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The American Ruling Class
"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
As I posted earlier, (and contrary to what Biden and others say, repeatedly) there is NO Federal law, prohibiting 'private citisens' from owning fully automatic weapons, (just have to pay a $200 tax, and undergo a 'background check').
However, there ARE State laws, and even some municipalities, where 'private' ownership of fully auto's IS outlawed. I'm wondering if anyone has ever 'contested' THESE laws, to SCOTUS?
My thinking is this; Congress didn't 'outlaw' ownership of fully auto's, cause they weren't sure it would 'pass muster', at the SCOTUS. Instead, the 'relied' on Congress's (almost) unlimited 'authority', (under the Constitution) to TAX.
IF these state laws WERE challenged, they may well be found unconstitutional. After O'bummercare, I'm not willing to 'bet' on anything SCOTUS would or wouldn't do, but I'm thinking that these state laws WOULD be found unconstitutional, as would a 'ban' on assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and even so-called 'Cop-killer' bullets. Anyway, obviously no one HAS contested these State Laws, to SCOTUS, unless they have been 'upheld', (otherwise they wouldn't exist), and I THINK if they had been upheld, we would have heard about it.
Would be interesting to see such a case 'taken up' as I doubt many people even realise its 'legal' (depending on where you live) to own a fully auto. Would be a real education for a lot of people.
Would also like to see the 'Gun-Free Scool Zone" law heard by SCOTUS; it was an unconscionable ditortion of the Commerce Clauses meaning.Now that states are looking at different ways of dealing with schools and guns, I HOPE (perhaps Texas?) SOMEONE will contest this abomination of a law, to SCOTUS, and get a ruling which would ALSO set some realistic limitations on the 'application' of the Commerce clause. I was HOPING this issue would be addressed with O'bummercare, but they 'side-stepped' the whole issue!
And I agree with what you said about Dormer, and people 'taking up his cause, using his methods. Its a 'wasted' effort, and will 'waste' you. IMHO.Jim
Here is a site that asks you to send an email to your representative to support a bill that will help protect gun rights. A link is provided to your representative, just type in your zip code.
Originally posted by Mad Scientist View PostHere is a site that asks you to send an email to your representative to support a bill that will help protect gun rights. A link is provided to your representative, just type in your zip code.
Sad that the elected officials who have taken an oath to uphold the constitution and respect peoples rights have to be then sent petitions for them to do their job and uphold their oaths.
Politicians are a sad bunch of criminals who deserve no respect or leeway yet thats what they seem to be given every day.Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.
Nancy Pelosi begs us not to ruin her dignity by cutting her paycheck
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is speaking out against a cut in congressional pay because she says it will undermine the dignity of their positions. "I think we should respect the work we do," Pelosi said. "I think it's necessary for us to have the dignity of the job that we have rewarded." ("Dignity" is apparently a synonym for "fat paycheck.") Pelosi, whose husband, Paul, is a legit real-estate mogul, was quick to add that slicing her own paycheck wouldn’t "mean as much" as those senators who struggle to make ends meet on $174,000 per year. "We are obviously contemplating a sequester," Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer (D) said. "Obviously we are going to take a cut, like everybody else."
source Pelosi: Congressional pay cut undermines dignity of the job - The Hill
Pelosi is one criminal I would love to see hang for treason. I cannot fathom how any American can call this bi*** a respectable human being or allow her to serve in government. The day that scum sucking leach dies the better of the world will be.Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.
Whoa, 5150
Just my suggestion, you might want to take a 'chill pill'.
Personally, I would say that just what they all need is a little forced removal of their dignity. Its, in fact, just what the Dr. 'ordered'! Eliminates HUBRIS, and restores humility. Like getting fired from a job. In the long run, its often GOOD for the 'soul'; oops, I forgot, Politicians don't HAVE a soul!
And yeah, I'd like to get toilet paper,with the picture of Ms. Pelousy printed on it, or even alternate, her, Turbin/Durbin, Shumer, Reid, and of coarse, O'bummer.
The real kicker is she acurately represents her district, as do they all; thats why they keep getting re-elected. How 'bout was-his-name, from New York; was on the committee oversight for the IRS, and neglected to include income from property he owned, in the Dominican Republic, and WHILE he was being investigated, 'his' people re-elected him!
They are ALL a bunch of windbags; they are POLITICIANS, after all.
But, the sad truth is if they all were GONE tomorrow, they'd just be replaced with another bunch, just as bad.
