5150; If one is LOOKING, for 'signs' of the end times, you will find them in aplenty; I've been seeing them, for YEARS! Never the less, the good bok says "No one will know the exact time of HIS coming", (parapharasing, here), and also NO ONE will recognise the Beast, when he appears on the scene; in fact, people will mistakenly see Him as the savior, when in fact he is the opposite.
Rick, Yes, the 'Gun Free School Zone FEDERAL Law' is a good example of why declaring such a zone DOESN'T work, and does JUST the opposite. Chicago is another clear example.
The FLAWED logic of GC is 2-fold; A) The more guns there are, the more gun violence there is. B) Since thats the case, LAWS restricting gun access, will inherently reduce Gun violence.
THIS is the 'phylosophy' GC advocates are really pushing, although they don't express it in those terms. And, to those they are appealing to, it SEEMS 'logical'. EXCEPT, it only 'works' in the absolute; IF you eliminate ALL guns, every where in the world, and keep people from making any more, THEN the 2 part premise 'works'. Otherwise, it does not.
AND, it totally disregards the fundamental aspect of Laws, and Law Enforcement; BOTH are 'reactive', not Pro-active; a LAW doesn't prevent anyone from doing anything, it just says "IF you do, and IF we catch you, and IF the prosecutor decides he has a good enough case, and IF you don't have a good lawyer, THEN HERE is the consequence the 'state' will impose; Fines, jail time, probation, community service, etc.
And, it totally disregards the key element in the 'job dicription' for "Criminal"; which is a total disregard for the Law.
Oh, by-the-by, Mexico is ALSO a good example. Their Gun control laws have done a GREAT JOB, (with the help of Eric Holders Injustice Dept.) of reducing Gun Violence, by restricting lawful citisens access to guns and ammo, hey?!!!
I would LIKE to see the debate focus on this 'underlieing phylosophy', rather than on ephemerals, like 'assault weaponns' (and what is and isn't one), and high capacity magazines. So long as GC advocates can use lies, to make there positions (on these ephemeral issues) SEEM 'reasonable' to those they are 'pitching to', (people who don't own guns, and perhaps 'fear' them), they 'win' the argument. Because they can 'sound-bite' their lies, and the rational explanation of WHY what they are saying is BS takes 'too long', fto explain to someone who knows nothing about guns to begin with.
On the other hand, this phylosophy IS'fatally flawed', and CAN be disputed, which is why GC advocates don't actually verbalise it.
Mind you, what I would LIKE, won't happen..
THEY will continue to bring up extraneous issues, and 'chip away', and Gun rights advocates will continue to scream about the 2nd amendment, which will fall on 'deaf ears', in trying to persuade some non gun owning soccer Mom, who's afraid her kids are going to get shot at their school, that Gun free school zones is a bad idea, and banning guns is a worse one.
Politics is the 'art' of the possible, they say. I THINK O'bummer is going to keep campaigning, ostensibly for 'his' and dems/liberals 'issues'; but he'll concentrate on those that A) He and dems CAN do,and B) will be politically advantageous in 2014. So, he'll push hard on Immigration reform, and NOT so hard on GC, MAYBE getting the Universal Background check. He's hoping (I think) to get what he had in the 1st part of his first term; majorities in both houses. And, he thinks this 'campaigning' he's doing, ostensibly on his issues, will HELP get THAT result.
Then, he WON'T 'waste' (from his point of view) time trying to get Repub sign on, like he did with O'bummer careless, he'll just RAM through the rest of his agenda, with NO repub. 'buy in', and disregarding the 1/2 of the people, who oppose what he's doing.
I'm not at all 'Happy' with the 'mainstream' Repub party, they are the ones who shoved Romoney down 'our' throats, and 'gamed' the system, in all sorts of ways, (which we've already covered in previous posts) in order to 'insure' he got the nomination. Now, they are blaming 'tea party' candidates for Romoneys loss, and the lie seems to be 'sticking'.
But, God help us if Dems get the majority in 2014! While I don't LIKE Repubs, they are the only thing, (other than the courts) restaining O'bummer. And, I DO think the Courts WILL 'chime in' at SOME point. Unfortunately, it takes time for a case to get to the SCOTUS.
