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The American Ruling Class

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  • "Estate" of the Union

    Published on Mar 6, 2013
    The Military is out directing traffic during public events, armed drones are set to fly over America with direction to track and trace law abiding gun owning citizens. The globalist police state grid has been slowly tighten its grip around the American public for decades. Now, as the control grid reaches its final stages and with the Bill of Rights almost completely destroyed, the globalists are playing the same card that mass murdering tyrants have always played: disarming the public.

    Gun Confiscation has Begun: Gun Owner Alert! - YouTube



    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      Given the wording, how does Maine handle possesion of firearms by convicted felons? Are they not still citizens? And are they then not 'entitled' (?) given the wording, to own firearms for the reasons stated?
      A felony conviction in Maine requires that the felon be stripped of some constitutional rights, including the right to bear arms. Violent convictions, such as rape or assault, permanently bar the convicted person from regaining the right to bear arms, but those convicted of non-violent felonies may apply for restoration of rights after being released. Restorations are seldom denied.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Maine gun rally update

        The Maine Gun Rights Coalition held its rally at Wiscasset, Maine yesterday, with about 175 supporters in attendance. Most all of those attending carried handguns or rifles with them, and the rally remained peaceful. Here are some photos of the event:

        The above gun toter is pastor of a church in Windsor. He also brought along a knife and a semi-automatic rifle.

        In other news, a "Constitutional Carry" bill (LD660) has been introduced in the Maine state legislature that would restore the right of every law-abiding citizen to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families - WITHOUT going through a bunch of bureaucratic rigmarole!

        In short, any Maine citizen legally able to own a firearm would also be legally able to carry it. Period.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Rick

          I am fortunate enough to live in Arizona. Initially, they instituted a 'concealed carry law, which required a 'background check' and taking a class, in order to get a 'concealed carry' permit, though any adult (no felony convictions) could open carry. And, once you had the permit, since it required the B.C, you didn't have to go through a B.C. for subsequent gun purchases.
          THEN, they rescinded the requirement for the class, or the CC permit, in order to CC. So, any 'law abiding' adult in Az. can concealed carry; they STILL have the CC permit process in place, and it enables you to not have to go through a BC for each gun purchase, and is also 'handy' if you are going to another state, and want to CC there.

          Seeing the poster being held by the young gal in the picture, I AM wondering why there isn't MORE talk, about repealing the STUPID 'gun free school zone' Fedreal law. It was a gross distortion of the Commmerce Clause, to begin with. And, after 25 years its pretty obvious it isn't doing what it was intended to do! ANY jurisdictions which wish to retain the law could easily enact it at the state or local level, whereas those jurisdictions where the citisens, local police, school boards, etc. felt it was counter-productive, and wished to try alternatives, would be 'free' to do so.

          I HAVE seen SOME news stories, of some jurisdictions where alternative proposals are being suggested, (arming teachers, etc.) but NO real discussion of repealing this law.

          I BELIEVE its unconstitional, but the SCOTUS can't detirmine constituionality, without a case, and even in order to HEAR a case, they have to first detirmine STANDING. So, I suppose a school district wouldhave to bring a lawsuit, alleging that they had detirmined that the Law was actually making it more difficult to 'protect' their students; probably unlikely to happen.

          But, Congress COULD repeal the Law, and someone ought to make the effort. Its a perfect example of what happens when laws are passed because 'We gotta do SOMETHING', which we hear a lot right now, as justification for MORE gun control legislation. Doing SOMETHING, as a 'knee jerk' reaction, is ALWAYSa bad reason for passing legislation, as its possible to make matters WORSE, and the Gun Free zones is a perfect example!Jim


          • "Don't Try an' Take My Guns Away"

            "Don't Try an' Take My Guns Away" :
            Don't Try an' Take My Guns Away - YouTube


            • Here's a photo of one of the illegal alien criminals released supposedly because of the sequester. Looks like Barry is this one's hero.

              And in other news, perhaps this incident will be the cause of a push to ban all handguns, or at least the "carrying" or "concealment" of handguns.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Ida Corr - What Goes Around Comes Around - YouTube
                Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                "Don't Try an' Take My Guns Away" :
                Don't Try an' Take My Guns Away - YouTube

                The official motto of the Ludwig von Mises Institute is Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito, which comes from Virgil's Aeneid, Book VI; the motto means "do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it." Early in his life, Mises chose this sentence to be his guiding principle in life. It is prominently displayed throughout the Institute's campus, on their website, and on memorabilia.
                Ludwig von Mises Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Published on Feb 25, 2013
                Presented by Judge Andrew Napolitano at the 2010 Mises University. Includes an introduction by Mises Institute founder and chairman, Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Recorded 29 July 2010 in Auburn, Alabama.

                "What Ever Happened to the Constitution?" by Judge Andrew Napolitano - YouTube



                • Ha, Rick

                  Reminds me of a case I heard about, (don't KNOW if its true); Dr.'s had to surgially remove a handgun from a mans lower intestine, which had apperently been 'placed' (shoved!) there using the closest body orifice.

