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The American Ruling Class
"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Rick and others
I really enjoy this thread because it’s so full of good information and grounded ideas and debate however on the other hand I sit here and find myself shaking my head at the members who participate in this discussion and ask myself y do they just sit there and take it up the corn hole.
I see this small group of people simply discussing the erosion of their freedoms and constitutional rights at the hands of a tyrannical government that is totally out of control but totally in total control of all power.
A government that I would say is the real enemy of the world and a government that has proven over and over again its corruption and lie’s to the very people it is meant to serve. I could go on about the government but that’s not the point. The point I am trying t politely make is this small group of people sit here discussing the new chains of slavery that are being put on them one link at a time yet I see nothing more than just a disgruntled conversation about it all. No action.
For me the government is fallible as are the people who allowed it to get out of control and now we are stuck in a situation where anything said or done against the government is a high crime. Well I have no issue being labeled as a criminal in that regard because I will stand up and fight the government and all its corruption.
There is very little I can individually do but what I have been doing is making sure I take advantage of every social program and hand out there is. I also avoid paying taxes through loopholes or paying cash for certain things. My idea is not to ride the system for a free ride but rather help ride the system into the ground financially. I figure by helping bankrupt the beast I am doing my part in bringing about a peaceful change.
Call me what you want for taking advantage of the system or even for wanting it to crash but I’d rather be a part of its downfall than be a slave in chains to it and its corrupt ways.
Please do not take this as a personal jab to anyone here I just don’t know how to articulate my thoughts into words where they don’t come off as abrasive or harsh to those who enjoy their chains of slavery.
As for the government as with most things in life the intentions were good but over time the power and corruption manifested itself into a powerhouse that thinks its above the law and owns the people it serves. This might be how it’s sold to the general public but I find the government and its criminal actions void of ruling me or my life and I will gladly go down in a blaze of bullets protecting myself when the time comes for the check to be paid. It also amazes me how many people still feel patriotic to this corrupt government that has long since sold them out.
Funny how we can put a man on the moon and invent some of the greatest things ever seen in the world yet we cannot close a southern border and can’t stop spending money on wars that kill millions and yet the USA is a Christian nation with morals… Yea right!Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.
Originally posted by rickoff View PostThen why aren't we already doing that with algae-oil farms developed on publicly owned lands, which account for a land area of 544 million acres, or roughly 68 times the size of Maryland? The only reason I can think of is that the powers that be want to keep us enslaved to ever escalating fuel costs which will bankrupt the People, the States, and our nation, in the not too distant future.
There's No Business Like Shoah Business! - YouTube
You ARE right, in the sense that this site is largely a 'vent hole' allowing us a chance to let off steam, and commiserate. But, that doesn't mean that thats ALL we are doing. Many are, and have discussed plans and projects for 'prepping' for the coming calamity I think we all see.
And, many of us are also, I suspect, (I know I am) also doing our own 'quiet, revolutionary lifestyle' things, such as you suggest; LITTLE things, which may cause the shoe to drop, a little sooner.
Nothing CRIMINAL, mind you. You've already, (I think, no offence) been 'labeled' a criminal, but some of us would just as soon avoid that particular encounter with 'the man'. Still, not things we may necesarily talk about, on an 'open forum'. Anyway, I've enjoyed your participation in this forum, and the different perspective you bring! Jim
I, for one... Have been nearly dedicating my life to changing things, and yet you say all I do is vent..
Well, I'm not mad at you for it, because from an outside perspective that's what it probably looks like! LOLI won't talk to people who are swayed by negative emotions, bear that in mind.
For the others.. Let's get along, I want to advance science, not fight.
Originally posted by 5150 View PostRick and others
I really enjoy this thread because it’s so full of good information and grounded ideas and debate however on the other hand I sit here and find myself shaking my head at the members who participate in this discussion and ask myself y do they just sit there and take it up the corn hole.
The point I am trying to politely make is this small group of people sit here discussing the new chains of slavery that are being put on them one link at a time yet I see nothing more than just a disgruntled conversation about it all. No action.
I'm a busy man and always have something that I'm doing that is worth doing. With years and years of experience behind me, there are a lot of things that I have learned to do fairly well, and one of these things is writing. I share my research and writing here because I believe it to be a contribution that others will find valuable. If you go back through my posts you will see a lot more than simply pointing out government corruption and tyranny. You will find many suggestions as to what we can legally do about this and possibly return our nation to the ideals that our Founding Fathers envisioned. You will also find helpful suggestions as to what things we can do to plan for the worst while hoping for the best.
I believe that the best a person can do is to put himself in a situation that will work out well for him no matter what comes along. Mainly that means becoming as independent as possible, and that is what I have worked towards for the major part of my life. The first step in this process is learning to be a "jack of all trades" so that whatever you need done you can do it yourself.
Originally posted by 5150 View PostThere is very little I can individually do but what I have been doing is making sure I take advantage of every social program and hand out there is. I also avoid paying taxes through loopholes or paying cash for certain things. My idea is not to ride the system for a free ride but rather help ride the system into the ground financially. I figure by helping bankrupt the beast I am doing my part in bringing about a peaceful change.
