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The American Ruling Class

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  • Glen

    One thought occurs to me; Have you been able to 'catch' anyone, using SM for 'political', or other non-commercial purposes? (Sorry if you've covered this in previous posts). After all, as you've pointed out, its NOT 'against the law', and, once they 'Do it', the evidence is out there for all to see. Sounds like you have the knowledge, expertise, etc. to 'reveal' such SM, and 'expose' what they are doing.
    Of coarse, 'they' would try to discredit you, saying you 'faked' it, etc. You run across the same 'discrediting' argument as many; being labeled 'crazy', or paranoid, etc. Just like Floride in water, GMO foods, etc.
    And unfortunately, many 'sheeple' just feel they are 'too busy' going about their daily lives, etc. Until, that is, THEY get obviously and painfully SCREWED, as in the recent 'financial crises', THEN they cry foul, and can't understand why nothing really does any good!

    TPTB 'chip away' at our liberties, freedoms, etc. a little at a time, and use ALL these techniques, discredit as crazy, fostering ignorance in the populace, offering 'security' in exchange for a 'little' liberty, etc. Its 'erosion'; remember the Grand Canyon was created this way; one pebble at a time. Try not to get too discouraged, at not getting more of a responce, and keep being a 'lone voice in the wilderness', we NEED such voices, even if we don't listen to them! Jim


    • A teacher goes around her class asking each of the kids, "What can you think of that you need at home, but don't already have?

      Joey says "A computer." The teacher replies, "That would be very useful."

      Kimmy says "A new lawn mower." and gets a similar response from the teacher.

      Little Johnny pops up and says, "At my house we don't need anything!"

      The teacher asks him to think again carefully, as everybody needs something.

      Little Johnny replies, "No, I'm very sure that we don't need any more things than what we already have at home. When Obama was re-elected, I remember my dad saying, 'Well, that's the last f***ing thing we needed!"

      Barry's 23 executive orders to unilaterally attack 2nd Amendment rights was just an opening volley in his plan to gut the Constitution. He wants Congress to enact several tough anti-gun laws, and Congress may just oblige. In the House, majority leader Boehner seems ready to make some more dirty deals with the White House, and in the Senate, majority leader Harry Reid (a.k.a. "Dirty Harry") is pushing to gut the filibuster rules. Currently, the filibuster is the only tactic that a conscientious Senator, such as Rand Paul, can use to fight against the passage of unjust and unconstitutional legislation. If a senator invokes the filibuster then that automatically requires a 2/3 senate majority vote (67 votes) to pass the proposed legislation, but Dirty Harry wants to hold a senate vote to either reduce that requirement to a simple majority of just 51 votes, or to only allow the Senate leadership in both parties to invoke a filibuster. If Dirty Harry gets away with this then every one of Barry's Constitution shredding agenda items that comes up for a vote in the Senate will be be approved by the Democrat majority. Although they probably won't give a darn what we think of this, we need to contact our senators and demand that they thwart any such plan by Dirty Harry to gut the filibuster. Don't delay, because it looks as though Dirty Harry will be pushing for a vote on his proposal at the earliest possible date and time.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • I ran across many of these devil worship hand signs in photos while researching the Sandy Hook incident, and of course it is not just the kids doing this. At 5:22 in the video, where Victoria Soto is shown up close in an outdoor setting, you see a man in the background looking directly at whoever took the picture and unmistakably using this hand sign. That was one of the photos I had seen earlier, and to me it implied that Soto was at least involved with people belonging to a satanic cult, if not one of its members. My belief is that Soto was just an actress in this scam. She was young and had a pretty face, so was the ideal person to present to the public as being a heroic teacher who died while protecting the children. I doubt that she has any teaching credentials or that she was a teacher at Sandy Hook, because her name did not appear on the faculty list at the school's website.

        Speaking of school faculty, we've all heard how the Sandy Hook principal, Dawn Hochsprung, attempted to stop the shooter, and was killed. But take a look at this video, which shows the local Newtown newspaper, called the The Newtown Bee, reported on December 14th that, "Sandy Hook School principal Dawn Hochsprung told The Bee that a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting..."

        Incidentally, since the above video appeared, The Newtown Bee rearranged the content of their story to leave out the above quoted words, and the Google cached article which the video speaks of and shows no longer exists. You just get the following Google error message:

        The requested URL /search? School+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

        Yeah, right.

        To me, what is even way more telling than any of the above information is what is shown towards the end of the video. An article appearing in Yahoo Finance on October 31, 2012, a month and a half before the Sandy Hook incident, advertises the fact that, " A new group of actors is now available nationwide for active shooter drills and mall shooting full-scale exercises, announced Visionbox, Denver's leading professional actors studio. Visionbox Crisis Actors are trained in criminal and victim behavior, and bring intense realism to simulated mass casualty incidents in public places. The actors' stage acting experience, ranging from Shakespeare to contemporary American theater, enables them to 'stay in character' throughout an exercise, and improvise scenes of extreme stress while strictly following official exercise scenarios."

        Right after this Crisis Actors story went viral, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper used his 360 Degrees show to "debunk" conspiracy theorists who connected the dots between Crisis Actors and the Sandy Hook incident. Right on, Anderson. As George W Bush said, "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories...." Funny, isn't it, howthe media stories, and the "official" story always seem to be way more outrageous than what is reported by conspiracy theorists.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          One thought occurs to me; Have you been able to 'catch' anyone, using SM for 'political', or other non-commercial purposes? (Sorry if you've covered this in previous posts). After all, as you've pointed out, its NOT 'against the law', and, once they 'Do it', the evidence is out there for all to see. Sounds like you have the knowledge, expertise, etc. to 'reveal' such SM, and 'expose' what they are doing.
          Of coarse, 'they' would try to discredit you, saying you 'faked' it, etc. You run across the same 'discrediting' argument as many; being labeled 'crazy', or paranoid, etc. Just like Floride in water, GMO foods, etc.
          And unfortunately, many 'sheeple' just feel they are 'too busy' going about their daily lives, etc. Until, that is, THEY get obviously and painfully SCREWED, as in the recent 'financial crises', THEN they cry foul, and can't understand why nothing really does any good!

          TPTB 'chip away' at our liberties, freedoms, etc. a little at a time, and use ALL these techniques, discredit as crazy, fostering ignorance in the populace, offering 'security' in exchange for a 'little' liberty, etc. Its 'erosion'; remember the Grand Canyon was created this way; one pebble at a time. Try not to get too discouraged, at not getting more of a responce, and keep being a 'lone voice in the wilderness', we NEED such voices, even if we don't listen to them! Jim
          Hi Jim,

          I most certainly did back in 2008 on the 911 work that was done by friends and myself at the time with P2P (peer to peer) original copy video tapes that were available through torrent sites and a few DVD's available from web sites .....

          We were all accused of tampering with the videos and mysteriously they were taken down and the seeded copies went away, web site DVD's sales disappeared my friends got scared because some were found including myself through SPOKEO which at the time all of us didn't know this site even existed. I decided to work on another topic that was recorded by myself, the "Shock and Ah" offensive from the start of the bombing in Baghdad to the landing of GW Bush on the air craft carrier stating all major offensives for the Navy and Air Force was done, 28 days 24/7 using Direct TV and all the live news cycle events on all the news outlets available ..... ninety two (92) VHS LP tapes. As soon as I got negative responses from many of the news media outlets on using their "COPYRIGHTED" material in any way I stopped, to this day still have all the tapes waiting for some kind of production, but now having to strip (edit) all the banners and crawlers out to even be used.

          I'm trying to figure out how to do some of the current LIVE events using my HD/DV video tape recorder to avoid any copyright infringements and get back into this ASAP, but I'm still trying to figure out how not to be portrayed as a FRAUD and MANIPULATOR to further this banning agenda in a meaningful way .... somehow.

          In the mean time a Facebook friend "Vlad Aspel" posted a great YouTube video called Illuminati Subliminals or Ancient Archetypes? HD Docu: 'Symbolism in Logos' RedIceTV - YouTube its about a hour long but well worth the time.