                  Just re-affirms the old adage; "NEVER 'pull' or 'point' a gun at someone, unless you are fully prepared to USE it; otherwise,they may take it away from you,and use it on you!" or, this case stick it where the sun don't shine!

                  I believe it was also a relatively small revolver, LOL.

                  Of the many illogical positions of the GC advocates, there strong opposition to allowing 'law abiding' citisens to 'concealed carry' is one that baffles me.

                  But then, ALL the positions they advocate make no sense to me, anyway.

                  Its hard not to come to the conclusion that there is a 'they' that has an agenda of dis-arming the populace, and that there are a bunch of nanny state sheeple scared of GUNS, (mere inannimate objects), and the people who LIKE guns, and are being sheep led to the slaughter, buying into all the obvious lies being used to justify 'gun control'. And/or that this is a calculated political maneuver, by O'bummer et al., to callously manipulate this issue, and others, for political gain. Screw it! Jim


                  • As of 10 AM March 5th, 2013 Inteligentry, LTD is closed until further notice.
                    At this time 12 or 14 FBI agents entered our building with Guns drawn and at gun point herded us into the front room and sat us down. Then they explained they were not there to arrest anyone but a "Search Warrant" And Confiscate Engines, complete and partially built, All documents records, computers and IP.

                    Inteligentry, Plasmic Transition Process (tm) Technology HOME Page

                    In yet another illegal raided by forces loyal to Pres Obama another Alternate energy Production Facility was destroyed.

                    On 6 March FBI walked into the Intelligentry Office in Las Vegas, Nevada, and seized documents, equipment, and anything else they could carry away.
                    Apparently 14 FBI Agents with Bullet Proof Vests and Guns Drawn entered the facility with NO warrant and just rounded up the workers and ransacked the factory.
                    These Freaks just walked uin and destroyed the factory.
                    The factory was working on Plasma Energy Driven Engines that use almost no energy to operate.
                    We have seen the US stop the following, and I have seen all of these:

                    1) Lutec Technologies (Australia), Tacheon Generator. A double set of Neodine magnets that require 100 watts in and put out 600 watts.
                    2) In 1979 a man in Sacramento put out a Carberator that gave a VW Bug 128 MPG. I went to find him a week later and he and his family had disappeared. They killed his entire family.
                    3) Head of the Constitution Party was building a factory that put out a large truck that got 78MPG. The Rothschild's shut them down.
                    4) India has an N-1 Generator, look it up. It just sits there and generates electricity.
                    5) If you recall way back in 1999 German Motor Works advertised a car that ran on water. A month later the factory was bought out and shut down.
                    6) I watched a guy make a Chevy 350 water powered. He is now about 90 years old and is not about to market it. Once you get your enginse hot the motor will run on 1/300th the amount of gas. You simply put the water through many small filters nd it runs.
                    7) The P-51 Aircraft that was Water Powered in 1945 nad had a range of over 3,000 mils.
                    8) Try looking up the P-47 Water Powered Engine.


                    As of October 10, 2012, none of the manufacturers have witnessed a running engine. "It seems to me that what is happening is that by claiming to have run engines before, in undisclosed locations, John Rohner has lured 'manufacturers' to do his research and development of yet un-tried designs." -- Sterling D. Allan, October 10, 2012 Plasma_Energy_Controls'_Plasma_Expansion_Motor



                    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      As of 10 AM March 5th, 2013 Inteligentry, LTD is closed until further notice.
                      At this time 12 or 14 FBI agents entered our building with Guns drawn and at gun point herded us into the front room and sat us down. Then they explained they were not there to arrest anyone but a "Search Warrant" And Confiscate Engines, complete and partially built, All documents records, computers and IP.

                      Inteligentry, Plasmic Transition Process (tm) Technology HOME Page

                      Howdy AL, members and guests

                      What you have posted is a prime example of what many of us in the Open Source Community has been warning members and guests for years what can happen to your intellectual property through a United States PATENT process.

                      If everyone looks at the red underlined text of Inteligentry, Plasmic Transition Process (tm) Technology Documentation you'll see a PATENT application notation.

                      Here is a link to a posting of mine HHO Forums - Trying to facilitate the production of HHO for the common folk. 01-04-2013 that explains it all ....

                      There is some information on "PATENTS" and why the explosion of open source forums such as this and here is why .....

                      I normally let the members do what they want and sometimes throw them a bone like this one posting of mine ... (members only can view images)

                      If you look closely the photos were taken in the late fifty's or early sixty's of a actual working Oxyhydrogen (HHO) device from a well funded lab that ran a motor ... it was shelved because of a US patent law that was adopted in 1958 for the US government employees responsible for the reviewing of all patent applications.

             (PDF file - 103 pages - Revised January 2013)

                      Appendix "L" Patent Laws


                      35 U.S.C. 181 Secrecy of certain inventions and withholding of patent.
                      Page Number L-44

                      When president Bush came into office in 2001 there were (approx) 3200 patents that were taken by the US government, when Bush left office eight years latter there was 4200 patents taken. Now since Obama came into office the total (approx) is near or over now 5000 patents taken by the US government .... and president Obama has announced he's streamlined the patent application process to promote inventors with clean green energy devices and guess where most of them went.

