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The American Ruling Class

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  • Inconvenient Truths

    Despite recent media 'hoopla', FBI crime statistics show there has been a steady trend DOWNWARD, for all crimes, including VIOLENT crimes, and crimes with Guns.
    By far and away, the vast majority of murders with guns involve HANDGUNS, (NOT 'assault rifles'), and the vast majority of officer involved shootings, the guns shooting police, being shot and aimed at police are also HANDGUNS; most commonly a semi automatic pistol, most common caliber a 9mm.

    The Police are NOT being 'outgunned', as Biden asserted recently, by gangs wielding assaut rifles with high capacity magazines. Absurd statement, since coverage of Sandy hook makes it clear that even Police in relatively small town rural areas HAVE 'assault rifles', themselves, so where exactly is this 'outgunning' of police?

    There has been a definite spike in shootings in certain subsets of the population, in certain geographical areas; inner city urban areas. The shooters are almost invariably 18-24 y.o. males, and so are the victims; its 'gang' violence, as the gangs fight over turf. Unfortunately, unlike earlier gangs in U.S. (Mafia, etc.) THESE 'gang-members' are not careful to restrict their shooting to rival gang members, and so 'innocents' are getting shot, as well.

    Saw a 'presentation' by a Police officer with 20 years on the "Gang Intervention Task Force', to a group of parents. He said; "People THINK kids join Gangs because of Drugs, or peer pressure. I'm here to tell you, kids join Gangs for one reason; to get from the gang what they aren't and haven't gotten at home; Discipline, structure, and support."

    So, instead of focusing on the 'right to keep and bear', we SHOULD be focusing on the (Unenumerated) right to bear and keep;,....children.

    You only need to be physically capable, in order to produce a child. And some are 'manufacturing' sociopaths; no background check, no credit check, no testing to insure you have the slightest clue what it takes to raise a child into a 'productive' adult. But, thats not going to happen, of coarse.

    Instead, even as our society produces more sociopaths, they are going to try to restrict MY ability to protect me and mine, from the sociopath someone else has 'manufactured', by incompetent parenting. Well, from my cold, dead fingers, M'F'er! Jim


    • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
      Two of [Barry's] aides just ... reaffirmed they believe that American citizens can be killed on the order of the President anywhere including the United States.

      You've now got a president who says that he can kill you on his own discretion.

      How long and what does it take for Americans to wake up or has everyone been unknowingly convinced, indoctrinated or subliminalized and near brain dead.

      Hi Glen,

      This is something I brought up here quite some time ago when facts about the NDAA became known. Now a high level 16 page memo has been leaked which confirms that the inJustice Department believes that Barry has legal power to order a drone strike hit on a US citizen without that citizen having been indicted, tried, or proven guilty of anything. How blatantly unconstitutional is that! Brennan, of course, is the architect of Barry's drone strike strategy. If he is confirmed as CIA director then it will only show that Congress is a pathetic bunch of puppets who are ready and willing to deploy the Ruling Class agenda no matter what the consequences are.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
        How long and what does it take for Americans to wake up or has everyone been unknowingly convinced, indoctrinated or subliminalized and near brain dead.
        I do believe that some of the people are starting to wake up but it is a painfully slow process. It can be hard to accept that just about everything you have been taught and everything you think you know "to be true" is in fact a lie. While it can be stated that our problems were due to the people not paying attention but why were they not been paying attention?

        Could it have something to due with the fluoride in the water to make them more docile?
        Could it have something to do with our schools purposely dumbing down the populace? (the illiteracy rate around 1900 was 2%, now 30% are consider functionally illiterate.) plus that they have been well indoctrinated to believe they must follow any rules that the “authorities” come up with.
        Could it have something to due with the fact they are taxed to such a point that they need to spend most of their time working just to get enough money to survive?
        When they get a chance to relax could if have something to due with MSM reducing their expectations and telling they what is and is not important and that this is freedom?


