus on its way to school
                      A school bus can drive away. Kids trapped inside a classroom with a shooter have no where to go.
                      We have armed security guards in every bank, of course money is more important than children

                      Originally posted by rickoff
                      I would agree. Having an armed guard watching surveillance videos could possibly be helpful, but as some have pointed out the campus security force at Virginia Tech was unable to stop the killing of 32 and wounding of 17 others in two separate attacks staged 2 hours apart by the same shooter. I wonder if anyone asked why.
                      That is terrible, although a college campus is far bigger than a elementary school.
                      Also, college kids at least know enough about defending themselves and escaping, little children don't. We should "at least" have a guard for each elementary school. I agree they may not prevent all attacks but if they prevent just one that should be enough. Kids are far more defenseless than anyone else.

                      Originally posted by Mad Scientist
                      While all of these suggestions have some merit in the end they are just Band-Aids for one particular type of attack.
                      I heard somewhere, someone had said banning guns is like a doctor treating a patients symptom and not the disease. Which I think is exactly right. To really fix a problem you have to find out what caused the problem. If this shooting really was a kid who needed mental help...we should address parenting and mental health. If this shooting really was an operation to advance a gun control agenda we should be addressing this false flag operation and holding those responsible accountable!

                      This is what we should be doing as a nation. Find the real source of the problem and address it.
                      Every statement made in every witness interview should fully be investigated with details released. Such as the statement that two people were seen running. Who were they really? What were they doing? All of that should have been reported. How can we ever fix whats wrong if we don't even know what happened?!?


                      • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                        This is what we should be doing as a nation. Find the real source of the problem and address it. Every statement made in every witness interview should fully be investigated with details released. Such as the statement that two people were seen running. Who were they really? What were they doing? All of that should have been reported. How can we ever fix whats wrong if we don't even know what happened?!?
                        Yes, of course this is what should be done, but it never will be as long as the Ruling Class elites maintain control over our so-called "government" and mainstream media. Instead, stories like the one shown today on CNN, about Chicago having its 500th homicide of the year will be shoved down the throats of the American public. While the 500th homicide, the shooting and killing of Nathaniel Jackson, a man with a lengthy arrest record and alleged gang ties, was obviously a gun-related crime, the news story made no mention about how many of the 500 homicides were actually gun related killings. The story merely presents this to be an alarming statistic, and leaves the viewer thinking that this was one of 500 gun related deaths in Chicago this year. What they also failed to mention, is that in 2008 there were 518 homicides in Chicago, and that 20 years ago Chicago experienced nearly twice as many slayings. It wouldn't make any sense for them to report these facts, of course, as it would obviously diminish or negate the state of urgency which they are hoping to establish for getting gun bans passed.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 12-29-2012, 09:41 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Media Quiet About San Antonio Theater Shooting Media Quiet About San Antonio Theater Shooting | Alternative

                          On Sunday December 17, 2012, 2 days after the CT shooting, a man went to a restaurant in San Antonio to kill his X-girlfriend. After he shot her, most of the people in the restaurant fled next door to a theater. The gunman followed them and entered the theater so he could shoot more people. He started shooting and people in the theater started running and screaming. It’s like the Aurora, CO theater story plus a restaurant!

                          Now aren’t you wondering why this isn’t a lead story in the national media along with the school shooting?

                          There was an off duty county deputy at the theater. SHE pulled out her gun and shot the man 4 times before he had a chance to kill anyone. So since this story makes the point that the best thing to stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun, the media is treating it like it never happened.

                          Only the local media covered it. The city is giving her a medal next week.

                          More: Media Quiet About San Antonio Theater Shooting | Alternative


                          • @soundiceuk, Great Info!

                            That's why the main stream media is failing the country. Instead of relaying the news events which happen with an unbiased and rational point of view, they only focus on the most disturbing and dramatic events possible which sparks hysteria from the masses.

                            Its no surprise, the powers that be have monopolized the main stream media its they're best propaganda machine.

                            This is also why I am no fan of mega-corporations. They have already taken over the media market and have no competition or alternative for the masses to absorb anything other than the propaganda they choose to release. Its the corruption of mankind that can allow something even as pure as freedom to be used as a tool for slavery. The head of these corporations have capitalized on their freedom of corporate growth to take over the markets. Grass roots revolution are all the people have left but its a David vs Goliath fight for the minds of the masses.

                            Freedom of Internet is the last frontier. So many minds have been opened globally thanks to the alternative news and opinions that are unrestricted on the internet. That's why it MUST always remain free and open to all.

                            Years ago, the head of ABC wanted to run a program on the e.t. disclosure project based on the testimony and revelations of information from Steven Greer. Before the program was to be aired, it was shut down. The head of ABC himself told Greer, "You know who they are, and they wont let me air this show". In 2001 Greer held the largest viewed disclosure conference with hundreds of high ranking officials first hand testimony. He has a new documentary coming out soon called, "Sirius". It appears there will be a huge revelation, they have in possession, the small body of a real alien being. Full medical testing and scanning has been done. This appears to be the real deal.

                            The entire documentary has been funded by we the people. They are still raising funds to promote it and gain the largest audience they can get. If your interested, spread the word and let your friends know! Grass roots is our only hope.
                            Last edited by jdodson; 12-30-2012, 11:10 PM.


                            • Originally posted by rickoff
                              The first step will be to pass a law requiring background checks and registrations for all firearms currently in existence. Those who fail to willingly comply will face extreme penalties and lose their right to ever again possess a firearm. Of course all law abiding citizens will comply with the registration mandate. The next step will be to declare all firearms that could potentially cause a fatality to be illegal to possess, and owners of such weapons would be notified to turn them in to authorities. Again, there would be severe penalties, along with forced confiscation, for anyone failing to comply. And who would risk going to prison and having all their property seized as a result of failure to comply? Not many
                              Don't they already require background checks and registration for all firearms now? I haven't bought a gun yet personally but have looked at info online and from what I understand they have to send the paperwork to a federal agency for approval plus a waiting period.

                              Also if they ban assault weapons and you own one, how can they force people to turn them in if they "lost" the gun or it was "stolen"? I'm sure that would be actual scenarios for many people. Maybe hit them with a negligence fine?


                              • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                                Don't they already require background checks and registration for all firearms now?
                                Notice that I said "for all firearms currently in existence." This covers way more firearms than have ever been registered as the result of any law, and would also mandate registrations of private sales or trades, which is not currently covered in most states. They will make it very expensive, and darned near impossible for private exchanges to take place legally. The only purpose for passing such laws is to ensure that their confiscation agenda, which will surely follow, will be successful at disarming as many Amerians as possible.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