          Open Source Experimentalist
          Open Source Research and Development


          • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
            I'm trying to figure out how to do some of the current LIVE events using my HD/DV video tape recorder to avoid any copyright infringements....
            How about invoking the "fair use" clause? Those who were able to get away with using mainstream media clips in their 9/11 videos used this method successfully. Look at "In Plane sight," and "Loose Change," as a couple of examples.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              How about invoking the "fair use" clause? Those who were able to get away with using mainstream media clips in their 9/11 videos used this method successfully. Look at "In Plane sight," and "Loose Change," as a couple of examples.
              Hi Rick,

              Thanks for the idea of using at the "fair use" because it's very complicating if I have to get permission to use each of the dozen or so sources that was taped from the United States and abroad. This recorded collection is of the first real time use of imbedded reporters and journalist, with lots of one time video clips shown throughout the troop movements from Kuwait to Baghdad. From the Fox news "Hummer" and Geraldo Rivera being removed for divulging his imbedded military position, arms caches from Korea, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan, chemical suits and atropine, banned equipment from Germany and France and the infamous run to the Baghdad Airport and Saddam's statesman Baghdad Bob ..... some good stuff for any video production project. The 911 project ended up to be quite the awaking in several ways and required to pause, change and rethink some things.

              Here's a little "Sheeple" image portraying Obama's refusal on upholding his oath to the constitution of the United States "Second Amendment" A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED ,and his obvious agenda on the systematic removal of all firearms from the United States citizens.

              Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-21-2013, 08:13 PM.
              Open Source Experimentalist
              Open Source Research and Development


              • This is a comment from The Daily Bell on an article about lying at the FED. I find it very interesting.

                "Call me a fool if you will but here is how I see it: the idea of The Internet Reformation as you aptly have coined it Anthony is what Marshall McLuan in his 1967 book "Understanding Media: Extensions of Man" would call - 1) A "Global Village" (which is a communication system - not an economic/financial or political system as the power elite would have it) and 2) "The medium is the message" - and we now know he was anticipating the evolution of the computer to the point where we can now confidently say: and that message is the internet. He goes on to clarify further by stating that a new technology creates a new envirionment and its content is the old medium(s) [books/TV/movies/magazines/histories [both honest attempts at chronolgy as well as those manipulated for mostly propaganda purposes] etc. etc.).

                So here is where us reformers can stop saying the rubber meets the road (mechanization)and say the electric meets the magnetic (automation/automatic). It is now made perfectly clear that the power elites are old. Their strategies are old. The patterns being recogized are opening eyes. Awakening curiosity to more honest-seeking and better questions. The weak underbellies of the elites are exposed (again, McLuan: IBM recognized the power of the computer was not its ability to mimic linear thinking like the Gutenberg Press allowed (in other words not the content of individual [written] data) - but pattern recognition within the accumulated data.

                The old boys are linear thinkers - i.e. literates - book readers. They read and write books so they can front run the public's perceptions by suggesting that to get smart we have to read (their books, of course), and to disseminate information through those readings (the underpinning mechanism used in state education systems (read: a patenting of humans [a poor attempt at a cloning of a sort]}). It is a long and laborious process. One that reqires long term thinking, and, to their credit, long term patience and planning.

                Their 100 year experiment (some would say longer if you trace back The House of the Red Shield {Rothschild in German} - and their cromnies (e.g. the recent melding of the Rockefellers and Rothschild fortunes [a despereate last ditch effort to counter the infowars, perhaps?) Yup. That house is done. Dead. Zombie-ed like their banks.

                Information now travels at the speed of electricity and has magnetic powers - thus, The Internet Reformation is a manifestation of the world wide web as the real New World Order. We are wearing our collective brains on our desktops - and we are engaged. That is the environment we all now live in. All the reasonable thinking that has been done over a couple of thousands is now in our electric brains - accessable at any time. The collective world voice of reason is emerging - and once it filters down to all 7 billion of us "little guys - the everyman" - look out!

                Marry that with the photo' of the earth from space - and you are immediately reborn into that Global Village (whether you want to be or not). And our board of wise elders have not allowed the tradition power elites a seat. Like Zombies they are dead - they just haven't enough sense to go lay down in the grave they've dug for themselves.

                The (divine right of) King(s) is dead! Long live the internet. It is a process reforming the global mind. And that mind is not hive-like in the "mob" sense. No - not at all. It is a group of individual thinkers in aggregate - And so, to the end I say: All the best, my brother and sister Global Villagers. And to you, a personal thanks, Anthony Wile - The Canadian Curator.