Rick; do you know if anyone ever took the LAST 'assault weapon ban' law to SCOTUS? I'm thinking NOT. I should THINK such a Ban, or a ban on 'high capacity' magazines, or 'cop-killer' bullets would be overturned, but then, I was confident O'bummercare would be overturned, so 'who knows'?Jim
5150; If one is LOOKING, for 'signs' of the end times, you will find them in aplenty; I've been seeing them, for YEARS! Never the less, the good bok says "No one will know the exact time of HIS coming", (parapharasing, here), and also NO ONE will recognise the Beast, when he appears on the scene; in fact, people will mistakenly see Him as the savior, when in fact he is the opposite.
Rick, Yes, the 'Gun Free School Zone FEDERAL Law' is a good example of why declaring such a zone DOESN'T work, and does JUST the opposite. Chicago is another clear example.
The FLAWED logic of GC is 2-fold; A) The more guns there are, the more gun violence there is. B) Since thats the case, LAWS restricting gun access, will inherently reduce Gun violence.
THIS is the 'phylosophy' GC advocates are really pushing, although they don't express it in those terms. And, to those they are appealing to, it SEEMS 'logical'. EXCEPT, it only 'works' in the absolute; IF you eliminate ALL guns, every where in the world, and keep people from making any more, THEN the 2 part premise 'works'. Otherwise, it does not.
AND, it totally disregards the fundamental aspect of Laws, and Law Enforcement; BOTH are 'reactive', not Pro-active; a LAW doesn't prevent anyone from doing anything, it just says "IF you do, and IF we catch you, and IF the prosecutor decides he has a good enough case, and IF you don't have a good lawyer, THEN HERE is the consequence the 'state' will impose; Fines, jail time, probation, community service, etc.
And, it totally disregards the key element in the 'job dicription' for "Criminal"; which is a total disregard for the Law.
Oh, by-the-by, Mexico is ALSO a good example. Their Gun control laws have done a GREAT JOB, (with the help of Eric Holders Injustice Dept.) of reducing Gun Violence, by restricting lawful citisens access to guns and ammo, hey?!!!
I would LIKE to see the debate focus on this 'underlieing phylosophy', rather than on ephemerals, like 'assault weaponns' (and what is and isn't one), and high capacity magazines. So long as GC advocates can use lies, to make there positions (on these ephemeral issues) SEEM 'reasonable' to those they are 'pitching to', (people who don't own guns, and perhaps 'fear' them), they 'win' the argument. Because they can 'sound-bite' their lies, and the rational explanation of WHY what they are saying is BS takes 'too long', fto explain to someone who knows nothing about guns to begin with.
On the other hand, this phylosophy IS'fatally flawed', and CAN be disputed, which is why GC advocates don't actually verbalise it.
Mind you, what I would LIKE, won't happen..

THEY will continue to bring up extraneous issues, and 'chip away', and Gun rights advocates will continue to scream about the 2nd amendment, which will fall on 'deaf ears', in trying to persuade some non gun owning soccer Mom, who's afraid her kids are going to get shot at their school, that Gun free school zones is a bad idea, and banning guns is a worse one.
Politics is the 'art' of the possible, they say. I THINK O'bummer is going to keep campaigning, ostensibly for 'his' and dems/liberals 'issues'; but he'll concentrate on those that A) He and dems CAN do,and B) will be politically advantageous in 2014. So, he'll push hard on Immigration reform, and NOT so hard on GC, MAYBE getting the Universal Background check. He's hoping (I think) to get what he had in the 1st part of his first term; majorities in both houses. And, he thinks this 'campaigning' he's doing, ostensibly on his issues, will HELP get THAT result.
Then, he WON'T 'waste' (from his point of view) time trying to get Repub sign on, like he did with O'bummer careless, he'll just RAM through the rest of his agenda, with NO repub. 'buy in', and disregarding the 1/2 of the people, who oppose what he's doing.
I'm not at all 'Happy' with the 'mainstream' Repub party, they are the ones who shoved Romoney down 'our' throats, and 'gamed' the system, in all sorts of ways, (which we've already covered in previous posts) in order to 'insure' he got the nomination. Now, they are blaming 'tea party' candidates for Romoneys loss, and the lie seems to be 'sticking'.
But, God help us if Dems get the majority in 2014! While I don't LIKE Repubs, they are the only thing, (other than the courts) restaining O'bummer. And, I DO think the Courts WILL 'chime in' at SOME point. Unfortunately, it takes time for a case to get to the SCOTUS.
Rick; do you know if anyone ever took the LAST 'assault weapon ban' law to SCOTUS? I'm thinking NOT. I should THINK such a Ban, or a ban on 'high capacity' magazines, or 'cop-killer' bullets would be overturned, but then, I was confident O'bummercare would be overturned, so 'who knows'?Jim