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The American Ruling Class

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  • B.S, and MORE B.S!

    "Law abiding gun owners have nothing to fear; we're NOT trying to take away your guns!",....(we just want a 'National Registry' of all gun owners, so,,.. we COULD take away your guns, sometime in the future, which, of coarse, we have NO intention of doing,,...)

    NOTHING they are saying, including this, is 'aimed' at gun owners, of coarse. its aimed at A)People who FEAR guns, (and therefore support GC, and those who are the equivalent of 'swing voters'; they don't fear guns, but neither do they own them, or know much about them.

    To THEM, the various blatant falshoods, about 'military STYLE assault weapons, so-called 'cop-killer bullets', large capacity magazines, limiting purchases of ammunition, etc. all SOUND reasonable.

    And, unfortunatly, while the GC 'argument can be 'soundbited in 30 sec.s, takes more time to explain WHY what they are saying is false!

    Caught 'Uncle Joe' Biden in an error, during his google 'chat'; he said "Of coarse, for instance, we don't allow 'ordinary citisens' to own fully automatic weapons",.....wonder if he's even aware that in fact, 'WE' (at least BATF) DO, in fact 'allow' 'ordinary citisens to own Class 3, i.e. 'fully automatic' weapons; you just have to pay a $200 tax, and undergo a 'background check'.

    And, while I KNOW some, such as Rick, for instance, will have a different view, I can even see how this COULD be seen as a reasonable, practical application of Consitutional principles.

    To wit, The Congress (apperently) has the authority to tax ANYTHING, (up to and including "looking at me in a funny way!"). Secondly, none of the rights is an 'absolute' right, (yelling "Fire" in crowded theater, etc.) But, generally, it is NOT the citisen, who must show they have a 'compelling need' to excercise their right, but the STATE that must show a 'Compelling' state interest, in restricting the right.
    Once they detirmine that A) "YOU" are who you SAY you are, and B)That you aren't someone whom it has been detirmined the State has a 'compelling interest in NOT 'allowing' to have a fully auto weapon, (convicted felon, history of mentalillness, violent history whatever) then they have no reason to restrict your purchase.They DO ASK why you are purchasing the weapon, but weather you say "Collector", or "Because I just WANT one", as long as you 'pass' the background check, you will probably get your weapon.

    Another way to put it would be to say that before the state CAN detirmine whether they HAVE a 'compelling' interest, they need to know who you are.

    Anyway, I doubt very many of these 'reasonable' people in the middle KNOW that 'ordinary citisens', (perhaps their neighbors) may own fully auto weapons, or that a Gattling gun isn't considered 'fully auto', and so can be legally owned by anyone who can legally owned a gun?

    Actually, there are about 1/2 the STATES which prohibit ownership of fully auto's, and 1/2 which do not.

    Anyway, the ignorance of the masses is tremendous, and the Talking head Bozo's RELY on such ignorance, and will continue to rely on it, to further their agenda, AND to generate $. THEY talk about how the NRA is 'using' scare tactics to raise $ for lobbying to PREVENT legislation, but you can bet Schumer, Durbin, Fienstien etc, are using this to generate 'contributions'.
    Accuse you 'opposition', of what you, yourself, are doing; yet another tactic.

    Its certainly no coincidence that those who are the biggest 'advocates' of GC, are also the biggest 'advocates' of MORE Gov't, Bigger Gov't, more intrusive Gov't.Dictate what we eat and drink, cause we're not smart enough to make such decisions for ourselves, and on and on.

    If we are disarmed, we cannot resist them, no matter HOW tyrranical their dictates.Jim


    • A "letter to-the–editor", lets see if it makes it past their “editorial review”.

      I couldn’t help but laugh at the political cartoon in Saturday’s editorial page. The one depicting a typical macho hunter with his rifle and NRA patches standing next to his trophy heads of his congressmen. Obviously the intent of the writer was to say that this type of mentality is barbaric and unthinkable.

      However it is also quite apparent that that he has no knowledge of our history because if he did he would have known that this was exactly what the countries founders had intended. "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson.

      It was further stated that it was not only a right but the duty of the citizen to be armed and to be armed equal to the military. It was these individually armed citizens coming together that formed the militias and it was they who were ultimately in charge of defending our freedom not the government.

