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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    I understand your concern, Glen, and support your efforts at fighting this problem. But the last 5 words in the above quote, "something has to be done," as a call for government action, has been used over and over again throughout the history of our nation to allow the Ruling Class elite to further their agenda of total control over the states and the People. You recognize that government, and the political parties which comprise government, are probably the worst offenders when it comes to subliminals used to shape public opinion. Therefore, why would we ask government to regulate themselves, when we know they would not? Like so many laws now on the books, they may sound like good ideas and make it look like government is bound to abide by them, but it is all just words on paper. When it comes right down to following those laws, government administrations, government agencies, and political parties, hold themselves above the law. So I believe that enacting any such law regarding subliminals would be more or less meaningless, and in my opinion would only result in a huge government power grab over every facet of communications and audio/visual presentations, under the guise of "protecting" us.

    I would think that subliminals are most effective when used upon people who never developed their own firm beliefs and ethics, and instead were shaped in their convictions consciously by public education, media, and the circumstances of their personal environment. Thus, I'm not very concerned with the prospect that my own head could be turned around through exposure to subliminals, but I can see that the perhaps 75% or more of the population which represents the "sheeple" are the ones to be concerned with. And because this large group has already been shaped and molded to think as the Ruling Class would have them think and act, then what is the answer to undoing the damage already done? Would the answer be to expose them to new subliminals which convey positive themes and images while exposing the Ruling Class agenda for what it is, and which would turn this generation of sheeple into caring, kind, and intelligent beings? The current crop of sheeple have been so thoroughly and consciously indoctrinated to believe that the Ruling Class agenda is proper and acceptable as their way of life that perhaps the only way the errors in their thought processes could be positively altered would be through subconsciously processed subliminals. That's certainly something to think about, as it presents just one more dilemma - that reshaping public perception and repairing the damage would be left up to whom?
    Hi Rick, Thank you and the others for the support on the ultimate banning of subliminal messages or stimuli being used on the American citizens in live and recorded media. My concern is the same as yours on what types of laws the implication and enforcement of any kind of legislation proposed to our elected congressional leaders/followers. As mad scientist mentioned in a earlier posting that legislation's has been introduced since 1985 and has set not even brought to the floor of the houses for debate and have died in committee in some desk drawer. The problem with our legislators is in the same scope as "insider trading" they were privy to without the general US population being aware of it happening and until their golden cow was exposed and the population outcry all executive and legislative branches profited by their own rules, which can also be said with subliminal messages or stimuli.

    The "BAN" of subliminal messages or stimuli or if you like the term regulation would be as if one shooting a bald eagle or using dynamite to go fishing with complete no tolerance, hefty fines at a minimum. If the technique of subliminal messages or stimuli used in live or recorded media is 100% banned the term regulation meaning you can do something under certain circumstances is mute, because it cant be done in any shape or form at all.

    As for reshaping public perception and repairing the damage is impossible from my standpoint, only the protection from banning can alleviate "more" damage to the American citizens and population.

    The idea of making subliminal messages or stimuli to counter the effect even though it's extremely easy with a JVC SR-VS30U fire wire DV/S-VHS digital recorder player and editing software, which I have now and done years ago, but today refuse to exploit this because of it being a deceptive practice to use this tactic on anyone without their knowledge of it and is an invasion of privacy.

    My biggest fears of it's use is possibly transpiring in front of our eyes today with Video Games as one product with "ZERO" laws or regulations on subliminal messages or stimuli ? Are we waiting for lines of naked people similar to cows going to a milking parlor but with everyone having a bic lighter in one hand and a can of gas in the other, standing in front of a FEMA camp ??

    I'm positive the American public is not aware and would be unsure what to do on the usage of subliminal messages or stimuli or how to "BAN" it because of the fear of the US government whom work for the American public. The usage of this technique by the government must be justified somehow by them as national security crowd control effort which is nothing more than "mind control" and "brain washing", how can anyone really justify this in any form is beyond me.

    I personally refuse any US Government, private, manufactures, political parties, labor unions, groups and organizations ideological ideas or beliefs unless it's through my own "thinking" not someone else's subconsciously planted thoughts.