                      If tomorrow there was a motor that ran on water was announced how many "oil" jobs would be lost? How much "TAX MONEY" for state and local governments would be lost ... they can't tax water for revenue can they?

                      The above is just one example of "NATIONAL SECURITY" that can make your invention go away .... possibly for a long time.

                      There are many of us with the passion of "open source" forums because here you can make it happen if what your doing really works, you may not get rich in the process but there is a thing called "Intellectual Property" first to publish rights that gives you a piece of the action using copyright laws that can't be taken away from anyone who uses it.
                      Elections for leaders of nations has it's consequences and laws change because of agendas. There is a Constitutional Bill of Rights Amendment 13 - Abolition of slavery - we Americans have befallen to .... by willful neglect from our Executive and Congressional Branch Leaders "slaves of a nation" for a convicted crime of wanting freedom, our god given right.

                      Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
                      Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce these article by appropriate legislation.

                      Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 03-15-2013, 09:14 AM. Reason: repaired Appendix "L" Patent Laws "link"
                      Open Source Experimentalist
                      Open Source Research and Development


                      • There are many of us with the passion of "open source" forums because here you can make it happen if what your doing really works, you may not get rich in the process but there is a thing called "Intellectual Property" first to publish rights that gives you a piece of the action using copyright laws that can't be taken away from anyone who uses it.

                        I’m not so sure about that. Let’s say you develop a 10KW generator for home use that is cheaper to use then grid power. If you open source it, then obviously anyone and the brother can build and sell your design.
                        But so what!
                        Consider the number of homes in just your state and if you could build and install your generator in just 1% of them do you think that might be able to supply you with a very comfortable income?
                        There maybe some prestige in having a patent hanging on you wall but if the government takes it over for "security reasons" then what good is it to you or anybody else?


                        • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                          I’m not so sure about that. Let’s say you develop a 10KW generator for home use that is cheaper to use then grid power. If you open source it, then obviously anyone and the brother can build and sell your design.
                          But so what!
                          Consider the number of homes in just your state and if you could build and install your generator in just 1% of them do you think that might be able to supply you with a very comfortable income?
                          There maybe some prestige in having a patent hanging on you wall but if the government takes it over for "security reasons" then what good is it to you or anybody else?



                          • One only has to look

                            at the Governments responce to even modest attempts or ways that have developed for individuals to 'make their own energy' etc.

                            For may years, it was possible and practical to convert your car to run on Propane; cleaner (greener) fuel, engine lasts MUCH longer, and cheaper.

                            Then, the environmental Protection agency gotinvolved, and put such onerous regulations on conversions, that only commercial fleets can afford to have such conversions done, by EPA 'approved' shops.

                            State Governments want to collect 'fuel tax', along with having you comply with all SORTS of regulations, if you want to convert waste oil to fuel.

                            "Follow the $", its all about the TAX. There are 2 ways the government can attempt to effect the behavior of the citisenry; Laws, and tax/regulatory policy. Laws have very limited effect; stand on any busy street corner, in any major city for any time, and it is obvious the real limits Laws have, on effecting peoples behavior. Prohibition and the 50 year long (lost) drug war are other obvious examples.

                            But how much of the 'housing crises' was a DIRECT result of tax and regulatory policies; virtually ALL! Jim


                            • follow the dollar- CEE ROO (feat CNN) - YouTube



                              • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                                I’m not so sure about that. Let’s say you develop a 10KW generator for home use that is cheaper to use then grid power. If you open source it, then obviously anyone and the brother can build and sell your design.
                                But so what!
                                Consider the number of homes in just your state and if you could build and install your generator in just 1% of them do you think that might be able to supply you with a very comfortable income?
                                There maybe some prestige in having a patent hanging on you wall but if the government takes it over for "security reasons" then what good is it to you or anybody else?
                                The problem of home built electrical items of this type are the applicable codes (NEC) and regulations on installing a electrical device inside any residence or commercial establishment and requiring a mandatory Underwriters Laboratory (UL) listing for occupation life safety or other approved testing agency for insurance purposes. This can be done through the electrical contractor possibly in the state of which the installation was done at a huge cost but the insurance liability for any electrical contractor for a inspected and approved installation could be near impossible. This is not even considering the owners liability fire insurance for the structure being the installation needs the UL type listing without this listing would invalidate the fire insurance if the device caused a fire.

                                Once the patent has been confiscated by the US government through Apendix "L" - Chapter 17 the penalty for the inventor of disclosing ANY information on their filed patent application can be huge fines or even jail time.

                                Appendix "L" Patent Laws
                       (PDF file - 103 pages - Revised January 2013)

                                35 U.S.C. 181- Secrecy of certain inventions and withholding of patent.
                                Page Number ** L-44 **

                                Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 03-15-2013, 09:31 AM. Reason: added corrected Appendix "L" Patent Laws "link"
                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