      To those who would willingly give up their rights with the expectation that government will protect them, well they could be in for a rude surprise.
      As Thomas Jefferson also said "A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have"

      This push to ban guns will not make us safer. Wherever they have been banned crime has gone up. Did prohibition get rid of alcohol? Have our drug laws cured the drug problem? Thus it is absurd to think more guns laws will somehow make us safer when all evidence is against it.


      • The fact that we as a nation are even considering banning guns, that alone tells you how much this country is not what it used to be. We are talking about non-automatic guns that seem to play no part in these mass shootings. They look scary so they need to be banned? Is that really the logic here.

        Pistols look kinda scary too...Even a blind man should be able to see whats comming next.

        Originally posted by Mad Scientist
        It was further stated that it was not only a right but the duty of the citizen to be armed and to be armed equal to the military.
        I was thinking about this along the lines of defense from a tyrannical government. I think dutchdivco may have spoken along these lines before? I cant remember. Does our government really need to disarm us? Lets be honest here, in 1776, a rifle was the most firepower the military had...Bearing a gun gave the common man weaponry equal to the military.

        That's simply not the case today. America currently has a full blown military industrial complex. Private companies in this country are building super advanced weaponry that the president himself doesn't have the security clearance to know about...(They are more than likely selling and distributing these same weapons to foreign countries as well with no real governmental oversight). Which means (We The People) are paying for this military complex but have no ability to know what is being made or where it is going.

        How do they keep it secret? They don't tell anyone. They make the security clearance higher than any of the bought and paid for politicians. Those who are directly involved with the development and manufacturing would simply be implanted with some form or RFID chip. That would allow automatic 24/7 monitoring by artificial intelligence which would always know where they are and every word they speak. The workers would know if they say a word their entire family will go missing. People disappear every day.

        Anyway, back to the point, today bearing arms as defense from the military would be like taking a fork to a gun fight. They didn't have atomic bombs in the 1700's. They didn't have aircraft that could fly across the entire nation within a matter of minutes (They absolutely do now). Our military has enough bombs for every single town in the entire country.

        If the military decided to force everyone to turn in all guns, its game over.
        The only real protection (We The people) would have from our own military, are foreign military's stepping in to prevent genocide.

        What happens when all the world military's are run by the same powers that be who all want the same world dictatorship? Who will save us then?
        Last edited by jdodson; 01-26-2013, 12:56 AM.


        • Do you know what's worth fighting for,
          When it's not worth dying for?
          Does it take your breath away
          And you feel yourself suffocating?
          Does the pain weigh out the pride?
          And you look for a place to hide?
          Did someone break your heart inside?
          You're in ruins

          One, 21 guns
          Lay down your arms
          Give up the fight
          One, 21 guns
          Throw up your arms into the sky,
          You and I

          Green Day - 21 Guns [Official Music Video] - YouTube



          • Originally posted by jdodson View Post

            If the military decided to force everyone to turn in all guns, its game over.
            YES, But what is the likelihood of that? Obviously those in the military are trained to follow orders and I’m sure that there are some that if order to jump off a ten story building they would “Yes Sir, right away Sir” and then go out to find a ten story building. But I don’t think that there are that many that will be that dedicated.

            Being that we have a voluntary army I suspect that one of the reasons people join is to serve and protect their country. Thus if they were given orders to start shooting up their towns and cities I think that many would realize that this is an illegal order and that they are not required to follow illegal orders.

            If someone higher up insisted that they do this, then yes they might pick up their arms but instead of pointing them at us they would point them at those giving the illegal orders.

            It is my understanding that this is not that unusual as this sort of thing happened in Vietnam. If someone in command ordered the wiping out of a village that was known to be friendly just to have better “kill numbers” for the week that individual would find himself looking down the wrong end of a number of guns and magically the orders were quickly changed.
            Naturally stories like this were never reported to the MSM.


            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
              YES, But what is the likelihood of that? Obviously those in the military are trained to follow orders and I’m sure that there are some that if order to jump off a ten story building they would “Yes Sir, right away Sir” and then go out to find a ten story building. But I don’t think that there are that many that will be that dedicated.
              I agree, its definitely not as simple as giving the command. Although that also does not mean it is impossible. Did you know 5 men are easier to control than one man? There are ways to break a mans conscious through simple manipulation. Self preservation will most always trump morality. Dictators have done this throughout history. There is a reason many military's have killed their own innocent people. It has been done before, it is happening now.