    Any help from you Rick or any other member here on how to accomplish the goal of a total 100% "BAN" of subliminal messages or stimuli please don't hesitate to post or contact me.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-15-2013, 10:28 AM. Reason: spelling
    Open Source Experimentalist
    Open Source Research and Development


    • Glen,

      You've obviously studied subliminal 'messaging' extensively, and I confess i have NOT, just familiar with the term, and the basic idea. My impression, which could well be wrong, is that your NOT going to get someone to 'march naked into a FEMA camp, holding a gas can and a bic lighter', or commit suicide, or murder the family they love, etc. using subliminal messages.
      That its more,...subtle than that. Back when they put messages in movie trailers, everyone in the audience didn't immediately head to the concession stands to buy a coke, right? And someone who didn't like coke, or who was a diabetic, wouldn't feel COMPELLED to buy a coke, anyway.
      My question is, are their any studies measuring the 'limits' or effectiveness of S.M.? How far can you go towards 'pursuading' someone to do something they otherwise wouldn't do? Any info along these lines would be 'good to know'. Not asking for 'references' or extensive details, just a 'general idea'.Thanks, Jim


      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        You've obviously studied subliminal 'messaging' extensively, and I confess i have NOT, just familiar with the term, and the basic idea. My impression, which could well be wrong, is that your NOT going to get someone to 'march naked into a FEMA camp, holding a gas can and a bic lighter', or commit suicide, or murder the family they love, etc. using subliminal messages.
        That its more,...subtle than that. Back when they put messages in movie trailers, everyone in the audience didn't immediately head to the concession stands to buy a coke, right? And someone who didn't like coke, or who was a diabetic, wouldn't feel COMPELLED to buy a coke, anyway.
        My question is, are their any studies measuring the 'limits' or effectiveness of S.M.? How far can you go towards 'pursuading' someone to do something they otherwise wouldn't do? Any info along these lines would be 'good to know'. Not asking for 'references' or extensive details, just a 'general idea'.Thanks, Jim
        Hi Jim,

        The use and research of the earliest studies of subliminal stimulation were by Poetzl (1917) and later by Fisher (1954), who exposed individuals to visual stimuli that were below the level of perceptual awareness. The techniques because of the advancement in electronic components to produce these subliminal messages or stimuli productions has drastically improved. The work I did years ago in several videos had very compelling results especially from one that was a popular movie, modified with hundreds of images imbedded of toilets and urinals, the results were outstanding. The topic is very subjective so here is a host of "links" of the pros and cons of research related to subliminal stimulation to which most is older but being aware that a lot has been unfortunately restricted or omitted from search engine results. The push from several groups and organizations on the sounds and words are protected by the First Amendment has been a stumbling block for enforcement on a complete ban on subliminal messages or stimuli. ( The Operational Potential of Subliminal Perception )

        PARAMETERS, US Army War College Quarterly - Spring 1998 ( The mind has no firewall ) ( Subliminal conditioning of attitudes ) ( How a publicity blitz created the myth of subliminal advertising ) ( Is there an effect of subliminal messages in music on choice behavior )

        The New Unconscious - Google Books ( The power of the subliminal: On subliminal persuasion and other potential applications )

        Scientific Approaches to Consciousness - Jonathan D. Cohen - Google Books ( Do subliminal stimuli enter the mind unnoticed? Tests with a new method )

        Applying Social Cognition To Consumer-Focused Strategy - Jacques Nantel - Google Books ( Subliminal priming and persuasion: How motivation affects the activation of goals and the persuasiveness of messages )

        Interlanguage Pragmatics - Gabriele Kasper, Shoshana Blum-Kulka - Google Books ( Consciousness, learning and interlanguage pragmatics )

        JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie ( Subliminal Advertising: What You See Is What You Get )

        JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie ( The Effects of Stimulation on Drive Level and Brand Preference )

        JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie ( Subliminal Messages: Changes for the Better? )

        JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie ( Subliminal stimulation: Some new data and interpretation )

        JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie ( Losing consciousness: Automatic influences on consumer judgment, behavior, and motivation )

        JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie ( Effect of archetypal embeds on feelings: An indirect route to affecting attitudes? )

        CSI | Subliminal Perception: Facts and Fallacies ( Subliminal perception: Facts and fallacies )

        A Televised Test of Subliminal Persuasion ( A televised test of subliminal persuasion )

        An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie ( Subliminal psychodynamic activation: Mommy and I are not yet one )

        11 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 1982-1983 First Amendment Dialogue and Subliminal Messages Note ( First Amendment Dialogue and Subliminal Messages ) ( Effects of subliminal oneness stimuli in Hebrew on academic performance of Israeli high school students )

        Open Source Experimentalist
        Open Source Research and Development


        • More about Sandy Hook

          Today a friend sent me a link to a 30 minute Internet video which goes into some details about the Sandy Hook incident that I was not aware of. I thought that we had pretty well covered everything here, and indeed much, but not all, of what we discussed is found in the video, but a few new items of significance are also shown. One is the fact that when the police brought the man back from the woods who had been cornered and handcuffed, they placed him in the front seat of the police cruiser. Suspects are always put in the back, where a cage separates them from the police officers. Therefore, he wasn't a suspect, but what changed just minutes after he was cornered and arrested? This stinks of a high level government operative showing the state police his ID, and an even higher level government official telling the state police to drop their suspicions.