                • A bronze plaque hangs on the wall at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. On the plaque, one can read the words written by Walter Williams when he founded the Missouri School of Journalism more than a century ago. These words have become known, and adopted as, The Journalists Creed. Since the plaque is so prominently displayed at the National Press Club, you would think that The Journalists Creed is as important to journalists as the Hippocratic Oath is to doctors.

                  Here's what the Journalists Creed says:

                  I believe in the profession of Journalism. I believe that the public journal is a public trust; that all connected with it are, to the full measure of responsibility, trustees for the public; that all acceptance of lesser service than the public service is a betrayal of this trust. I believe that clear thinking, clear statement, accuracy and fairness are fundamental to good journalism. I believe that a journalist should write only what he holds in his heart to be true. I believe that suppression of the news, for any consideration other than the welfare of society, is indefensible. I believe that no one should write as a journalist what he would not say as a gentleman; that bribery by one's own pocket book is as much to be avoided as bribery by the pocketbook of another; that individual responsibility may not be escaped by pleading another's instructions or another's dividends. I believe that advertising, news and editorial columns should alike serve the best interests of readers; that a single standard of helpful truth and cleanness should prevail for all; that supreme test of good journalism is the measure of its public service. I believe that the journalism which succeeds the best-and best deserves success-fears God and honors man; is stoutly independent; unmoved by pride of opinion or greed of power; constructive, tolerant but never careless, self-controlled, patient, always respectful of its readers but always unafraid, is quickly indignant at injustice; is unswayed by the appeal of the privilege or the clamor of the mob; seeks to give every man a chance, and as far as law, an honest wage and recognition of human brotherhood can make it so, an equal chance; is profoundly patriotic while sincerely promoting international good will and cementing world-comradeship, is a journalism of humanity, of and for today's world.
                  On reading these words, we can't help but wonder if any of the journalists who have visited the National Press Club have ever taken the time to read them. It would certainly seem that even those who have read these words have not taken them to heart. Today, journalism has practically nothing to do with real news, or truthful reporting. Instead, journalists of today are Ruling Class puppets whose main purpose is shaping public perception, and suppression of news that would be embarrassing to the Ruling Class elites. As The Journalists Creed states, suppression of the news is indefensible, and this is without a doubt the most important ethic that a journalist should follow. And yet again and again we see journalists reporting half truths or lies, while either avoiding any mention of important and truthful revelations, or shaping public perception of those revelations as being nonsensical misinformation or tin hat conspiracy theories.

                  I think author Joel Gilbert had it right when he spoke of the failure of journalists to abide by The Journalists Creed, saying, "The Journalist's Creed is like the doctor's Hippocratic Oath, but for journalists. Imagine if all physicians chose to ignore the Hippocratic Oath. We'd all get sick. In this case, we are all becoming badly infected with Marxism."
                  Last edited by rickoff; 01-20-2013, 03:04 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Obviously we need to censor the internet because with it the sheeple can way too easily retrieve old information the PTP would much rather that we forget. Such as this speech by a previous senator.

                    (short pdf file)
                    Attached Files


                    • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                      Obviously we need to censor the internet because with it the sheeple can way too easily retrieve old information the PTP would much rather that we forget. Such as this speech by a previous senator.

                      (short pdf file)
                      I won't talk to people who are swayed by negative emotions, bear that in mind.

                      For the others.. Let's get along, I want to advance science, not fight.


                      • Federal Business Opportunities

                        Howdy Everyone,

                        Just saw a advertizement at the "Federal Business Opportunities" for the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration & Customs Enforcement for a 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and/or when maximum concealment is required.

                        "Federal Business Opportunities" - Personal Defense Weapons Solicitation

                        Personal Defense Weapons Solicitation
                        Solicitation Number: HSCEMS-12-R-00011
                        Agency: Department of Homeland Security
                        Office: Immigration & Customs Enforcement
                        Location: ICE-OAQ-MS


                        PART I – THE SCHEDULE



                        1.0 SCOPE

                        The scope of this contract is to provide a total of up to 7,000 5.56x45mm North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) personal defense weapons (PDW) throughout the life of this contract to numerous Department of Homeland Security components. This Statement of Work delineates performance criteria and testing to be used for the evaluation of the firearm.