        • On April 15, 2010 Obama posted his 2009 tax returns on line. He forgot to fllatten the PDF file and his full unredacted Social Security number xxx-xx-4425 became known to the public. This number immediately raised suspicions of Attorney Orly Taitz, as it started with 042, a digit combination which was assigned to the state of CT and Obama was never a resident of CT. E-verify and SSNVS showed that this number used by Barack Obama was never assigned to him. We have an individual sitting in the WH as the US president and Commander-in-Chief, in control of our nuclear arsenal, while using a stolen/fraudulently obtained Social Security number from a state where he never resided. Additionally, former Chief Investigator of the special inveastigations unit of the U.S. Coast Guard Jeffrey Stephan Coffman prepared a sworn affidavit for Attorney Orly Taitz showing that Obama's alleged application for the Selective Service is a forgery. According to 5 USC § is forbidden from holding a position in the executive branch if he did not register for the Selective Service. Obama never legally registered for the selective service, as his application is a forgery, as such he is forbidden to work as a President in the White House or as a janitor in the White House. According to Obama's school registration in Indonesia he is a citizen of Indonesia. According to his mother's passport records his legal last name is Soebarkah. According to sworn affidavits of the Sheriff of Maricopa county, AZ and multiple experts Obama's alleged birth certificate is a computer generated forgery.
          Attorney Orly Taitz and her supporters, law abiding U.S. citizens, demand that the U.S. Congress do not engage in treason and do not cover up Obama's usurpation of the U.S. Presidency with forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained SSN. We demand immediate investigation of Obama's usurpation of the U.S. Presidency to be conducted in the both houses of the U.S. Congress.

          Start immediate investigation of Barack Obama's use of forged IDs and a CT SSN which was never assigned to him according to e-verify | Petition2Congress

          Last edited by aljhoa; 02-08-2013, 12:59 AM.


          • Department of Justice (DOJ) SECRET White Paper

            Howdy everyone,

            Here is the NBC release of the Department of Justice (DOJ) SECRET White Paper - ( 16-pages )


            Where President Obama's policy can have any American citizen killed without any charge, without any review, except his own. If he's satisfied that you are a terrorist, he says that he can kill you anywhere in the world including in the United States.

            Open Source Experimentalist
            Open Source Research and Development


            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
              I do believe that some of the people are starting to wake up but it is a painfully slow process.
              Even everyone was fully awake I personally believe from what I have seen that everyone (especially the people who are currently wide awake) are so pussyfied and oppressed with fear that they wont ever stand up.

              To talk out against the government is a crime of treason. To stand up to the government or its leaders is a crime of treason. To call the leaders liars and crooks is a felony crime. My point is we all know the government is the most evil corrupt criminal organization there is which is guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity and murdering its own people yet nothing changes.

              Remember when the USA went to war in Iraq because it was claimed they had weapons of mass destruction and were killing their own people? Well what do you call using drones to kill your own people without due process or even a day in court?

              Obama (as was Bush) and the entire government are nothing more than criminal murders doing the killings for the highest corporate bidders.

              Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

              On April 15, 2010 Obama posted his 2009 tax returns on line. He forgot to fllatten the PDF file and his full unredacted Social Security number xxx-xx-4425 became known to the public. This number immediately raised suspicions of Attorney Orly Taitz, as it started with 042, a digit combination which was assigned to the state of CT and Obama was never a resident of CT. E-verify and SSNVS showed that this number used by Barack Obama was never assigned to him. We have an individual sitting in the WH as the US president and Commander-in-Chief, in control of our nuclear arsenal, while using a stolen/fraudulently obtained Social Security number from a state where he never resided.

              Again even with enough questionable evidence that has been raised and the fact there are still so many unanswered questions and lies from the Obama administration it still hasn't changed anything. We could show proof that Obama was illegal and his brainwashed followers and those who still buy into the US government propaganda will not stand up and do whats right, they have already proven this.

              Obama claimed he would have the most transparent administration and so far he has made Nixon look like an angel in terms of transparency. I could go on all night long pointing out how criminal and out of line the US government is and how much I detest many of those criminal traitors in DC but for what?

              I am a criminal myself and why? because I enjoy smoking pot and I beat down someone, yet the US government can kill and its ok.

              They hypocrisy from DC and its followers is just too much and I know one day I will break the law again and commit a felony simply by picking up a weapon to defend the myself and the nation. that is what I am willing to do and to hell with any laws!

              Give me liberty or give me death and I'm not just spitting out some old worn out cliche because the time is drawing near for the real men to stand up and take a stand for whats right and whats got to be done!
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • Finally someone stands up!

                Ok so here is a guy who served in the Military and was trained and told to kill. Then he took and oath to uphold the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic and when he sees something so wrong he stands up and wages his own war he is labeled a mental case criminal.

                Before his rampage he had no chance in hell trying to see justice or get his cause heard. He was causing trouble and was probably fired for making waves and slandered to the point he was discredited.

                Some might not agree with him or his tactics but those of you out there who claim to be awake and trying to fight the cause should hail this man a hero!

                Unfortunately he will be silenced though his death and chalked up to having gone mentally off his rocker. Then the Obama administration will not let a good crisis go to waste so they will use this guys rampage to further the attack on peoples rights and the 2nd amendment while trying to shove down another gun bill.

                Is it wrong to wish this guy takes out a few more cops before he gives his ultimate sacrifice of his life for real justice?

                Link Police to ex-cop on rampage: 'This has gone far enough' - U.S. News

                "I know I will be villified (sic) by the LAPD and the media," he wrote. "Unfortunately, this is a necessary evil that I do not enjoy but must partake and complete for substantial change to occur within the LAPD and reclaim my name."
                Last edited by 5150; 02-08-2013, 02:50 AM.
                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                • You are correct there is mile long laundry list of treasonous acts and constitutional laws that BO has broken yet few are willing to stand up to him for fear of being called a racist. The PTP have their subjects well trained.

                  Well maybe not quite all of them.

                  Here is an interesting little video. The maker of it has been trying to buy a 60 second radio spot to promote his message. However strangely the MSM in Washington DC are reluctant to sell him the time.

                  COME AND TAKE IT - Steve Vaus (official video) - YouTube

                  The full length version of this tune.


                  • alright

                    Fan pages pop up on Facebook to support fugitive ex-LAPD cop

                    More than a dozen pages appear on the social network as a manhunt stretched across Southern California for the suspect in the murder of three, including a police officer.

                    As a manhunt spread today across Southern California for a former police officer suspected of killing three, including a police officer, more than a dozen fan pages for the fugitive have popped up on Facebook.

                    One of the more popular pages dedicated to the former Los Angeles Police Department officer and featuring his photograph is the "I support Christopher Jordan Dorner" page. It was created around noon today and as of this writing it had more than 330 "likes," many from people alleging a cover-up in the LAPD.

                    Dorner, who was fired from the LAPD in 2008, ambushed two Riverside, Calif., police officers earlier today that resulted in the death of an 11-year veteran of the force, authorities said. He is also the prime suspect in the slaying of a couple on Sunday in Irvine, Calif., that claimed the life of the daughter of a police captain who represented Dorner during a departmental hearing over his dismissal.

                    read more here Fan pages pop up on Facebook to support fugitive ex-LAPD cop | Internet & Media - CNET News

                    Additional thoughts!

                    Wouldn't it be great that when the police kill this guy that if others picked up and carried the torch of justice and that it was something like this that finally kicks off the peoples war for justice? I mean its going to take someone like this Christopher Jordan Dorner guy to be the lead of such a revolution and when the history book are written they will read about how one man led the way for real change and stood up and an entire movement was created.

                    So many people forget who Joe Stack was and he did the same the same except he died for what he thought was right.. and yet no movement happened. So many people are looking for a signal or a leader in this movement but when such are in their face they fold up


                    Last edited by 5150; 02-08-2013, 03:54 AM. Reason: add add thoughts
                    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                    • 5150

                      Just a thought, for conideration. The 'MACHINE' needs 2 things from the sheeple; active consumption, and active production. In other words, it can 'handle' all sorts of grousing, so long as the vast majority of people continue to get up and go to work each day, and buy a loaf of bread on the way home.

                      Egypts 'leader' was 'toppled' in 17 days; NOT because people were armed, and 'stormed the gates', but because they were 'assembled' in MASSIVE #'s, it Tahrear (sp?) square, as well as similar squares in every major population center in Egypt. They were NOT going to work, they were NOT actively consuming. And so, the whole machine comes to a roaring screeching halt.

                      The machine is well prepared for an armed assault; but there is really NOTHING it can do, if the 'people' simply go 'on strike'. What are they going to do, FORCE everyone to go back to work, at gunpoint? Ain't enough cops or soldiers for that; the machine MUST have active consumption and active production, in order to keep working. After 17 days, Egypt NEEDED the people to get the Hell out of that square, and go back to work.

                      Now, admittedly, the 'revolution' was/is a sham, and the same people are desperately moving, behind the scenes, to preserve their control. This ALWAYS happens, and even when a revolution succeeds in ousting ONE set of such pariahs, it only means a new set move in to take their place. Thats WHY they are called REVOLUTIONS; cause they keep going round and round.

                      Guess I'm just 'argueing' TACTICS, or perhaps STRATEGY, once the sheeple DO 'wake up'; still need to GET them to wake up.

                      While it may seem 'Noble', or Patriotic, to "Die for your Country, or principles", its actully a lot more prudent to LIVE for them. And, dieing is not really neccesary, although SOME undoubtedly will.

                      Yeah, Barack O'bummer; the only person to ever win the Nobel peace prize, who ALSO has a 'kill list'. Wonder how the guys in Stockholm feel about THAT one, huh? Little egg on their face, no doubt!

                      For many years, EVERY President has 'extended' the executive powers, and as that trend continues, it can only lead eventually to dictatorship.Welcome to the Brave New World! Jim


                      • Dutchdivco

                        I agree that the only way to put a stop to the government is to cripple it financially to the point of ruin. Even if all the people gathered in town squares across the nation and peacefully called for the government to be abolished the US government will to step aside. The entire system is purposely designed to continue running even when the workers are not working and producing, after all the US government is the only country that basically has its own printing press and who can buy its own debt so they have total financial carte blanche. The machine will grease its own wheels as long as it’s allowed to.

                        The only way I feel the US can be stopped is for the world to denounce the US dollar and to purposely crash it. This would set off a huge chain of bad events and ignite a civil unrest like nothing we have ever seen before. Even if people are not forced into action or they are so programmed to still believe in their government they will start to see a side of their government they have never seen before. At first many will be waiting on the government for help with food and shelter and like in Katrina when it didn’t come they will realize once again their government failed them. The upper classes will praise the killings and detentions of the “Bad people & criminals” that is until they see their family and friends being killed and arrested for no real crime other than for the authorities to take control and feel safe. Of course by then it will be too late for those naive types and they will be handed their Darwin Humanity awards.

                        It will not be until all those who are serving in DC and many of the LEOs and federal government agents are all hanging in the DC Mall as a public display in the consequences for treason. Only then when new elected leaders are installed with even more safeguards will the people be able to even begin to trust any government again. Of course people are easily fooled so it won’t be long until that revolving “revolution you mentioned is acted on again.

                        I remember the movie Terminator 1 where the people are hiding out and trying to avoid the flying drones that are eliminating the humans as their job is to “terminate” them, especially the resistance. When I first saw that movie I thought yea right this is so farfetched Hollywood to think that one day there will be such flying drone “machines” flying around killing humans or people resisting.

                        I though ok maybe in like the far future in 200 years ..maybe but man we are there now as a human race and these prototype drone are being used now to kill AMERICAN citizens without due process or any clear proof that such people are even guilty of crimes against the government. The CIA has always had assassins and has done the work of the devil but these new unmanned drones have raised the bar to a level that is unconscionable. Like with any new technology with just a little time and trials these drones will advance to become super killing machines. We are already screwed.

