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The American Ruling Class

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  • Hi Jim,

    In your post #4002 you mention an overview of gun control laws.
    Can you provide a link?

    Thanks, Gene


    • Sorry, Gene

      'Brain f*rt!' Here it is;
      rec.guns FAQ: II.F.1. General Guide to Class 3 Weapons
      Obviously, 'Google' can find LOTS of info on gun control laws, etc. THIS link, while perhaps not the most 'up to date', goes into more detail and history than others i found.Jim


      • When is a door, not a door?

        When its 'ajar', of coarse! When is a 'cut', not a 'cut'; when its in D.C., of coarse! The big bad sequester is SUPPOSED to be an 'across the board' 3% 'cut' in spending,....BUT, it is PRORATED, therfore it will be something LESS than 3%, since it didn't 'kick in' on Jan 1st. And, despite this 'cut', Federal spending will still INCREASE, this year, over last. Some 'cut', huh?

        State Governors have made much 'heavier' cuts, REAL cuts, than this without it causing any 'end of the world' consequences. What a crock! Jim


        • Quotable quote of the day...

          "If the brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't."

          Believe it or not, I found these words of wisdom in a Chinese fortune cookie today. If we ponder this quote, perhaps it explains what is wrong in Washington DC. After all, the overwhelming majority of those now seated in the Obummer administration and in Congress are either total simpletons who don't understand the consequences of what they do, or are the knowing and willing puppets of those who pull their strings.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            The big bad sequester is SUPPOSED to be an 'across the board' 3% 'cut' in spending,....
            3% OMG there is no way we can tolerate such a huge draconian reduction. Well at least not when those cuts are purposed to be made only in those areas that will have the most negative impact.


            • Ahhh, Rick

              Now your starting to see things the way I do! i.e PART of whats going on MAY be part of some vast conspiracy, but much of it is 'human nature', AND an inevitable responce of developing 'civilisation'.

              Human BEANS are just 'legumes with legs'! Think of it this way; we ALL make decisions which we later come to regret, I know I have!
              So, why should we think that we humans aren't just as capable of COLLECTIVELY making such (with the benefit of hindsight) STUPID decisions?

              Thought of a good commercial;

              "President O'bama looked right into the camera, and PROMISED me; "If ypou make less than $250,000, your taxes won't go up!"

              Well, I DO make (quite a bit) less than $250,000, and my taxes HAVE gone up!

              Then, he promised "If you LIKE your Dr., and your health ins., nothing will change for you!"

              I do, but it has! My employer has decided to 'drop' healthcare ins.

              And now, he looks into the camera, and says to me "If you are a 'Legal' gun owner, you have NOTHING to fear; we aren't going to be taking away YOUR guns!"

              Why don't I believe him?
              Just a thought,....Jim

              Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              "If the brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't."

              Believe it or not, I found these words of wisdom in a Chinese fortune cookie today. If we ponder this quote, perhaps it explains what is wrong in Washington DC. After all, the overwhelming majority of those now seated in the Obummer administration and in Congress are either total simpletons who don't understand the consequences of what they do, or are the knowing and willing puppets of those who pull their strings.


              • We often speak herein of the numbing and dumbing down of the American public, but I'm sure that most of us wonder why so many seemingly intelligent people that we know were duped into believing that Barry deserved to be reelected to a second term in the Oval Office. Sure, they get caught up in the Democrat vs Republican malarkey thrown at them by the mainstream media, but there is more to it than that. Younger voters are products of a reeducation agenda which has been aimed at rewriting history and teaching that socialism, communism, and the big government that results from them, are preferred ideals which are superior to free market capitalism. For example, just look at this World History lesson being taught in Social Studies classes in Texas. It teaches students that communism is the fairest and highest attainable economic system, and that capitalism is but an evolutionary step on the ladder to progress. The lesson calls “Communism” a system where “all people work together for everyone,” and shows a person climbing stairs towards a communist pinnacle. Capitalism is defined as being a system where “all people strive to fulfill their own needs and wants,” and is shown to be at the bottom of the included handout. Notice how the "sunlight" in the background is positioned to promote the idea that the person is progressing towards a brighter future. And look at the big blue arrow, labeled "Government Control." Students are taught that real progress on the path towards reaching the summit is dependent upon greater and greater government control, the very thing that is actually destroying our nation and erasing our personal liberties.