              Dont be so certain of those who would not follow orders. Have you heard of the "Milgram Experiment"? It was an experimental study on how far people would go while "following orders".

              Milgram Experiment - Will People Do Anything If Ordered?

              Results show, 2 out of every 3 people will do whatever they are ordered.
              Even if it means causing someone sever pain.

              Look what Hitler did to Germany. When German troops were fighting a losing war on the front lines, any German soldiers who were too scared to fight and tried to run away, were then shot and killed by other German soldiers. This is how 5 men are easier to control than 1 man. Tell them to do as they are told or suffer the punishment from the man standing next to them. German citizens who did not approve of what Hitler was doing were imprisoned. Every man had to fear his own neighbor.

              All you have to do is look at gas prices to see how the pattern of control works. They wont install complete control overnight, they are doing it in baby steps. That way they get what they want and the majority dont even really care. It was only ten years or so ago that gas was always less than 99 cents a gallon. Now its consistantly over 3.50. If they made that sweeping change overnight the public would be outraged. Instead they took ten years to do it and people dont even protest about it. Game. Set. Match.

              I think awarness is probably our best weapon. Whatever our odds are, the more of us who resist our freedoms being stripped, and nanny state government policies the better off we are. We must always make our voices heard

              Censorship and Nanny state policies are the death of freedom!


              • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
                Howdy everyone,

                There is one thing I hate most is misinformation put out to the internet that's sounds so much like the infamous MIB could or would do "unchecked". I'm not sure if those want to believe wrong doing looking for the truth or how all the media portrays their view point and for what reason it's done, but .......

                Here is one that's been going around for some time ..... that's "WRONG"

                Fellowship of the Minds | Conservatives who love America

                Guide on how to talk to children about Sandy Hook 4 days BEFORE massacre | Fellowship of the Minds

                Title - Talking With Your Children About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting
                Author - Cheri ( Crisis Management Institute (CMI) Blog - owner )
                Created - 12/14/2012 9:56:07 PM ( never modified )

                __________________________________________________ _______________

                Well another sloppy job ..... so much for this now debunked theoretical conspiracy theory. All this does people is cloud the water and makes valid claims of wrong doing scoffed at and dismissed by the shills or unaware general public.

                Let's not be too quick to dismiss the story as having been debunked. After all, as soon as something like this is revealed on the Internet, an all-out effort is made to counter the exposing post as being false information. The original posting of the pdf document can be scrubbed, for example, and replaced with a pdf having a date that fits in better. A pdf document takes its date from the computer's system date, but one can change the system time and date at will by clicking the time/date area at lower right corner of the computer's monitor screen and entering whatever one wants. It is quite possible that the original pdf had its time/date info intentionally removed before posting, just so no one would notice that the pdf had been written 4 days before the Sandy Hook incident. What is more telling, though, is a screen shot of the Arlington Red Devils website which references the pdf file, taken by an Internet sleuth and posted on The image shows a URL containing a December 10th, 2012 document date within the address, and as one contributor to the FOM website mentioned, "This directory structure is created automatically by wordpress when an authorized author creates a new piece of content such as the news item in question." Of course one could argue that the Red Devils website screenshot image could have been altered with photo editing software to show the December 10th date, but it can be shown that this is not the case. If one goes to the Google Cache for the URL address in question, it is seen that what was reported was accurate. Of course access to this link may soon be scrubbed, just as the article at the Red Devils website has been.

                A while back I reported on how a Facebook victim memorial page had been created for Victoria Soto in advance of the Sandy Hook incident. Efforts to undo damage caused by the original release of that information were already well underway when I reported the story, as I had found not just one Facebook site for Victoria, but several. I had to look through all of them to find the original site, and it indeed had a creation date before the incident. The explanation given on that site was that Victoria had created the Facebook page shortly before the Sandy Hook massacre, and that her family or friends used the site for her memorial.

                Anyways, several such occurrences of postings predating the incident have been revealed, which certainly raises pertinent questions. Like you, Glen, I know only too well that TPTB often use the tactic of releasing one or two misinformation stories as a means of discrediting other similar stories which are factual. We do have to remain aware of that, and carefully scrutinize what we see before passing stories along as being factual. In this particular case, though, I think that there is good evidence to support what is claimed, and that if we jump on the "debunked" bandwagon prematurely then we are playing into the hands of TPTB.

                Last edited by rickoff; 01-26-2013, 04:51 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Two important developments in court rulings have just come out and deserve mention. The first is in a case that I reported on some time ago concerning how several ICE agents had filed a case against their agency heads. As Numbers USA reports, "Federal District Court Judge Reed O'Conner has ruled that 10 ICE agents and officers have standing to challenge in Federal court the so-called Morton Memo on prosecutorial discretion and the DREAM directive on deferred action. The agents filed their complaint in October, charging that unconstitutional and illegal directives from DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and ICE Director John Morton order the agents to violate federal laws or face adverse employment actions. This is a major first step for the ICE agents in their case against the administration!"

                  In the second case of note, a federal appeals court has ruled that Barry's three recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) were unconstitutional. Of course that was already obvious when I reported on this here last year, but it's good to see that it has finally been affirmed in court. Where these cases will go from here on out is anyone's guess. We can probably figure that they will continue to be very slow moving and perhaps even tied up in court until the accused are no longer in office. That's how this sort of thing is usually played out. Funny, isn't it, how Barry and his administration's department heads can violate the Constitution after swearing an oath to uphold and defend it, and yet suffer no consequences.

                  Note that it took the court 5 months just to say that the ICE agents have "standing" (legitimate grounds to pursue a case), and that Barry's recess appointments occurred a full year ago. In the meantime, hundreds of decisions by the 5 member NLRB have been handed down which would all be voided if the appointments made by Barry are upheld by the SCOTUS as being illegal and unconstitutional.
                  Last edited by rickoff; 01-26-2013, 07:46 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • I appreciate

                    the recent post by Mad Scientist. While it makes developing a 'conspiracy theory' much EASIER, the assumption that ALL military personel, or ALL Law Enforcement officers, will blindly follow orders, without question, is something I find personally troubling.
                    In Syria, for instance, there ARE soldiers continueing to act on orders, to 'fire on their own people', but there also many who refused such orders, and join the 'opposition'. Actually, being a sectarian society, MOST of the forces which have remained 'loyal' to Assad are aloites, and fear a retribution by Sunni's against 'their people' if they (and Assad lose).
                    Every service member takes an oath, to uphold the Costitution. They tend to be a very patriotic group of people. MOST law enforcement officers, as well.

                    The GC advocates always point to the 'support' of Mayors, (who, of coarse, are politicians), and Police Chiefs, (who, even if they began as patrolmen, are ALSO politicians. However, many/most 'line' officers come from families which were part of the 'gun culture', and oppose gun control. And yes, they are circumspect about openly expressing their opinions, in order to keep their job.
                    However, this does not mean they would act on orders to participate in a systematic, house to house search and cofiscation of guns; many/most would not only refuse such orders, but would BE the ones barricading themselves in their houses and yelling "From MY COLD, Dead Hands, M.F'ers!"

                    I'm reminded of the Militia's, that want down to the border, to 'help' the Border Patrol; The official spokesperson for the B.P. stated they did not want this, etc. But THEN, a spokesperson for the UNION of Border Patrol agents, released a statement saying the 'line officers' heartily approved of the militias, and pointing out that officers regularly get 'tips' from residents living on the border, which they greatly appreciate, and that ALL these militias were doing was calling in such tips, etc.
                    Point being, ADMINISTRATION (of a Law enforcement agency) may well say something which is in direct contradiction of line officers views.

                    Just think a LITTLE respect for both Military AND Law enforcement.

                    Oh, and by-the-by, I was fantasising recently, about having some photos of Sen. Schumer,Durbin,Fienstien etc. blown up into Poster size. Cause I'm such a big fan of his/theirs of coarse. In fact, i'm his/their "# 1 FAN!",...nuff said?

                    I don't hunt, (not that there is anything WRONG with it, mind you). My interest in guns is self protection, and marksmanship, i.e. TARGET PRACTICE.

                    I wish the NRA could do more than focus on the 1 argument of the 2nd amendment. Large capacity magazines, buying what seems to the uninitiated like 'large' amounts of ammo, even 'pistol grips' on rifles, can easily be explained to the unitiated, if they understand that guns are also used for the 'Legitimate' sport of MARKSMANSHIP, recognised as a 'Legitimate Sport' by no less an authority than the Olympics.
                    Unfortunately, it doesn't 'soundbite' well Jim


                    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                      It is quite possible that the original pdf had its time/date info intentionally removed before posting, just so no one would notice that the pdf had been written 4 days before the Sandy Hook incident.

                      Rick, The "Document Properties" (mouse right click - highlight select document properties) is a default identification system imbedded into the "Adobe" PDF software and has been there for a decade. This would lead me to believe that the author in fact didn't know of this feature or mislead the reading public that it wasn't there .... but the date is there plain as day. I do agree that your computer date feature does impact all the information on material created which can modify the data including the date of creation. When using information derived from a "Google Spider" which scans the domains of web sites for information and page ranking can take up to two days even weeks in it's cycle of collection, although there is about a dozen that Google has the information at best is somewhat reliable. Through the dozen of web sites I've set up and believe me the mistakes of content to pages I've created, modified, added and removed few have been seen by any Bot, Spider or Crawler and as far as my investigations done in many subjects "a spiders testimony won't and hasn't stood up in a court of law". That being said, the information that is in the server for the organization called Crisis Management Institute (CMI) web site does have the information when any file or document that was loaded or changed, which cannot be altered and is reliable enough for a court proceeding.

                      So .... if the author states (quote) "You’ll see that the PDF document does not have a date for its creation" ..... he's telling a untruth, all PDF files do by the software program default.

                      FYI .... did you know that there's actually a old private AOL server physically inside the "White House" that's never been removed by AOL ??? This server could be used for private emails not available through the "Freedom of Information Act" so that persons don't get caught using "Alias" names for communications on government servers .... like the someone in Obama's cabinet that did get caught.

                      Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-26-2013, 09:39 PM. Reason: relied on spell check not on defination - blue
                      Open Source Experimentalist
                      Open Source Research and Development


                      • Has anyone noticed how much emphasis TV news media has placed recently on the stories about cyclist Lance Armstrong, and Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o, having lied to the American public? Sure, they probably do deserve to be called out on those deceptions, but why is it that another deception which dwarfs these by comparison has barely been mentioned, and even then mentioned only in the context of being absurd nonsense, despite mounds of solid evidence to the contrary? Yes, of course I'm talking about Barry's lies concerning his constitutional eligibility to serve as POTUS, and you probably wonder why I even ask these questions since most of us already know the answers. The answer to the first question, of course, is that going on and on about what celebrity did this or that is dished out to the public as the big news of the day, and establishes public focus on these stories rather than on what's really important - things like government corruption and power grabs. The answer to the second question is that TV news media stories, which are programmed by the Ruling Class elite for the purpose of shaping public perception, diverting public attention towards unimportant matters, and furthering the Ruling Class agenda, should not be expected to provide a public service that would be counterproductive to those goals. That's why we have to look elsewhere for real news, and why it is important to converse with others about what we find, just as we do in this thread. Unfortunately, though, most people are content with relying on TV news media for providing the material which becomes their perceived reality. Of course we too should tune in every now and then just so we know what garbage is currently being promoted to the public, and that's how I came by the idea for this post. The only reason for the post was to keep folks like you thinking about what matters, and talking about it with others.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
                          Rick, The "Document Properties" (mouse right click - highlight select document properties) is a default identification system imbedded into the "Adobe" PDF software and has been there for a decade. This would lead me to believe that the author in fact didn't know of this feature or mislead the reading public that it wasn't there ....

                          So .... if the author states (quote) "You’ll see that the PDF document does not have a date for its creation" ..... he's telling a untruth, all PDF files do by the software program default.
                          Yes, I'm familiar with what can be retrieved from checking document properties, and I would think that the author was too, or would not have said that the pdf document had no date for it's creation. Why would she state that when she obviously knew that nearly everyone reading what she wrote would be checking out the pdf file to confirm what she had stated? Any of the metadata contained in a pdf document, including the creation date, can be easily manipulated so as to show a different date, or be left empty, using software such as Nuance PDF Converter Enterprise, or even the more simplified tool known as PDFtk (PDF tool kit). So the fact that we can now go to the document and see a creation time and date is not a reliable indication that the author deliberately told an untruth.

                          I also understand about slow creeping "spiders," but here's something you may not have realized, Glen. The developer of the software SpireCMS, used by the Ohio school where the pdf file had been referenced, has stated that, "When a news item is created in our system, it is pushed out via an RSS feed and, Google has it indexed usually under 24 hours.”

                          A very good explanation of what happened that caused 3 different captures of the Arlington Red Devils web page to the Google cache (two of which have now been scrubbed) can be found here, and is worth reading.

                          Best 2 U 2 , Glen

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Yes, Rick

                            Its like the magician, who waves his right arm in the air and shakes it, saying "Nothing up my sleeve!" while he is 'palming' the rabbit, with his LEFT arm. i.e. "Distraction" In addition, there is the 'burn-out', and 'everybody does it' aspects. Burn-out is the more stories we hear about something, (like 'public figures' lieing to the public), the less 'emotional impact' each one has. Similarly, we get the idea 'everyone does it', so 'what does it MATTER?'

                            Unfortunately, this and similar forums ARE 'preaching to the choir', while the people THEY are 'preaching to are the uninformed masses, who, being uninformed, 'buy' much of what they say, and or are easily manipulated.

                            Such people 'buy' the lies, both specific, as well as buying into this 'everybody does it, so what does in MATTER', kind of 'generlised', (if you will) brainwashing.

                            Liberals (very smartly) control the news media, the educational system, and the entertainment industry. As a result, they have a tremendous advantage in shaping 'public' opinion.

                            Meanwhile Conservatives dominate the 'talk radio', which is mainly 'preaching to the choir'.Jim


                            • Rick,

                              Have you, or possibly any other members seen a link to a copy of the official "POLICE" report on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting ? I have been looking for days and have found nothing, the last I heard they were doing some DNA testing and evaluation work to find some clues of possible mental illness. I'm fairly sure this was a delay tactic for something and now I'm assuming it's to delay the facts on "EXACTLY" what kinds of guns were used and found. This maybe the "need for speed" RUSH for the US and State Legislators to pass bill's before it's possible found that the weapons portrayed in all the media hoopla is wrong .... then telling the public "oh well the law is past and over, time to move on" left wing loony crap were all getting tired of.

                              To bad some of these elected nut jobs can't work this hard to pass a US Fiscal Budget ..... for over three years, shows you their priority's.

                              Open Source Experimentalist
                              Open Source Research and Development


                              • Howdy everyone,

                                The reason I'm asking about the release on the "Sandy Hook Elementary School" official Connecticut State Police report is that the US Federal and State governments are basing their "Gun Control" ( banning - gun grab ) legislation on semi automatic/military style weapons and hardware used in specifically this casualty group of children.

                                There is only one official response to the "Sandy Hook Elementary" tragedy by Wayne Carver, the Chief Medical Examiner on site saying, possibly a Long Rifle was used ( @ 5:04 ) but refers questions to the Connecticut State Police on weapon type, caliber and cartridge sizes ( @ 5:19 ), This is a big problem creating Legislation on something without the "official" police report. Sandy Hook School shootings- Dr. H. Wayne Carver, Chief Medical Examiner- Full Press Conference - YouTube [ full media interview ]

                                More videos on Sandy Hook Elementary .....

                                Scheduled "FEMA" drills possibly Staged Sandy Hook Tragedy

                                Raw Helicopter Footage of the Sandy Hook Shooting Aftermath
                       ( 5:31 min )

                                Multiple Shooters ( Connecticut State Police to prosecute citizens of social media sites on rumor or information sharing )
                                Latest presser from Connecticut State Police - YouTube [ ( 12-16-2012 @ 11:48 AM ) full media interview of Lt. J. Paul Vance, Connecticut State Police ]

                                Contradicting media coverage facts "plus" Sandy Hook School Nurse Sally Cox

                                Gene Rosen's Witness Interview Audition Tape - THIS IS A MUST SEE
                                Gene Rosen / CNN - Sandy Hook "neighbor" changes his story

                                Robbie Parker - parent of murdered child with strange actions preparing for interview
                                Emilly Parker - child of Robbie Parker possible photo shopped images

                                Sandy Hook "Donation Sites UP Before Shooting"
                                Facebook Page - R.I.P Victoria Soto ( teacher ) "Dec 10, 2012"

                                The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed / Part 1 ( 30:19 )
                                The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed - YouTube
                                Sandy Hook Fully Exposed - OFFICIAL PART 2 ( 19:01 )
                                Sandy Hook Fully Exposed - OFFICIAL PART 2 - YouTube

                                Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-27-2013, 04:18 AM. Reason: added video
                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