          Another interesting tidbit is that a woman named Sally Cox, and said to have been the Sandy Hook school nurse, doesn't show up on any Connecticut nurse registry. And it was Sally who told a reporter that Adam Lanza's mother was a kindergarten teacher at the school, which later proved to be untrue.

          In another sequence, a man supposedly living in the neighborhood invites a reporter into his home to show him where children, dropped off from a school bus outside his home after the "shootings" were invited by him to come inside his home. His story is quite far fetched, and it turns out that he is a member of the Screen Actors Guild, so that's not surprising. If you have the time, check out the video yourself. I'd prefer that the producer had entirely left the music out, as it adds nothing and actually detracts from any spoken words, but overall the video does present some very valid questions.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Is Obama a tyrant?

            I know another petition. But how else can we let are feelings be heard, when things like this are going on almost everyday?
            It is for my children and grandchildren that I ask you to sign this.
   - Tell Obama to Cease FDA Ties to Monsanto

            Petition Statement
            President Obama, I oppose your appointment of Michael Taylor, a former VP and lobbyist for Monsanto, the widely criticized genetically modified (GM) food multinational, as senior advisor to the commissioner at the FDA. Taylor is the same person who as a high-ranking official at the FDA in the 1990s promoted allowing genetically modified organisms into the U.S. food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is a travesty.

            In my thinking this appointment is no less than tyrannical, serving only the medical and pharmaceutical fat cats, and of course the ruling elite.

            Should this man (of all men) be by-way of appointment allowed to advise the commissioner of the FDA? I THINK NOT!!!!

            Please take the time to sign this.

            and I thank you, Gene

            As an after thought: I feel this is an outright blatant attempt to make me and all people sick, and a big step toward depopulation.
            Last edited by gene gene; 01-16-2013, 02:48 PM.


            • Rick

              I have seen, and 'know' of other instances where the Police have placed a person, handcuffed, in the passenger front seat of a 'crusier', before.

              I'm not sure exactly what the 'official' policy, or reason is for this. Presumably they do this when they have a need to 'hold' the person, at least for a short time, but percieve they are no 'threat', and there is no risk they are going to attempt to steal the cruiser and escape, or whatever.

              Perhaps sometimes it might even be for the persons own safety; or simply to 'secure the scene', I don't know. 'Scenes' can be very chaotic places, sometimes. I was one one scene, it was an auto accident that occurred around 4:00 p.m., and there was a large crowd; a male driver, in his 20's, driving a full size pick up, had rear ended a small passenger car, with Mom driving, Dad in front passenger seat, and 2 small children in child seats in the back, at a 'high rate of speed'. Both the children were ejected, child seat and all, out the rear window, and 'landed' some 70 feet from the point of impact.
              Mother died of chest compression from the steering wheel. I child died at the scene, the other was AFU'd (for life), and Father had major head injuries.

              Anyway, the Police rushed the young (drunk) driver away from the scene, without any medical care first, because A), he 'appeared' to have no serious injuries, and B), if they hadn't, they were pretty sure the large 'mob' that had appeared was going to 'mob him to death! People were REALLY upset.Oh, when they took him out of the truck, a bunch of beer cans fell out, and he was obviously drunk.

              The 'DRAMA' of this scene was painfully apperent to everyone, as it 'played out' in full view; this drunk young man had destroyed this family, in an instant; emotions, even for us 'profesionals' were stong, and raw!

              I don't think they put him in the front, just trying to make the point; many of these 'scenes' are very chaotic places, and when we calmly look at what went on, after the fact, its easy to draw erroneous conclusions, see sinister behavior, etc.

              Perhaps 'the man' had co-operated fully, with no resistance. He had provided I.D., and given a fully logical and believable legitimate reason for being 'in the woods', and the officers had detirmed he had NOTHING to do with the shooting. As 'standard procedure', they 'ran his name' to insure he had no 'outstanding warrants', and were prepared to release him, assuming the 'check' for outstanding warrants came back negative? Something like that,,....?

              Having been on the scene of auto accidents, shooting incidents, a plane crash, etc, in an 'official' capacity (working on ambulances as an EMT and IEMT), no scene EVER goes 'by the book'; you never full 'control' the scene.

              I hate to think what it must have been like, at any of these 'mass-shootings', but I'm sure 'chaotic' is an understatement. Its been reported that the officer who 'apprehended' the Aurora shooter, initially mistook him for a Law enforcement officer. It was the shooters CALM demeanor, which made him stand out, and caused the officer to realise he was NOT a law enforcement officer; in other words, all the officers were somewhat 'freaked out', nervous, whatever, and he was not.

              Not 'dismissing' anything your saying. The News media gets an "F" for ALL their coverage of the 'Sandy Hook' shooting; the rush to 'publish' unconfirmed reports, the back to back, wall to wall coverage, the constant focus on the 'suffering' caused, was as shameful as the glee with which Gun control advocates jumped on it, as a 'finally, THIS will galvanise public opinion, so we can pass the ligislation we've long been advocating', (which has NOTHING to do with 'Sandy hook', or ANY of these 'rage' shootings!)

              Overall, the whole thing is just disgusting.Jim
              Last edited by dutchdivco; 01-16-2013, 04:01 PM.


              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                Perhaps 'the man' had cooperated fully, with no resistance. He had provided I.D., and given a fully logical and believable legitimate reason for being 'in the woods,' and the officers had determined he had NOTHING to do with the shooting. As 'standard procedure,' they 'ran his name' to insure he had no 'outstanding warrants,' and were prepared to release him, assuming the 'check' for outstanding warrants came back negative? Something like that....?
                First of all, Jim, the man wasn't just in the woods, like someone out for a walk. I saw, and gave a link to, video showing officers chasing the man from the side of the school out into the woods. He was on the run, and trying to evade being captured. Finally he was forced to lay on the ground with perhaps a half dozen officers surrounding him. They arrested and handcuffed him, and brought him back to the police cruiser, where he was seen sitting in the front seat. Jim, when it is reported that there has been a shooting in which 26 victims are said to have been killed, and a prime suspect has just been apprehended attempting to escape the scene, the police don't just take the runner's word for anything. After thoroughly searching him for weapons, they would put him in the back where he can do no harm to himself or the officers, and take him to their headquarters to undergo extensive grilling lasting perhaps several hours. At the very least, he would have been charged with failing to obey police commands to halt, and/or attempting to evade capture. I mean, really Jim, even if the guy could somehow prove his innocence later on, such actions on his part paint him as a perpetrator, or at least as the perp's accomplice. No officer in his right mind would give the man the benefit of the doubt under these circumstances, no matter what his explanation was - unless, of course, he could prove he was a G-man with high level connections.
                Last edited by rickoff; 01-17-2013, 01:42 AM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Well, it's official now. Barry today signed 23 executive orders involving gun control initiatives, and now he's telling Congress that they need to go even further than he did. And unless Congress overturns his orders, there goes the Second Amendment and the Constitution. Did any of you readers vote for Barry in 2008 or 2012? If so, you must be damning the day you made that decision.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Subliminal Messages or Stimuli

                    Howdy Rick, members and guests,

                    I'm a little confused and somewhat disappointed at the present results of the quantity of signers to my Petition to "BAN" Subliminal Messages or Stimuli everywhere in a LIVE or RECORDED setting and just not for SALES of products but for everything. The stumbling blocks are enormous from the "First Amendment" Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."and now the quantity of signatures required for a "White House" petition to meet the signature threshold, to be reviewed by the Administration and issue a response has changed "TODAY" from 25,000 to 100,000 signatures.

                    This subject I have covered before in 2008 from information derived from work of others and myself to better understand where and how "Subliminal Messages or Stimuli" was being used. Then I was saying the same thing but using a specific subject to make the point of the findings bringing them to the open source community loosing friends and associates from attacks by shills and sock puppets, thankfully this hasn't happened again here at Energetic Forum yet.

