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The American Ruling Class

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  • Well known and accomplished musician, Charlie Daniels, is also known for taking a stand against the Ruling Class agenda. He recently wrote a book titled Behold a Pale Horse:America's Last Chance, and has now produced a documentary movie of the same name. Here's a video trailer for that movie. Charlie also recorded a song of the same title, which is used in the soundtrack of his documentary movie. Charlie's book was written with the idea of educating the public as to what is really going on in America, and around the world. Nearly everyone can see that things are pretty screwed up in this time that we live in, but for the most part people don't take the time or do the research to discover why. Those who do wonder why are usually misled by media disinformation, political rhetoric, and the political blame game in which Democrats blame Republicans for all our problems, and visa versa. This leads to mass confusion, and division of the public into groups which oppose each other, while taking focus away from the true causative factors of our problems. What Charlie wants people to understand is that this mass confusion, division, and diversion of focus, is all part of the Ruling Class elite's plan to destroy our Republic and achieve world domination. Charlie's book, and his film, covers the same topics that we have discussed in this thread, and provides answers to the questions that people begin to ask when they begin to awaken to the understanding that something very wrong is going on, and has been going on that way for a long, long time. Charlie poses these common questions, among others, and then offers the answers to them:

    "Have you ever wondered why, no matter which political party is in power, nothing much meaningful ever seems to get done?

    Have you ever pondered the fact that in spite of the plentiful energy reserves in our nation, we continue to spend trillions of dollars buying oil from people who would like nothing better than to see America turned into a grease spot and blame our reticence to drill on a handful of environmental groups?

    Did you ever question why a gaggle of supposed public servants would vote for a multi-trillion-dollar piece of legislation they didn't even take the time to read?

    Why do some of the mineral-richest countries on Earth have the most destitute populations?

    Why are there politicians who are teflon as far as the media are concerned and others who resemble velcro when it comes to their coverage?

    Why, after 200 years of being a free and fiercely independent nation, would the U.S. even consider giving over our precious sovereignty to a corrupt anti-American, double-dealing bunch of losers like the United Nations?

    Why is our Southern border as porous as a colander, and why does it make sense to be able to vote without proper identification when you can't even check into a hotel room without it?

    Why would our money supply be determined by one man who can tighten up our currency or flood the world with cheap dollars that could trigger hyperinflation?"
    Charlie is a true patriot, and his prominence and popularity as a performer gives him the ability to reach out, and communicate the facts concerning the Ruling Class agenda, to a very large sector of the public. It's good to know we have people like Charlie Daniels on our side. Some of Charlie's music videos, such as Payback Time, for example, speak of government corruption and the dirty dealings that go on behind closed doors, away from public view. Perhaps the song that most people immediately associate with Charlie Daniels is The Devil Went Down to Georgia, and while that wasn't meant to be politically motivated, a relatively new spoof on the song, titled The Devil Went Down to Washington is all about Barry's usurpation of power. Sometimes Charlie does interviews, such as this one titled You Wanna Do Gun Control, Start With The DOJ!

    The most important thing that Charlie wants people to understand is that we cannot count on the very people in government who are responsible for the state our nation is in to fix what's wrong, that We The People are the ones who must set things straight, and that the time do do that is now, before all our rights and freedoms are forever lost.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Hi Gene,

      The name Harrison Bounel, and the connection to Barry, was first brought up in this thread by Aaron in may of 2011, where Aaron posted a link to the radio interview which has now become the basis of the above linked video. At the time, I thought that Harrison Bounel may have simply been a fictitious alias that Barry had developed just in case he had to disappear some day, because I was unable to find a Harrison J Bounel listed in the Social Security Death Index. Now that Bounel has been found listed in the 1940 US census as being 50 years old at that time, and that Bounel was known to have lived in Connecticut, the state where Barry's Social Security number was issued, in his later years, everything falls into place. The census data confirms that Bounel was born in Russia in 1890. Bounel was obviously living in the US in 1940, and it is said that records have been found indicating that Bounel was living here as early as 1910. Barry claims that the SS number issued to Bounel in 1977 is his own, but of course that is not even possible, since a SS number once having been issued is never reissued to another person. So it is obvious now that Barry didn't develop the name Harrison Bounel to use as an alias, and also quite clear that Barry's true name is not Harrison Bounel. The very fact that Harrison Bounel was not listed in the Social Security Death Index, points to the reason why Barry believed he could get away with stealing Bounel's Social Security number and claiming it as his own - that Bounel was never reported to the SS Administration as having died (or that he was reported to have died, but that the record of death was later wiped from the SS Death Index).