                This form of reeducation has been evolving ever since "History" classes and textbooks were renamed as "Social Studies." This actually happened in the early 1960's, while I was still in high school, though the changes were very subtle at that time. Under this change of terms, the focus became the study of social systems, and the lessons to be learned from historical events were reinvented to fit in with the new teaching agenda. During the past 50 years, the teaching agenda has gradually introduced change after change with every new textbook edition, and if you are to open and begin reading one of today's Social Studies textbooks you won't believe the crap that is actually being taught as being factual. With this kind of indoctrination and reeducation, is it any wonder that so many people, er uh sheeple, are buying into what government and media is feeding them?
                Last edited by rickoff; 02-25-2013, 03:22 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Yes, Rick

                  The 'lefties' DID gravitate into certain professions; Hollywood and media, which enables them to 'affect' views, attitudes, etc.
                  Education, ditto.
                  State Dept, affect 'our' interactions with rest of world.

                  Was it cause having a 'leftist' view causes one to be attracted to those occupations, or part of some vast conspiracy? I KNOW what your view is, as you know mine. Thing is, it has happened, is happening. Not sure why/ how is as important as agreeing on that!

                  You know about Joe Kline? He's a political commentator, clearly and unabashidly left. Some years back, he became resentful/indignant that people were always saying the press was liberal biased. So, he decided to disprove this notion, once and for all!
                  He contracted with an editor, to write a book. Got some undergraduates to do the research, and they went thru the 2 previous years press coverage of National and World events, and sytematically classified coverage as 'left, right, or 'unbiased'.
                  Thing is, he took great pains to make sure his research would be transparently 'honest', (so no one could dispute the results), and the conclusion was,...(oops!) he found there clearly and uncontrovertibly IS a 'left' of 'liberal' bias.
                  He p*ssed off some of his liberal friends, cause he went ahead and published. Maybe courageous, or more likely he had already gotten a down payment from the publisher. Anyway, don't know the title, but I'm sure its out there, and still available.
                  Again, I think its just because people who are liberal are more likely to be drawn to reporting, myself. And, once you ARE a teacher, or professor, or reporter, your 'world view' is going to inevitably effect how you do your job.
                  Human nature.
                  Would like to see someone do a similar, scientifically rigorous study of Hollywoods 'product'; movies that are unabashadly 'telling the story' with a LIBERAL bias or slant, as opposed to those that are presenting a conservative or 'neutral' slant. I can think of many I have seen, with a clearly liberal slant, can't recall off hand ANY of a conservative view.
                  Denzel Washington has publicly stated he is conservative, but he also stated he was VERY cautious about discussing his political views, for fear of being 'blackballed', and not getting parts.
                  Until you reach a certain level, of 'stardom', like Charton Heston, John Wayne, etc. it is best to keep your Politics quiet, if you are conservative; otherwise THEY will see that you never GET to that level.
                  Conspiracy, or 'human nature'?
                  Doesn't really matter, in the end. By dominating the Lamestream news media, Education, and entertainment, they HAVE succeeded in 'brainwashing' the masses.
                  And, the *ssholes who 'should' be providing a 'counterbalance' have been doing a TERRIBLE job, lately! i.e the Repubs. Putting the worst possible candidate up against O'bummer, who was totally unable to articulate a clear conservative message, mainly cause he AIN'T 'extremely conservative', he's almost O'bummers white twin! Cheating, isolating and (with the help of lamestream media discounting Ron Paul as a candidate, ahh, to hell with it!

                  WE, (collectively) are getting JUST what WE deserve! By the way, youthink THAT materail was bad, The 'Ethnic Studies' program, at Tuscon Unified School District, has been re-instated, (I believe as a result of a court ruling. Clearly and blatantly Marxist propoganda. Makes me sick. Jim


                  • Is anyone familiar with this group? | GUILTY! I found it mentioned at a couple different sources.