Originally posted by 5150 View PostCall me what you want for taking advantage of the system or even for wanting it to crash but I’d rather be a part of its downfall than be a slave in chains to it and its corrupt ways.
Originally posted by 5150 View PostFunny how we can put a man on the moon and invent some of the greatest things ever seen in the world yet we cannot close a southern border and can’t stop spending money on wars that kill millions...Last edited by rickoff; 03-04-2013, 02:04 AM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Originally posted by rickoff View PostBy playing along with Barry's NWO agenda to destroy our nation, you will not someday awaken to find yourself "free," but will rather awaken to find yourself an actual slave in chains living in a forced labor FEMA camp from which there is no escape other than death. Think about it.
Are social security cards banknotes?? (more proof!) - YouTube
I to feel your frustration. You look at all the lies and deceit that comes from government and MSM and even religion it makes you want to scream at the sheeple “Don’t you see what’s going on? Don’t you care?” But you have to realize that the sheeple have been brainwashed into believing that our current form of slavery is actually freedom because they don’t know what true freedom is all about. If you explain it to them they can even find it to be a scary.
So as you say what can we as individuals do? Well obvious not much, but collectively we can spread the word about what is really go on. I for example have written numerous “letters-to-the-editor” to the local news paper, which more often then not get printed.
I also attend a local discussion group, and right after the Sandy Hook incident it was the topic of discussion. It started out with the typical, this horrible, why would he do that, etc. I then mentioned that this had all the earmarks of a false flag event and listed all of the things we have talked about here. Of course there were a few that couldn’t or didn’t want to believe that our government or media would lie to us, but not everyone. But for others it did cause them to start questing what they believed to be true, and that is a big first step when someone starts to questioning the truth of someone they trusted.
So yes each of us in our own way can get the truth out.
How about a simple way that everyone here can get in the face of the sheeple and perhaps get a few to wake up. I suspect that everyone here has a car and as such periodically needs to put gas in it. We all know that gas prices have been rising, but it has been done a few pennies at a time thus it is sort of hard to keep track of. So print up a post-a-note with the following message and place it on the pump the next time you fill up.
“When I took office on January 20, 2009 the national average for a gallon of gasoline was only $1.84. Thanks for another 4 years….Barack Obama.
On the senate floor on March 6, 2006 then “senator” Obama complained that the increase in the nation debit by $3.5 trillion over the past 5 years was unacceptable and “weaken us domestically and internationally.
Today the debit is over $14 trillion………….. what happened to his concern?
JUST to present my SLIGHTLY 'dissenting' view; many on this forum believe ALLof this stuff, that doesn't make sense, is a result of a CONSPIRACY, and thats fine.
Personally, I think MUCH of it is a result of Human Nature, and incompetence.
I think humans, as a species, have fallen 'victim' to the "Peter Principle", which states that an 'individual' (species, in this case) in a 'hierarchy' (of all species, again in this case) will inevitably rise to their 'level of incompetence', and there they will stay.
In 'our' case, I THINK 'we' were at our level of competence, when we were 'hunter/gatherers', and once we made the decision to develop 'civilisation', (which archeologists define as stopping being H/G's, and settling down in one place), that single decision had monumental consequences, and led us to 'promoting' ourselves to our level of IN compentence.
Wages and the concept of working for others, personal possesions, competition as opposed to co-operation, Nation states and borders, Gov'ts and Police, and all sorts of other self caused problems can all be traced directly back to this one decision.
And, we went from providing our own necesities, to obtaining them thru a long, complicated and vulnerable supply chain, and increased the # of things which are necesities.
And, bear in mind while 'modern man' physiologically, at least, has been on this earht for 100,000 to 200,000 years, the EARLIEST signs archeologists can find of 'civilisation' are only 10,000 years old.
So, this whole 'experiment' of living in one place is NOT very old, in cosmic terms just a few seconds! And, I believe it is DOOMED to collapse, for a whole host of reasons. its just a matter of when, and what will trigger the collapse. Jim
Originally posted by dutchdivco View PostPersonally, I think MUCH of it is a result of Human Nature, and incompetence.
Take Social security as an example it is probably a combination of both. When it started out life it was sold to the people as a means of providing a “supplemental” income after a person retired at 65. Of course the politicians of that day knew from actuary tables that most of their loyal constituents would offer them the courtesy of dying before any of these payments would need to be made. Thus everything that they had paid into the system could then be used for other more “appropriate uses”.In reality SS was nothing more then a general tax on the public masquerading as a social service.
However over the years other politicians looked at SS as a good way of buying votes and did this by adding more benefits and features thus it began to grow and grow and grow. Thus today most people feel that it is an "entitlement" and they have become dependent upon it. This in turn forces them to be a slave to the government so that they don't loose their "entitlement".
So was all this by design or accident? I think both were involved.
