B.S, and MORE B.S!
"Law abiding gun owners have nothing to fear; we're NOT trying to take away your guns!",....(we just want a 'National Registry' of all gun owners, so,...er,.. we COULD take away your guns, sometime in the future, which, of coarse, we have NO intention of doing,...er,...)
NOTHING they are saying, including this, is 'aimed' at gun owners, of coarse. its aimed at A)People who FEAR guns, (and therefore support GC, and those who are the equivalent of 'swing voters'; they don't fear guns, but neither do they own them, or know much about them.
To THEM, the various blatant falshoods, about 'military STYLE assault weapons, so-called 'cop-killer bullets', large capacity magazines, limiting purchases of ammunition, etc. all SOUND reasonable.
And, unfortunatly, while the GC 'argument can be 'soundbited in 30 sec.s,...it takes more time to explain WHY what they are saying is false!
Caught 'Uncle Joe' Biden in an error, during his google 'chat'; he said "Of coarse, for instance, we don't allow 'ordinary citisens' to own fully automatic weapons",.....wonder if he's even aware that in fact, 'WE' (at least BATF) DO, in fact 'allow' 'ordinary citisens to own Class 3, i.e. 'fully automatic' weapons; you just have to pay a $200 tax, and undergo a 'background check'.
And, while I KNOW some, such as Rick, for instance, will have a different view, I can even see how this COULD be seen as a reasonable, practical application of Consitutional principles.
To wit, The Congress (apperently) has the authority to tax ANYTHING, (up to and including "looking at me in a funny way!"). Secondly, none of the rights is an 'absolute' right, (yelling "Fire" in crowded theater, etc.) But, generally, it is NOT the citisen, who must show they have a 'compelling need' to excercise their right, but the STATE that must show a 'Compelling' state interest, in restricting the right.
Once they detirmine that A) "YOU" are who you SAY you are, and B)That you aren't someone whom it has been detirmined the State has a 'compelling interest in NOT 'allowing' to have a fully auto weapon, (convicted felon, history of mentalillness, violent history whatever) then they have no reason to restrict your purchase.They DO ASK why you are purchasing the weapon, but weather you say "Collector", or "Because I just WANT one", as long as you 'pass' the background check, you will probably get your weapon.
Another way to put it would be to say that before the state CAN detirmine whether they HAVE a 'compelling' interest, they need to know who you are.
Anyway, I doubt very many of these 'reasonable' people in the middle KNOW that 'ordinary citisens', (perhaps their neighbors) may own fully auto weapons, or that a Gattling gun isn't considered 'fully auto', and so can be legally owned by anyone who can legally owned a gun?
Actually, there are about 1/2 the STATES which prohibit ownership of fully auto's, and 1/2 which do not.
Anyway, the ignorance of the masses is tremendous, and the Talking head Bozo's RELY on such ignorance, and will continue to rely on it, to further their agenda, AND to generate $. THEY talk about how the NRA is 'using' scare tactics to raise $ for lobbying to PREVENT legislation, but you can bet Schumer, Durbin, Fienstien etc, are using this to generate 'contributions'.
Accuse you 'opposition', of what you, yourself, are doing; yet another tactic.
Its certainly no coincidence that those who are the biggest 'advocates' of GC, are also the biggest 'advocates' of MORE Gov't, Bigger Gov't, more intrusive Gov't.Dictate what we eat and drink, cause we're not smart enough to make such decisions for ourselves, and on and on.
If we are disarmed, we cannot resist them, no matter HOW tyrranical their dictates.Jim
"Law abiding gun owners have nothing to fear; we're NOT trying to take away your guns!",....(we just want a 'National Registry' of all gun owners, so,...er,.. we COULD take away your guns, sometime in the future, which, of coarse, we have NO intention of doing,...er,...)
NOTHING they are saying, including this, is 'aimed' at gun owners, of coarse. its aimed at A)People who FEAR guns, (and therefore support GC, and those who are the equivalent of 'swing voters'; they don't fear guns, but neither do they own them, or know much about them.
To THEM, the various blatant falshoods, about 'military STYLE assault weapons, so-called 'cop-killer bullets', large capacity magazines, limiting purchases of ammunition, etc. all SOUND reasonable.
And, unfortunatly, while the GC 'argument can be 'soundbited in 30 sec.s,...it takes more time to explain WHY what they are saying is false!
Caught 'Uncle Joe' Biden in an error, during his google 'chat'; he said "Of coarse, for instance, we don't allow 'ordinary citisens' to own fully automatic weapons",.....wonder if he's even aware that in fact, 'WE' (at least BATF) DO, in fact 'allow' 'ordinary citisens to own Class 3, i.e. 'fully automatic' weapons; you just have to pay a $200 tax, and undergo a 'background check'.
And, while I KNOW some, such as Rick, for instance, will have a different view, I can even see how this COULD be seen as a reasonable, practical application of Consitutional principles.
To wit, The Congress (apperently) has the authority to tax ANYTHING, (up to and including "looking at me in a funny way!"). Secondly, none of the rights is an 'absolute' right, (yelling "Fire" in crowded theater, etc.) But, generally, it is NOT the citisen, who must show they have a 'compelling need' to excercise their right, but the STATE that must show a 'Compelling' state interest, in restricting the right.
Once they detirmine that A) "YOU" are who you SAY you are, and B)That you aren't someone whom it has been detirmined the State has a 'compelling interest in NOT 'allowing' to have a fully auto weapon, (convicted felon, history of mentalillness, violent history whatever) then they have no reason to restrict your purchase.They DO ASK why you are purchasing the weapon, but weather you say "Collector", or "Because I just WANT one", as long as you 'pass' the background check, you will probably get your weapon.
Another way to put it would be to say that before the state CAN detirmine whether they HAVE a 'compelling' interest, they need to know who you are.
Anyway, I doubt very many of these 'reasonable' people in the middle KNOW that 'ordinary citisens', (perhaps their neighbors) may own fully auto weapons, or that a Gattling gun isn't considered 'fully auto', and so can be legally owned by anyone who can legally owned a gun?
Actually, there are about 1/2 the STATES which prohibit ownership of fully auto's, and 1/2 which do not.
Anyway, the ignorance of the masses is tremendous, and the Talking head Bozo's RELY on such ignorance, and will continue to rely on it, to further their agenda, AND to generate $. THEY talk about how the NRA is 'using' scare tactics to raise $ for lobbying to PREVENT legislation, but you can bet Schumer, Durbin, Fienstien etc, are using this to generate 'contributions'.
Accuse you 'opposition', of what you, yourself, are doing; yet another tactic.
Its certainly no coincidence that those who are the biggest 'advocates' of GC, are also the biggest 'advocates' of MORE Gov't, Bigger Gov't, more intrusive Gov't.Dictate what we eat and drink, cause we're not smart enough to make such decisions for ourselves, and on and on.
If we are disarmed, we cannot resist them, no matter HOW tyrranical their dictates.Jim