                    If they are for real and if they are able to carry out their goals we could start to see some really interesting changes. Of course making claims and being able to carry them out are two completely different things.

                    Final Verdict is Rendered in First Common Law Court Case against the Vatican and Canada for Genocide.

                    Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms

                    Court Orders them to Surrender by March 4 or face Citizens' Arrests


                    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

                      Again, I think its just because people who are liberal are more likely to be drawn to reporting, myself. And, once you ARE a teacher, or professor, or reporter, your 'world view' is going to inevitably effect how you do your job.
                      Human nature.
                      Would like to see someone do a similar, scientifically rigorous study of Hollywoods 'product'; movies that are unabashadly 'telling the story' with a LIBERAL bias or slant, as opposed to those that are presenting a conservative or 'neutral' slant. I can think of many I have seen, with a clearly liberal slant, can't recall off hand ANY of a conservative view.
                      Denzel Washington has publicly stated he is conservative, but he also stated he was VERY cautious about discussing his political views, for fear of being 'blackballed', and not getting parts.
                      Until you reach a certain level, of 'stardom', like Charton Heston, John Wayne, etc. it is best to keep your Politics quiet, if you are conservative; otherwise THEY will see that you never GET to that level.
                      Conspiracy, or 'human nature'?
                      Humanity vs Inhumanity(fringe element)

                      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      Doesn't really matter, in the end. By dominating the Lamestream news media, Education, and entertainment, they HAVE succeeded in 'brainwashing' the masses.

                      WE, (collectively) are getting JUST what WE deserve!
                      "Not guilty by reason of insanity."

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 02-26-2013, 05:15 AM.


                      • Constitution?… What Constitution?

                        Howdy all,

                        This was something I was aware about for some time before the Legislators convened .... but I had no IDEA how whacked out the democratic party here has became.

                        Creates crime of unlawful possession or transfer of assault weapon or large capacity magazine.
                        Punishes by maximum penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both.
                        Requires current owners to dispose of or register assault weapons and large capacity magazines.
                        Directs Department of State Police to conduct background checks and maintain registry of assault weapons and large capacity magazines.
                        Declares emergency, effective on passage.

                        NRA-ILA | Oregon: Ban on Commonly Owned Firearms Introduced

                        This ban on so-called “assault weapons” and standard capacity magazines would criminalize the possession and transfer of many commonly used firearms, create a registry, limit ownership to one registered “assault weapon” and three standard capacity magazines per person, and subject registered owners to “inspections” by the State Police.

                        Further, all Oregonians who legally own any of the items banned prior to this bill going into effect, or receive any of these items by inheritance or bequest, would have 120 days to come into compliance by one of the following means:

                        - Sell the “assault weapon” or standard capacity magazine to a licensed firearms dealer.

                        - Surrender the “assault weapon” or standard capacity magazine to a law enforcement agency for destruction.

                        - Render the “assault weapon” permanently inoperable.

                        - If eligible, register the “assault weapon” or standard capacity magazine.

                        For those who wish to register their legally owned firearms and magazines, they would have to prove ownership, undergo a criminal background check, adhere to stringent and impractical storage and transportation requirements, and subject themselves to in-home inspections by law enforcement. Individuals would be limited to registering only one firearm and three magazines. All other banned firearms and magazines must be disposed of.
               OREGON STATE HOUSE BILL - HB 3200

                        Email and "Lobby" your Oregon State Legislators
                        Don't let your Constitutional "Bill of Rights" Second Amendment "Civil Rights" be violated.

                        Oregon State Senators ( 30 members )

                        Oregon State Representatives ( 60 members )

                        *** a sample letter "minus" a name and address ***
                        Constitutions Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment Civil Rights Letter

                        Open Source Experimentalist
                        Open Source Research and Development


                        • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
                          Email and "Lobby" your Oregon State Legislators
                          Don't let your Constitutional "Bill of Rights" Second Amendment "Civil Rights" be violated.
                          Perhaps this short video should be Emailed to those "illustrious" legislators.
                          It might help get the point across.