                        3.0 REQUIREMENTS AND TESTING STANDARDS

                        3.1 General. DHS and its components have a requirement for a 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and/or when maximum concealment is required. Only one specific nomenclature firearm from each Contractor shall be submitted for solicitation testing and considered for contract award.

                        3.9.10 The action shall be capable of accepting all standard NATO STANAG 20 and 30 round M16 magazines (NSN 1005-00-921-5004) and Magpul 30 round PMAG (NSN 1005-01-576-5159). The magazine well shall be designed to allow easy insertion of a magazine.

                        3.21.2 The magazine shall have a capacity to hold thirty (30) 5.56x45mm NATO rounds.

                        4.0 VERIFICATION

                        4.18 Magazine. All samples submitted will be visually and physically examined to verify compliance. The magazine shall be capable of holding thirty (30) 5.56x45mm NATO rounds.


                        Personal Defense Weapon (PDW) - 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and/or when maximum concealment is required.

                        __________________________________________________ _______________

                        Ahhhhhhhh ....... Hmmmmm ....... Ironic isn’t it …. to swear on a Bible and actually mean a oath and believe it. Than to have a public official as Obama swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States which includes the “Second Amendment” A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Then Obama’s refusal on upholding his oath to enforce it. What part of the “Second Amendment” doesn’t Obama understand?? Can’t he even read and comprehend one single sentence ? At least if Mitt Romney would have sworn this on a bible you might just have believed him.

                        Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-21-2013, 08:12 PM.
                        Open Source Experimentalist
                        Open Source Research and Development


                        • Rick

                          Great story, about the kids at school; I nearly fell out of my chairl laughing! THANKS for that!
                          Dr.'s DON'T 'obey' or 'follow' the Hypocratic oath; just as Journalists don't 'follow' the Journalists 'creed'.
                          The 'original' Hypocratic oath forbid abortion; what part of "Firstly, Do No Harm" don't they understand?

                          (Mildly) confused, I have seen 'well-rounded' militia, several times. The other day, I would swear i had seen slightly different wording, but now can't find the source. (It was PROBABLY in the newspaper!)

                          Interestingly, there has been some talk on how finding someone who is potentially violent thru mental health is like a needle in a haystack, etc.

                          Actually, it seems ther is a whole body of solid research, going back over 20 years. The most comprehensive studies have been done by a team led by a William Walsh, and they have done numerous studies. They go into juvenile and adult 'incarceration facilities' and test inmates vitamin and mineral levels, and compare those with non-violent records with those with violent records, and with a non-criminal and non-violent control group. In particular, low levels of iron, particularly in young males, and a copper/zinc ratio with high copper to zinc has a direct correlation with violence; so much so that these researchers say they can accurately predict a subjects 'violence record', based simply on looking at their mineral levels.

                          Similar studies have been done on ADD, with similar eesults, and in cases of both ADD and violence, 'correcting'mineral levels in patients has 'corrected' or eliminated ADD, AND violence. And yet no one seems to be doing anything positive with this research. Coarse, its possible someone is spraying something in the air, or putting in the water, to CAUSE greater levels of violence OR ADD, but thats not what I would consider a positive application!

                          In particular, combining this research, along with the research i described in an earlier post, of the 'Marshmallow experiment', (which 'measures' impulse control) COULD go a LONG way towards focusing on people, instead of innanimate objects. Just a thought, but ain't holding my breath that anything will come of it! Jim


                          • Glen

                            " At least if Mitt Romney would have sworn this on a bible you might just have believed him."
                            No, I wouldn't have believed him, either. What part of "He's a POLITICIAN; you can always tell when he's lieing, cause his lips are moving" don't you understand? LOL, not trying to argue, and you did say 'might just'; I didn't and wouldn't believe anything Romoney, in particular, and politicians in general, say.
                            "If you LIKE your Insurance, and want to keep it, NOTHING will change"

                            If you make less than $250,000, your taxes won't change."

                            If your a 'legitimate' gun owner, you have nothing to fear fromus; we won't take away your guns!'

                            and on, and on,....They really DO think we are idiots, with poor memories,...



                            • Obama's SS# still might bring him down

                              How will they cover this up?

                              Alert! (Video) Obama Fake SS# Discovered. Will Break Obama One Day Before Inauguration. Spread This Good News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Obama