      The only problem with these revelations is that they were made public knowledge by lawyer Orly Taitz, which has pretty much ensured that Barry and his Obamites will race to ensure that anything and everything connected to Harrison Bounel is totally eradicated. Efforts to retrieve full SS Administration documentation concerning Bounel through FOIA requests has so far met a brick wall of opposition, and that shouldn't be the case for someone born in 1890 who is obviously deceased now. Bounel was already 87 in 1977 when his SS number was recorded, and he would be 123 years of age if alive today, but the SS administration won't release any information about Bounel unless someone can provide proof that Bounel actually is deceased. People are trying to find that proof, but if Barry and his Obamites have been successful in eradicating the paper trail then that proof will likely never come. We can only hope that will not be the case.

      The more I think about the Orly Taitz connection to Barry, I become increasingly doubtful that she is working to expose and dethrone Barry, as she claims, and tend to believe that all her efforts so far may have actually been aimed at providing shelter to Barry. All of her court actions against Barry have been quickly dismissed as being improperly filed, and so no evidence has ever been admitted. This, in turn, establishes legal precedent for the courts to turn down other actions against Barry that are filed by more responsible legal experts. Orly has made several publicly released allegations which were later proven to conflict with facts, and this unfortunately discredits both her and the entire "birther" movement. Orly has become a joke within the legal community, and that does not help in getting people to take Barry's fraudulent documentation seriously.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Simple. They will just ignore it. If the controlled MSM doesn't talk about it, then it obviously it must not exist.


        • Quotable quote of the day...

          "Fathom the Hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured, but not everyone must prove they are a citizen. And now, any of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens." - Ben Stein
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • SPIEGEL recently sat down with Church to discuss his new tome and
            the prospects for using synthetic biology to bring the Neanderthal back
            from exctinction as well as the idea of making humans resistant to all viruses.

            George Church Explains How DNA Will Be Construction Material of the Future - SPIEGEL ONLINE



            • Howdy everyone,

              Here are some links to some topics of interest ......

              The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) published data TABLE 20 - Murder by State, Types of Weapons, 2011
              ( FBI — Table 20 )

              Center for Disease Control (CDC) 10 Leading Causes of Injury Deaths by Age Group Highlighting "Violence Related" Injury Deaths, 2010
              ( )

              "Federal Business Opportunities" - Personal Defense Weapons Solicitation Department of Homeland Security
              ( )
              ( )


              NBC Today Show - "NO" RIFLES used in Newtown shooting, handguns only ( never retracted by NBC )
              ( Today Show - no rifles used in Newtown shooting. - YouTube )

              US Debt - Visualized in physical $100 bills ( personal favorite )
              ( US Debt - Visualized in physical $100 bills - YouTube )
              Federal Reserve Tells YouTube to Take Down Critical Video!!
              ( Federal Reserve Tells YouTube to Take Down Critical Video!! - YouTube )

              Lupe Fiasco Rails Obama at the 2013 Inauguration - MIB removed him from event ( MIB "First Amendment" Freedom of Speech Incident )
              ( Lupe Fiasco's Inauguration Fiasco - NowThis News )
              Lupe Fiasco performs at a Barack Obama inaugural event HD - Black and White Iphone ( MIB "First Amendment" Freedom of Speech Incident )
              ( Lupe Fiasco performs at a Barack Obama inaugural event HD - YouTube )

              US Army Preparing To Invade United States
              ( US Army Preparing To Invade United States - YouTube )

              Breaking: 1940 Census Confirms Obama Alias; Born In 1890
              ( Breaking: 1940 Census Confirms Obama Alias; Born In 1890 - YouTube )
              Obama's Social Security Number Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel "full interview"
              ( Obama's Social Security Number Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel - 5/18/11 - YouTube )

              Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-23-2013, 08:46 AM.
              Open Source Experimentalist
              Open Source Research and Development


              • Even with all the evidence of lies, corruption, and treason carried out by the government why do the American people continue to allow the government to control them and the country?
                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                • Did some reading, recently

                  On this whole 'gun control', and violence, 'issue', and found something,....interesting.

                  Despite what you MIGHT think, from media coverage, crime, and particularly VIOLENT crime 'statistics' in the U.S. have been going down, steadily and dramatically, for the last 10 years.

                  Scholars, researchers, etc. of all stripes and ideology have studied the #'s, to try to figure out 'WHY". Presumably, we are doing 'something right', and if we can figure out WHAT it is that we're doing 'right', we could make sure we KEEP doing it, or even do more, is the reasoning.