                          COME AND TAKE IT ( Steve Vaus (official video) - YouTube


                          • Current Law

                            If is not changed, 'ALLOWS' me to 'legally' own a fully automatic rifle, once I fill out the forms, and pay a $200 tax, as i live in a State, (Ariz.) with no restrictions.
                            Current federal and state law also 'allows' me to legally own a Gatling gun, with a 'simple' background check, and no tax, as BATF classifies Gatling guns as 'semi-automatic' rifles.

                            So, if the Federal law on 'Assault weapons' IS passed, that means I couldn't purchase a semi-automatic 'assault rifle', but COULD legally purchase and own a fully automatic 'machine' gun, or Gatling gun.

                            While 'they' have obviously been 'hiping' Sandy hook, etc. for their own agenda, and while OVERALL crime statistics, and violent crime statistics have gone down, there HAS been an increase in certain specific categories of 'gun violence' incidents.

                            Firstly, suicides by gun have gone up.
                            Secondly, these 'gun spree' or 'rage shooting' incidents have gone up.
                            And thirdly, in SOME 'inner city' areas, gun homicides have spiked, dramatically.

                            All 3 categories have 2 common denominators. One is guns,....but the other is the 'shooters'; in all 3 cases, the shooters are almost always 18-24 Y.O. males. In fact, if you broaden the demographic to 16-30y.o MALES, you account for 99% of the shooters.

                            Now, there ARE significant differences, as well; the 'inner city' shooters invariably have (usually long) criminal records, with multiple felony convictions.
                            On the other hand, the 'spree shooters' invariably have NO criminal record, although often have (after the fact) obvious mental health issues.

                            And the suicides fall somewhere in the middle.

                            Question is, what are we (as a society, etc.)doing, or NOT doing, in the raising of young men, that is contributing to this?

                            A COMPLICATED issue, and one that gets to 'value' questions; the values of our society, and the kind of issue some conservatives have been talking about for years.

                            Many, for instance, note that children aren't really given the time to BE children, any more. In middle and upper class families, children are being told to start focusing on setting up for College, when they enter first grade!

                            Perhaps if young boys were 'allowed' to BE children, and 'play' cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, etc. the way earlier generations were, instead of 'playing' with graphic computer games?

                            And, in 'lower class' (poor) neighborhoods, they are being raised in a 'war zone', surrounded by crime, violence, povery, and neglect. In SOME of these neighborhoods, a child will see numerous dead bodies, (from violence) before they are 10 years old. Many accept as a 'given' that THEY will 'probably' be shot, themselves, at some point in their lives.

                            What the f*ck are we 'doing' about it? Not much! Many of the 'Policies' have created or contributed to these problems. And damn few if any are doing anything to address them. Jim


                            • Looks like some cuts are in order

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
                                This was something I was aware about for some time before the [Oregon] legislators convened .... but I had no IDEA how whacked out the Democrat party here has become.

                                Individuals would be limited to registering only one firearm and three magazines.
                                You're right, Glen. Not only is what they are proposing insane, but it is also unconstitutional as well. The states, both individually and collectively, need to wake up to reality and stand up against federal government abuses of power, not join in that abuse. Besides, what purpose do these legislators think that limiting legal ownership to one gun would serve? After all, nearly all crimes involving guns are committed with just one gun, but criminals intent on shooting other people wouldn't care what limit had been imposed. They would still have as many guns as they wanted, while law abiding citizens would be outgunned by them. Why should any law abiding citizens have any gun or ammo restrictions whatsoever imposed upon them? The very idea is nonsensical. What proof can gun control advocates point to as determining that legal ownership of more than one gun is dangerous to public safety? Have they thought about the number and types of guns which have been owned by prominent gun collectors like Charlton Heston, for example? Charlton literally had hundreds of guns in his collection, and these ranged form handguns to rifles and fully automatic military weapons. Did this vast array of weaponry induce Charlton to go on a killing spree? No, of course not. Charlton never killed anyone. Charlton was a responsible gun owner, and kept his personal arsenal in a 1600 square foot vault built into the basement of his home. Here are photos showing the interior of that vault:

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