                        So while I agree with you that it’s not a good thing to die trying to fight all of this I have to say that it’s worth fighting for if you truly believe in natural freedom and life but that if you die fighting then that’s just part of it.
                        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                        • I noticed that CNN anchor Anderson Cooper presented a segment where he showed items that had allegedly been sent to him by Dorner. One item was a 'challenge coin' with 3 bullet holes in it, which was wrapped in duct tape with a note written on the tape saying "Thanks, but no thanks, Will Bratton" which was meant for the police captain who had unsuccessfully defended Dorner at his dismissal hearing, and the third was a DVD which an accompanying note explained contained evidence that proved Dorner was falsely charged, and would exonerate him. Dorner wrote, "I never lied! Here is my vindication. Evans kicked the suspect." This refers to the case which led to Dorner's dismissal, in which he claimed that his field training officer, Sergeant Teresa Evans, had kicked a mentally disabled suspect during an arrest. Dorner was later dismissed for "making false statements about his training officer." My guess is that Dorner was able to find a witness who saw Evans do the kicking. Strangely, though, instead of showing what was actually on the disk, Cooper's focus was on the alleged killings that Dorner is supposedly responsible for, and that is also the focus of other MSM news reports. I'm wondering if Dorner actually killed anyone in retaliation for his dismissal from the police force. That doesn't make much sense, especially if he did have good evidence that would exonerate him. I wouldn't be surprised to find that the killings were either staged, or actually carried out, to villify Dorner and make a case for killing this "armed and extremely dangerous man" by shooting him on sight. Police already opened fire on a vehicle that looked like Dorner's, but which was occupied by two women delivering newspapers. How insane is that? Both women suffered gunshot wounds. It's obvious that these trigger happy police are out to kill Dorner rather than capture, arrest, and charge him. For that matter, perhaps Dorner has already been killed. His vehicle was found burned out in the Bear Mountain area. Why would Dorner have set the vehicle ablaze Thursday night, thus spotlighting his location and drawing hundreds of police officers to a search of that area? That's totally senseless, unless one is of the mindset that would conclude that this would offer Dorner an excellent opportunity to take out as many police officers as possible before being shot and killed himself. If that were so then there would already have been multiple killings in that area, including Dorner, reported. I myself do not subscribe to that theory, and think that there's a lot more going on than what the authorities, and the MSM, would have us believe.

                          As to Dorner's "manifesto" document, it does make for interesting reading. Here's a link to what is said to be a complete, unedited copy of the manifesto document. My guess is that Dorner did personally write much of this, but it also may have been intentionally embellished by someone else. I doubt we'll ever know for sure, as Dorner will likely be killed and silenced soon if he hasn't already been.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            I noticed that CNN anchor Anderson Cooper presented a segment where he showed items that had allegedly been sent to him by Dorner.

                            Anderson Cooper is a pole smoker MSM sell out. Enough said!

                            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            As to Dorner's "manifesto" document, it does make for interesting reading. Here's a link to what is said to be a complete, unedited copy of the manifesto document. My guess is that Dorner did personally write much of this, but it also may have been intentionally embellished by someone else. I doubt we'll ever know for sure, as Dorner will likely be killed and silenced soon if he hasn't already been.
                            Yea I agree it's a very interesting read and you can tell the guy has cracked and had enough BS. I think its great! I have a great deal of respect for him!

                            He had the balls to call out the other cops and tell them if they got in his way he would kill them. He even had the balls to tell the FBI and feds the same.. stay out of this because it's not your fight and none of your business!

                            Yea they are going to kill him but he sure has exposed the punks for what they really are. I wish others would take up his cause... because his cause is not murder his cause is truth and justice and murder is just the byproduct of exposing the truth and finding justice.

                            I bet Ofcr. Teresa Evans isn't even just a little concerned that her name is international known and associated with a lying piece of human garbage. She is probably so stuck on herself she feels she can blow it off.

                            Teresa Karma seems to be coming your way since you're at the center of this entire hunt for justice. Your career is over and rightfully so! May you enjoy your bankruptcy and days you'll spend in court and under investigation.
                            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                            • Just a thought

                              For what its worth, (which probably ain't much, given the source, LOL)

                              One explanation for the burned car, is as stated, to draw a bunch of officers to the location, to kill them.

                              The other is to draw a bunch of officers, to a remote location, that they can't easily and quickly search (to detirmine he's NOT there), whilst HE is boogeying off, in an entirely DIFFERENT direction!

                              Easy enough to do, all he needs is an 'accomplice' to follow him with a second car, to drive away after setting HIS car on fire. Yes, we'll probably never 'know' the truth, but if thats what he did, he did a good job of making them look like IDIOTS, LOL.

                              Even the badge and other gear found 'near the airport', seems like it may have been a feint, to lead them in the wrong direction.

                              He KNOWS how they work, and how they think; knows, for instance that setting his ar on fire, and leaving it at Big Bear, they would be COMPELLED to search the whole area, which is going to take SOME time; its a BIG area, with lots of rough terrain. The part of me thats 'rooting' for him is HOPING thats what he did, and laughing along with him.

                              Reminds me of a guy, years ago, that escaped from the prison in Az. He was a former Marine Instructor in Desert survival. One day they found his tracks, and 'followed' them 22 miles through the desert. Finally, they came over a rise, and saw the tracks leading to a tree. Turns out he had been running BACKWARDS, for something more than 22 miles! And his exploits were all covered in the local paper; it was a hoot, until they finally caught up with him. Kind of like a real life 'Cool Hand Luke'; they planted him, as they inevitably will this guy, too.Jim


                              • Perhaps

                                We'll just have to agree to disagree; I DON'T believe the machine can continue to run, very long, 'on its own'.

                                And, I think the Gov't MAY well 'do this to itself', (financial collapse) either directly, OR by their continued foolishness, may actually trash the Dollar to the point that world markets feel compelled to 'dump' their dollars. Never underestimate the HUBRIS of those people. Its like that saying; "Whoever came up with the expression 'foolproof' grossly underesimates the creativity of fools". I think you MAY well be right about the hanging from the lamposts, just not sure we'll have enough rope, or lamposts. Like Forest Gump, sometimes there just ain't enough rocks!" Jim

                                Originally posted by 5150 View Post

                                I agree that the only way to put a stop to the government is to cripple it financially to the point of ruin. Even if all the people gathered in town squares across the nation and peacefully called for the government to be abolished the US government will to step aside. The entire system is purposely designed to continue running even when the workers are not working and producing, after all the US government is the only country that basically has its own printing press and who can buy its own debt so they have total financial carte blanche. The machine will grease its own wheels as long as it’s allowed to.

                                The only way I feel the US can be stopped is for the world to denounce the US dollar and to purposely crash it. This would set off a huge chain of bad events and ignite a civil unrest like nothing we have ever seen before. Even if people are not forced into action or they are so programmed to still believe in their government they will start to see a side of their government they have never seen before. At first many will be waiting on the government for help with food and shelter and like in Katrina when it didn’t come they will realize once again their government failed them. The upper classes will praise the killings and detentions of the “Bad people & criminals” that is until they see their family and friends being killed and arrested for no real crime other than for the authorities to take control and feel safe. Of course by then it will be too late for those naive types and they will be handed their Darwin Humanity awards.

                                It will not be until all those who are serving in DC and many of the LEOs and federal government agents are all hanging in the DC Mall as a public display in the consequences for treason. Only then when new elected leaders are installed with even more safeguards will the people be able to even begin to trust any government again. Of course people are easily fooled so it won’t be long until that revolving “revolution you mentioned is acted on again.

                                I remember the movie Terminator 1 where the people are hiding out and trying to avoid the flying drones that are eliminating the humans as their job is to “terminate” them, especially the resistance. When I first saw that movie I thought yea right this is so farfetched Hollywood to think that one day there will be such flying drone “machines” flying around killing humans or people resisting.

                                I though ok maybe in like the far future in 200 years ..maybe but man we are there now as a human race and these prototype drone are being used now to kill AMERICAN citizens without due process or any clear proof that such people are even guilty of crimes against the government. The CIA has always had assassins and has done the work of the devil but these new unmanned drones have raised the bar to a level that is unconscionable. Like with any new technology with just a little time and trials these drones will advance to become super killing machines. We are already screwed.

                                So while I agree with you that it’s not a good thing to die trying to fight all of this I have to say that it’s worth fighting for if you truly believe in natural freedom and life but that if you die fighting then that’s just part of it.