A current example of a useful action
Maine, the state where I live, has always had a relatively high rate of home ownership. Currently that rate is around 74%, which was knocked down from close to 78% back in 2000. Because of the high incidence of home ownership here, it is only natural that folks are deeply concerned about any proposals that would diminish property owner rights. The greatest threats seen at this time arise from attempts to implement the UN's Agenda 21. That's why Mainers have pulled together to fight Agenda 21. Tomorrow at the state capital the Judiciary Committee of the Maine Legislature will hold an open hearing to consider LD-220, which is "An Act To Ban the United Nations Agenda 21 in Maine." I feel lucky to live in a state where enough like minded individuals are aware of the very real threats to personal liberty, and are willing to work together to defeat such plans and tactics. I'm sure that there are other states where similar actions are being taken, but if it is not happening in your state then you need to get involved and take action to organize an effort to get things moving. Several states have already implemented, or begun implementing, their local version of Agenda 21, and the UN is hoping that the remaining states will fall in line like dominoes. It's up to folks like us to keep that from happening, and to help turn back portions of the Agenda which have already been put in place. We have talked about Agenda 21 in this thread, but for those who aren't quite sure what it is all about I would suggest watching this video as an introduction."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Originally posted by dutchdivco View PostPersonally, I think MUCH of it is a result of Human Nature, and incompetence.Originally posted by Mad Scientist View PostOn the other hand history shows us that much is the result of careful and deliberate planning.
So was all this by design or accident? I think both were involved.
Mad Scientist
Generally I would agree. When I look at the decisions we humans make, collectively, I often ALSO look at decisions i and others around me make, individually.
Often, I KNOW I have made decisions that i later look back on, and see as 'stupid' decisions, and i can say the same for people i know well.
I make these decisions based on what I WANT, (emotions), rather than, sometimes, what I KNOW is 'best' for me. Often, I can't really foresee the LONG term consequences of my decision. And, I can never really know WHAT would have happened, if I had decided differently.
After all, if I hadn't decided todo THIS,maybe as a result, I would have been driving down a different road, 3 days later, and been hit by a semi and killed.
But, I can't KNOW that, because it didn't happen, and so I tell myself I really 'screwed up'when I made that decision, "What was i THINKING!"
So, the same thing can apply to COLLECTIVE decision making; we make these decisions, (or 'allow' them to be made for us, and even deciding NOT to decide, or to delegate a decision to someone else, is a decision) based on emotion, or what we WANT, rather than whats 'best' for us, and without REALLY knowing or foreseeing the long term consequences.
In HINDSIGHT, yes, we can see the flaws in the decisions, but without a time machine, we can NEVER really know WHAT would have happened, if we had decided differently.
SS IS a 'Ponzi scheme', no doubt about it. Human nature is that we DON'T set aside enough for our old age. And so various 'schemes' have been developed; SS, Pensions, etc. in which we relinquish responsibility to SOMEONE ELSE, to do this FOR us. And, in each case we find that the someone else 'steals' away the $, either by underfunding the Pensions, or declaring bankruptcy, etc. And, as we are seeing, exactly the SAME thing is happening with SS.
We, collectively, never have REALLY addressed this underlieing problem, that MOST people, left to their OWN devices, and in a 'modern, civilised' society, will set aside enough to provide for themselves, when they are 'too old' to be 'productive'. And this all is tied into a 'civilised' lifestyle, where we depend on others, and elaborate supply chains, to provide our necesities, while we work for others, for wages.
Civilisation, what a STUPID idea! WHAT were we THINKING!
But, it 'seemed like a good idea, at the time!
Quotable quotes of the day......
"We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots, and its roots are America." - Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani
Gilani, a Pakistani, arrived in the US in the 1980's, and immediately set out recruiting trainees and establishing a training compound in New York state. Since that time, the group has been involved in fraud schemes, gun and drug running, bombings, and assassinations, and has spread out to other states. Makes you wonder, doesn't it, why these jihadist activities have been allowed to continue here in the US. The most probable answer is that the jihadist goal of converting, subverting, or killing of "non-believers," a.k.a. "the infidels," is pretty much the same, and in concert with, our own "government's" plan to deal with us if we don't accept their dictates. That plan is becoming more and more evident as time moves forward. We have already discussed how the DHS recently purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, mostly .40 caliber and 9mm, and since the DHS is a domestic organization it can only be deduced that they plan to use this ammunition here in the United States. That's enough ammunition to shoot every American at least 5 times. The latest revelation to come out is that DHS has now purchased 2,717 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles, or MRAPs, which they have retrofitted to operate on American streets. There is no question that DHS is preparing for war, and while some may be lulled into thinking that DHS's mission is to protect us from terrorists, the real question is who does the DHS define as terrorists? As has been reported here in earlier posts, DHS considers likely terrorists to be returning military veterans, and patriotic groups such as TEA Party activists and others who speak negatively of government or talk about the Constitution and erosion of personal liberties. Hmmm,that's gotta be a lot of people. No wonder they need so much ammo and armored vehicles. It's hard to understand why so many Americans don't appear to be the least bit concerned, and are more interested in who won what sporting event or what celebrity did what. Even somewhat ditzy Sarah Palin "gets it," saying on her Facebook page:
"Put a fork in us. We're finished. We're going to default eventually and that's why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest."
Last edited by rickoff; 03-06-2013, 04:26 PM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff