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The American Ruling Class

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  • You win Rickoff!

    I am going to see about getting into heading my home district as early as tomorrow. It will be a nice experience I think.
    Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


    • Hawaii is not legally a state!

      The truth is that each and every step along Hawaii's path from sovereign and independent nation, to annexed territory, to state, was done in violation of laws and treaties then in effect, without regard to the wishes of the Hawaiian people. Many people, including President Grover Cleveland, opposed the annexation of Hawaii.

      But in the end, simple greed and military interest overrode any concerns or moral right and legality. Hawaii's legitimate government was toppled using threat of American military force. Hawaii was stolen from her people for the benefit of wealthy American plantation owners and military interests, and the justifications for the crime were invented after-the-fact.

      Hawaii is not legally a state!



      • Originally posted by Mozaar View Post

        I am going to see about getting into heading my home district as early as tomorrow. It will be a nice experience I think.
        Bravo, Mozaar! I applaud your decision and dedication.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Precinct visit

          Hi Mozaar;

          to the battle Best of luck to you!



          • Stealth and Deep Pocket “Persons”

            G.O.P. Used Energy and Stealth to Win Seat

            The state was holding a special election to fill the seat held by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, it said, and conditions were ripe for a conservative ambush: an Election Day in the dead of winter with the turnout certain to be low.
            How the G.O.P. Captured a Seat Lost for Decades -

            Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

            Issue: Whether federal campaign finance laws apply to a critical film about Senator Hillary Clinton intended to be shown in theaters and on-demand to cable subscribers. After hearing argument, the Court ordered re-argument, to focus on the constitutionality of limiting corporations’ independent spending during campaigns for the Presidency and Congress.
            Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - ScotusWiki




            • Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
              Some reports say Obama was born in a military hospital on a U.S. submarine base, in which case Aaron's info. would apply. It will be interesting to see what legal maneuvers Obama's lawyers come up with to delay the decision or implementaton of it.
              It was actually McCain who was born in a US military hospital in Panama, which also made him ineligible as a "Natural Born Citizen" to run for President, even though both his parents were American citizens. Imagine that - voting in an election having no eligible candidate to choose from in either major political party.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                Suspicious, he [Obama] went to Pakistan when it was illegal for US citizens to go there - so he couldn't have gone there with a US passport.
                That's right, Aaron, so the question remains - what country's passport DID Obama use to travel to Pakistan? To obtain that passport, he would have had to be a legitimate citizen of that country, not the US. If at any time he, or his parents acying on his behalf, had obtained citizenship in another country then he would have forfeited his US citizenship (if he ever had that). I think the answer is that he traveled on an Indonesian passport. Barack's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, married Lolo Soetoro in 1965. Soetoro was an Indonesian student studying at the University of Hawaii, where Ann Dunham was studying for a bachelor's degree in anthropology. Upon completing her degree, Ann and Barack traveled to Jakarta to join Soetoro. While there, Barack was registered in school as Barry Soetoro, so either he was properly adopted by Soetoro or the parents lied in order that Barack could attend school there. According to Indonesian legal experts, only Indonesian citizens could attend state-operated public schools. Obama attended the BesukiPrimary School, a state school. He was enrolled as Barry Soetoro, Indonesian citizen and Muslim.

                Obama arrived in Indonesia at about the age of five according to most accounts, although it was possible he arrived at the age of six, according to a few sources. If Lolo Soetoro adopted Obama at age five or younger, then Obama would automatically have become an Indonesian citizen according to the country’s laws in the 1960’s, which stipulated any child aged five or younger adopted by an Indonesian father is immediately granted Indonesian citizenship upon completion of the adoption process.

                Note that the U. S. State Department reports, "The Indonesian Citizenship Law states that children's citizenship is derived solely from the citizenship of the father. Children of [US] citizen mothers and foreign fathers are considered foreigners and require visas to remain in the country until the age of 18, at which time they may apply for citizenship. They are prohibited from attending public schools and must attend private, international schools, which usually are more expensive." Ann Dunham did, in fact, place Barack in private schools when he was in the United States. While in Hawaii, Barack attended PunahouAcademy, an elite private school.

                When Obama migrated to Indonesia, he lost his U. S. citizenship, while gaining Indonesian Citizenship, since Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship. Obama reaffirmed his Indonesian citizenship and therefore relinquished his U. S. citizenship yet again (if he ever had it) as an adult, while studying at Occidental College and traveling to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport.

                Barack made 3 trips that are questionable, in regards to a passport:
                • 1981 -- Pakistan &India
                • 1986 -- Pakistan &Indonesia
                • 1993 -- Bali, Indonesia
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • McCain not eligible

                  Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  It was actually McCain who was born in a US military hospital in Panama, which also made him ineligible as a "Natural Born Citizen" to run for President, even though both his parents were American citizens. Imagine that - voting in an election having no eligible candidate to choose from in either major political party.
                  I forgot all about that. If McCain was born on a military base in Panama
                  he ABSOLUTELY IS NOT a natural born citizen and is ineligible to become
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • A very good Precinct Strategy resource for you.

                    Check out this website. Handy, and lots of useful stuff here:

                    On Line Venue
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Hi all,

                      I am reading this interesting article about the american ruling disaster:

                      Kitco - Commentaries - Stewart Dougherty



                      • Hi Everyone,
                        Well it seems as if they have messed up the peacefully plans of taking the country back with the latest supreme court decision. Now they can throw money at the problem as much as they need to get the job done.

                        Can't wait to read everyones thoughts on this one



                        • aka: Money Changers, Banksters, Lawyers, Weeds and Master Class

                          Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                          The Senate was supposed to be a check and balance against the Presidency and the Demos, the House of Representatives. The Senate was supposed to be the real GUARANTEE of the rule of law. The Senate was supposed to be the backbone of the U.S. Constitution.

                          This all changed in 1913. The passage of the XVII amendment fundamentally changed the character of the American government, demolished “the checks and balances” necessary for good government and converted the American government from a Republic to a democracy. There is now no check on the demos.

                          Definition of Republic - Discussion and Encyclopedia Article. Who is Definition of Republic? What is Definition of Republic? Where is Definition of Republic? Definition of Definition of Republic. Meaning of Definition of Republic.

                          What are some difficulties with a direct state vote by voters for Senators? The Seventeenth Amendment re-wrote Article I, sect 3 from “chosen by the Legislature thereof” to read “elected by the people thereof”. That small shift in wording gave special interest groups the leverage to manipulate BOTH houses of federal legislature. Generally, Congress votes with impunity. Any U.S. senator can move into a six year term, hide in the existing insolated federal system without being bridled by voters.

                          Repeal the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

                          The "what’s their name" ended Constitutional Republic in 1913.

                          October 12, 2008
                          members of congress object to certifying the george w. bush election results in 2000 due to election fraud + massive disenfranchisement but NO senator NOR Al Gore support the fight... "sad day in ...
                          members of congress object to certifying the george w. bush election results in 2000 due to election fraud + massive disenfranchisement but NO senator NOR Al Gore support the fight... "sad day in america"

                          Tags: george w. bush al gore 2000 election fraud voter disenfranchisement congress senate coup

                          YouTube - congress objects to W.Bush but Gore+Senate won't support it



                          • This scandal should move Audit The FED forward, but will it? There are still only 31 of 100 senators who have been willing to cosponsor the "Federal Reserve Sunshine Act."


                            Go to the website link found below, and contact your senators to tell them you expect them to get onboard this effort to Audit The FED."

                            Audit the Fed
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Council of Governors

                              Good example of “what’s their name”-commune.
                              In the III-part-movie “Matrix”, "Zion" battles the Machines.



                              • Hijack

                                This thread is going off course. Interesting, however to take back this world since its beyond any border or limit. Will require a brotherhood of humanity. To defeat the world machine will take absolute love peace and unity of decent people...
                                Its been tried befor. Your actual results may vary.
                                "But ye shall receive power..."
                                Acts 1:8