And yeah, they're commie-pinko Liberals, deluding the people.
But it still comes back to that, in the end; its not so much that we have the wrong people in Gov't., (which is obvious), its that we have the wrong people as, well, people i.e. sheeple.
I try to laugh, just cause its better than crying, and its also better than getting mad; getting mad just kills brain cells.So, you can TRY to 'spread the information', unfortunately, only people who are receptive will become informed.
Real issue is Human Nature, and Civilisation. "We" made a big mistake, when 'we' decided to stop being hunter/gatherers, and stay in one place.
ALL the 'serious problems' we are (not) facing today, are self created, and stem from that one, wrong decision. Its just that very few are willing to 'go back' to being h/g'ers; it will take some kind of catastrophic change to make that happen. But, Civilisation can't be maintained forever, there are too many built in flaws, and eventually the whole thing WILL collapse; in the mean time, we can continue to argue about the arrangement of the deck chairs, on the Titannic, while a group of passengers (Bankers, etc.) make sidebets, and another group ('environmentalists') is argueing about whether there should be a 'smoking area' or not. And it all matters not a 'wit', in the overall scheme of things. "let go and let God",...Jim
Gun Registration Will Lead To Gun Confiscation
A warning to Americans from our friends in Canada.
A short 5:30 min video- Dire warning to American gun owners
Warnings like this come to us from around the world, like the U.K. & Australia, Germany, Russia, China.
We must very carefully choose & constantly pressure our elected representatives, so we will not be led down this path, for it is surely a trap.
Originally posted by dutchdivco View PostAnd yeah, I'd like to get toilet paper,with the picture of Ms. Pelousy printed on it, or even alternate, her, Turbin/Durbin, Shumer, Reid, and of coarse, O'bummer.
39 of 45 people found the following review helpful
False advertising!, December 16, 2012
This product is fraudulent! Obama's photo appears on ONLY about 4 sheets of toilet paper...
the rest of the roll is all white...no photos whatsoever!
I will submit a complaint with Consumer Protection Department and with Amazon.
Originally posted by gene gene View PostA warning to Americans from our friends in Canada.
A short 5:30 min video- Dire warning to American gun owners
Warnings like this come to us from around the world, like the U.K. & Australia, Germany, Russia, China.
We must very carefully choose & constantly pressure our elected representatives, so we will not be led down this path, for it is surely a trap.
February 1, 2013
Federal Homeland Security Investigation agents raided the home of Robert Adams on Thursday and seized 548 handguns and 317 rifles from the collector. They also raided his business and took an additional 599 handguns.
KRQE reports that Adams did not violate any laws and was not charged with any crimes. It said the DHS, however, is not finished with Adams and he may be charged with gun smuggling, tax evasion and violating importation laws.
» Department of Homeland Security Targets Gun Collector Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
From post 3861
Originally posted by john_g View PostIn the UK, the conservative party (main part of government) is now inspired also by Saul Alinsky - makes you wonder what the hell is really going on:
David Cameron's Big Society is a grotesque fantasy inspired by leftist subversive Saul Alinsky – Telegraph Blogs
oops sorry to go back so far. thought I was still on the last page of the forum.
Hey Al, love this one. post 3914
Originally posted by aljhoa View Post[IMG]
AlLast edited by sampojo; 02-16-2013, 04:11 AM.Up, Up and Away
From rickoff post 3935
Originally posted by rickoff View PostIn a dissenting opinion statement by
Justice John Paul Stevens, he wrote that the majority "would have us believe that over 200 years ago, the Framers made a choice to limit the tools available to elected officials wishing to regulate civilian uses of weapons," and he said that such evidence "is nowhere to be found."
How absurd! It would appear that Stevens never read the words of the Constitution's Framers which stated the intended purpose of the 2nd Amendment, and that he was unfamiliar with the Declaration of Independence as well.Up, Up and Away
Originally posted by sampojo View PostIt was Lincoln's steadfast adherence to Natural Law set forth in the Declaration that guided Lincoln in the Emancipation and the passing of the 13th Amendment. Where would we be today without it?
Here is what the amendment had to say about such individuals.
The original 13th.
If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without consent of Congress accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any king whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.
If it were still in effect today all lawyers that are in congress who are member of the BAR (British Accredited Registry), and of which there are only a few exceptions as just about everyone there is a lawyer, they would be removed from office.
The freeing of the slaves was only a minor part of the reasons for the Civil War.