                  Anyway, about all the researchers can agree on, is that they can NOT, scientifically or definetly ascribe this drop in violent crime to any ONE thing.

                  They've looked at such things as Calif.'s '3 strikes' law, for example. But states without the law, or similar 'conviction rates' SEEM to have the same reductions, as an example.

                  So, the researchers agree there ISN'T any ONE thing thats responsible; that its 'probably' a cumulation of many different factors.

                  However, SOME have hypothesised that it MAY be due to increased access/availability to Birth control, including abortion; that less 'unwanted pregnancies results in less children growing up with inadequate guidance, even knowing/feeling unwanted/unloved, and therefore P.O'd at the whole world, and therefore likely to commit crimes.

                  Oh, and the ONE rate that has INCREASED steadily, has been the rates of suicide. So, maybe instead of trying to restrict access to guns, we should work to INCREASE access to birth control? Prevent them from being BORN, so they don't take themselves out, (and maybe others with them?), later on.

                  Personally, (and as a parent of 2 daughters) I would support implanting every girl at age 11 with an implant to prevent pregnancy, and not removing it till they are at least ,...I don't know, mid 20's? And, this isn't sexist; if there was a way to make young men unable to concieve, i'd be in favor of that, too, but there isn't. They DO have inplants for women, tho.

                  I KNOW, civil liberties, Gov't control, etc. Still, there is plenty of 'evidence' there are lots of people who shouldn't be having kids, who are.

                  Child Protective Services in most all states are overburdened and underfunded. Had a local story recently; a Mother of a 2 y.o. girl found a 'childcare provider' on Craigslist, dropped her kid off, and the only time she returned was to pay her bill.the kid was there, 24/7 for over 3 weeks! The only reason it made the News; the providers boyfriend was abusing the little girl, and she died. From her injuries, it was clear he had been abusing her from the outset, and the 'girlfriend' provider was aware. Finally, he, (a 200Lb man) 'accidentally' stepped on the girls chest, and she died.
                  IF SHE HADN'T DIED, this would still be going on. How many other children are being raised by 'childcare providers'? And how many are being abused by there own parents? We see stories like this all the time.

                  Anyway, we won't see much to address this, cause a 'right' to have kids, regardless of your age, temperment, mental capacity or ability to provide, financially or emotionally seems to be considered an inalienable and universal 'right'.

                  And 5150; its because they are sheeple; narrow minded and even more narrowly focused on the minute detrius of their individual lives, easily distracted, and even more individually overwhelmed. And, because this 10,000 y.o. 'experiment' in civilisation is a 'failure'; it just doesn't work!

                  The Peter principle applies to SPECIES, too! 'WE' have 'promoted' ourselves to our 'level of incompetence', and are working to undermine 'natural selection', by 'allowing' or even encouraging pollution of the gene pool; not talking race, here. We're 'allowing' those with 'detrimental' genetic traits to multiply, even though such traits are anti-survival, for the species.

                  Hence, greater and greater #'s of sociopaths, for example. In our modern, 'civilised' society, being a sociopath gives distinct traits which benefit the individual, and increase their chances of being able to reproduce offspring.However, such traits are NOT beneficial for species survival.

                  Ah, sorry,....'ranting' again.Anyway, hope everyone is surviving this 'flu'; I DIDN'T get the shot, and didn't get the Flu, despite that my wife DID get the shot, (and the 'flu), and my friend as well.;-) Jim


                  • A Little Gun History

                    In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

                    In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

                    Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million apposers who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

                    China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

                    Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

                    Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

                    Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

                    Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million. Every genocide in history has been preceded by civilian disarmament.
                    And some historical statistics:

                    99.9% of all guns in the United States have not been used in violent crimes.

                    99.8% of these guns have not been used in crimes at all.

                    Guns are used 4 times as often in self defense as in crime, and 98% of the time the gun is not even fired.

                    Only 1% of the time when a gun is used in self defense has a criminal taken the gun from a defender.

                    Only 4% of guns used in crimes were obtained legally.

                    After guns were banned in the UK, the armed robbery rate spiked to over 40% there, and 44% in Australia.

                    In 1982, Kennesaw Georgia passed a law that required heads of households to own a gun. From 1982 through 2012 there were only 4 murders in Kennesaw. Three of those murders happened in a "gun free school zone" where guns were forbidden.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • I was interested in seeing the questioning of Hillary today regarding the Benghazi incident, and did catch most of it. I must say that I am very disappointed that, from what I saw, no member of Congress brought up the fact that this was a seven hour attack, and no one asked why no forces were sent to defend the compound during that seven hour attack. Several other highly relevant questions remained unanswered too, such as who was present in the White House situation room during the attack, and why was General Hamm relieved of duty for attempting to provide defensive support to the US ambassador to Libya when the request for help was relayed to him. With the exception of Rand Paul, every person who spoke at the inquiry treated Hillie with kid gloves. Rand rightly stated that if he had been President he would have fired Hillie for her inexcusable negligence. No one, to my knowledge, questioned Barry's role in all of this, and probably never will.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Yeah, Rick

                        It was a 'sham' trial. They put up a 'show' of 'really grilling her', but avoided entirely many of the truly 'tough' questions. This, after she post-poned even appearing, by 'falling down' (wasn't it?) and getting a brain injury. Tail wagging dog?
                        And I saw talking heads commentating that Rand was 'out of line', and 'over the top', for saying what is common sense.i,e, 'fire the b*tch!'
                        There is NO accountability, and THATS the way they in D.C WANT it.

                        And now I see they aren't going to use the raising the credit limit to force REAL changes, reducing spending; no surprise there! Although I DO like the terms of the compromise; did you see Harry Reeds responce, it was fun to watch! Yeah, M.F., unless you Dems in the Senate actually PASS a budget, which is required by LAW, and which you have FAILED to do, for the last 3 years, YOU don't get payed! Good 'ploy', but also just sham, and smoke and mirrors.

                        To rely on Congress, dems and repubs, to actually reduce spending, is like relying on a heroin addict to go cold turkey, or something. Real change like that ONLY happens when forced by circumstances, to recognise that the change is less painful than continueing the old behavior. And,by the time THEY reach that point, and accept the need to change, it will be too late; kind of like the aforementioned addict, realising just as they are slipping into a coma, as a result of O.D.'ing.Jim


                        • Terrible "assault weapons"

                          If we think, the most annoying of all Obama's initiative - to ban "assault weapons" and store large capacity - totally illogical in every way.

                          What does the dreaded term "assault weapon"? In American parlance, he is used to denote the civil version of army rifles. That is, roughly speaking, is "neutered" version of the normal automatic rifles, unable to conduct automatic fire.

                          But the whole absurdity of Obama's fears right here and appears: not under conduct automatic weapons fire just ceases to be "assault." Moreover, in this version, it becomes much less convenient for a potential serial killer than his "less terrible" counterparts - a shotgun, a pistol or a sniper rifle. Long-barreled rifle opting 5.56mm pistol significantly inferior in weight and razvorotistosti at a passing fire, greatly inferior to semi-automatic or pump-action shotgun on the damaging effect on unprotected body armor targets, and is greatly inferior to the sniper rifle on the range and accuracy of fire.

                          For mass murder at close range pistol and shotgun definitely fit better, which was proved by experience during the notorious events in the school, "Columbine" - there killed 13 and wounded 37 people from two shotguns, a pistol and a short rifle pistol cartridge. Killer Cho Seung Hui killed 32 people from two pistols - "assault rifle" as it was not necessary.

                          So the ban on "assault weapons" in any way challenge the emergence of mass murderers not solve.

                          Checking and re-checking

                          Further, Obama demanded to increase the number of categories of people that are not allowed to own guns. There will include all who have had problems with the police or with psychiatrists. Does it hurt a potential serial killer?

                          Of course - NO! After Adam Lanza, the killer in the "Sandy Hook" simply took advantage of his mother's arms, and she was only a law-abiding citizen. Slayer School "Columbine" bought weapons from his friends. Timothy MakVey bombed the federal building in "Oklahoma City, do not bother with weapons and explosives used. Anders Breivik was also not seen in the offenses or mental disabilities.

                          In short, many examples show that guns in America (and not only) to get never a problem for anyone.

                          Banning weapons - a symptom of future reprisals

                          No matter how vague it may sound, most weapon ban comes when the government plans to introduce various unpopular measures and restrict civil liberties. So it was in the Soviet Union in 1929 and in Germany in 1938, in Uganda, Guatemala and Cambodia. And all of this repression followed - after the punitive organs can feel relatively calm and not be afraid of resistance.
                          In this context, very wary of seeming absurd Obama's initiative to ban "assault weapons" and, interestingly, the armor-piercing ammunition. It is clear that the random victim maniac unlikely to be wearing body armor, but the cops are always clothed. And the "assault" rifles, even in its semi-variant - the only weapon that allows you to somehow resist the regular army or police forces, thanks to high-speed bullets (including, and armor-piercing) and the range of fire of 300-400 meters. Of course, the lack of automatic fire - a significant disadvantage, but with pistols and shotguns, protected by armor of resisting police and soldiers to think nothing at all.
                          Should not a forced disarmament something more?


                          • Originally posted by alexstep2009 View Post
                            If we think, the most annoying of all Obama's initiative - to ban "assault weapons" and store large capacity - totally illogical in every way.
                            At Monday's inauguration of his second term, President Barack Obama will raise his right hand and place his left on not one, but two Bibles: One owned by Abraham Lincoln and the other by Martin Luther King Jr.

                            Adams, the son of President John Adams, was a religious man. But he chose to be sworn in with his hand on a book of U.S. laws. He wanted to demonstrate that he recognized a barrier between church and state and that his loyalty was to our nation's laws above all else.

                            Adams also refused to campaign for the presidency because he believed it was beneath the dignity of the office to make promises that might not be kept. Clearly, Adams was not a man who acted because of tradition alone. He had to truly believe in what he did.

                            The Founding Fathers made it clear that the U.S. Constitution, "...shall be the supreme law of the land." It is the living legacy they bestowed upon us. It is the framework for our government. And as such, that's the document our president should place his hand on.

                            Presidents should not swear in on a Bible -



                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              .Anyway, hope everyone is surviving this 'flu'; I DIDN'T get the shot, and didn't get the Flu, despite that my wife DID get the shot, (and the 'flu), and my friend as well.;-) Jim
                              Well not everyone, but talk about Poetic justice

                              CNN talking head gets flu shot from Dr. Oz while on air to “dispel” any myths about their safety and guess who then comes down with the flu.

                              » Piers Morgan Falls Ill Days After Receiving Flu Vaccine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

                              Ran across another one of those embarrassing little informational oops regarding the school shooting. According to Social Security records the shooter’s mother died on the 14th. yet her son, her murderer, is recorded as dieing on the 13th.


                              • Media Shills & Truther Errors

                                Howdy everyone,

                                There is one thing I hate most is misinformation put out to the internet that's sounds so much like the infamous MIB could or would do "unchecked". I'm not sure if those want to believe wrong doing looking for the truth or how all the media portrays their view point and for what reason it's done, but .......

                                Here is one that's been going around for some time ..... that's "WRONG"

                                Fellowship of the Minds | Conservatives who love America

                                Guide on how to talk to children about Sandy Hook 4 days BEFORE massacre | Fellowship of the Minds

                                BEFORE the massacre, here’s another pre-massacre document.

                                It’s a PDF document counseling parents and teachers across America how to talk to their children about the terrible shooting deaths of 20 children and 6 adults on the morning of December 14, 2012, in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The document, titled “Talking With Your Children/Students About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting,” is the work of an organization called Crisis Management Institute (CMI).

                                Based in Salem, Oregon, with just a P.O. Box address instead of a physical locale, Crisis Management Institute describes itself as follows:

                                “Our mission at CMI is to help schools prevent crisis for individuals as well as the whole school population, and to plan and prepare such that each small response mitigates the likelihood of a larger crisis growing out of the current situation. By providing solid foundational materials and cutting-edge online updates, we aim to give all schools a range of resources with which to face emerging challenges.”

                                Some of the “resources” CMI provides are short (1-2 pages) guides in PDF format posted on its website, such as “Talking With Your Children/Students About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting” (henceforth abbreviated as “Talking With…”) that you can read for yourself. You’ll see that the PDF document does not have a date for its creation.

                                ................................. snip

                                Crisis Management Institute | Crisis Training, Management and Prevention

                                Domain Name Lookup, Domain Whois | DomainTools

                                Created on..............: 1996-02-05 05:00:00 GMT
                                Expires on..............: 2017-02-06 05:00:00 GMT
                                Last modified on........: 2012-08-24 21:29:32 GMT

                                Brant Walsh
                                4255 Great Plains Dr NE
                                Salem, Oregon 97305
                                United States
                                Phone: +1.5034098406


                                "RIGHT" mouse click .... Document Properties

                                Title - Talking With Your Children About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting
                                Author - Cheri ( Crisis Management Institute (CMI) Blog - owner )
                                Created - 12/14/2012 9:56:07 PM ( never modified )

                                __________________________________________________ _______________

                                Well another sloppy job ..... so much for this now debunked theoretical conspiracy theory. All this does people is cloud the water and makes valid claims of wrong doing scoffed at and dismissed by the shills or unaware general public.

                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