                    911 , a short clip [ Reply #50 on: September 01, 2008, 05:11:14 PM ]
                    911 , a short clip [ Reply #79 on: September 05, 2008, 11:29:47 AM ]
                    911 , a short clip [ Reply #83 on: September 05, 2008, 07:40:08 PM ]

                    My point being that when Subliminal Messages or Stimuli was a problem years ago using three (3) to five (5) minute "movie trailers" was done on 16mm or 32mm film with cutting and taping clips into the cellulose film adding sound and coping the film again for theaters. Then came the 1980's analog/digital age of DV SVHS/VHS or 3/4" broadcast tape "edit decks" with no physical cutting and taping but electronic cut and paste for images to a finished product not even having to mess with the audio portion like in film media. This new process to make a production of media with Subliminal Messages or Stimuli now doesn't need a professional but just the equipment and software with a little knowledge it's a done deal, and not for three to five minutes but for hours.

                    If the "First Amendment" rights are this important for everyone to justify protection on non-commence ideological ideas or beliefs added subliminal messages or stimuli to LIVE or RECORDED media and just not for SALES of products and services ..... maybe I'm doing the wrong thing and should reconsider my beliefs of it being a deceptive practice to use this tactic on one without their knowledge of it and as an invasion of privacy.

                    I'm not sure what to do now
                    Open Source Experimentalist
                    Open Source Research and Development


                    • Originally posted by rickoff
                      Did any of you readers vote for Barry in 2008 or 2012? If so, you must be damning the day you made that decision.
                      I was shocked he was re-elected.
                      Either the voter fraud really is as bad as you've spoken of,
                      or (equally as bad) most people think Obama's socialistic nanny state policies are what america needs.

                      I have a solution. There is something we can do to prevent ALL mass shootings, in fact no one will ever be murdered again.
                      All we need to do is lock everyone in government cells. You wont be free...but'll be safe!


                      • "Pro-Gun Activist"

                        Archie Bunker on Gun Control and terrorism - YouTube



                        • Window Poster

                          Howdy Rick, members and guests,

                          For those whom don't agree with the "Second Amendment" A well rounded militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED !!!

                          Share and window mount with "PRIDE" .......

                          [ ]

                          Open Source Experimentalist
                          Open Source Research and Development


                          • Sorry, Rick

                            As I have posted before, I don't watch video's, off the I-net, (or anywhere else) on my computer. The recent news reports of a 'problem' with JAVA, which could allow someone to 'take over' someones computer, AND the recent posts about subliminal messaging, reinforce my decision. So, I didn't watch the video of 'the man'.
                            Frankly, I'm not at all sure what went on at Sandy Hook, or that 'we' can figure it out.

                            Glen, I DO think you make a very valid point, that there is a very glaring 'loophole', in ONLY prohibiting SM when its being used to 'sell' a product, not when its being used to 'sell' an idea or belief or whatever. And if its 'illegal' to use it for 'selling' a product, and THATS not a violation of free speech, seems like expanding such laws, to include non-commercial messaging should also be Constitutional. How to 'arrouse' the Sheeple, about this issue, is the same problem as with many other issues discussed in this forum; too many people are still 'asleep', and focused on their daily lives.

                            On 'Executive orders', I'm not frankly sure exactly what the constitutional limitations are on such orders, or their 'origin and history', but I'm pretty sure the limits have been getting stretched for some time, and O'bummer isn't the first. Seems like in recent years, each president sretches the limits further.

                            Personally, I kind of like "From my cold, dead fingers" (or hands, take your pick). And, recently saw a more subtle "2A", as in showing support for the
                            2nd amendment. Kind of short and sweet. Jim


                            • When was the last time that the Federal Reserve was audited? How about our politicians, have they been audited before ?? Sounds to me that we all should look for the money trail first. I'm sure we'll find the reasons to all our problems, at least, in the last 10-20 years.


                              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

                                Glen, I DO think you make a very valid point, that there is a very glaring 'loophole', in ONLY prohibiting SM when its being used to 'sell' a product, not when its being used to 'sell' an idea or belief or whatever. And if its 'illegal' to use it for 'selling' a product, and THATS not a violation of free speech, seems like expanding such laws, to include non-commercial messaging should also be Constitutional. How to 'arrouse' the Sheeple, about this issue, is the same problem as with many other issues discussed in this forum; too many people are still 'asleep', and focused on their daily lives.

                                Hi Jim, Thanks for the support it's been a long road for me to bring this to everyone's attention, the stumbling blocks are everywhere and many ears listening are fearful of repercussions from those holding power above us. This is a worthy cause one worth pursuing, but the walls are thick and strong and it's finding that weak spot to make them fall, without getting hurt in the process.

                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

